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Everything posted by Hunterpoet

  1. Was hoping you would enjoy this neb.
  2. Ancient animals have always interested me. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/11/20/snowmass-inside-greatest-discovery-century/?test=faces
  3. Does anyone own a hard copy or software program of TWOT ( Theological wordbook of the Old Testament ). I'm considering purchasing the software version, but would prefer the hard copy. How helpful is this in study? Who authors this work?
  4. Hi Hunterpoet Yes, the Bible tells us to do these things, but we as Christians, are to be walking in the Spirit, while we do them. This means, that the Lord will tells us which hungry to feed, which sick to nurse, which homeless to shelter, which prisoners to visit and when to visit them, and which widow or orphan to help. As for spreading the Gospel, this should be done as God leads also. Because only God knows the hearts of those around us. I remember as a young Christian, with a pocket full of Gospel tracts, that I would indiscriminately place them everywhere. Now although there was nothing
  5. Doesn't the bible, which is God's word, tell us to spread the gospel. to love our neighbor as Jesus loved us, the feed the hungry, nurse the sick, shelter the homeless, visit those in prison, care for the widow and the orphan. If God has told us these things, I do not understand what we mean when you say doing good or preaching without the Lord telling us....He has already told us. I would say that the folks you mention from Mt.7 : 23, are those that use the Lord's work for their own profit. The Lord allows this because they are getting His word into the ears of people who need to hear it. Mt.7:23 also refers to those who are double minded, those folks that appear to be devout, but in their private lives have forsaken the teachings. If you restrict Mt.7:23 only to those who preach or do church work, you ignore a multitude. You infer you can tell if you are saved or not saved, how is it you can tell the difference between a saved brother and one who has stumbled?? Does this mean the brother who has stumbled is not saved, lost his salvation ?? I'm not sure the bible teaches me how to judge a brothers heart.
  6. A year and a half ago, the Lord decided our little church needed to host a food pantry. He picked myself and a sister from the church to head up His pantry. We decided from the beginning that there would be no requirements to receive food packages. In all things we are called to do, we must glorify the Lord, so we greeted the guest in Christs name, passed out tracks, christian books and bibles. The pantry grew, attendance increased, money and food donations increased and the Lord even found a way for the food bank to donate food to us via a third party( the food bank in this area does not allow evangelism if they provide food). The people attending the pantry were grateful, thanking us and the Lord and a few even praised His name. Then things slowly began to change. The people began to get demanding, they quit saying thank you, we no longer heard them praise His name. One Sunday in particular was the worst, several came with alcohol on their breath and one was literally falling down drunk, several quests took portions of the prepared food( we serve a meal along with the packages) to adult folks waiting for them in their car. At this point the Lord showed me that we were now failing at our mission, that being that they should hear His word. So, I had a meeting with the pastor. We now require the guests to attend a brief gospel presentation by our pastor before receiving the prepared meal and food packages...and we now allow them to literally shop for their food. It is set up for them to walk down 2 aisles and pick what items they want, the quantity only being limited by the number in their family. I will tell you honestly that I was very nervous, myself forgetting that it was and is the Lords pantry, thinking that with the added requirement no one would show up. well , I was wrong. The first Sunday 12 families showed up, pretty much the same as on the very first day we opened. The next Sunday, 17 people showed up, so now I'm back to worrying if we will have enough food in 3 or 4 months...I never learn, He always provides. I will also ad that a number of the guest have told us they like the change, one even stated that "we need to hear this stuff". Every one of the brethren I spoke with approved of the decision; out of all the people I spoke with, only one voiced mild opposition. In no way do I brag, but praise His Holy name, we started with nothing and we now have over one thousand dollars in the bank and so many food items we now are setting up a system to donate food to one of the government housing apartment buildings for the aged and disabled. As yet, I have not seen a truly needy person refuse the gospel message. I could go on and on with all the little things that have shown me that we are being obedient to our Lord in His ministry. I'm sure the church you were speaking of went through the same learning process we did. It's not a catch really, but a double blessing, learning of a faithful loving God, who shed His own blood that you might have eternal life in glory.... and a free meal.
