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Everything posted by InternalFlame

  1. I hear you, I am trying my best to become that woman, so I can be a good and faithful wife to my husband, whenever Lord willing, I am married, it certainly isn't easy, and you have to learn some hard lessons to get there but the important thing to remember is that those things do not come from us - they come from God. Let God teach all of us to be good husbands and wives
  2. Anyone care to share some stories about how your pets helped you? I find that my cats and dog are one of God's greatist gifts to me ~ since right now I cannot have a husband, God has given me companions in my pets. They have helped me many times...keeping me warm and staying by me when I am cold or sick...and my dog takes care of me as well. One day my dad and I were walking in the woods in thigh-deep snow. I only had jeans on and my legs quickly became completely numb. I had to sit down in a clearing while my dad brought the car around, but the dog was worried about me, wanting to stay with me when my dad left. Truely, our animals are one of God's best gifts to us
  3. All the time . The enemy always gets at you more when you'e doing God's will...and the enemy has been bugging me a lot lately! I know a part of my mission is to get the worship songs out there that I wrote and to use my metal-working skills to make godly things....but always do I get writers block or discouraged. I always cheer up when I remember though, that when the enemy bugs you you know you must be doing right!
  4. Yes, they still happen. The only reason you do not hear about them often is because a lot of people do not beleive in them...and they will right off most miracles as a luck happenstance. I know miracles still happen, because at my church we have several people who have been healing by God. One girl had some really terrible health issues, one of them being cancer, and the doctor basically told her she did not have much more time to live. He was certain she would die. She got prayed over, and the next time she went to the doctor the doctor was amazed to see that not only was all her other health problems clearing up, but the cancer was GONE. Not receeded, but just gone, like it dissapeared. Now, some people would say "oh well, he medicine just started really working well" or "it must have been her bodies immune system kicking up" but even they know that is not true. There is no way that such a thing could happen by pure luck...it is impossible. People, especially unbeleivers, want to write off miracles because it proves God's power, and for some people, God's power makes them nervous....they like to think they are in charge of their life when God is really in charge. That combined with the fact of our "religious tolerance" (one affect of that being public schools not allowing God in) makes it so miracles don't really make the headlines either. As far as getting miracles to happen, they are determined by TWO things. One being your faith in God to make it happen, and another being is it God's will to grant it? Because somtimes he can work some good through a time of pain. My mom had a very rocky young adult life that included getting over drugs, and finding faith in God...some would wonder why is it that God couldn't take away her pain when she had to quit those drugs? Well, that pain reminds her of the fact of the life she had was wrong - and not to mention, now she can talk to other lost souls who were into drugs, and teach them to get addicted to Jesus instead! so do not lose faith....just because you do not see it does not mean it isn't there. Keep your eyes open, all miracles aren't big huge things, some are small. If you keep your mind open you'll see them all over the place
  5. thought I would add this: is TV addictive? Check out this article, it's very interesting the affects that TV has on our subconcious mind and our physical self. http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/5jcl/5JCL59.htm
  6. I used to be into TV, but now it doesn't really appeal to me that much, and most movies do not either. Often when sitting and watching a movie, I feel like I'm wasteing time, so I don't do it much any more. The only real time I watch things nowadays is when I pop in a DVD of Star Trek to listen to while I work on my art (I go to an art college so it is a homework of sorts). TV really is kind of sick, what with all the 'Reality shows'. There are very very few shows out right now that I would consider watching, and none of them that I do watch regularily. I could do without TV shows alltogether, and right now I am doing without them. I don't think I've turned on the TV with the intent to just watch shows in a very long time...just for background noise. I think perhaps a better challange would be to encourage people to not look for entertainment from TV. When they crave entertainment, instead of the TV maybe play a game with the family, or get into the Bible. The TV being on as background noise while you work isn't really harmful since when you're working you can't do much else than concentrate on what you are doing...the real threat is when people depend on the TV to be entertained. I don't see it as much of a loss! I would rather spend time outside, or with loved ones than watching fake people do it on the TV!
