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elkieDannsa' Air An Drochaid

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Everything posted by elkieDannsa' Air An Drochaid

  1. on the second reply, some anger is natural, most Christians don't think it is. we are not told to never be/feel angry - but, not to sin in our anger. we don't rage of course. but some anger is natural and we have to learn to give it up over and over till it is gone , sometimes it does take a long time to all get out. so we don't give in to it -but we do own our feelings. we have the Helper in the Holy Spirit in us for this. I have had this dialogue in my prayers once upon a time. oh the LORD said FORGIVE. ok yes forgive . YES< FORGIVENESS. but, this person hurt me for a long time. I BEEN HURT FOR A LONG TIME TOO THE LORD SAID. forgiveness at the times your anger returns. but, nightmares of fears coming to the forefront sometimes. I'm praying for you and your children, your ex too. GOD IS SO MUCH BIGGER THAN he IS!!! blessings to you and your family in Christ
  2. you posted your new husband protects you and your children when you are in danger. I would think that you are still concerned that the abusive ex can hurt your children. I don't know if they are still having to see him as a present or if it is a future fear. if they are still seeing him, I can understand the nightmares because(its not in the past still) you would fear him hurting them. if they are not seeing him and he is not endangering them at this time, the thought is still there that he may try. I think spiritual warfare is needed for the protection of your children and your peace and trust in Gods protection. The Lord does love your children as much as you do and HE will protect them. He will make a hedge that none can pass around your children. if you can pray for this ex who is like an enemy that God protect him from being used of satan also and that he may know God in Christ. because satan is our real enemy behind the physical is the spiritual cause. I do not think it is a matter of unforgiveness anymore, unless you don't pray for his protection from satan that will ultimately be the protection for your children from his abuse , a first step in being a Christian I had to pray for such a person, Jesus said pray for our enemies and those who spitefully misuse us,anyone who would hurt my children fit this description to me. I think after what you have been through , it is natural to have some nightmares and may try to keep a journal and see what it is that is triggering the nightmares if you can. most of all, prayer, cover your family in prayer and rest in Gods trustful and faithful nature. for your nightmares prayer again before sleeping. IF GOD IS WITH ME WHO CAN BE AGAINST ME?!
  3. ...this comment makes me think of how far we can be from the life GOd has in mind for us in Jesus. some stick to thier cages and plastic things without an inkling what God means by a real life he is offering them. so far.... they cannot imagine.... UNTIL they ask Jesus in !
  4. sorry my keyboard enter key stuck and extended post size, my apologies! hope it does not do it this time!!
  5. The 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens is good evidence of catastrophic events that some scientists claim must take millions of years to happen, but only took days/months to form. interesting that some science thought the Grand Canyon in Arizona took millions of years to form and then there was found a tall tree laying vertical through that sediment they had previously determined to be layers of millions of years of sediment forming, this tall tree was there tossed by the flood through all the layers. interesting to me. I don't know how old the earth is. I do know the Bible is Gods True Word and our world was created by HIM.
  6. why can't more people care about what they are supporting instead of how cheap of a deal they can get? do we really need "things" this much?! walmart is in itself a terrible compromise; betting you'll compromise for a cheap deal with telling yourself some excuse why child labor and cheating employees is ok, (like oh everybody does it, hmm alot of sins start that way)and alot more their track records tell of them, -if it's ok to lie to ourselves, then guess we can try to think we clear our minds going to this place...for a moment....but can you really clear your hearts and minds if you know the place you are shopping/ supporting is so corrupt?
