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  1. There`s a really thin line between kindness and weakness.. An example of kindness is being strong enough when you can forgive a man, who betrayed you...
  2. Looks pretty much like this... Pray before you eat and drink
  3. yes, i would buy it. Very curious to read it.
  4. A lot of ppl would think the world is getting worse since they`ve been younger... Cuz you get to know a lot of things that you haven`t seen before... Mostly bad things... For me it`s getting better... Cuz i grew up and now can change some of the things that i didn`t like when i was a kid, i`m getting more independant.. And now more ppl are turning into christianity.. Or may be i just see more christians around me.
  5. Well, movie reflect our life... how many ppl out of hundred use the word F in their everyday life? A LOT, most of them... So... I`m not saying I like it...
  6. You can probably get info about your great grandparents entering US, but to get any info from Kiev or Poland... i don`t think that`s possible...
  7. INLJ

    TV or not TV

    I`ve been workin in Dish for a while and even the base pack of 60 channels is too much for me. I just don`t have so much time for sitting and watching it all... And most of our customers have been ordering 120 channels... i just can`t understand that...
  8. True, true.... be thankful! every morning i wake up and thank Lord for the beautiful morning (even if it`s not:), for the life that he gave me, for helping me... always thank! it`s that easy..
  9. Buckle up! wear a helmet! Always! That`s it! Done! It`s been proven a lot of times...
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