  7. Neb...what a timely post....thank you. In our bible study we are watching the video by David Barton....The Spiritual Heritage of America....I've sent the links you posted to many of the participants. thanks again for posting
  8. That is still pretty interesting...never heard of a mule with a saddle on playing with a dead mountain lion...thats gotta be a first.... would appreciate the link to read about how they set it up...the hoax part that is......mmmm, makes me wonder about the video I have of a rabbit attacking a rattle snake, or the picture I have of an eagle fighting with a fox...that one is cool...the eagle picks up the fox by his hind quarters and drops him. Anyway, if ya got the link I would be interested to read what they have. http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/m/mule-lion.htm http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/mulelion.asp Looks as though I've been hoaxed...oh well...still pretty interesting though that a mule would develop a fancy for playing with dead cougars or mountain lions...thats still a bit bizzare
  9. Sorry to have to do this - but I thought I'd search the internet for the pic . . . and it's a hoax. The mountain lion was already dead when the mule started playing with the carcass. That is still pretty interesting...never heard of a mule with a saddle on playing with a dead mountain lion...thats gotta be a first.... would appreciate the link to read about how they set it up...the hoax part that is......mmmm, makes me wonder about the video I have of a rabbit attacking a rattle snake, or the picture I have of an eagle fighting with a fox...that one is cool...the eagle picks up the fox by his hind quarters and drops him. Anyway, if ya got the link I would be interested to read what they have.
  10. WOW ....thank MG....those were great pics Are you talking about this.....? I remember seeing this a few years back. They really are amazing. http://www.mindsay.com/comments/velvetdreams/animal_friendship_i_come_in_peace.mws
  11. Great story and wish I could see the pics.
  12. no babies were anywhere near the site. It was only the man and wife 2 mules and the 2 dogs. The e-mail indicated that the mountain lion was stalking the dogs.
  13. I was sent an e-mail complete with pictures. A man and his wife were out riding in montana with their 2 dogs. A mountain lion decided he would have one of the dogs for lunch. The man dismounted his mule and was going to fire a shot in the air to scare the lion away, but before he could, the mule, attacks and kills the mountain lion. The wife had her camera and there are pictures, but I could not figure out how to post them here. Animals continue to amaze me. I've seen an amateur documentary showing how a crow, raised a kitten....dogs caring for baby deer...it goes on and on...but this is just to amazing....a mule defending his owners dogs.....unbelievable.
  14. Even more boring when it's the same one over and over again! Yeah, wonder what he is going to say come the day? "I'm sorry I never meant it, I didn't know, can we talk?" By the way, nice post about the leopard and it's spots! That day will never come, my dear deluded friend. And if it comes, you have to be really sure you do not meet Allah, or Shiva, or Zeus, or Jupiter, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or the big Juju at the bottom of the sea, or one of the other 1000 gods invented by human fantasy. If that happens, what are you going to say come the day? "I'm sorry I never meant it, I didn't know, can we talk?" Matthew 12:35 The good man out of his good treasure bringeth forth good things; and the evil man out of his evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. Romans 1:28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do things which are not fitting. Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to those that hear.
  15. As children of God, we believe all scripture to have meaning. How very rude of you to be a part of a Christian forum and make such a statement. I'm hoping that you will rethink yourself on this and offer an apology.
  16. Combat starred Rick Janson as the Lt. , Vic Morrow as Sgt. Sanders.....WWII European Theater
  17. 1..Bonanza 2...Walt Disney Show...Sunday nights 3...Saturday and Sunday westerns 4...Combat 5...Friday night, Big Chuck and Houlahan, and then Big Chuck and little John...old movies
  18. Evil triumphs, when good men do nothing. author unknown. author NOT unknown... (i happen to know this one, that's a shock!) the quote came from the late john f kennedy. I couldn't remember who said it and did not want anyone thinking it was mine......so I erred on the side of caution. I appreciate your correction , but not the caps.
  19. How sad that I will be witness to the end of America
  20. Awesome neb, I love time lapse and these were just fantastic....thank you for posting
  21. ooops, I missed Isaiah's response. I just got excited when I saw the article.
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