  7. It's hard to think of jobs where you could do nothing but serve God....there just aren't that many out there. A few I can think of are working in a church as a church leader, or perhaps having a singing career for Christian music...maybe even being a teacher at a Christian school. But the fact is that most jobs we can get aren't going to be a purely religious job; but take into consideration this fact: God works through you no matter where you are or what job you have. God could work through you even if you had the most terrible job of all! Because no matter where you are, you can talk to people about Jesus, and you can help people if they are down. God's people are everywhere, and so many of them need help. You could vounteer at a soup kitchen in your spare time, or maybe counsol people who are having a hard time in life. There is a lot you can do for God no matter where you are because wherever there are people, there is God's work to be done! Pray to God to show you what He wants you to do, what kind of work He wants you to accomplish for him. Be sure to really listen hard, for God's answers do not always come in the most obvious form - though somtimes they do! I am certain that God has work for you, do not despair for he will bring that to you no matter where you are in life.
  8. I know it's tough feeling like the only one being left out - I should know, I spent most of my life being the outcast in school. The cause of the situation could be a couple things. Are you shy? Do you feel like it's hard to get your comments in on the discussions because people overpower you? Because if this is the case it may not be that they are ignoring you, only that they are not used to people not interjecting when they have something to say...so they just continue talking, assumeing that if you had something to say you would interject something. It almost always is not the case that people will go out of their way to ignore someone, it's more likely that they just don't notice you. I know the case with me is that because I'm kind of shy I'm very easily overlooked...it may be the same with you. Try to be more outgoing, show you're happy to be there and be interested in everyone...it's hard not to notice someone who is a very nice person . Whatever you do don't despair over this, because more than likely your mind is blowing it out of proportion - I do this ALL the time....say my friend says she doesn't want to see me, and my head jumps to "She doesn't like to see me!" when the truth is my friend only got two hours of sleep the last night and is too tired to do anything. Put things in perspective, and perhaps talk to your youth leader about it - I bet he will tell you that he wasn't ignoreing you, or snubbing you! Good luck with this...I will pray for you
  9. I understand the frustration of finding a job - especially because I live in Michigan too and I know how hard it is to find jobs here! It's as if there are none out there! I found that the only way to get a job in this place is to be persistent as all get out and apply EVERYWHERE. When I mean persistent, I mean calling and talking to the people every day and ask if your application has been looked at yet. Managers always like initiative. About the rest of your post, I think you are in a very good spot right now. I feel like God is telling me that perhaps He wants all your energies to be at home right now with the girls. It may be that something is about to happen that will require you to be at home and have a lot of time. Maybe the answer is with the girls, keep spending time with them and helping them. Maybe there is something hidden, some hidden problem that needs to be addressed, maybe with one of the girls or your husband, or maybe even yourself. Search yourself out, and be aware of your surroundings. I feel that God is working through you - keep it up! Don't despair, because doing God's work is the best thing that anyone can do
  10. First of all, I want to let you know that you will be in my prayers tonight. I know how it is when you're faced with tragedy - you're confused, and hurt, and not too sure what to make of all the feelings within you. The best advice I can give you is to pray, especially if with another person, and invite the Holy Spirit to come and fill you with peace. You know that sometimes all a troubled person needs is a good hug by a loved one who is there for them - well inviteing God in is like getting the best hug in the world. As far as the different chruches go, it is up to you...do whatever feels right. It doesn't matter what the denomination is, or how different they do things...if they have the right principles (to follow God's word, that Jesus is God, and that he died for our sins) at the center of their beleifs, it is rightious. Many people forget that Jesus is the center of our faith - not how we decide to do things. Keep Jesus at your center, and you will be right. Don't give up hope in hard times like these, becase always in the distance is a new opportunity. Just be patient, and stay close to God. I'll be rooting for you, and I'm sure whoever else reads this post will be too
  11. What the two others said is very true...especially that the harder you try to walk the ways of Christ, the harder the enemy will work on you. I should know - I am having a very difficult time right now, my boyfriend of one and a half years who I was falling for broke up with me...my family needs so much healing and I don't know how to start, and on top of it all I have a very demanding school schedual and work which means I work about a 60 hour week if I'm doing good and spending enough time on homework. Everything seemed to get worse when I started trying to have a God-centered life, everything seemed to go wrong, but if you get past it and tell the devil that NO you won't take it and you WON'T give in you will triumph. Be glad that you have strife, because whenever you have problems and are really being harrassed by the enemy, it must mean you're doing something right, something that the devil doesn't like! I am reminded of a passage in the Bible..I can't remember the exact passage (if someone does know, be sure to tell me!) of a message from God through an angel was sent, and the message only came so late because the angel was delayed by the enemry trying to stop him from getting the message to the receiver. Remember that the enemy can try to block God's word to us - but always that God will succeed. Be patient, and keep praying. Be sure to really listen, and whatever you do don't let the problems you have occupy all of your thoughts - keep your mind clear so that when God's word comes to you you can hear it! good luck, and God bless!
