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Everything posted by ray

  1. An equally important question is, do you know where you will be spending eternity if you were to die today? Yes, I know where I will spend eternity if I were die today. However, Today I wonder about the one I lost. IF I knew for sure there might be a lot about how I live would change?
  2. How do you know for certian where you will spend enternity? Recently my boss passed away from cancer and it was kind of sudden too. At work he was very good boss most of the time as bosses can be I guess. As I worked with him over the past fiver years really closely I had know him for the past ten years. So I got to know how he lived outside of work to. I learned that he was by no means any kind of saint but he did not push his way of life on any one he happy go lucky kind of guy. However his life was in no means one lead by Christ or so it seems. Now that he is gone from this world everone says well he is in a better place. That sounds good in comfomfting but I don't know for certian I don't think he might but it would be nice to know for certian. how do you deal with not knowing?
  3. ray


    Don't forget to change your clocks tonight. IT is Fall back 1 hour IF you don't change you will be an hour early for church. Also check your smoke detectors and change batteries.
  4. I know many are out there with no transpotation who love to come to church alomost anywhere if they could get there. But the transportation they do have to get them to church is not reliable. How do we recomend a TV pastor to them. They have no access to a computer but need to hear God's word some how and TV is the best avenue for them. Who can we reccomend since so many of them have bad raps. Thanks, God Bless, ray
  5. ray


    Why do we put sin into classifications? some worse than others... true but if all sin equal what is different from lying to murder to stealing to not picking up the phone when your home. How do you know what sinner looks like vs the other? If they have truly repented and have shown and demonsrtated that they have changed and repented why do we set boundries on them? just curious these questions have run through my mind and want to know if there is any answers easy or hard?
  6. You say you have 3 to 7 students and 3 of them are siblings. What is age range range or grade level difference? This would makes for a whole new approach to teaching since you have cross grde levels. Find out what they are interested in and make their intrest some kind of positive reward sesytem. Since you have varied ages by least 3 to 4 years that does make a difference in activities that you should do. We had a class like this and some the non regualrs were girls so we split the classes and did boy classes and girl classes. When they got to point of maturity we blended the older one back together and kept the younger onse seperate. If they are very active children than I suggest getting a hands-on-curriculm instead of the old fashiioned lecture curriculm with pre made crafts. Most children do not learn that way anymore. To get the parent on your side this may sound harsh at first but if the child is rude make them sit in sunday school with their parents for few weeks. Either the parent will get the message or they will leave because there is no support for the staff for those that want to teach children were you are located. One year my dad taught the children about temple and the holie of holies by making it out of legos. one night because I had gone a mission trip was asked to share what ever kind money iad left over and maybe if i knew some foods they might want to try. and have the children help make the food. the kids loved it and and than made a presentation to show the church what they had learned. This made the paretns want to be more involved. Also have the children study the book of james or part of one of the gospels and and have a night to see who is smater the parents or the children on a given book of the Bible. One night we have bike safety night and have the kids make sure they can follow the course. Kids are allowed use whatever kind of bike or big wheel they know how to ride. This involves parent support as well interation with teacher support and family fun the learning of the BIble at in early age needs to be enjoyed not forced. This also builds relatioships with people who would not normally partipcate in childrens activities.
  7. Why remember that is a good question? If I look at the tradegy of the book Exodus in the story of the 10 plagues, why would God want us to remember past? What was the passover any way the but the death angle, who, came and killed the first born of all the house who did not have the protection of the lambs blood on their door. Yet we remember and honor this for almost 2000 years. Why do honor the death and remember His last supper? Because he told us too. Why should we remember 9/11? Because He gave us reason too. He just never said how and we must all do what we can to help us move on. For some of us we who 9/11 may have hit harder than others need more symbolism for them continue to move on with life. While it may feel strange to those of us it did not greatly impact we can never understand but we must support peoples need for healing. It is good day to promote peace and people will take advantage of that just like Christians take December to promote the birth of Christ and Easter to celebrate the memory of his death that was horrifying. I remember these time because of the healing that has come from the birth and death of Christ which is to bring to peace to the world.
  8. Living in political society these days and as a public school teacher we no longer celebrate halloween. We have a Fall or Autum festival. The only children or students that are allowed to dress up if they want are those in grades K - Seconds grade. Now as far as church goes I'm now never home on halloween because I'm at church were we have Trunk or Treat. The children are asked to dress up as Bible characters. There are some creative kids out there. Talk about a scary costume I asked one boy who he was dressed as and said he was a unic. (spelling) ouch my man manhood just hurt thinking about who he was. Parents were also creative in decorating the back of ther trunks. while others did no decorations the kids got there free candy which is what it halloween means to most kids is free candy. Then our church had a game night for the children and a bon fire we they got to make somores. For those that did not want to particpate in games they watched videos Charlie Brown in the pumpkin patch and Veggie Tales the one with song in it about "God is bigger than the boogie man....." That all lasted from about 6 to 9 pm than after that the middle to high school students had a lock-in at the church. Menaing with adult adult supervison they played games and had pizza and slept in the church or see who could stay up all night watching videos or playing board games or haveing prayer groups and small devos and of course they all got about 2 or 3 hours of sleep maybe. IF they were lucky and got more but that was not normal. For the kids that were afraid to sleep over in the church they had have their parents arrange to pick them up at midnight and those were the only time any could leave the building other wise it was locked up so no one gets in or out.
  9. The worst year of school was actually my second year of being a teacher when one of my students went home with a bad head ache. Her mom thought it was weird that the head ache did not go away and took her the ER. After several hours later and some testing they found out that that my student had a brain tumor and it was not fixable and only had 24 hours to live. She died the next day and when I found I was in total disbelief. I was amazed how the school came together and paid for the entire funeral expesenses for the family. That was a rough school year.
  10. It was my senior year in High school when I made state finals on the swim team. But wait theres more! my favorite event was the 500 meter free style or 20 laps of the pool. When you only have one lap to go they shoot the gun over your lane. This never happened for me till my senior year. It was fantastic. Not only that my dad was the starter guy with the gun and he got to shoot the gun over my head on the last lap. This was awesome school year for me.
  11. Its that time of the year again to head back to school. What has been your best or worst school experience?
  12. How does go about getting involved in church activity if they don't know what area of service they can do? How much involvement is to much involvement? Should I feel guilty if I only feel led to serve or be involved in one area? Why do we feel guilty if we are not doing 20 services for the church or make people feel that way?
  13. Well you know what stressed spelled backwars is right? Its my favorite.... it spells desserts. Bring on the desserts when I get stressed.
  14. ray

