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Everything posted by keslc

  1. Keith, Thanks for the turkey recipe!! I love experiementing with turkey at thanksgiving! I will have to try it!!! I am not much of a cook (my idea of cooking used to be throwing chicken nuggets in the microwave, lol!) But I am getting into it more. I recently became a consultant for Pampered Chef and have learned SOO much and I find it's pretty easy now to cook and come up with my own ideas. I never measure anything, unless I'm baking. One of my favorite things is the Pampered chef "ring" or calzone which you can fill with anything. ( any meat and cheese, /eggs, cheese and ham,/ spinach, cheese, other veggies and tomato sauce,/ any type of pie filling,/ even peanut butter and jelly...) All you do is mix up whatever filling you want, then lay out 2 cans of crescent rolls in a circle (points facing out) lay your filling on the thickest part of the circle, fold the points over the top, then bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes. It always turns out great! I also LOVE watching cooking shows. Rachel Ray is my favorite!!! For thanksgiving I tried a recipe for pear upside down cake from Emeril, it was yummy! Now I'm hungry!
  2. Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?????
  3. Lol! I was going to say the same thing, but you said it in such a way that it cracked me up! I don't slobber over guys either...well, sometimes my husband, but that's a different story! Anyway, I was very interested reading this thread! In high school, I discovered late into my senior year that I was missing one semesters worth of a phys. ed credit to graduate. I had to scramble to fit in a class...all that was left was weight lifting. Now, I am only about 5 feet tall and at the time weighed about 95 pounds.......LOL! Here I was with all this football and wrestler guys about 3 times my weight! (There was one other girl in the class who I stuck clsoe to, lol) I got all A's in the class though! I studied for the tests (anatomy and such) and did the work I could do. It was fun and I really enjoyed it! I learned I couldn't even bench press the bar, lol! I stuck to the other machines (leg press, triceps, deltoids...) set on the lowest weight!
  4. Sounds like a definate miracle!! Maybe a guardian angel....where's Big Steve?? He needs to read this! Praise God!
  5. I just re-read my last post and I think I said something not quite how I meant it, lol! I said "not to get carried away with angel worship". What I meant of course was not to worship angels at all....not just carried away in worshipping them. Does that make sense? ok, maybe I just am rambling now........
  6. I too have had experiences and have heard of several other experiences having to do with guardian angels. And, yes, as others have said as well, it is best to be careful not to get carried away with angel worship. One story I heard was this: A woman had to work a night shift and had to walk through an alley way to her job from a parking ramp. She was worried about having to walk through a dark alley at night by herself. She prayed every night for protection. One night as she was walking, she noticed a man standing by himself in the alley and he looked straight at her. She picked up her pace and made it to her car in the parking ramp. As she was pulling down the street after getting settled in her car and out of the ramp, emergency vehicles raced passed her and she had to pull over to make way. Curious, she followed to see where they were headed and come to find out a nearby resident heard screams from the alley and called the police. A woman was found murdered. This woman approached the police and became a witness against the man she saw in the alley earlier. She asked (through an attorney) why the man (who admitted his crime) had not attacked her when she passed by him only moments before his victim. He replied, "why would she think I would've attacked her......she had that great big guy walking with her".
  7. I agree 100%!! I was going to also say that I don't believe "ghosts" are spirits of humans who have passed away. I think that Satan and his demons are deceivers and want to appear like innocent little children who have died or whatever to confuse us. You know, a wolf in sheeps clothing......don't be fooled is right!
  8. LOL!!! Even if that is all false...that still took guts to write!! If I would've written that at 14...I'd still be grounded!!!!! That is hilarious, though!! Thanks for sharing it!
  9. I actually saw that featured on the Food network on some show.... Yeah, I thought "yowzers!" myself!
  10. I understand what you are saying. I was only sharing that I felt the same way as Other One...having concern that it can be an easy thing to start walking down the road of self-glorification (and I gave an example that I had seen of that happening) if we are not careful. I do not disagree with you in regards to sharing what the Lord has done and working for Him and Praising Him! I will do that with you all day long!!
  11. while I totally agree that we all need to be witnesses and working towards leading others towards Christ...I was kind of thinking this too, Sam. There is a senior lay leader in our church who is a very good evangelist, but some comments he made really rubbed me the wrong way a while back. We were in a church board meeting and he started sharing some ideas for outreach, which were good, but then he started saying things like, "I know I can save 'em...." or "I could save 'em if they would come to church". I just felt like that was terribly arrogant and I don't remember him being on the cross to forgive their sins...Jesus was. Know what I mean?
  12. I could have written this....lol! That is exactly like me!!!!! I'm way too into this discussion!
  13. My dad actually broke his foot trying to kill one once. His aim was good, but the little critter wouldn't die!!!
  14. ok, if you want to talk OCD....I have an impulse control disorder which is kinda weird, but anyway.....I have trichotillomania with is hair pulling (some people pull body hair, the hair on their head and so on) I pull my eyelashes. I am not as bad as I was when I was a kid, but it's a really hard thing not to do! The Lord's been working on me with it! (looking up to heaven gratefully, not rolling my eyes! lol!)
