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Everything posted by Catsmeow

  1. I have taught in various institutions and also managed an Emergency Shelter for foster kids being taken from their parents in abuse cases. We received the kids from DCF - sometimes in the middle of the night we'd get new arrivals. Do you know that SOME of these kids would kill you if they weren't on meds? I'm not by any means saying let's all medicate the kids of America...just know this: I have had children who were so violent and mentally deranged that they couldn't be trusted with a plastic fork - they'd use it to stab a small child in the home or put their eye out. We had one so homocidal that we had to take him to the ER to have him immediately restrained and held in the psch ward...very violent and intentionally attacking other children without provocation. He said, "He heard voices tell him to kill the others." He was nine. *(BTW, his parents were crack addicts) So, for what it's worth...please know that not all drugs the kids are on are "unnecessary"...sadly, some are so messed up that the drugs keep them from actually doing serious harm to others. -Cat
  2. You know what Hollywood thinks of Christianity... These stations are all in somebody's pocket. They're not interested in truth. I didn't watch the show purposely because I suspected as much. They always try to portray Christians as moronic, superstitious idiots. How rare to see our faith portrayed in it's truth and glory...
  3. Awright! Youz guyz are sooo funny....arggghhh!
  4. Fabrice... I just believe what Jesus said. He said that if we forgive we will be forgiven. So, don't you worry, Fabrice... Jesus isn't like people out there. He WILL forgive you! He wants a sincere
  5. Jesus said that those who have been forgiven much will love much. That's me. I still have my old photos of me partying with my friends, sitting there with a beer in one hand and a smoke in the other. I lived just to party. If I wasn't partying with my co-workers at the Jazz bar, I was getting loaded at home. If "I" were God, I sure wouldn't have picked me. I would've found a more promising creature. You have no idea what a mess I was! When I converted - I knew I was a mess. I spent three whole days just crying until I had no more tears left. So many years of sinning and sinning. Frankly, I was sick of sinning. You know how good it feels to be forgiven? To be made completely new and given a fresh start? I do. Considering how great a sin debt the Lord forgave on my account... I am very willing to forgive others.
  6. I know there's a lot of controversy about which version is the "right" version. I've come to this conclusion .... the best version is the version that communicates the gospel. When we did the homeless ministry in the inner city - we were dealing with many illiterate people. We knew they couldn't read beyond basic street signs. Most couldn't sit down and read a tract. We handed out simple pictures depicting Jesus. You know it's funny...if anyone ever saw the movie, "Amistad" you find that even if people don't speak the language -much less read the language.... they can READ the pictures. While working with the homeless, we approached a native American woman. When she saw the picture of Jesus she exclaimed, "Oh, Great Spirit! Great Spirit!" She immediately began crying with tears of joy, nodding with excitement. We take people "where they're at". Not everyone starts out with a KJV, a Greek interlinear and a concordence. My degree is in Special Education. In graduate school they teach you that people "learn" in different ways. Some people are strictly visual learners, while others are auditory. Some are tactile learners. Blind people (and I've taught blind students) are both auditory and tactile. The goal, as Paul said...is to promote the gospel. It's to bring souls who are lost to Christ. It's to promote the will of our Father. While my dear brother, Cruise may not agree with me on which bible version is best, he knows my heart. The goal is always the same...to reach a lost world with the truth of Jesus Christ.
