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Everything posted by InternalFlame

  1. I'm not talking about the steriotyped imagery already out there, but what is the first image that pops into your head when you hear the name God? This type of thread was in a few other boards, with some interesting results, so I thought I would try it here
  2. It doesn't matter what other people THINK...what matters is only what the Bible says...I thought that my post had some very clear Bible verses, but search out your own answers in the Bible. The Bible is where the only complete truths can be found. You are very right that it doesn't matter what people think. It is in fact, the truth that is written in the Bible. Thank You for making me realize this! Really! I went back and read your post again. I have also been doing some searching on my own and allot of praying. My intuition tells me to stay away. I would like to add that when my friend asked me what I thought I was honest and told him I was uncomfortable and didn't plan on returning. He said that when he first started going there he felt the same way but over time got "used" to it. I feel that when a person walks into a church (any church) should feel at home, it's really not a place you should have to get used to. I am glad I could help you, and also happy you could find some clairity in this . Read the Bible for answers, and trust God to lead you...he will never lead you wrong
  3. It doesn't matter what other people THINK...what matters is only what the Bible says...I thought that my post had some very clear Bible verses, but search out your own answers in the Bible. The Bible is where the only complete truths can be found.
  4. Have you talked to your doctor about fasting? He might have some good advice from a medical standpoint. Sorry, I don't know much about heart burn. haven't yet, in a transition period between doctors. Avoiding the paperwork.
  5. I think there is nothing wrong with a little nostalgia...but too much of it is harmful. We can't live in the present if we live in the past. Despite all of the terrible things happening now, we have a lot to look foreward to...such as the coming of our savior!
  6. I do beleive there are some healers, but we no longer need prophets in this world, so they are not prevalent. I will admit there are people whose gift is that they can hear and understand God better than others, but no prophets like the prophets of old are alive today. Most of the scripture talking about prophets is before Christ came...and after Christ's death they seemed to drop off entirely. For instance, in the new testament, most mentions of prophets either talks about the fufillment of their prophecy from the old testament, or about them in a past tense: Or warning about false prophets:
  7. I've wondered about fasting. but was never sure if I would be able to do it because I have an acid problem with my stomach and when I don't eat I get major heatburn. Maybe just eat Tums?
  8. Just remember, that it could also stregnthen your faith to be here among other Christians in fellowship Good luck, and come back soon
  9. my name is fairly to the point. It means the inner fire that each child of God posesses - a passionate flame, a spritual flame, it is what drives us to do good. some people seem to think I'm a guy, but I'm not :-P perhaps I will have to add something female to my name...
  10. This is of course a very delicate situation - the very first thing you should do is pray, and ask God where He wants you to take this relationship, because that is what matters most. My personal advice would be to talk to this guy about it and ask him what his take on it is...because if you two are to be together in the end, one of you will have to move...and you have to figure out which person would be the most logical choice to make the move, and which would be the best to stay.
  11. This is definetly not true. He isn't the type to play mind games...I know him very well...and besides, as one who has played one to many mindgames herself, I know what it looks like when it happens. It isn't his intentions to lead me astray. He never goes out of his way to talk about his problems, he keeps them to himself, and when I notice there is somthing wrong (not many people can even tell when he is upset because he puts on a very good mask) I ask about it. However, I am fully aware that the enemy may be using him to lead me astray. I have been cautious, and I intend to talk to him about his intentions, and about what is going on. If he has feelings for me, I will remove myself from the situation for at least a while. But I do feel that God has somthing for me to do here. thank you for all the replies so far, they have been helpful
  12. Okay, so there was this guy I dated about a year ago...and we broke up, went our seperate ways for a while, then about three months ago we were able to start seeing each other again as friends. In a lot of ways we make much better friends than we ever did as boyfriend and girlfriend. I care about him quite a bit, but in a platonic way. Lately though, he has been depressed and I have been keeping him company, cheering him up...building him up as much as I can. The thing is that he seems to want to get closer...which I can't let happen. He isn't a Christian, and I do not feel for him that way (and I don't want that to change...I can't let myself fall for him again)...so we can never go back to the way it was. I'm not sure what to do, or even if I'm just imagineing it. I want to keep our friendship...and I feel I can do somthing for him because I understand him...telling him about God, and giving him hope...he has so little hope now. I have no idea where to turn on this
  13. Thanks for all your replies hopefully I'll make it all the way to senior member
  14. finally, I have just a tad more credibility
  15. I am wondering if there is a Bible out there that goes into depth about the greek and hebrew translations...like what certain words can mean...more in depth than just what the NIV has ect.
  16. life or death physcially or spiritually? Both? One of the things that is so great about God is that He does not force us - He wants us to come to Him of our own free will because we love Him...
  17. thank you for clearing this up for me - I just thought no one was even reading them! JM, you are right about not seeking to please man, for while I was compelled by God to share that enlightenment to everyone, I also wanted to see that I was helping someone; but I should be happy with the mere fact that I am doing God's will. Thanks for pointing that out .
  18. Every time I post somthing serious that I think is insightful and will perhaps elict some sort of response, it seems that I get little or no responses. Only on non-serious topics do I get responses...yet a lot of other people who do posts simmaler to my serious posts get tons of replies. Why is that? Is is just that what I say has no merit? My most recent post is what brought this up to me again... http://www.worthyboards.com/index.php?showtopic=32261 by all means if what I said was wrong then at least let me know! Some response is better than absolutely NOTHING at all...
  19. so how come every time I post anything remotely meaningful it gets ignored?
  20. err...guess it didn't have a chance to be read...so I'll put it back to front...
  21. I need good scienific facts to back up the Bible to help me in my discussions with some agnostics. I know they are out there, but don't know where to find them. Does anyone know any good sources?
  22. check out this post I made...the verse and the quote in there I found very inspireing...it is a part of what God is leading me to learn about my own hardships (after getting dumped by a guy I dated for a year...and he refuses friendship too): http://www.worthyboards.com/index.php?showtopic=32261 Also, try reading the book of Ephesians...it is full of very encourageing words. If you want someone to talk to at all, I always check my PM's every day Don't lose hope God is there for you
  23. Currently I have been prompted to read Hebrews
  24. It was very good...simaller to a poem I wrote once...it really made me think. With a little better flow it could easily make a great song!
  25. This happened to me too, except the bones part. I wasn't trying to see auras. but I was looking in the mirror with my eyes unfocused...
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