  15. I'm am like your hubby in regards to styrofoam...I cannot touch it or I flip out!!!!!
  16. I have quite a fondness of seafood too! I could eat lobster and crab and shrimp 24/7 if I could afford it!
  17. Wow, I started this thread a long time ago and didn't realize it was active again! I will have to go back and read the links that some of you posted, but don't have time right now...I'm going to go eat a cheeseburger! Yep, I think it is a personal choice too! Thanks for all your input!
  18. We watched that movie one night at a church fellowship (we had dinner and a movie type of thing) I really didn't think too much of it actually, but granted I was also wrestling with a bored 1year old on my lap the whole time, so that distracted me a lot from the movie. Maybe I should watch it again uninterupted!
  19. Why do I get a feeling like...." here we go again!"...... I get into a discussion like this EVERY single December, but it's usually not with other christians, but with pagans who are highly offended that "I" have "stolen their holiday". Oi vey! Yes, I understand that Jesus was not actually born on December 25 and that "Christmas" began way back when in December to either combat or incorporate a pagan solstice or other such celebration. Unfortunately, I was not there the day all of this was decided, so I really do not know the line of thinking or intentions of those who did decide to celebrate the birth of Jesus in December. And I really am not that interested in knowing because they have had to answer for that themselves, and not to me. I was raised only knowing that Jesus is to be loved and adored and He was the most important gift ever in the history of the world. Christmas was a time to remember and give thanks for that precious precious gift by talking about it with family and friends and by showing unselfishness ourselves by giving to others. That is how I still view Christmas. It has nothing to do with anything except taking that day to tell God I love Him and I am so thankful for the gift of His Son, Jesus, and by telling my friends and family that same message. Why are so many Christians willing to concede to Satan?? I don't get it....
  20. Nebula, I am also hypogylcemic (sp??). In the past, I have given up something I really like for a period to pray about a situation. Like I gave up Coca cola (a huge splurge of mine) and everytime I started thinking of coke, I would make myself pray about the certain situation. When that situation resolved, I gave thanks and started drinking a little coke again. I can't drink too much of course because of my blood sugar. That is one way I handled it. Beth, as others have said, really gave some good words in her post!
  21. SHELBY!! Love ya too, sis!!!! I think that as far as "friendship" goes, I have many christian friends and non-christian friends and family. Friendship (to me) means I love them, listen to them, pray for them, spend time in fun and fellowship with them, but it doesn't mean I do what they do nessacarily or in the case of my non-christian friends and family that I go out clubbing with them or watch certain movies or programs with them, etc. and they understand this. Just because you are friends with someone, doesn't mean you do all of the same things they do. As someone earlier said (sorry forgot who) they were brought up in an atheist home and felt like they were not befriended by the the christian community even now as a christian and that seems very sad to me! Part of showing the love of God is through friendships.
  22. That really is a very cool story!! Angels all around us, aren't they...even in the form of dolphins! Reminds me of a story I heard maybe 10 years ago. A little boy was separated from his family at (I think) a holiday carnival or fair of some sort (it was in nov. dec.) and he could not find them. He wound up in a wooded area outside of the fair grounds and it was cold that night. Two dogs began following him and when he laid down on the ground because he was tired, they laid down on top of him and kept him warm all night. The next day he was found and he told the rescuers about the doggies that kept him warm. They began searching for the dogs and couldn't find even a trace of them. The mom said they weren't dogs, they were angels and I thought that was awesome!
  23. I have shared this on this board before, but maybe some did not see it.. My son (who is now 5) was healed when he was a baby. When he turned one, we moved into a new house and all of a sudden he started getting really strange rashes, ear infections, etc etc...we were always in the dr. Well, I picked him up from day care one afternoon and the teacher told me she saw a spot on his tummy that needed to be checked out before he could come back. I looked and there was one little red welt on him. We got in the car and he was fussy all the way home. When I took off his coat, I looked again at the spot and by now his entire stomach and down into the diaper area was welted ( it was about 10 15 minute drive home). I decided to call the dr to see if they had an opening to see him (all the while praying) and they said to bring him right over. By the time we got to the dr, his torso, diaper area, and upper legs were COVERED in welts that looked open and gross and bloody. He literally looked like someone beat him with a bat. I was horrified and he was screaming! The doctor said she knew what it was, (some viral rash with a german name I can't remember right now) and that it would be very uncomfortable and take about 2 weeks to clear up. There really wasn't anything to do, but wait it out. That night I sat by his bed and he laid there crying and whining and I prayed over him. I got to the point where I told God I trusted Him to end Nathan's string of rashes and pains, regardless of what that meant. I totally gave him to God...knowing God could take him if that was what was best. The next morning, He was sitting up in bed smiling and I looked and his rash was COMPLETELY gone!!! In one night! I praised God and thank him still to this day for that miracle. edited to add (in case someone thinks of it) after this, it occured to us that there may have been some spirit in the house that was left by previous owners and we had a "house cleaning" and dedicated our home to the Lord and had less problems, we have since moved from that home.
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