  7. Fabrice: Long before I was ever saved, I was the victim of a very violent crime and left for dead. I was just a young teen
  8. RC Sproul does a whole video entitled, "What is truth?" So excellent! -Cat
  9. Hi, Adstar...What if someone has wronged us and has no remorse? In Luke, Chapter 6, we're told that if we want to receive mercy we must be willing to show mercy -even to our enemies. I am apt to forgive those who've wronged me (and not repented) since I need God's infinite mercy (all I can get)
  10. Snow: I can. If someone does something to me and asks for forgiveness...it's very easy for me to forgive. No prob! - I'm not really sure why people don't forgive. Sometimes people do evil to us and they're not even sorry. They don't think they've done wrong. Or - they don't care. Then it's hard to forgive. When people say hard words that hurt us then don't say they're sorry...it's hard to forgive them because they don't care if they wronged us. But when someone says, "I'm sorry" how can I refuse a sincere appology? I can't. Never. Cat
  11. Journey: Being on the "front line" causes you to love and cherish people more deeply. Cat
  12. Journey...I like your style :thumb: As I said and will say again... God uses various versions of the Bible to meet the needs of different people. I can assure you that the KJV would be difficult to comprehend by an illiterate homeless man sitting in the streets, his senses dulled from cold and hunger. Why is it so difficult for people to "get it"? Doesn't anyone understand the need to adapt to the "audience" we're addressing? No, you're not changing the meaning of scripture when you adapt it to the language of the people you're speaking to. If that were the case, the Word has already been adulterated because you've translated from Greek and Hebrew into English. Now, we fuss over Old English verses everyday language we use in common speech? Don't we constantly discuss in our own words what the scriptures "mean" to us personally? Of course. We want scripture to be meaningful and pertinent to us and to our lives... not just words committed to memory. The Pharisees were legalists who knew the "Law" inside and out. Oh, they could quote scripture alright but they consistently missed the "heart" of the Law, which was mercy. We need to be more concerned with the real application of God's Word rather than useless controversies which promote division amongst brothers. Paul spoke to Timothy about such things...people who get caught up in controversies which fail to promote God's work - which is by faith. Paul tells Timothy (1 Tim 1: 5) that the goal is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Isn't that what matters, dear brothers? We are joined by sincere faith and a good conscience to serve the same Lord whom we all love - yes? We tend to allow pride to dominate us because we can all speak with such authority yet being mortal beings we all fall short and see through a glass darkly. We see in part and speak only what we know. We have to rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us. Hence, contrary to all the chest-pounding - I refuse to yield to "this version or that version" is best...because again...Paul made it clear that he becomes all things to all men for the sake of the gospel. Shall we continually be manipulated by Satan in order to "win a point"? The "point" IS the gospel. The point is...if I have to use only pictures to communicate the gospel...or sign language or a picture Bible...I will. The goal is that we be about the "Father's business" and not so caught up in quarrels which do not result in God's work...which is faith generated by love and a pure heart. Again (read 1 Tim 1: 1-7).They had the same problems back then that we have today. We need to get our minds on the gospel message...which is so simple - even a small child can understand it. -Cat
  13. FHA: Again ...we will find out if there are "others" out there WHEN we are safe in heaven, away from any possible deception from Satan - or- distraction from our work here on earth. Until then, we need to hold on to what we DO know as truth and distrust any of the "new revelations". Karen: Yeah, I smell a rat. Right now he has "Raelean" written all over his head. Next year, he might have "Matreiya" or "Gaia" or who knows...maybe Hillary Clinton. She's surely from outer space.
  14. When I lived in Indonesia, a spunky little Indonesian woman used to go into the Muslim villages and witness to the people in the there. She had tales of the Military police challenging her and threatening to harm her.. She had the Muslim leaders "get in her face" and try to dissuade her. She had civilian police try to intimidate her. But an invisable shield must have surrounded her... a shield of angels, I am sure. This 70 year old, teeny-tiny, 4 1/2 foot woman would stand up to fully armed soldiers and tell them, "If you're gonna kill me, then kill me!" *(In Indonesian, of course). She wasn't afraid. She knew where she'd go if they did. Somehow, she's managed all these years to hit the dirt and battle the forces of darkness and ya know...not one person reading this knows her, I'll bet. She's about 73 now and still just as tiny and humble as ever but not afraid of what man can do to her. She doesn't care...she ministers daily to the needs of the new Christians in the villages. They, too face continual persecution but they face it together. I had the privilege of meeting a mighty warrior for Christ...one who I feel very small next to. She's been fighting the military, the government, the whole Muslim community for years...and is virtually unknown to anyone here. There are powerful soldiers of Christ throughout the world...and while they may seem obscure...these mighty soldiers are brave and fearless for the gospel of Christ. What they lack in notoriety, they make up for in a lion's boldness.
  15. FHA: Hey, sis...if they do exist, guess we'll find out when we get to heaven - no way to know right now while we live in these bodies. Karen: :thumb: Agreed. We need to be wary of the many countless stories being spread about our "origins". The "Raeleans" are just one example of the ridiculous nonsense being spread. What's sad is the Raeleans have gotten so much press from all this, it'll probably increase their membership.
  16. Hi, Fabrice...what you say may be true of Arabs but not of Indonesians. Indonesians literally use the word, "Allah" to mean "God" - and this is the God of the Bible...for them - it's just a word. We tend to think of it as the arabic word for the "Muslim" god, which they do call, "Allah" but in Indonesian...it simply means, "God". It doesn't mean "moon" or anything else. Just "God". In all of the Christian hymnals, the word for God is simply "Allah". No hidden meaning or disloyalty to their Christian beliefs...it's their word for Him. The Indonesian Christians are just as fervant and loyal to the Lord Jesus Christ as we are in America. Maybe even more so because they often suffer terribly for their faith in Christ, unlike most of us in America.
