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Everything posted by aaronjm

  1. wow, that helps a lot, thank you both
  2. can you further explain that to me?? What unfufilled prophecies are you talking about?? Another question I have for you, how would you go about explaining that Yeshua fullfilled the Torah, I love embracing my Jewish heritage at this church, but they always refer me to "The law will not pass away untill heaven and earth are destroyed." I show them Galations, well all of Pauls writings, do you have any other suggestions? Thanks
  3. no, but honestly my wife looks just as good without it.
  4. I agree with their theory in that kids are too quick to get medicated, but to fill them with such nonsense is dangerous for that child. A lot of parents are the root of the kids problems, labeling them as "better creatures" is just another way of side stepping responsibilty. "Oh haven't you heard, my kid is better than yours because he can't sit still and class, and is disrespectful." Give me a break, sack up and teach your kids some real morals.
  5. I have a hard time witnessing to people because I am so shy, believe me I love Yeshua more than anything, and I truly want to share the good news with others, I just don't know how to get the ball rolling. I have never been good at conversation outside of people I know. Looking back on my Christian walk I see many instances where I could have led someone to the L-rd, but I didn't and I regret it dearly. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to correctly witness?? Anything would help a lot. Thanks, Shalom
  6. Those poor people, murdered, then treated like garbage, would hating this man be sin?? I am not at the point of hatred, but I am severely disgusted with him, I will still pray for his lost soul.
  7. I guess it would have to depend on your motives, I see nothing wrong with it, but I do see how women (at times) spend a little too much time on their appearence, I dont know if that is sin, but I do know that is annorying
  8. Well I did some reading on the Internet, and found that they use the books of Moses, and they use Yeshua's teaching only if it lines up with the Koran. Here is a site, granted it may be very bias, but I agree with everything that I have read on their site. http://www.carm.org/islam/terrorism.htm On a side note, apoth I have read a lot of what you have to say, and you are pretty (edit) smart, I respect your opinion, and I will have to read that book, when I get a chance. I need to see both sides of the story before I make any judgement. Shalom my friend.
  9. aaronjm


    Creatures are just too complex to have been evolved, look at the animals in Africa, Giraffe, Lion, Hippo, Rhino..... I dont see how something that complex could have it's origins in bacteria, even if we are talking trillions of years, something can't change that much.
  10. I don't understand..... I know very little about Muslims, but I thought they used the Old Testament, and New Testament in their religion as well as the Koran. I may be way off, but if they do believe in the Old Testament how can they think they can get Jerusalem?? Do they think G-d promised it to them?? This fued has gone on for a long time, it's nothing new, but I think that muslims across the world are coming together, which is VERY scary to me, what calms me is knowing that YHVH is and always will be in control, try as they might, they are but a foot stool to the L-rd Yeshua.
  11. The same spiritual blessings enjoyed by Israel are promised to "the stranger" who lays hold upon the Lord's covenant. (Isa. 56:3-7). Even in the land the same inheritance is appointed to "the stranger sojourning in any of the tribes of Israel." (Ezek. 47:22, 23). Exaltation, except as placing in a position for higher and greater service, is not more contemplated in the Old Testament for Israel than it is for Christians in the New (Luke 22:25, 26). The Birthright or heirship to the Promises made to the Fathers was given to the GENTILES in a way in which it was never bestowed upon the people called Jews. Jacob had the birthright which his brother despised; and when he alienated it from Reuben, his own firstborn, he transferred it to the sons of Joseph (1 Chron. 5:1, 2), especially to Ephraim, the younger (Gen. 48:13-20), whose posterity he contemplated as "Gentiles" when blessing him through the cross, saying "His seed shall become a multitude of nations, - or as the same passage is translated in Rom. 11:26, "Fullness of the Gentiles." As distinguished even from his own brother Manasseh, and therefore much more from the Jews, Ephraim was to become "a multitude of nations," or Gentiles, who were to inherit the promises, and obtain and minister the blessing to their brethren. "The multitude of nations," or Gentiles who were to come of Ephraim, having been brought into the promised blessing, "so all ISRAEL - the tribes of Israel his companions - " shall be saved." (Ezek. 37:16-19; Rom. 11:25; Gen. 48:19, 20.)
