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Everything posted by thechild

  1. i suspect the motives of anyone who asks the question. i really suspect the motives of anyone who asks the question and should know. jesus was asked about john and told peter it was none of his business. ask jesus. there are two ways you can recognize your bretheren that jesus gave. what are they?
  2. if you liked what i had to say, you wouldnt notice at all.
  3. that is perfect. especially that last verse. and how can one not be in doubt about something if they dont even know what is in it? it takes faith all right to eat at taco bell, but god is not the only one you will be trusting. this is, of course, a philosophical comment, not a health advisory on pauls part. i am sure the meat in those days was not genetically modified to produce large legs and no wings or feathers, was not pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, was not fed genetically modified grain drenched in weed killer and pesticides, and was not fed back its own byproducts mixed in its feed. i am sure there is a lion cage nearby to test my theory wrong, though. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. and that part about eating with offence. that is the same kind of gradeschool antics exhibited on this board in response to my posts. jesus must be proud of all of them.
  4. Actually, John wrote that the accounts about Jesus could not be contained by all the writings in the world. This is to say that Christ accomplished a lot more but John merely focused on what he believed was important. This is not refering to truth but instead historical accounts. The Bible is the foundation of all truth. Even if not distinctly mentioned in the bible, if something is truth you will inevitably find its concept within the Bible. This is the foundation of all Christian philosophy, that there is an absolute and it has no actual competition, just those that wish to compete. read your bible more carefully. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. if its about jesus, its about the truth. i rest my case. you need absolutes, do you? with god, all things are possible. thats the only absolute i know of in this world. of course, you dont have to believe that if you dont want to. 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. so, it doesnt matter if you have the truth or not if you dont understand it correctly. and my bible says the majority is usually wrong on most matters. i wouldnt look for strength in numbers when it comes to the truth. or as mark twain so eloquently put it in some of his notes: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
  5. just doing what i can to help. I know that part of the reason you are unemployed is because you say you can't find work that won't violate your conscience and partly because you are sick all the time. Kosher eating hasn't seemed to have kept you healthy. There are lots of people who eat pork and other foods and are gainfully employed and healthy. Also, you post (work) on the Sabbath which is a violation of Jewish law which you claim is still applicable today. Why are you so concerned with dietary laws and yet violate the commandment to keep the Sabbath Day Holy? Correct me if I have misunderstood you. And if I haven't... How do you explain these inconsistencies? Thanks, Robert you misunderstand me. i follow no religion. i dont eat kosher. i am not a member of judaism. i am not even a complete vegan. the problem you are running into with me is that there is no good reason for not following a diet based upon the scriptures. your position is untenable. you are free to eat whatever you want. if you really believe that, what beef do you have with me? i have given some very good information that i find useful and i think others would as well. you can eat soylent green for all i care. but anyone who doesnt consider everything they put in their body is a fool. you probably cant even pronounce all of the ingredients on the label of the things you eat, let alone know what they are, what they do to the body, etc. if a person is eating for taste, that is what they are going to get - a momentary sensation on the palate. what do they care what it does to their body? thats up to them. eat it once and get sick, they probably wont eat it again. eat it ten times, a hundred, a thousand... how many times before you get sick? is it worth it? for some, life isnt worth living without their favorite food. believe me, the arrangements are already made in advance. it is a lie that people are healthy eating a SAD(standard american diet). this is the most health problem plagued population on the planet. its quite a racket - the food and vaccines and dental work and otc meds set you up for bigger and bigger problems until you finally get a diagnosis. once you have the big D, then your doctor is a regular in your life and some lifetime maintenence med has been invented to keep you coming for a prescription. at this point you are milked along and with each "new" malady, another med is added to your list. soon you are 60 and ready to retire and dying from a toxic load from all the junk you never stopped eating and all the shots and pills your doctor has given you. before you can even draw your first SS check, there is a mass or a lession, then the test comes back - it is malignant. then comes the heavy duty slash and burn program. if you survive that, you live the few remaining years you have left disabled or debilitated from the cancer therapy and going to the doctor till he finds the next lump. if you havent seen someone already go through that you live on the moon, or at least not in the us. you see, i KNOW what i am talking about. you are still parroting the line youve been fed all your life. big difference between you and me, robert. big difference. btw, its nice to know you can tell the difference between the real sabbath and the fake one. good job.