  17. Hey, Karen...you know what they say? Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Idolatry has never really faded...just changed forms. Cat
  18. I once heard a Christian comedian jesting about Satan and his many disguises...he imagined Satan looking through his closet and trying to decide which new disguise he'd use that day... would it be his "false prophet disguise" or possibly his "serpent suit". No, no, no...maybe the "angel of light" might look fashionable or perhaps the - "wolf in sheeps clothing" suit. I know...Satan's nothing to laugh about, right? But it was hoot, anyway...I loved it. I think there's probably an "alien disguise" in there somewhere. Who knows, he might even have a "Raelean" suit as well... :sarcasm:
  19. Uh, Muttly...I think I just said that, "Allah" means God... if you read the post I made before you. I used to attend an all-Indonesian church, Indonesia Gerejar Baptis...my best friend was the pastor's wife... As I mentioned before..."Allah" is the actual literal word for "God" in the Indonesian language. Cat
  20. FHA: Hey, Sis...I guess Karen will correct me if I'm wrong - I don't know that anyone is saying that it's not possible to have other people on other worlds. God can do anything. I suspect that many Christians sense the alien "fandom" we see most recently stem from humanist ideals which attempt to redefine man as being his own "god". I just wonder how many people saw the recent John Walsh show which featured the Raeleans as guests. They clearly state that we all may obtain "eternal life" if we do as our ancient alien ancestors did and clone ourselves. Personally, I think these people need to have their "meds adjusted".
  21. But what if I'm right? What if it does open up demonic doorways? I mean, you draw the line with the Lost Boys and Dracula 2000 but why not HP? Lost Boys and Dracula 2000 are also fiction. Do I think it's a necessarily dangerous thing for mature, grounded adult Christians? Not sure. Truly, I'm not sure. Kids? YES. Before I watch anything with occult overtones, I like to pray for protection first. I do believe we are surrounded by a protective hedge which can be destroyed if we allow ourselves to disobey God and dabble with things He's told us to avoid. I also believe that "fiction" is how Satan breaks down the hedge, convincing believers there's "no harm". It's a deception. If a mature and grounded Christian asks God for permission to do "intelligence" work and investigate what's being taught to children, He may grant permission to learn what the Enemy is doing - that's His call, of course. If He permits it, then He'll also cover us with protection. Blessings to you -Cat
  22. FHA: The "all or nothing" argument doesn't work. Let's compare - We are told to watch our diet; to eat healthy. Does that mean we can never eat? Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach...was he saying "go get drunk?" Of course not. We're to live balanced lives predicated upon the Word of God. Yes, we live in a sinful world but we don't stop living altogether. I often see people who gravitate toward extremist thinking in either direction. I don't get bunged up over "Mary Poppins" but geez, Harry Potter? A prudent individual uses balance and reason - there's a remarkable difference between Miss Poppins and dear Harry. Like night and day. I was heavily involved in the occult before I was saved. I can assure you, I had my demons. I know from experience we're in a spiritual war that too many don't take seriously. We have an enemy who wants YOUR CHILDREN. Make no mistake about it - I'm not going to whitewash it. Satan wants to eat them for lunch. He hates us. You know this, FHA. You're mature in the faith so this is old news to you. I love you, FHA...and you know that. If you want to read books about drinking human blood, okay. Man, I'd think hard about letting kids read it though. Some things are lethal. When you dabble in the occult you're playing with fire. Maybe God IS warning you before any damage is done. I'd pray about it anyway. -Cat
  23. FHA: Greetings, dear Sister... I know you and I are on the same page on just about everything. With all love and respect, (and you know I think the world of you) but I hear what Wordsower is saying on this... I have read several books on demonic oppression and according to Rebecca Brown, M.D.it's a dangerous thing to allow a child (or adult for that matter) to open their mind up to occult influences. Evidently, if you engage in occultic practices such as Oujia boards, Dungeons' and Dragons, etc. this opens up spiritual "doorways" which gives Satan "legal ground" and creates a stronghold for demonic occupation. I don't claim to be a researcher in demonic possession but I've read enough books about the subject that I know to leave anything dealing with the occult alone. Period. I kinda laughed at an earlier post. Some guy challenged readers that if they hadn't read the books or seen the movies, how could they judge? Well, I haven't snorted Coke, either. We live in a sinful world and it's inevitable that we'll run into ungodly influences in our everyday lives. Yes, our children will experience "limited" exposure to a sinful world but their experiences are controlled within our parental sphere of influence. On a spiritual level, I'd equate Harry Potter with a spiritual equivalent of anthrax. It's highly toxic and even deadly on a spiritual level. It's serious - not benign. It's masquerading as entertainment - but make no mistake, it's anything but that. It serves an important purpose to the enemy because the media is his playground. He uses it to his advantage. When people open their minds to occultic influences, it opens demonic doorways which allows the enemy to create a stronghold in their mind. The battleground is ALWAYS in the mind...that's where it all starts. Cat
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