  12. I don't know that I could point you to anything else that someone hasn't mentioned, but I do know a LOT of good instrumental stuff. What kind of stuff do you listen to that is instrumental? I love singing too and I think I'm pretty good at it...and I bet you aren't that bad, just need practice :-) if the passion is there, all you need is practice
  13. Through my life, I have had bad dreams about the end times. Dreams about storms covering the entire earth...and one that really sticks out in my memory is this...I was quite young when I had it and I still remember it in great detail. It still bothers me to this day...and I wonder if it means anything. The sky was red, with black clouds...I was on a hilly plain that was covered in black and white alternateing tiles. Covering the hills were people on their knees with their palms and faces turned upwards. A man with black curly shoulder-length hair and a black trenchcoat was walking among him. I remember he was quite handsome, but he was the very embodiment of fear. He grabbed the closest person, and kissed her, and I knew he was sucking her soul out...he kept going from person to person doing this, picking and chooseing which ones. I couldn't move, and I was so afraid he would get me. He got the woman next to me, but I stayed hidden. Then he lined up people against a wall, and again, he picked and choose different people, and again I concentrated on staying hidden and staying still despite my fear and again he got the person next to me, but passed over me as if I was unnoticed. The people who were choosen were transformed...that was when I woke.
  14. I know how you feel. I have had so many changes in what I want to do for a liveing, and always wondering what God wants for me. It takes a lot of introspection, prayer, and patience to find God's will. Perhaps God is waiting for the right time to reveal his will to you. If it helps any, I can tell you how I am coming to know God's will. I have been keeping close watch on my dreams, and little things that happen to me every day. In order for his words to get through, he gives us confirmation on stuff....for example, the hard lesson I had to learn recently: Rely on God. I was relying on myself, and much more my boyfriend. So God took away my boyfriend, and my boyfriend when he was breaking up with me told me I needed to know that I couldn't just rely on him a flawed human, but on God. I know now that the reason I am single is because I have to learn to rely on God, and not on my significant other, or anything else. This was confirmed to me by my mom, by words given to her. She was walking in the forest, and while going around a large stream, she almost put her weight on a branch, but checked first and found out that it was not attached to a tree! If she had used the branch for support she would have fallen in the cold water! She then clearly got the words in her head "lean not on your understanding" then later "lean on God". Then there was the Bible studies - situations that went like this: "What do you know, another lesson about trusting and relying on God!" The latest thing was a dream interpretation of a dream I had...read about it in the general discussions if you want to know about that. In any case, s lot of these things I would not have noticed if I wasn't looking, or paying a lot of attention (this includes my mom - if she wasn't really listening to what God had to say she might have just passed that branch with a simple "whew, that could have been bad!"). God speaks to us in many ways, through dreams, through other people, through things that happen to you during the day, and of course most importantly through the Bible. Ask God what his will is for you, then really start to LISTEN with all your stregnth. There are no coincidences, God will make it clear when he is speaking to you. Perhaps you wont get an answer every day, perhaps it is not God's will to give you answers now. Be patient, and it will come to you. A good start may be to just take a few minutes of silence every day to meditate on God. Be in a quiet room and ask God's prescence to fill the room...just being filled with his presence and peace is healing in of itself. Even if you don't get answers right away, it will make sense some day..until then, be filled with God's peace, and enjoy every day you have with Him. I do have a question though. It may be as simple as, what are you good at doing, that you enjoy? For example, I LOVE to sing, it is my faveorite way to express my love for God, and I hope one day to get my songs published to share them with everyone...this may be a part of God's will for me.
  15. Thank you...I felt truth in this as I read it. The church I am in has lost it's beauty and vigor...this is something I have noticed and so has others. And it's very true that I often rely too much on myself and not on God. Lately, God has been really pouding it into my head that I need to rely on him, and this is yet another confirmation of that...and as far as people hardening their hearts, my dad in particular comes to mind. He is straying from God, and refuses prayer from my mom and I...and I have been attacked on every side by the enemy lately - my boyfriend breaking up with me and the feelings from that, my families problems and me trying to fix them when I should give it to God, stress from school, and work.... I had this dream a while ago, maybe months ago, but I didn't feel a great need to get the meaning from it until now...now I know why.