    I Love You

    IT is time to have this thread closed thanks again for all your help.
  15. ray

    I Love You

    Wow! I am impressed with all the wealth of knowledge and concern here for me are just overwhelming. I want to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and advice. This thread has been very helpful for me and trying to sort this all out. Also trying to talk this people who I can physical see and chat with has helped as well. For now I'm going to put this all in God's hands. Let go and Let God because right now for me this totaly out of my control. I respect the pastors both in decsions all though right now I'm not in full agreement. I understand they are looking out for my best interest as well as their church. Yes, past is not, nor was perfect. I have shared my testimony in another thread here if choose to read it. This is teaching me that sometimes its not always right to share your testimony and you ave to be careful with whom you share it with. Yes, I did imply that the pastor was passing judgement on me. i said this because he was taking what he heard of my past to prevent in one particular area of service which to me made look like my sin was worse than it was. No, I do not plan to take any legal action because it would make us both look worse off than everything is and that is not in my nature. I'm not trying to criticize either of the pastors. Yes, emotionally and spirtually this will be difficult for me to hear what they say from the pulpit because their concern for me as well as their church is causing me rethink this all through. Lamentations 3:40 says "Let us examine our ways and test them and return to the Lord" I have to do a lot of self examination now to make any sense of this for me to continue worshiping at this church. Although there are many ministries that I can serve in, it is obvious at least for now at this church the door is shut on that particular ministry for me. i was never really interested in getting involved in that particular ministry again anyway. It is that I just did not realize what that ministry meant to me when doing it for so long that now it has been faced with a shut door for me. This what really breaks my heart. So I have to look toward God to see what he has instore for me now. Not knowing how God is changing my path is scary and nerve wrecking right now but I know God has a plan for that I'm just not aware of yet and he will reveal it to me in time. His time of course. So for now I have to let go and let God Thanks for all your help and I hope this answers everything now to some degree or another. I know I'm loved but... life goes on....
  16. ray

    I Love You

    Well I listened to the senior pastor and shared with him my past and he is in full agreement with assistant pastor. He did point out to me how I'm serving in other areas of the church and try to comfort me and be supportive of my issues. I have to make a tough choice now on weather or not I choose stay or leave. Its defiantly going to be hard to have to hear what he is preaching for while because I know that he does nessciarly practice what he preaches anymore. I realize he is not being mean to me but my heart is broken and I'm full of confussion about what to do next. I'm going to pray about it and try to stay with the church at least till the end of the month to see if I can handle the pain I have caused through my past life or weather or not I need to move on.
  17. ray

    I Love You

    No, I don't understand. I thought I did but I don't. These same types of people do the same job professionally yet a church can not and will not let them do it for or in the Lords house or the meeting place of worship. The person has proven himself for more than 5 years why can't they go back to that ministry even if accountability for that person would be set up. I just don't get it. Set up accountability and if it looks like a situation is going to happen then take him out but at least give the person a second chance.
  18. ray

    I Love You

    I don't think he is being mean to me nor do I think he knows how his choice is effecting me because I don't think he is willing to fully hear me out. I have spoken with him on two seprate occasions and his answer remains the same. I wanted to try to bring a solution but he did not want to hear it. So now I'm going to the head pastor and if his answer is the same I'm considering leaving to find a new church. I think I understand why he made his choice even though he has not explained to me. His choice has produced more neagtive than postive outcomes once I have had time to think and reflect on his choice and seekng the help from othe believers because I knew I could do this alone. Your right I have not mentioned the spefics because there are enough people hear that know my testiomony and have read it in the other thread. And I always mixed reviews. So I'm trying to generalize everything.
  19. ray

