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About kooltat

  • Birthday 07/25/1951

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  • Location
    Leetonia, Ohio (USA)
  • Interests
    My personal contact with God, my wife, golf, working toward getting my business to make money to support us, collecting tattoo's.

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  1. Beware Of Fake E-Mails!!! If you have an e-mail account you must Beware Of Fake E-Mails, so as to protect yourself from possible identity theft. I would like to show you an e-mail that I received today and because of the concern that it stirred within me I did click onto the link and attempted to log in, at which time it directed me to a page that told me that my account had been frozen and would remain that way until I entered my credit card information and bank account information to verify that I was indeed the account owner. Big Red Flag Time, No financial institution that I do business with would ever ask for this information in an e-mail. Therefore I immediately closed the e-mail and logged into my PayPal account in the matter that I always use. Indeed my account
  2. I know more and more every day why I keep returning to this forum each and every day for it is over run with people that are filled with true Love of Jesus and all His followers. Whether I have made a post and asked for support, understanding, or advice I know that what I will recieve is love and kindness from every ones heart, as well as the quotes of His words to live by. I truly thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, and I pray that all here at Worthy are always Blessed with the Lords Love. Kooltat
  3. Thanks to Gerioke & Felix, I have pondered the review of my blog and the words that you both have posted here for several days and now I have posted my conclusions on my blog. I have taken a stand for Jesus and if some of my readers are not comfortable with that then they may also take a stand and not read my blog. If you would like to read my latest testimonial please feel free to visit my blog so you can see how I responded to the statements that were made. Thank you again and May You & Yours Be Blessed Always!! Kooltat(Roy)
  4. WHY ARE THEY SO AFRAID--WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?? I have been troubled by a review that my blog received a few days ago. And also I am unsure if I handled the situation in the right way. So I asked my readers to read the review and read my critique of his critique and let me know if I was wrong for even responding to his review at all. You see I copied and pasted his review onto my blog for my readers to see it because at first I was excited that someone had taken the time to do a review at all. I had submitted my blog to this directory so as to drive more traffic to my blog and they have a system by which all readers can post a review of any blog they visit. Overall his review was fine but I became more and more troubled by the comment that he made and I quote,
  5. When it comes to Dr. Luke I for one must totally agree. He has most deffinately found his calling with Our Lord. I always make a point of searching out his wisdom in his replys here at Worthy even if his words are not for me personally they always pick me up when I need it the most. I hope he stays around here for many years to come. May You & Yours Be Blessed Always!! Kooltat
  6. Hello Daniel, I think you may have totally misunderstood my last responce to you. I never said that you are not welcome at Worthy, that is not up to me, nor do I feel that what you had said to me was anything more than your out take on how you seen my personal problems. I am sure you only were trying to give helpful advice, as I was just letting you know that I have never turned away from my Savior. I further hope that nothing I said will push you away from Worthy for that was not my intensions at all. Lord knows that I need all the help that I can get. The only point that I was trying to make with regards to your site is that since your site, from what you say serves the same purpose as Worthy I just felt it to wrong to try to take members away from Worthy when you could promote your site in many other ways. Then again is there really any real competition in speading the Word of Our Lord if it is all done in His Name for all the right reasons. So please accept my deepest apology if I offended you in anyway for I never meant to do that, I just seem to get a little warm under the collar when some one tells me that I have turned away from my Lord when I have not nor would I ever even if I feel that He has not heard or answered my prayers for in my heart I know that He hears and will answer in His own time. It's just confusing to me why He has not seen our needs to be so despirate and so urgent. I just must keep praying and believing He will soon Bless us. Sorry again. May You & Yours Be Blessed Always.........Kooltat
  7. Hi Kooltat, I feel for you as your feeling that God has turned away from you must be very difficult to bear on its own, besides struggling along. But something I have learned is that God doesnt turn His back on us, He loves us all no matter what we have done, are doing or will do. Which leaves only the option that we have turned away from God. It may not be intentional in your case but getting caught up in the flesh can cover our ears to the leading of the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit will never leave us. We have to continually seek its guidance, watching and praying. I have a Christian website with a nice welcoming forum; http://www.themeaningoflife.bravehost.com - if you want to chat more to me or through my forum feel free - its a nice place to come together in the name of our Saviour. Hope you find the path that will lead you back into the arms of the LORD Jesus Christ. Daniel Hello Daniel, I respect your right to your opinions, however I do not feel as though I have turned away from God. I do feel that for what ever His reasons may be that He has either not heard my prayers or does not feel that I am worthy of His blessings for a new start. But I will always keep my Faith and Love for Him for He has most deffinently helped me more offen than I can recall in my past. I would never have been able to get clean and stay clean from drugs and alcahol without Him taking every step with me for the past 17 years of sobriety. My new start will come at His appointment in His time. It just has become overbaring to my wife and I and we really just feel that we can not take anymore. As for your offer to visit your site, well I am very happy with the Love and support, and guidance that I find right here on Worthy and further more I feel it is wrong for you to come here and solicit people to come to your site. May You & Yours Be Blessed Always........Kooltat