  7. When my son and I talked, he said it was wrong for a girl to sleep with a guy before marriage because she would become needing him to love her and emotionally confused, thinking because she slept with him -needing him to love her then and might see it clearer had not slept with him and compromised herself would make better decisions for herself in choosing a relationship This is coming form my son when he was in his early twenties and he loves the Lord and people very much. He is older now and married, happily so. He waited for her, to find the wife he could love forever. We know that God is not the author of confusion. I am hoping you are asking the LORD for HIS will in this and your life. I know if a man does not respect your beliefs and needs , he just plain does not respect you. I know that when we are young and looking for a relationship, we need to know that it takes time and love and caring and GOD in it. Yes, there are times when the one you love the most in life will be boring and there are waves and seasons in relationships and we need to appreciate the person we love and show love in Gods way and that really includes doing it Godsway. Taking the test of time. Can you pray together? Can you ask GOd to bless what you do together? I am concerned that because you lost your virginity to this young man you need to think he loves you, his actions have spoken louder than words here. You dont have to keep staying with him because this mistake has happened. You can CHOOSE AGAIN. With Jesus , GODS promises are new every morning and so are YOU! CHOOSE AGAIN. Also, you seem to mention if these young men love you as your reasons to be with them ,but it is about if you are loving them or not ,too and you too will find that you might be boring once in awhile in life and such. It is real relationships that are based on real love and being loving and respecting that last in friendship and GODS blessing their ways in HIM together. Why the rush? Why not wait in friendships and seek JESUS first. To love a man or woman is to really love them for who they are, good and bad. None of us are perfect. My honest opinion is you write like you don't even like this guy you slept with !-yet love him! look at your posts as if they were someone elses and I mean really look at what you have said, objectively. There is no reason the throw your life away on if others may or may not love you and allow treating you badly. You don't have to settle to stay with a man because you make the mistake of making him the first one when its the wrong one. Imagine what else he does not respect in your wants and beliefs. Say you got pregnant, would he want abortion? Real love does not put ones own interests first nor compromise the others values. You know the best way to have a marraige is in premarriage councelling for even a year to understand about relationships in marriage to make them work. To know them much longer than that before marraige, its a lifetime commitment and that takes real love and care and effort. Why not take a step back here and wait on commitals? How does the BIBLE describe love? LOVE IS: long suffering, does not seek it's own interests, esteems others over (some say above or before) itself...... do you see....... Lust and love are not the same thing. Real love is also being friends ,too. It is alot of things, helper friend ,lover, and union in the LORD. For what place has darkness to do with light? IF someone can sleep with you and can't even take time for you, that is not love. Can you imagine needing the one you marry to be your friend just to find you are not even able to get them to take time to talk to you or care about you? You might really miss the one who loves you enough to be your friend and he will be with someone else by then who can appreciate a real friend in love also. some thoughts...
  8. Hi. although I am not sure of your age, I am thinking you are young? Do talk about your feelings with your youth pastor. The teens here (here being as my church Assembly of God) do and love it! Relationships like this have to take time and be in Gods way to last and not bring hurt. Pray to the Lord about this and talk it out with an adult also. Your church pastors and elder women have also been there, too and can be alot of help. Far as love goes. Get to know him as a friend and in groups; see what he really is all about over the test of time and let him do the same with you as a real friend for any basis for anything future. Rushing is never a good idea. Take care, elkie
  9. I do think about that alot ! Agreed, may we be sure we are in Christ and HE is living in us and He is so big- He will shine through us! amen!
  10. AMEN Jesus also appeared to a crowd of about 500 people after he had rose from the dead. AWESOME GOD AMEN
  11. Yes, O'Dannyboy ! You said it and I feel the same way about it, too!! But, no matter what they "judge" , I will still be as I am in public as I am in private, free in Christ my Lord and Saviour and tell others of His great love for us! Also, HIS creating the world and that The Creator came down! When my son was in high school, when he said something intelligent about the ideas of evolution not being proved , his teacher would scream! My son said things like; I have a question , teacher-yes- ,my son; could these cells at any given early stage stay alive within themselves at that point for 24 hours? Teacher-no. My son; if they could not stay even alive for 24 hours, then how could they thrive and continue to evolve for thousands of years! He then asked how could the breathing holes of the whales face go to the top of his head right through his brain without killing him and he still be alive? HIs best friend has a few questions also.His teacher began hysterically screaming, about church and if you want to talk about church- go to church! This is not church! The teacher would never call on my son in class to speak after about three times of my sons comments for all the rest of his years in the class! Well, I think it is ignorant that they teach this to children when it is nothing but lies and they totally leave out historical creation. My sons teacher tried to "lose" all his schoolwork and homework after that. But, my son would not allow it. I am sorry to say his best