  6. just doing what i can to help.
  7. our environment is a disaster. the idea is to clean up the environment inside. parasites and pathogens then have no fertile ground in which to wreak their havok. fear is the enemy. what one might use to disinfect a shopping cart could easily be more harmful than any so-called germ. the fact is, if it goes on your skin, it is the same as eating it. if you are willing to take a big swig or bite of it, then go ahead and put it on your skin. the life is in the blood. it is your own clean blood which heals the body. contaminate the blood with drugs and soaps and farm and household chemicals and it cannot do its job. block the blood or impede its flow in a certain area and you will have disesae. there is only one disease and only one cure. the disease is lifestyle and the cure is to repent and wipe the slate clean through fasting. it doesnt matter what one has, that is the most that can be done. modern medicine cuts and poisons in an attempt to fight off some malady when generally that is what got people to a diseased condition in the first place. they eventually upgrade you to morphine to ease your way out. that is the best they can do. i am afraid of no pathogen, becasue i know how my body works and how to help it resond - bird flu, sars, tetanus, childhood diseases, hepatitis, etc, none of it bothers me. even the man-made stuff coming out like the fiber disease from bioengineered bacteria for cotton or the once mysterious lyme disease which came straight from plum island biowarfare lab off the coast of rhode island. there is no reason a person cant be like they were at 22 for almost a hundred years.
  8. i am so glad i live where the water is not fluoridated. it is insane that people actually put it in water on purpose. Again, as with the food issue, fluoride is the subject of a lot of misinformation and propaganda. Just looking up the subject on Google returns at least three websites that are filled with misinformation about this naturally produced compound. Fluoride can be found naturally in water, in fact, and also in tea. just what is that supposed to mean? i know from experience that someone ingesting enough of it cant think their way out of a wet paper sack. if that is the case with you, my condolences and full accomodation will be afforded you by me in your diminished mental capacity. what i say about fluoride is irrefutable except by lies and misdirection. yea it occurs naturally in water. so does arsenic. so does lead. so does every element on the planet. drink distilled. throw out your teflon pans. stay away from anything with fluoride in it. that is the only sensible choice. the people providing this chemical so freely in our environment are evil.
  9. i am so glad i live where the water is not fluoridated. it is insane that people actually put it in water on purpose.
  10. it is all about faith. if you think you are going to die, you probably will. if you think you will live, that is likely. if you think you need something, you do. if you think something will harm you, it will. the truth is real easy to ascertain. all it takes is asking god. Sounds a lot like word-faith to me. advertising and marketing has always been one of my interests and i have held positions which used those skills and knowledge i had in this area. most of what people believe is what they are told. it is because they are are told it repeatedly and presented in ways which make them seem acceptable to most. the problem is that most of those with money to buy the biggest audiences are the ones hoping to gain the most from said information being accepted. advertising works and there is little truth in it. yet, it is believed which means it is acted on which translates into purchases of goods and services. people can say whatever they want, but they only act on what they actually believe themselves to be true. it is the actions which release the power of the faith, and faith is a very powerful thing.
  11. it is all about faith. if you think you are going to die, you probably will. if you think you will live, that is likely. if you think you need something, you do. if you think something will harm you, it will. the truth is real easy to ascertain. all it takes is asking god.
