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Everything posted by GardenDove

  1. It makes total sense. She's a 'two for', she's intelligent, and very dynamic.
  2. lnj, I thought this was a non-denominational board where respect for all Christians was encouraged. I find your post offensive. Believe me, I read many views here, such as on this popular endtimes stuff, that I believe is nonsense, but I don't go around denigrating it here. Catholics and Orthodox consider the saints in Heaven to be our advocates, and we ask them to pray for us, just like you would ask your friend or pastor to pray for you. Whether you believe that or not, calling the belief 'warped' is disrespectful. I'd appreciate if you'd refrain from that out of consideration for others here, including me.
  3. I wasn't comparing her, just commented on how she prayed. I don't get what you mean by her God and our God? I know she was Catholic and believed in some warped views but I'm most certain she was praying to YHWH. That's not a very charitable thing to say about Mother Teresa. I think you should examine yourself. Maybe some of your beliefs are, in fact, incorrect. That's always a possiblity.
  4. I like your post, it makes a good point. I agree, asking God for a bunch of stuff is a more immature way of praying.
  5. Kennedy was another Clinton when it came to women. The sad thing about your second comment is that it will work, with many women. I think it will only work with the women who vote Democratic anyways. I personally think that many women don't care for Hillary. She made some pretty offensive comments about stay at home Moms in the past. Many women reject classic femminism, and do enjoy baking cookies for their kids...
  6. Yeah, and Kennedy wasn't a very good Catholic, so maybe Hillary ain't such a good woman. Wasn't Kennedy fornicating with Marilyn Monroe while in the White House? You know, trying to cash in on being "the first" of a demographic group to do something seems like a very lame way to get votes.
  7. The Pope also goes to confession, and has a private confessor. It's a very healthy practise to go to frequent confession to keep on top of things. It's great for our relationship with God.
  8. I spanked my kids but not really when they were school age. In my opinion, spanking should be only used with little kids. Dr Dobson agrees, btw, he said that you shouldn't need it past age 6. That worked for me.
  9. I'm pretty sure they are related to some type of malfunction of the sympathetic nervous system that gets triggered by emotional stimuli. thanks for all the responses. My son is feeling better today and thinking about how to better manage his stress.
  10. Probably this wasn't the best place to get information about this disorder. I believe it is mostly a physiological disorder that has an emotional and spiritual component. I don't think it's demonic, and really wasn't interested in any theological debates. Prayer is helpful, of course, but these types of attacks are a medical problem, in my opinion. Thanks.
  11. Meaning, we don't call ourselves born again believers, that one time born again philosophy is not a part of the Catholic approach. You are using a lingo that is strictly from either Evangelical or other types of churches. The Catholic Church doesn't evaluate one's salvation status based on a one time experience of this sort, as far as I know. It's more of an ongoing relationship with God that is considered more important.
  12. GardenDove: You mention your son is a "good and conservative" young man. Is he a Born Again Believer in Jesus? We are Catholics and don't use that terminology in the Catholic faith.
  13. I think this is the trend, not just in socialist Sweden. The antismoking movement actually started in the United States. Some people are allergic to tobacco smoke and can't tolerate even little amounts, actually. As far as I'm concerned, I can tolerate a little bit of cigarette smoke, but I would be very upset if my neighbor played music outdoors on a regular basis. I'm grateful to live in a quiet neighborhood as I have a low threshold for extraneous noise.
  14. This type of talk seems to me to be the opposite of the teachings of Christ. We care supposed to pray for our enemies, not arrogently tell them that 'God is on our side'. That's what the Muslims do that so irritates us. We are called to a higher standard as followers of Jesus.
  15. I'm not really angry about my dog hitting experience now, it's too long ago, but I think that people have alot of nerve to try to get compensated for something that was their fault. It's very upsetting to hit and kill a dog, most people like dogs and don't want them to suffer. It really put me in an awful spot to hit that dog, and I wouldn't have had to deal with the fact that I killed a dog if that person had taken proper care of their dog. I didn't know how to contact the owner, I needed to be at work, and I didn't really know what to do. I didn't want to be financially responsible to take the dog to the vets so I had to abandon the dog on the owner's porch. I definately didn't go back there because some people are irrational, volitile, and have guns. Then to find out through the grapevine that the owners were furious is really ridiculous. Their dog was a known compulsive car chaser, I had seen them doing nothing dozens of times passing by their house.
  16. Incidentally, being a Christian does not mean acceeding to the demands of every person who comes along. I ran over a dog once, it was always loose and everytime I passed by that house it would vigorously charge at my car and then chase it. One time it just got too close and I hit it. There was no one home so I brought it up on the porch of the house. I was very poor at the time and couldn't afford a vet. So I called animal control, but they couldn't do a thing if the dog was on the people's porch. The dog ended up dying, I heard, and through the grapevine I heard that the owners were indignant. I did not feel guilty one iota. It wasn't my fault and the dog was a nuisance and a menace and should have been contained, not loose and lunging at cars.
  17. Of course you're not liable. Owners are responsible to have their dogs under their control or on a leash at all times. If they're trying to make you feel guilty it's probably to sooth their own guilt over allowing their dog to get run over. Braking for animals has gotten some HUMAN BEINGS killed before, it's a traffic hazard. They should be more responsible with their dogs.
  18. At the university they have a counselor who specializes in anxiety disorders. It's free, included in the tuition. My son also said he's going to join a support group that meets there.
  19. Does anyone know anything about panic attacks? My college son has occasional very devastating panic attacks that are extremely instense. He had one today, the first one in a long time. They had to call the campus police to try to subdue him, then the paramedics, then a mental health consultant. He's doing better now and is going to take advantage of the free counseling they offer at the university. It was a very rocky day for him. He's a very good, conservative young man. They say it's a disorder, like a seizure disorder, only panic attacks.
  20. It just struck me as an odd subject for a prayer session. Why don't we pray for greater properity and opportunity for them in their homelands? Most of them are Mexican, maybe pray for Mexico to grow economically?
  21. I think these are symbolic penances. Sometimes priests are more creative. The Hail Mary prayer is based on scripture, and of course the Our Father is the holiest prayer for Christians. I think, you may have not understood my query correctly...While I am aware about the prayers, what I wanted to know is whether the reciting of these prayers as a penance is scriptural...like reciting these prayers for 10 or 50 times as demanded by the priests? I haven't encountered that so I can't answer. I do know that our Church isn't Sola Scriptura, but has developed traditions over time, so that would not be a litmus test for us.
  22. I think these are symbolic penances. Sometimes priests are more creative. The Hail Mary prayer is based on scripture, and of course the Our Father is the holiest prayer for Christians.
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