friend, also Christian and known to believe in creation had all his work "lost" from this teacher for having said anything about creation and had many problems from this teacher. My son also told me a teacher sat by in another class while the teacher-in-training was teaching , where this teacher said that Germany was FLAT! My sons visiting friend, an international exchange student from Germany, tried to tell them that Germany is not flat and was corrected by this teacher)reglar teacher sat there and was fine with this,too) and he was finally sharply demanded to sit down and shut up and that Germany is too flat! I am a parent of grown sons now and happy to say that we didn't let public school interfer with their education! I can remember when we were told we could no longer wear any religious jewelry to work. I was oh, no way and never had a moment of intention ofstopping for such demands! I will wear my cross anywhere! I love my cross close to me when I sleep, it is on me and with me when I go out, too. I was raised in a cult religion that demanded that JEsus was not Diety and never died on a cross -but a stake and make up alot of bizarre things about the cross. I also remember the day I sat in tears of JOY looking at the cross at a real Christian Church looking at the cross as they sang the song, The Old Rugged Cross" thinking what this really means now to me! ( alot of history on my own research and Bible translation research proved that cult wrong!) They also taught that when St.Thomas said,"My Lord and my God" that he did not mean GOD god , just an exclamation (well people didn't talk like that back when) and I was preteen and I could not hear another thing they said all that night from their platform , I didn't care to ehar them anymore! all I could think was WHAT IF? I thought Thomas was there and he knew and thought Jesus was GOD, what if, what if -what if!! YES, inspite of lies , heresy and even the claimed ediucational " facts" I came to know the real Jesus ,the Historical Jesus and too bad for all such heritics and educators,too -that there is real history ! and anyone who seeks it out can find it!! The thing is, they can only perputate theses ideas with isolating them as the only ideas without looking like idiots to uneducated people. My sons other friend was told that he could not pray for the graduating class,as he was found valadictorian. Seems one wicca girls dad threatened the high school with a lawsuit and said his daughter shouod not have to endure hearing about God! etcetc... First thing before he began to give his prepared speech, his friend prayed saying , First, I would like to thank Jesus my Lord and Saviour and he prayed. He was met with a huge standing ovation , with the stadium roaring with cheers and applauding by the townspeople here for it, as everyone had heard how he was forbidden to pray for this class. The teachers I could see there etc stood by with eyes open and frozen like statues. "They" can't legally tell us to stop having freedom if we don't let them and just continue to use our freedoms here in USA and praise God for al the Christians around the globe who aren't letting anyone stop them from this mighty love of our Awesome God!!! With Christmas almost here, I am wishing many a Merry Christmas, avoiding generic-holiday wording ! I went to the local Christian store to but cards celebrating the LIGHT of the world in Jesus. But, I had to think when I searched regular stores for boxed cards to see Merry Christmas and couldn't find any manger scenes , stars ,Mary and Jesus as Infant King, (did find two out of many that said Merry Christmas ,one had santa and the other a cat on a chair! , that this is getting really bad for I have never seen regular stores not carry anything traditional before as this year here. However up in the corner of the top shelf they had Hannakuh cards boxed by the dozens, it was not worded, happy candle day either!! Well, blessings to those who have hearts for truth and God bless those who bless GOD for HE is worthy!!!! elkie
  12. OH this is great! The Father gave us something and it was not for nothing either! It was certainly paid for! Christmas dialogue is a good thing. products, have nothig to do with Christmas. memory of the oNE who matters does! and love for HIM! The St.Nick who helped orphans was alot different thatn the santa of today. thought provoking art ideas........ thanks for saheing this, elkie
  13. Me, too. It is a mess what people have done who don't care what kind of world the Creator was and is intending for this to be and for us to be ! The good news is, we can pray for anyone in situations such as those which the cards you mentioned are celebrating as if it is good thing, and pray for anyone we know in those situations and encourage them by telling them of Jesus and what He wants them to have in this world and the next one coming.. Best thing to do is let our seeing this happening move us to help others who are thinking evil is normal or even good. So, they can know Jesus and be saved from this world and even themselves. Far as consumerism and these cards go, if these cards offend you, write or call the companies thsat print them and tell them it offends you. Why support any company if they are the ones printing those cards and why not tell them ? Maybe they will stop prningintthose offending cards and hope the better ones won't be boycotted because of these. I have seen things so offensive in vaious forms , I have called and written places or companies and I think it does make a difference what they hear from the public. Standing up for what is right is always right. But, God didn't leave us without warning. He told us in the Bible that they would call evil as good and good as evil, didn't He" ..and now we see it is even so prevalent that one can buy a card saying great this evil thing is good for you, too! After all that is the devils message that evil is a good thing. He comes to steal , kill and destroy and so does the fruit of all sins when they come full grown in our lives and others lives. Sin hurts people so much, it is a wonder we are low enough to fall for sin at all , as anyone can see what it does, I guess there is a lot of denial in order to sin against God and pretend it's good for us!