  16. I wouldn't say it's only under 30's people. There are a LOT of older gamers out there. Probably half of which have a problem with playing too much.
  17. It looked like Michigan in late fall - very woodsy everywhere, little to no civilization was around, and all the trees were bare. The feild was by a large body of water...the feild was hilly and above the water, and one side of the feild sloped down to the side, then flattened towards the body of water. There was no vegetation but the golden grass. The enemy came from the large body of water, where the slope was so we were able to see them before they saw us since we were on higher ground.
  18. In this dream I had to go on a journy with my family. Our job was to take this big wooden cross to this spot where people gathered to worship every year. In order to get it there, we could not walk, but we had to float it upstream This required us walking in the water against the current. It took a long while, but even though it was upstream it was not overly hard. We got to this huge hilly plain filled with golden grass. I remember that the place looked less beautiful than it had before, and I wondered why. We tried to put the cross up, first by propping it up with sticks, but the sticks bent and would not hold the cross up. We tried to stick it in the ground, but the ground crumbled beneath it and would not hold it. Then we knew an army of evil men were coming after us. We ran, and when we encountered some soldiers we knocked them out but did not kill them, leaving them in a place where their fellows would find them, all the while still running. We came to this house, and hid in there. The men came looking in the house...and we tried escapeing in a trap door under the bed. We were making our way away from the house, and that was when I awoke. I know this dream has some significance, but I am not too certain on what...
  19. Of course this isn't a good thing. I have often found that people who play a lot of video games or read or do ANYTHING during most of their free time is useing it as an escape. I know this because I once useing video games and reading ALL the time as an escape. It was all I ever did outside of homework and school during my younger years. I didn't want to think about my life, so I would spend my time in the life of a fictional character whether on the screen or in a book. I don't mean that these things are bad, just when people depend on them to escape reality they are bad. One must be careful to keep the important things (God, Family) on the top of the priority list while other things such as recreation after those more important things. This person should evaluate his life, and see what he is trying to escape from, why is he ALWAYS playing games? Is he dissatisfied with himself, his family, or his life? And if so, perhaps he needs to become closer to God, because I find that dissatisfaction often comes from straying from God....without him we are dead...so we try to fill those holes with things that just won't do (sometimes buying things, or playing games, or even having a relationship with a person). If he re-connects with God, his need for video games to fill that void will leave.
  20. I do have some understanding about how you feel, because my last boyfriend admitted to me he had a problem with porn. The question is, does your husband actually veiw it as a problem to be overcome? Or does he do it because he feels he deserves it? Maybe the stress of having a small child drove him to it.There are MANY reasons that a guy can get hooked into porn. I would suggest you talk to your husband about it in a frank but gentle manner and try to get down to the root cause of him looking stuff up. Once you figure that out you can perhaps help him to overcome it. Whatever you do, don't push him too hard about it, be supportive of him. You may feel like he is looking up stuff because you are not attractive enough or something like that. This is very rarely true. The problem is not with you, but with him. This is a problem both you and your husband can defeat together. Most importantly, pray with him and for him. I agree about "Every Man's Battle" this book helped a lot when I was trying to understand my ex's problem. Good luck, and God bless. I will be praying for you
  21. It is a scary thought, and I bet a lot of people think that God has given up on us or will. But the fact is that He will not - He has promised. Even if there is one rightious person in the city He would spare it. All it takes is one truly Rightious person to be in this world to save it, and we know there are more than one rightious person out there. Lyrics like that seem to come from some very fearful people...fear is something Christians do not need to have, because God will protect us, and He will be there for us. I wouldn't let their fear of abandonment bother you. That is the band's problem...you know God is there for His children, and that is that.
  22. It's good to see that he has a concerned friend, because that is the most precious gift to have in hard times. Being that I was just dumped a little more than a week ago, I can really relate with your friend. Give it time, right now the only thing he can see is his overwhelming feelings of sadness, hurt, and whatever feelings he still has for his ex. He can't see logic right now because he is blinded by his emotions. Once he gets some healing (unfortunatly, time is still the best healer for these hurts), it will be easier for him to step back from the situation and see how bad of a relationship it really was. Until then don't spend your time trying to convince him that she was bad for him, but instead just be there for him, be a shoulder to cry on, and support him while he works out his feelings. Right now the thing he needs most is support, give him that and remind him that God is ALWAYS there for him, and that he needs to rely on God.