    I Love You

    Ok I have read matthew 18. I'm not sure why you need spefics sin is sin regardles of deed. My past is in the past and I have no sin aginst anyone to my or their knowlesge. No my life was not always perfect growing up but than whose was? The Bible tells us that we all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Should a person who has been divorced and remaried be able to teach children or serve in a role of leadership? Should a smoker who sin against his own body be allowed serve comunion? Should a drug addicted person be refused to leads worship if they have gotten straight and proven have soberity for several years? The bible may be right in that i should not take legal action aginst my fellow brother or sister in Christ but I will not allow myself be walked over like a door mat either. Legal action is something far from my thought but it has been sugggested by fellow believers. Even with this advice the legal action would make us both look bad and I don't want either of us to look bad. At the current church I'm I have shared my personal yet difficult to share testimony with about 10 people. I have prayed about this situation for about 3 months now. I have gone to this particular pastor who has set this boundry before me twice now to confirm his decsion. I have asked him why and he is unable to give me a reason other than its not a good idea. This is kind of weak but it I respect his choice and answer although I do not agree with it. I wanted to try to work out some kind of accountability for myself but he did not want to hear it. My imperfections are more than what he can comprehend. I'm going to the head pastor to find out if he feels the same way after sharing with him my testimony. I will have to make some hard choices after this talk but it will be the final talk because I don't the entire world to know my past which should not be of concern to everyone as long as few people aware of what is going on. As far as the choice of ministry it was one I was willing to give up because there are so many other choice ministries that I could serve in. however, I did not realize I would miss it until I was forbidden from it. When I grew up in the church this was the only ministry I served in. However i was like the prodigal son and did some foolish things in my younger ahlf of my life, but I have returned back home. Some of the arms were open to welcome me back from sinful ways while others closed there arms and refused to me be apart of there life and have spread rumors about what I have done that were not true. I have gone through spirtual counseling, support groups, to get back on the path of righteousness. I know some people and other churches would be glad to have be service everywhere regardless of my past because they know I'm doing my best ever to serve the Lord.
  20. ray

    I Love You

    No, I do not believe my pastor wishes me ill-will. I believe he is not well educated in the area of my past and I want to accept his answer but when his answer makes me look worse off I have a problem with that. What he is protecting me from i'm not sure. But when I can know from the help I received to get back into healthier christian way of living and would be accepted other places this makes it hard for me. I think its like maybe going to the doctor and he diagoness you with cancer. Although you know you are ill and accept the doctors answer you want to get a second opinion because you might only have just a bad 24 hour flu when see the doctor. Well i went to my spiritual pastor "doctor" and told him my symptoms and I already know my spiritual diagonis before going in but he informs me that my problem is worse than that. So now I'm seeking another spiritual pastor "doctor" chief of medicine to see if has the same answer. If the answer is the same and I know its wrong than I need to change churches. I hope this makes some sense.
  21. ray

    I Love You

    I may not be able to change the seeds that were planted in the past that is true. But I have dug at the rotten seeds and have planted new seeds to be able produce healthier christian living. I'm not trying to dismiss the consequences of my past sins. But if I have shown redeption for my past to set everything right again when do I get a second chance. If I can not redeem myself ever what is the point there is no hope I should remain lost forever. So how long do I reap the wrong from what I have sown? I already know that I have a life of consequence that have been set before me and that can never be changed. But to be denied something that you have done forever is not right either. Especially when I know I can go the next church and have no issues and move forward with out any we love you buts....
  22. I heard a sermon from my assitant pastor the other day that church should be a hospital for sinners and not a hotel for saints. IF this is true, he should love me back no matter what my past. BUT, when meeting him one on one to share and confess my faults, hurts, habits and hang-ups. He says I Love you but you can not particapte in this area of service of the church. Now I feel like I'm in the movie Beauty and the Beast and I can't go into the West Wing. He has judged me for something I'm not. I have been advised that i could take legal action but I don't want to go there. Why do people put boundaries on Gods unconditonal love when I have done everything to get right with God by confessing my sins so that healing can begin. I'm not sure if I want to be at this church anymore because they love me but.... God Loves me and there is not but just love How would respond if someone told you they loved you but......
  23. Beauty for Ashes by Joyce Meyer Its about how she dealt with hard trails in her life which are the ashes and how she turned her trials in for beauty and plus Crstyal Lewis sing a song by the same name which I learned in sign language. Giant Killers by Dennis Jerngan each chapter is short and set up devotional style. This also a book about how dealt with personal struggle of growing up Christian living a double life and how he came back to the Lord. Your Best Life Now by Joel Olsteen. Very easy to read but very powerfull messages to think about on improving your life and living in victory.
  24. There are some chemicals that you can put putside the house. Most stores sell ant bait in gel form and you stick in the crack were they come in and they it and they get killed. Also take note if you have trees close to the house you may wish trim them back about 6 inches from the house. also move any wood from right next to house to about a couple feet away from the house.
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