  14. Thank you for replies to this, my first post (although I have replied before to other posts). Christians will always pray in Jesus Name , legal or not, as it has always been this way. But, as for the USA govt. telling us that we cannot, it is not constitutional, for sure. I do hope that Christians making a stand in this makes a difference for the Christian Chaplans in the miliarty and in other ways, too. No matter what, Christ is always worth the cost !!! God bless. elkie
  15. Hi Folks, Recently it has come to my attention that our military chaplins and Christian Chaplins are being told not to use Jesus name in any prayers or services for our military servicemen and women. I first heard about this on Christian radio. I went to the site http://www.aclj.org and signed the petition to President Bush about this supression of religious freedom and requesting that military chaplins and Christian Chaplins be allowed to speak of their faith and in their faith and use Jesus name. Information is on this site about this supressing of using Jesus Name. I would hope that anyone reading this would please check it out and tell others. People can add their names to this petition online or phone in also, if they have no comp. etc The anti-Christian movements to supress using Jesus name must be addressed by concerned Christians. This is so in many areas. But, this one directly affects needed prayers in Jesus Name for our servicemen and women, who need our support in prayers and this, too, I believe. Please take the time for those who need our help. In and for the Love of Christ Our Lord, and our fellow believers, elkie
  16. Oh yes, the priorities are very backwards as much as live is turned backwards to evil, so are their ways. Hollywood has always bragged of it's corruption, from it's very beginnings with the early day movie stars affairs and etc. They make entertainment of the sins Jesus suffered and died for ! I already know why such people don't fight for the lives and blood and souls of the innocents unborn, because God is not in them, nor they in God. Just as the Vegan movement says,"if it has a face they don't kill it" how untrue they have not considered the unborn children, yet seem to themselves as "kind spiritual" for not killing an animal for sustanance. What of the humans?!!! Where is the natural love of humanity that God gives? Many are hardened to this love and God. We even had Vegan gangs where we live in the high school attacking any other children who ate meat 22 gang vegans to one or two regular kids, just trying to eat lunch ! I had to live near gangs at one time when growing up and it is not new to me. I find it totally appaling and the extreme evil that it is. Such a criminal should be locked up and away form hurting society who commits gang murders. When I said I have no stand, perhaps it should of said no comment on deciding his time of death or means. I mean that I have no comment or say on his life or death situation is all. It is not in my hands. I could not kill him. I could not kill to punish. I would not. But, it is not in my hands or my stand to decide, it is Gods and the govts. It is horrible. It is appalling and there aren't even words enough to say how far man has come to do such acts as gang killings and the murders we see today in the streets. Tex Watson of the Manson murders is living in a CA prison under key and totally evil and insane. He gets to come up for parol often! It is Sharon Tates mother who continues till her dynig day to try to keep them from letting him go parol from a Criminal Insane Institution to the Mens Colony ,then out on parol! It is unimaginable to think of these people Manson , Watson out, or up fpr parol? isn't it. It is all frightening, is it not? !! Yes, it really is and makes us all angry to see these things. I don't think they should ever get out, none of these criminals. Infact, I think if someone had changed, as all those people claim, he would know he is deserving of death, would he not?! Would not minimize their crimes to others. But, confess them! But, I won't be that instrument that carries it out. I hope you can understand what I am meaning . I do know of some Christians in Hollywoood. One came and acted out an early century church meeting to bring home his point of staying in Jesus, and His teachings. It was beautiful. He said Hollywoods messsages are morally wrong and that people need to remember that it is all just to $SELL$ SELL$SELL. (my emphasis) Making girls ill trying to be too thin till the die of anorexia etc , it is crazyness. We need to stop buying what Hollywood is selling. If I had to be the one , I could not do that, I don't want to kill anyone . So, no I would not be saying to someone else do what in my conscience that which I cannot do. That may not mean he does not deserve what happens to him. Hope you understand my meaning. elkie