  23. I find that often people underestimate the ways that God can speak to you. If you listen closely enough, and keep your eyes open, God is all around you, teaching you every second of the day. I never did beleive in coincidences, and I always pay attention to my dreams. When things in my life happen that many people would think is a just a coincindence, instead of just blowing it off to an odd occurrance, I think, what could God be trying to tell me. Let me tell you, once you really pay attention to these things, it's almost uncanny! A good example being that a few times when I had a question in my head about God, I would ask my Mother She would give me a good answer, and then when I pick up the Bible and continue reading from where I had been reading, right there will be the passage she mentioned, or something that supports it. It's like God is sayng 'Yes, I did mean for you to learn this today!". There are so many ways in which God can speak to you if you only listen...the Bible is the best way to have God speak to you but not the only way. If we love God and hold fast to his ways he lives in us, so of course we should be able to have a dialog with God. If people thnk they can't, then all I have to say is this: take some time out of your busy life, and just sit in a quiet room. Invite God in, pray, meditate on him. He is there, and if you look for him you will find him...it's just that often we are distracted by noise and the business of life. Once you remove those things even for a few minutes, your senses wll be cleared. don't let life distract you from what God is trying to tell you...you don't have to stop doing the thngs you do all day...you just have to start really listening. God is everywhere, let yourself be surrounded and filled by him. The only reason we don't feel this sometimes I think is because when we do our "Life buisness" school, work, or what have you, we block God out because we seperate our "life buisness" from our "God buisness"; and "God buisness" should BE "Life buisness". This is a lesson I am learning now - that God must be a part of daily life, all day. Because life is God, and God is life.
  24. whatever you do don't try to force it. Follow what God puts in your heart. If you meet someone, and you feel a connection with them, and if it seems right, become friends with the person first and test it out. I fnd the best way to find a potential mate is to simply look for friends of the opposite sex. I made the mistake a few times of jumping in into a relationship that should have stayed a friendship, so be careful you know the person pretty well before dateing. Micah is right too - seek God first and he will bring someone to you. Good luck with it....I know how frustrateing it is looking for a mate, and sometimes it seems like the only thing left to do is to give up. Don't ever give up. If I, who just got dumped after a year and a half relationship, am not giveing up, then you can keep going too.
  25. My boyfriend of one and a half years dumped me about a week ago. Well, the way he said it was "I don't want you in my life right now." The first time he brought it up with me he said we might even get together again or be friends some day...then we talked later and I thought we had figured things out...he was willing to try to work things out. Then a week later he comes over and says the same things to me, doesn't listen to a word I say...he was so convinced that he was right, that he couldn't have me in his life right now and that everything I had to say was not true...he even threatened to use the name of God against me if I wouldn't let him go. I let him go, and he stormed out of the house. I think he's just confused about this relationship and the fact that we do have problems (like any couple) makes it worse. I feel that a time apart (a few months likely) is a good idea, this has been confirmed for me that we need to be apart right now because I have to do some maturing and he needs to be less confused. But the idea of never seeing him again feels so wrong...and the way he left last time it seems like he never wants to see me again. The way he looked at me then he was so cold, emotionless, and angry. It was like he was a different person....it was frigtening. I feel that in order for us both to be healthy it can't end bitterly like this. I wanted to go apologize to him in a week or so, and tell him I'm sorry for the way I acted, because I didn't understand why we needed time apart as he was telling me until my parents told me much the same things he told me. I wanted to tell him I understand now, and that I would still like to be friends after some time apart. But I don't know. He might not listen to me...he might be that person on that day he broke up with me. I'm just at a loss. it's only been a week and I miss him so much...I was falling for him. I still care for him now. It's crazy that so soon I have already forgiven him for the pain he caused me...when usually I keep bittnerness in my heart about things like this. I don't know why God would give me these feelings if I was never meant to see him again. God seems to be telling me to rely on him to take care of things, but that doesn't change the fact that I miss him and I want things to at least be at peace between us. I know God will help me, but I could also use some support and advise from his people. I don't have any Christian friends, just one agnostic friend....and my Mom can't help me all the time...so have no where else to turn.
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