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Everything posted by Liz4JC

  1. Dear Bothers & Sisters, I called my Mother alittle while ago. She told me she was down in the dumps because it was five years yesterday that my Dad passed on. After my Dad's passing I went home very often, till my Mother started in on me about my weight. My visits are down to one or two a year. She lives three hours away from me. I call her once a week. Send letters and cards a few times per month. I send or a Care Package once a year over and above Christmas. I was going to go home this past week but a problem has arose with my daughter Shellie. You may have read in a former posting about the problems with her. Anyways, I told my Mom that I believe Shellie to be off her meds and I need to stay in the area. Well if you listened to my mother you would think she has no family. Ofcourse, she only had ME, so there's the problem. She then preceded to tell me that she doesn't go any where. She is 82 and gave up driving. She doesn't walk good either. So she is restricted to her apartment building. She does play cards and Bingo still. It's her sister Inge who just got home from being in the hospital, along with her brother in law who is recuperating from (fall ) heart surgery. She reacts to what I say and I react to what she tells me. I do love my Mother but I find myself in a Catch 22 situation. You say," Go home for a day or two!" Won't work! My Mother says if I can't come home for three more days - Don't bother coming home at all." With all this rolling over in my mind, I just want to Shout and Cry, "Help!!!" "Any Commpassiate Brothers or Sisters in the house!" Liz '
  2. Pray for the Peace of Israel! As Christians, Do WE have enough Compassion for everyone? Do we really stay on top of things when our Worthy brothers and sisters need our help. This may be a listening ear, or encouragement. Liz
  3. I was taught: Thank you God for feet to run, Thank you God for my playing fun, for eyes to see and hands to lift and every gift that makes me strong, I wish to sing, Thank you God for everything! What a mouthful of words! Good ones! Liz
  4. Some pretty interesting answers here. Keep them coming. Liz
  5. Come Lord Jesus, Be our Guest and Let these gifts to us be Blessed! My Mom taught this to me at a very young age. Liz
  6. Sometimes you can be put to sleep and have them pulled that way. Liz
  7. Sometimes you can be put to sleep and have them pulled that way. Liz
  8. re: What are You? A follower! or A leader! I guess for me it depends upon the situation. I would say I am a follower . However, when necessary, I can be a leader. What might you be? Liz
  9. First of I read the book. The begiining of the story starts with Jesus being a young boy. How he lives with his parents and how they travel from one city to another. Old Text like St. Thomas and other text that were written but didn't make it into the Bible. By the way Ayin Jade, did you read the book? She is a Catholic herself just cause for the catholic tradition in her writing. Liz
  10. Pray for the Mentally Ill people! This afternoon I went over to Shellie's house, with the intent of taking her to the hospital. While I was there we talked about her weight issue. She has lost 25 lbs. She weighs 125# and wants to loose more. Her coloring was a yellowish tint. Well I told her I would take her to see her counselor, Sister Mary. I shared that maybe she should pack a bag just incase it is decided that she should go into the hospital. That took some talking on my part. The fact that she packed her bag (first time voluntary) was a miracle. Then I drove her down to Grand Rapids to see Sister Mary. Sister Mary wanted to know if she was still taking her meds. Shellie said, "Yes!" However, I didn't believe her. Sister Mary decided that she didn't need to go to the hospital at this time. They want her to be have dead , before they will admit her. So Shellie is to return next Tuesday to see Sister Mary and the Nurse. After the meeting I drove Shellie back to her house and then drove myself home. Liz
  11. Naturally. I mean the Messiah Himself was Jewish, as were most of the first deciples followers I was brought up to believe the NT had nothing to do with the Jewish people. Takes a while to shed off old habits Boy, just goes to show you can learn something new every day.
  12. Liz4JC

    The Two Witnesses

    Who ever they turn out to be, I would expect to stay far away from them. Ofcourse, they will be in Irsael, anyways. Liz
  13. I think you are far from Respecting The Lord, if you choose to write his name any old way. Pastors and Ministers share their respect by how and what they say about GOD. So why are you few, finding it hard to do? You want God to respect you when He returns, Don't you???? Liz
  14. For your information the Big Bang! May just come via Revelations! When an asteroid hits the earth. Liz
  15. Well isn't that interesting ! Meow! Liz
  16. RE: Showing REVERENCE to Our Lord! I believe it is very important for us to show our Reverence to Our Lord. A starting place is Right here in the different Worthy Topics. Spelling His names properly. Capitalizing when necessay. Some may ask Why? If you truly love Him, you will make the effort to write properly, that's Why! Liz4JC
  17. Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ ~ I am very over whelmed this evening. My daughter Kellie invited me out to her house for dinner. After dinner we were talking about her house payment. She pays $1350 per month and only makes $2000 per month. She chose to break off her marriage of 9 months with Scot. He was the big money ticket. Well I tried to tell her to sell the house and down size until she could afford a house like she has now. She has been going to a Mega church and has mega thoughts when it comes to $$$$. She informed me that God wants her to have a lot of money and the house. She also informed me that I didn't have much in money, so I must not trust God as I should. To be truthful, if I had mega money, It would be donated here and there and I would still be poor in Kellie's eye's. Sad to say, Kellie is out only for Kellie. She needs a WAKE up call. My Aunt and Uncle are ill. My Aunt just came home from the hospital after having kidney failure. My Uncle heart surgery. My daugher Shellie will be going into the hospital shortly. I am Shellie's support system. Kellie won't take any time for her sister. To top off my day I pulled a ligament in my left knee. Now I can hardly walk. I will be taking a pain pill tonight for sure. My cup may be running over but GOD Willing I will see tomorrow. Liz
  18. I called Shellie's counselor this am. I explained my assesment of what I saw of her. All in her voice mail. Sister. Mary left a message on my machine stating that she sent someone out to see Shellie and they both agreed with what I saw. So tomorrow, I will go to Shellie's house and see if I can't convince her to go into the hospital. Liz
  19. Pray for the mentally ill people within the World! Greetings, Today, I saw my daughter Shellie. I believe she has stopped taking her medications. Being off her meds could mean a visit to the hospital for a few weeks. She just wasn't her self. When she is off the meds she can't think things out. She lives alone, avoids people, and worries about everything including who will feed the out door cats. She has loss a lot of weight, yet thinks she is okay. She was having dizzy spells while I was there. She doesn't like it when I call in to a place called "Touchstone," and report what I have seen. I will call tomorrow. Please lift her up in prayer. Shalom, Liz
  20. Pray for the people who belong to false churchs.! Pray for the people who's minister preachs false doctrine.! Pray for the children who attend these churchs!. Liz
  21. Pray For The People Who Aren't in Spirit Filled Churchs... re: Was the Holy Spirit in all Seven Churchs (Book of Revelations)? A few words that can leave one's mouth open If Paul only had seven churchs to deal with, What would he say to all of the churchs that exist today? Liz4JC
  22. Pray for Good Weather! My drive to Church Yesterday was just awesome. The sun was shinning. I opened my door window and was Blessed with the smell of wood burning. Farther down and another Blessing of a sweet Ginger smell. Robins were out looking for worms. What a great day it was and I hadn't even got to church yet. Do you take the time to smell or look into what nature has to offer? It was very warm here in Rockford Michigan today, in the 70's on March 25th. Early Spring with the weatherman telling us that the first week of April it will be SNOWING.... Well going to church topped off my day along with the smells of Spring..... Liz4JC
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