  17. YOU WROTE: "The famous have long rallied to high-profile prisoners, including American Indian activist Leonard Peltier, convicted of killing two FBI agents, " I don't resent comments easily nor often. But, this has nothing and I do mean NOTHING to do with Leonard Peltier ! He was no gang member nor criminal and I don't think you know of the terror of Pine Ridge in the 70's from our own govt. and citizens, nor have seen the FBI transcripts that were illegally hid and held back that show his innocence, nor of the retarted woman who was forced to lie about seeing and being there when she was NOT EVEN THERE , nor did she even know him at all, at the threat of her very life and the others he should of been tried together with were found totally innocent and because he was illegally brought back from Canada he was tried with lies alone or he also would of been found as innocent, and that is fact and much, much more. Inccident at Oglala can be seen on video or the book, In the spirit of crazy horse, can be read, if anyone wants or cares to find a few facts here. I find this totally out of place that you have even mentioned him here and yes, I am offended at it, too. There is no comparison and it is so uncalled for! Leonard was making gardens for the old people and camping. He was not a leader of any kind and his "activist "activity was helping old people and children find a little food and self estem as Native Peoples there were starving, freezing , depressed and also it was the Rez that was being routinely fired at, people sitting in thier own homes, having their kids shot at the kitchen table, or homes burned and people loosing their wife and all children and such as that was going on. None of that was ever tried. That is not justice. Just because something is " high profile" doesn't mean it is in any way any comparison to another high profile situation. Life is precious and it belongs to God. I thank God that HE is The Just One and knows all things. I have no stand on the imprisoned person you wrote this about. elkie
  18. REmember Jesus said, "there is no greater love than to give ones life for a friend." Ask them if thier God can do this. -give of yourself and let GOd bless you and them, they don't know what you know. They don't know JEsus raised form the dead bodily, or that he is not a created being or that he is not Michael the archangel, and they are so afraid of sinning against Jehovah they are afraid to think JEsus could be God or talk to JEsus instead of JEhovah, JEhovah is greatly feared by them,when you find history of false end time dates and many other things and you can show them true passeges in the Bible(show old t and new t all scriptures witness of JEsus yet they wont come to JEsus ,many never seen this one, and things that will free them from seeing this corporation that became an org and false scriptures from the false knowledge,ever learning and never knowing ,founded one anothers foundation, not of CHrist and made peddlers of them! We all need Jesus.
  19. You're welcome for my post and Thank you to those who see the need for compassion to the sinner and not seeing "them" as just the enemy or SIN ITSELF. Yes, about his mental issues also, his attacks from satan and now saying he is Muslim, well, you see, when raised a Jehovahs Witness ,better named Watchtowerites for what they are, you don't know the real Jesus and neither do any of the other counterfiet religions as Muslim etc. He still has the same problem there. People of the Armegeddon cult have a much higher rate of mental illness than the average folk, according to many experts. This is due to the intense abuse they endure in the cult itself. IT is an isolationist group. I can tell you the one thing that they will reaaly see is IF YOU have LOVE when you talk to them or not, and if you do; they will want it, even if they are afraid to tell you , they will want it and in time search further. When I was a child, I was raised ,yes born into this cult my mother had chosen it and she chose it for me. However God had his Hand on me and I did not choose it for myself as I grew up. I know all about going door to door and NO ONE telling me about the real Jesus at any doors, there must of been thousands of doors and people -considering I had to go every sat and sometimes more for hours since biirth till I refused at around 16 years old ! So, yes , if you show real love and learn some ways to present the real Jesus that they are not pre-programed to tune out, (yes, we were trained every Thursday night how to refute any questions , alot of programming and double -think and fear tactics for thinking anything else thean that they are Gods spokesmen to obey no matter what) and if you can get them to think on their own( although it is forbidden by the cult to think on your own ever!or read the BIble alone without their "aids" (ie;books of twisted scripture excerpts)) they will think on their own and see a litle more than if you don't even try or leave it for someone else. IF you are praying for "someone' to speak to a Jehovahs witness, maybe that someone is you! Ask GOd for circumstance and words , HE will give them, HE knows exactly what that person needs to hear. BUu, preparation is important. Randy Watters has worked very hard to help other to come out of this cult he was in and once in the same congregation I grew up in. He has alot of info at http://www.freeminds.com There are books on evangelising the cults. Don't be afraid and don't let them catch you up in one of their all to well prepared arguments,stick to one point, *they are trained ot jump around and not focus* agree with them prior to stick to one point! with love and watch seeds planted and grow! I remember watchng Pat Boone on tv, knew he was a Christian