  12. How about an expose on tap water. Truth of the matter is, if you abstained from everything that could kill you, you would probably die from malnutrition. I've heard of studies that say margarine, honey, chicken, turkey, BBQ meats, bottled water, tap water, too much milk, coffee etc. can kill you one way or the other. Any one want to go asp hunting? tap water is very bad. distilled water is the only water that should enter your body. i suggest a home distiller. Distilled water is just boiled water, right? Purified is better. distillation is the only purification. everything else can only come close. reverse osmosis would be next, but doesnt get all the nazi chemical fluoride.
  13. is there a clarifying scripture for this or is it a personal revelation? grilled pork chops are too dry on the grill. i dont like a meat i cant eat raw, either.
  14. what do you think you are missing? is there something that you fell is being left undone by you? there is always getting healed and having more time to figure it out.
  15. Ah....Don't know if you heard, but that guy was killed by the lion. That man wasn't a Christian by the way. He was a guy that challenged God by saying, "If God exists then He will keep me alive." as you can see,since we KNOW that god does exist, this is a perfect example of free will in action. god will not interfere with free will. otherwise its not free.
  16. i studied ee cummings in school.
  17. thats right. just ask jim fixx... oh, thats right, hes DEAD.
  18. hello, old man! sorry, but the designation for clean and unclean was used to load noahs boat, long before the israelites came along. in fact, i think it was before animals were eaten all that much. leastwise their longevity showed they didnt eat meat. it was the jews that came up witht he bright idea of trying to drain all the blood out of an animal to make it kosher to eat. when i eat a steak, brother it better bleed! but i tell you true, i am moving away from it and the day is coming i just probably wont ever again. i have learned to never say never, but mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and every other ly you can think of that matters, it aint right. it ant good. and above all, it aint even necessary. you know, i was giving some thought today about what kind of response i would get from this and i started thinking about those who would pull out their "i can eat anything i darn well please cause jesus said i could" lisence and i just had to chuckle. what is so darn sacred about eating pork? why is having a right eat an oyster such a big thing? think about the first guy to ever try one!!!! that was one desperate dude. but seriously, here you are, a little creature in a big world with an even bigger god. do you like him? do you love him? would you like to give him a gift? you probably know what its like to try and buy a gift for a rich person, the person who has everything. how do you buy for god? what can he possibly need or want that you have that he doesnt already have? the law of moses had free will offerings instituted. these were a means of giving god something because you wanted to, not because you needed to because you broke the law somehow. just because you dont have to eat kosher doesnt mean you cant. it doesnt mean you shouldnt. it just means you dont have to. but what if you did. would it honor god? well let me tell you, you would honor yourself because you would be healthier. just like the guy who went into the lions cage recently, god will let you. I am not knocking anyone that wants to eat a healthy diet, and if that means staying away from pork, I am not going to attack anyone for doing so. I have no problem with vegitarians, I just don't happen to be one. My position is, and I believe it is a Biblical one, that we are free to eat anything we wish, but if we don't want a lot of medical bills and possibly a pre-mature death, we have to be careful about what we eat. I have cut back a great deal on hamburger and don't eat that much pork. I also eat a lot of fish and chicken, but this has nothing to do with Bible convictions, it is just that I am not too thrilled about having to deal with by-pass surgery or being put on cholesterol lowering drugs. That is why I once again thank you for providing the information The Child, and wont totally dismiss it, but if I do push pork aside the next time I have opportunity to eat it, it will be for health reasons and not on religious grounds. it bothers me that gods word calls it unclean. i dont need any other say so to make me not seek it out. i eat what is provided around others, but when i shop, i hardly ever buy meat. it is just not something i want. besides, i get enough from everyone else. i love oranges, pineapple, fuji apples, and fresh greens such as spinach, romaine, etc. i also keep raw nuts around. i use raw honey, sorguhm and unfiltered maple syrup for sweetener. i try to stay away from all prepared food, especially canned. practically all of out food is sacrificed to the idol of profit for money. this is why it is so poisoned and dead and non-nutritious. it takes no brains at all to see the difference, and it takes hardly no time at all to fell the difference in the diet. like they say, the proof is in the pudding. anyone can prove or disprove any of what i say for themselves.