  12. Once that seed is planted it is between her and G-d, just continue to be supportive, and ask for prayers, I will deffinately pray for you both. Hope she gets well soon. Aaron
  13. That theory makes as much since as a one legged cat burying it's turd on a frozen pond. People are really reaching for straws these days.
  14. I dont understand why Sharon left Gaza in the first place, I thought I heard someone say that he is secular, is that true??
  15. I hate how people like to fight and argue over the stupidest little things. Catholics do this wrong, Presbyterians do that wrong, the only thing that I go by is the Holy Spirit, and Him alone. If something doesn't feel right to you in a certain denomination, then listen to that voice inside of you, but don't criticize the ones you left behind because you feel that you are right. Truth is, the stupid little things we argue about will continue to be argued about untill the return of Yeshua/Jesus. People on this board are so quick to start a fight, it is disgusting behavior, you will never grow in your walk if you constantly put down people, and make them feel ignorant for what they believe. You under no circumstance have to agree with them, but you have to respect their right to believe what they believe. Everyone can back up any statement with scripture, that is why we have divisions in the Christian church, one feels this verse says this, another says it means something different. We need to quit all this childish bickering, and come together as Brothers in Christ. As long as someone accepts Yeshua/Jesus in their life, I dont care if they go to a Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, church, or even if they dont go to church at all, I just care about getting that seed planted, and leave the rest to G-d. G-d bless you. Aaron
  16. These attitudes are what keep many Jews from accepting Yeshua into their life. Jews and Christians need to find common ground, and accept each other. You probably blame the Jews for Yeshua's death, but we should not forget that Yeshua was a JEW. The Father killed Yeshua, not man, and without His blood we are nothing to the Father, that goes for Jew, and Gentile alike. Isaiah talks about the two houses of Israel coming together Judah and Ephraim, are you not part of that?? You mention the word Jew and everyone goes crazy, all I was saying that by accepting Yeshua into your life you become part of the family of G-d, nothing more, nothing less. A Jew is not a Jew by his acts, a Jew is a Jew because of his heart, I am Proud to stand up for Israel, and I will never fall from that. I am ALWAYS open minded to what you have to say, never will I discount anyone's beliefs on this, this is how I feel, and if you disagree that is fine, I am growing as a Christian/Jew/Believer........ and am still learning, all I know is that is there is no salvation by followoing the Torah alone, but it is a good thing to live by. Only Christ's blood justifies us from sin, is there anything wrong with believing that??? Shalom friends. Aaron
  17. I double dog dare you... When you accept Christ into your life you are made a Jew. It doesn't really matter what you call it, if you follow Yeshua you belong to him, and nothing else should matter. I go to a messianic church because it is where I feel most comfortable, but I don't consider myself a "better" believer by doing so.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051230/ap_on_...n_devil_s_denim
  19. I need to quit as well, I tried awhile ago, it is really hard to quit when your spose smokes as well, I will be praying for you.
  20. 10,000 plus is pretty impressive, that shows quite a bit of commitment, I didn't think anyone had that many.... Shalom
  21. People actually think his last name is Christ?? I have never heard of that before.
  22. I feel sorry for him, delusions of grandeur lead to horrible situations....
  23. Balme the Jews for his death?? If he didn't die none of us would be capable of salvation. Yes the Pharisee's/Jews handed him over, but many people forget that Yeshua was a Jew, the disciples were Jews, Paul was a Jew...... The acceptance of Yeshua makes you a Jew, you may call it Christianity, but you belong to the house of Israel. I am very supportive of the messianic movement, bringing the Truth to Jews is wonderful. Shalom
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