  8. Hello Jeff, First let me say that I will pray for you to find the new beginings that you search for. I for one can totally relate to your situation for I too lost my long time job on Nov. 1, 2004 and to this point in time I have not been able to get more than one company to grant me an interview and that did not come until Sept. 2005 and I did have three different meetings with three different levels of upper management. The first was the district manager and he talked with me for over two and a half hours verbally testing me as well as written tests and he wanted to put me into a store as soon as possible as the store manager as did the second person,(regional recruiter), both of these men said that they have never come accross an applicant with as many years of experience and wanted to know why I would take a job that paid just over half the $50000+ per year that I had been making and all that I could say was that I had not worked in eleven months and from what they told me of the company I felt that I was more than able to make up most of my loss in bonus money because I knew that I could hit the numbers on bottom line profit/loss in order to get the max in bonus money. But after I had the final meeting with the regional manager "lady", she too said that I brought a high level of retail knowledge to the table and I surely would be an asset to the company. So why did I not get the job? Who knows, my age of 54, loss of my long term job, or the fact that they all felt I could have been "over" qualified, or that I was honest about the fact that I had started my own company in the form of an on-line business and that I planned to keep doing that even after they hired me, should they hire me. Funny thing is if I do not generate at least $325 in income by the 31st of this month I most likely will loose all my on-line businesses due to not being able to pay all the different monthly fees. So even though I struggle daily to keep my faith that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will not give me more than I can handle I do think that both my wife and I have indeed come to the end of what we can handle. We both are so stressed out and mentally drained. We ask everyday why He has not Blessed us with a new begining, even in a small way. So I do try to stay strong in my faith, I do feel as though God has turned away from me and I am now on my own. This is not what I want to believe but after praying daily for 15 months and absolutely no income it is very hard to believe that God still sees me as one of his children. I do pray that I am wrong and that He still Loves my wife and I and before everything is lost He will Bless us in our final hours. Well I have go on long enough but I will pray for you too as I pray for my wife and I. May You & Yours Be Blessed Always........Kooltat
  9. Dear sisterinchrist, First things first, I must agree with elkie, that was absolutely beautiful and touches ones soul. Is that your site or just one you visit? I did bookmark it so I can return to it. I found it to be very uplifting. Which is very good for me to day, for like so many days in the past year+, I have really felt as though my life's journey has become to hard to continue and follow. This is why I come to Worthy so I can keep on track when I begin to feel what's the point. Dr. Luke has been a very large inspiration and source of wisdom for me and I just keep saying the two quotes in my signature line over and over every day. I am very grateful for all the wonderful people here and for my wife for all her support too. Well thank you for sharing this site. May You And Yours Always Be Blessed! Kooltat
  10. Your blog looks really nice. Very easy to navigate, very colorful & bright, smart looking, and informative. I clicked onto a couple of the links also, very cool. I have been thinking of starting one myself to promote my on-line gift shop but for now I still think of myself as a newbie to the computer world and until I feel more at ease I think I will wait awhile. When I do take the plunge I will be sure to let you know so you can stop by to let me know how it turned out. I would assume that you do not live close to your family. It's to bad that you could not be there to celebrate your grandchilds glory with her. I'm sure she knew you were with her in spirit. Well you take care and good luck with your blog. May You And Yours Be Blessed Always! Kooltat
  11. Hey Ron, I can relate to your feelings about that element. I say element because they are not your every day customers even if they actually come in daily. I do not know how long you have worked in retail but I started in retail grocery management a few years before you were born so I really do understand just what runs through your mind at times and how immediately afterwards you pray for forgiveness of your bad thoughts. Some one in an earlier reply made the statement that the customer is always right. Well back in the early years that was the first thing a newbie was taught and today it still is. However no matter what type of retail you work in the customer base has changed big time. That is why I called those type of customers elements, as they are the type that you must follow due to known or suspected shoplifters. The last ten years of my 33+ years in retail grocery I worked in the inner city type stores in our discount or box style grocery store and we had to have armed guards in our stores from open to close. In that type of store their is no frills so the staff is very small and the work load very high so we had gotten to the point with those kind of customers,(known or suspected shoplifters), that as manager we would just alert the guard to stay up front by the doors then we would just walk right up to them and ask do you intend to make a purchase because I have to much to do to spend my time following you around so if you are not then just vacate the store. They usually would leave quietly because the other customers around them would sometimes know them and they would make comments to the person like " you know that you have no money and if your type gets this store closed down from losses like the others we will run you out of the neighborhood." It's sad how bad things have changed but as in anything else we can not go backwards in time. Our country needs to get back to the family spending more time together and changing the way kids are raised today. I was born in 51 in a very small village of less than 2000 people and the family bond and proper and respectful teachings and Sunday school and church every Sunday was a must. Then in the mid sixties we moved to upstate New York from Ohio when my dad got out of the Army and that is when I seen things start to change and they have just continued to get worse every year and good old uncle Sam sticks his nose into our family lives to much and that has made major changes in how people raise the kids today. Wow sorry this turned out so long I better cut it off here. I like your list of singers, at your age I'm surprised at some on your list. How about Christy Lane, do you know and like her as well? She is very inspirational, or should I say was. May You & Your's Be Blessed!!! Kooltat
  12. What's wrong with the advice he could get here on this site? I personally have gotten some very inspirational advice and understanding from Dr. Luke and many others right here. He already found this site so why have him wonder off to some other site? He can find much wisdom here, just look at the Bible verses that most people post at the end of their comments. Have a Blessed day........Kooltat
  13. Ellisracing, I'm not sure if this is the right place for me to talk about sobriety but since you talked of your involvement with drugs I guess it's ok. I am cross addicted (which is the addiction to alcohol and many other drugs), as I have been taught you must first admit to yourself that you are addicted to the drugs. Only you and God can make that decision. Once you admit it to yourself and God and another person then you can turn your addiction over to Him and He will lead you out of the world of darkness of drugs and alcohol and keep you safe in sobriety as He has done for me the last 16 years and 8 months. Walking with Lord is much more wonderful than living in the darkness of addiction. I will pray that you find the answers but you must totally let go of the drugs before you can be with God full time as you desire. May Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ watch over you during your troubled times and always.........Kooltat
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