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Everything posted by jeffnevins

  1. That helps. Thanks- as usual!
  2. Putting in v.11, since it usually seems to help having the previous verse... v.11: He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. v.12 For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. I've heard this before, but my memory fails me on what he means here. If what the person has refers to knowing of God, it seems there's no hope for an unbeliever? But may come to Christ. It wouldn't refer to wealth, right? Tricky- Thanks for insights.
  3. I went to a church within walking distance of my new neighborhood yesterday, and enjoyed the service quite a bit. Solid preaching, good-sized, interested congregation, etc. (Even got a $5 gift certificate to the bookstore for being a 1st time visitor). First time going to a EFC I think. I asked the person in the bookstore about what they are, read the statement in the welcome pack, and did wiki-research. Seems OK- just wondering if anyone has extra insight on them. Thanks-
  4. OK- that helps quite a bit. Thanks so much-
  5. I may have asked this before. Sorry for not remembering. I was wondering why v.2 says we should carry each others burdens, and v.5 says each man should carry his own. The Word is vital to me. I hope you all continue in it as well. Thanks very much.
  6. A good, interesting question. Thanks for posting. And good responses!
  7. Yes, even the Business section is happy news-
  8. Just realized last night, I know Euna Lee, and talked to her husband (an old friend from college) last night. They're both Christian. I went to their wedding- As Fresno Joe says: Praying-
  9. I grew up in Fremont. Bad way to make the headlines. Most of town's pretty good, though-
  10. 49 pages in 2 weeks. Muy poplar topic. I think the answer is: Alcohol, right. Drunkenness, wrong.
  11. Perhaps this being the 200 year anniversary of Darwin's birth, a big evolution discovery was deemed fitting. The Natural History Museum in London has events planned til November. http://www.darwin200.org/what-is.html Maybe they can do a big exhibit on this & make some $.
  12. OK- the consensus seems to be that Satan was behind it, who has a degree of supernatural power. Thanks.
  13. I forgot if I've heard before but am curious how the Egyptians facing off against Moses managed to change their sticks into snakes. Were they just magicians that were concealing snakes & hid their sticks? I've never thought a miracle as powerful as changing matter could occur outside of God's power... Thanks for insights, as always-
  14. http://sanfrancisco.giants.mlb.com/sf/tick.../fellowship.jsp Despite economic concerns, I was glad I went. A donation to the Salvation Army, T Shirt, and hearing testimonies from three of the SF Giants after the game. All were invited to walk onto center field of Pac Bell Park, sit on the grass, and listen (and worship) with three of the worship team from my church, Cornerstone-SF. The vice-owner (?) of the team MC'ed & helped set it up, and a guy from the Christian radio station KKSF said a bit. There were even opinion cards where people could jot down their prayer requests. One player mentioned how he tries to be a role model out there, and reads the Bible sometimes in the clubhouse. Another guy challenged people in the spirit of the prodigal son parable in regards to the City. I had a good time hanging out. Good event for Christians standing strong in the SF Bay Area!
  15. Good point. Thanks, OC.
  16. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these [things]. " Sorry if this has come up before, but any thoughts on why God creates evil? I don't remember why before. I trust in Him. Maybe it's one of those things I won't find out til after I'm dead (like Satan not being eliminated). Thanks for any insights.
  17. For a natural medicine point of view, I read an excellent article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles.../Swine-Flu.aspx Natural way to avoid it may be to eat natural, get rest, excercise, avoid vaccines, etc. Stuff that if you're not currently doing, could start now!
  18. Currently training again in Wing Chun Kung Fu.
  19. I was a bit too caught up on the literal sheep protecting. Heh. Thanks for the insights-
  20. Just noticed a slight area of confusion for the first time after years of hearing it: 12The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. What about hired hands over the years that are dedicated workers? I'd think the person that runs away is determined by their character. One hired hand would defend them, and the other wouldn't. But maybe the hired hands always ran away in that time in Israel. Thanks for any insight-
  21. Wasn't sure of the best place to post this, but figured it might interest people to know what they're saying. Over-the-top title to pull in readers, though- http://www.newsweek.com/id/192583/page/1
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