and knew he was happy, I would study him as a child wondering how could he be so happy and what did he have that I didn't have? Watching Jesus of Nazereth and having it turned off and not allowed. Getting caught in the middle of thre night watchng late night Christian preachers, sneaking peeks at this guy iI had never heard of as a teen "Billy Graham" and saying tomysaelf wow he knows! I'll try to remember this authors name LOL-believe me, I was looking. No one was talking much. Very few aand none prepared to reach through the twisted scriptures or even ask simply, did your God do the greatest act of love? Since they don't believe JEsus is God they will have to try to see why their God can't d o the greatest act of love,or that it is Yahweh in Christ doing the greateset act of love! and how is it that in Deut,it is God who condemned and only GOD who is Saviour . JEsus ,the Alpha and the OMEGA. I never saw this till later in life. THier false bible says when you turn to Jehovah in the NT and took out JEsus, alittle research can show the same word for GOd is used for Jesus and YHWH is not in the NT, You can give it to someone, I know you can. MY family are still in this. It is harder for those born and raised into it than those who join later,because when you leave, you have no other "normal life" to return to, you are starting from scratch.and when you leave your entire family and every person you know is to condier you apostate and dead worthy of being stoned to death but law wont permit and yes that is in print int the watchtower! I hope you will all take a moment or two to read up on them and see exjw sites and understand the programming and how to help and ways that don't help. The fear tactics the yuse make it so hard,but JEsus will shine HIS love through you and make it all easier for them if you let HIM! Much love to all, Elkie PS Maybe it'l be my mom you help or family at that door!! Certainlly Gods Word will not come back void!! AMEN and me? St. THomas said it all for me at my preteen age He said "MY LORD AND MY GOD" and then I started my quest. Thomas awas there, maybe he knew and Stephen called out to HIM,LORDJESUS recieve my spirit, hmm he could actually talk to Jesus and we awere forbidden that and hey he had a soul? wow! I've loved the LORDJESUS now a long time ,in case you are wodnering Praise GOd(I have seen many come out also through prayer and counter cult ministry the LORd uses me in, if for nothing else, I can endure what I have been through to be equipped to help others get out!)amen!
  20. Dear Dee, My heart goes out to you for what you are feeling right now. I would like to say; yes ! , there is soemthing you can do. I understand how you cry over this, I would , too. I know it must really hurt. But, please know that we are not without a Helper in the Holy Spirit , Jesus is with you and wants marraiges to have the love and trust the He gives to us. Please pray a" hedge of thorns around your husband, thorns to both sides of this hedge around him,, that all that is not of Jesus will fall away from him and no longer have any interest in him, that he will see thorns also thickets anyway he goes that is not Gods Way shall fail, that he sees clearly to go Gods Way". May this woman be pricked by these thorns around your husband and lose all interest in your husband in Jesus name. May you expect your hubby to come back to you and may you be sterengthened in the Lord to grow close to each other in Jesus help through prayer and communication, the Love of God and the Holy Spirits help. This is not a symbolic prayer, it is a literal spiritual prayer that I have seen work in Jesus name , accomplishing His Will for our marriages to be in His Will for us. Please see someone at church and let them start praying regularly with you for your husband and marriage and yourself and your son as soon as possible. In Jesus name and help satan can be rebuked from our family and our home and lives. He has no claim on your husband, you do in Jesu Name, you do. We are not without a Helper, this Helper, the Holy SPirit, that Jesus has sent to us is also God and as you know, God will not give us a stone when we ask . I understand about trust issues. Please ask the Lord for more trust in Jesus and the work God will do in your lives. In time and return to GOd for both mates, trust in a marriage can be restored with Gods loving help. The anger and hurt we feel and mistrust in a mate that has hurt us can literally melt in the fire of the Holy Spirit in us and in them through prayer. When he comes back to you and prays, there will be changes then. You may feel pain or anger at him ,even when he returns, please letthe Holy SPirit melt this way in your prayer and supplications to God. Satan is our enemy, never our mates. It can be hard to remeber that when they hurt us or say hurtful things ,things that are not of Gods influences ,but are of satans influences. I pray Oh Lord that you please bring this family together in You and Your Name in total healing to Your glory and to the restoration of family for Dee, her husband and their son, in your name Lord Jesus ,amen. Let the Lord lift you and help you to pray this hedge around him and to go to call church or better yet , go to church and get the prayer needed. Many churches aslo offer professional marraige help and counceling and family counceling, see if he will go for all lof your sakes. God be with you, and hold you steadfast in His Holy Love and Helper for you, elkie
