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  1. The tragedy lies in the fact that the whole world is deceived and doen't know it - nor does it believe what God says. God is not saving the whole world en masse but calls people out of it each in their own order, that's what scripture says. All religions of the world are in error and have to be corrected including christianity. Unless people are prepared to change (repent) tragedy will overtake them.
  2. The Kgd of heaven was at hand then in the presence of Jesus - but he had not then been crowned as King of Kings. He atoned for man's sins and returned to heaven to receive the Kingdom from his Father (to be crowned) and to return to set it up on earth at his second coming. As we read in Daniel and Revelation it will be a literal Kgd ruling over all the earth. People who have been transformed from Human to Spirit will be Kings and Priests under Christ to help rule the nations.
  3. LynD , Why don't you let your Husband be the Head of the household as God intends men to be ? Give him the bills and the responsibilities to take care of - it is HIS job. You do your part as a helpmeet like the Bible says , try and find work to help your Husband . Too many men have been upstaged by their wives (with good reason no doubt) but if you trust in God DO what he says with good grace and love to your man. I was married to a non-believer for 38 years so I have some idea of family-problems.
  4. Agree with Mutt 100 % God knew of old there would be scoffers and sceptics in the world prior to his coming and sadly even some Christians are way off the mark and are destined to feel the wrath of God. We can not worship God in name only nor make up our own rules as traditions have invented. There is yet time to repent.
  5. Johni , see Lev.23, for more explanation.
  6. It is easy god had a plan to fill the universe with people . but sin got in the way. Yes sin got in the way but not for long - God's purpose will stand.
  7. I don't think it matters too much what God has done before creating angels or he would have told us about it. Since they have a connection to the human creation we are given knowledge of them, on a need to know basis it would seem. What should concern man at present is our own creation which is still in progress. No Human has yet reached perfection, become complete according to God's Will. Christ is still working in and on us to equip us for eternal Life.
  8. Beta


    Good post Kabowd and clarifying immensely Eccl.7 v 1, well done.
  9. Beta


    I think you need to remember that Solomon wrote that in a state of senility and probably depression. That verse is not making a doctrinal statement. You know more than we read in scripture ? Who says Solomon was senile and depressed ? And God allowed him to write Ecclesiastes ?
  10. Beta


    The bible does not say celebrating birthdays is a sin but it says The day of death is better than the day of one's birth , Eccl.7 v 1. How come man does exactly the opposite by celebrating birth and lamenting death ?
  11. Beta


    They can not be very meaningful to God or he would have given us Jesus' birthday to celebrate.
  12. If you check back on posts you will find someone else making it a ' Gospel-preaching ' issue. I never mentioned the reason for western interference. I know well enough it was not religious.
  13. I see that we could argue back and forth night and day so I will leave it at that. One day the Lord will settle all our differences, may that day not be too far off !!!
  14. Is that how we are to preach the Gospel ? Send in an Army , de-stabilize the whole country and become responsible for hundreds of thousands civillian deaths and ultimately execute their leader ? You think this is what Christ has in mind for Christians to do ? So where does turning the other cheek fit in ?
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