  19. thats a good one about the promise of long life for honoring parents. that is always what i think about too. our diet should be something we get from our parents. it doesnt do much good to honor parents when they throw you into the fire to molech by not raising you and leaving you to your own devices. life doesnt have to be fraught with trial and error. but for the rebelious and stubborn, that is all there is.
  20. How about an expose on tap water. Truth of the matter is, if you abstained from everything that could kill you, you would probably die from malnutrition. I've heard of studies that say margarine, honey, chicken, turkey, BBQ meats, bottled water, tap water, too much milk, coffee etc. can kill you one way or the other. Any one want to go asp hunting? tap water is very bad. distilled water is the only water that should enter your body. i suggest a home distiller.
  21. You prove your lack of Biblical knowledge! He was being punished for his actions and God turned him over to being a madman! See what the Bible has to say: Daniel 4:9 "Twelve months later he was walking on the {roof of} the royal palace of Babylon. 30 "The king reflected and said, 'Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?' 31 "While the word {was} in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, {saying,} 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you, 32 and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place {will be} with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.' 33 "Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles' {feathers} and his nails like birds' {claws.} 34 "But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom {endures} from generation to generation. 35 " All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of heaven And {among} the inhabitants of earth; And no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, ' What have You done?' 36 "At that time my reason returned to me. And my majesty and splendor were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom, and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out; so I was reestablished in my sovereignty, and surpassing greatness was added to me. 37 "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride." Your exegis of Scripture is completely horrible! You cannot insert meanings that are not there and that is exactly what you are doing!!!! Before you attempt to teach others, I would suggest you grasp a basic understanding of the Bible, and you DO NOT grasp even the most elementary concepts! As for eating meat, I will let the Apostle Paul speak: I Corinthians 10:25 Eat anything that is sold in the meat market without asking questions for conscience' sake Now given your sloppy way of inserting whatever meaning you want into Scripture, I'm sure you will say Paul was at the meat market buying tofu or something, but such is not the case! Also, what do you do with the Scripture of Jesus feeding the multitude with fish? We're awaiting anxiously to see how you explain it away! i wouldnt know exegis from the nearst exit, but my understanding of the facts is quite good. he had the power of god on earth over other people. i am sure he had what he wanted when he wanted. the price of such excesses is illness. he became ill. he spent seven years uncovered at night and eating grass and he got well. if you look at it like a little child, you get truth out of it. plenty of other people have been healed by fasting and by eating grass. just because you havent heard of it doesnt mean it is non-existant. why are people trying to discredit good diet? or any good thing? i certainly have no stake in what other people eat. its just that if it were me, knowing what i know, i would have wanted someone to care enough to warn me. and as i recall they did. i didnt listen. now i understand perfectly. so just remember that i told you about it and do as you please. you will anyway.
  22. Ah....Don't know if you heard, but that guy was killed by the lion. That man wasn't a Christian by the way. He was a guy that challenged God by saying, "If God exists then He will keep me alive." By the way, I've noticed that you don't puntuate your sentences. Normally it's not an issue. However, since you're talking about honoring God, wouldn't you want to at least capitalize "God" and the words which refer to Him? Not capitalizing "God" gives the impression that you could be talking about any god. The capitalization indicates which God you are talking about. long ago i swithed to all caps in my handwriting. then the internet came along and i went to typing in all caps and people accused me of yelling. plus, in the early days, when i went to all lower case, i did so because the word processing was very basic with no underlining or italics, so i reserved caps for emphasis only. also, all of that grammar stuff and reverence thing seems too superficial to me to have any real meaning. the meaning is in the thoughts and ideas conveyed. i dont think anyone is confused by HOW i have communicated, but only in WHAT i have communicated. and there is really no confusion, just diagreement and denial.
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