  21. Michael Jackson does have serious issues. I think it is important that people learn how such mental torture as he lives in and causes to others has come about. I think many people don't know what growing up as an abused Jehovahs Witness child is like. This abusive and dominating cult is still a destructiveness in his mind until he can know Jesus, the Real Jesus, not the fradulant one the JW's teach. For claritys sake, I am not saying anything he has done is ok, it sure is NOT ! I am saying that one of the main real issues with this mans mind is no doubt resulting from the cultic mind control and authoritarian abuse he is not recovered from nor is he released from spiritually. Many who leave JWs who have not found the Lord, suffer with terrible problems from what they cannot resolve, many end in sucide. I would not be surprised at anything he might do that is wrong, since he is not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. The devil is our true enemy, not people. People need prayer and freed for the enemies grip on their minds and souls. If you can't stand the things he is about, maybe you can put that passion into action the next time a JW comes to your door and be prepared ahead of time to help them to hear about the news of the Real Jesus ,God in the Flesh, Saviour of the world. There are alot of messed up people in the JWcult who need your help. Would you offer them a prayer , a word about the Lord, the next time one is at your door? I hope you do, people like this need to know the Lord God so much, too. Many won't even take time to teach them or say a word to help them. Maybe we can't personally reach M J , but, we can reach many like him who come to our doors. May Gods Truth in Jesus be revealed to all the world and many workers help in this harvest. Elkie
  22. I pray that you can let God become your First Love and that if you cannot ask God to bless it , don't do it. Let Him lead you, follow Him, daily read the Word of God ,all we need to know is in the Bible to learn from and to be encouraged in church and seek female believers, not a married man , and surrender for His design on your life and if we keep seeking Him first, uconditionally, He will bless that, after all that is how He loves us, with all His heart. Fellowship with believers who are living the Christian life for encouragement for you. Every morning His promisses are new. You can be new in Him and see yourself and life as HE does and have Godly love , in all your relationships that are what He wants in your life ,if you let Him lead you in them and away from what is not of Him. God answers prayer, but we have to surrender, repent and give our entire selves to God in Christ and let Him lead the way. Prayer is to aline ourselves to God and see Him work, let HIm work, HIs Ways,not to do our ways. Always seeking the Giver ,not the gifts alone . In the end, GOd is our eternal reward and it is God and God alone that is all in all and all that matters! If we seek first the kingdom of God he will bless us with what we need. Take care, elkie
  23. Have you never read EVIDENCE THAT CONVICTS ? It is all Non-Christian writings from ancient history about Jesus. So. please don't try to tell me there aren't such writings. Many more wrote of HIM than in the Bible. But it is the Bible which is divinely inspired. I suggest if you must go on with all this protesting the One True God, why not read something about historical Jesus in this book, and furthermore. I know HIM personally, just because you do not know someone I know , does not mean they don't exist. There is a huge difference between knowing someone and just hearing about them. God promises that if you seek HIM with your whole heart you will find HIM. There is no point whatsoever to collect things of similar and totally irrelevant passages in time , that have nothing to do with the Creator God or HIS Gift of salvation and Love. I have a spirit and in my spirit I am assured by HIS Spirit and in my life HE has proven Himself to me and I know He is the True God. He has made this unmistakable from all which HE has made in the earth and heavens, so that none can be with excuse before HIM, and HIS word is made alive by the indewlling Teacher, The Holy SPirit to those who Love HIM. The depths of the living Scriptures are deeper than you can sum up in this little letter you have put here or my post. One cannot know HIS heart from the outside, protesting that others who have HIM in their hearts are mistaken is a waste of time. You can NEVER convince a born-again Christian otherwise , because we know HIM personally. You could no more convince me that my earthly father is not my father because you don't know him either! Why not see this as a chance for you to understand God has a heart and He wants all to know HIM? HIS love is beyond measure and HIS patience for the foolishness of man. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Humble yourself before the GOD of all creation and you will be surprised to see HE IS ALIVE!! Let them that have eyes to see; see and them that have ears to hear; hear and understand!
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