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Everything posted by patricia1

  1. what does it mean rebrobate rest? They sleep or God calls them to be reprobate? The goodness of the our Father sent His Son Jesus to raise millions of lost souls to the enjoyment of holiness through eternal Salvation of His people. To think that God purposely creates the reprobate, the soul going to Hell is against MY theology and what the Word of God says. So you think for some people Jesus died in vain? Am i missing something here? Please explain further!!
  2. this is a perfect word, no conditions just true fact. God sees our humaness..takes compassion on us and in our weaknesses He becomes our strenth. To let ourselves think otherwise will bring ud to a place of failure. It is not easy to have others mock you but to know God is always on your side, who can be against you? If any God takes care of it!! Halleluja... I personally for a while in my walk could be found frequently under my comforter shaking with fear.! I will not forget where I came from knowing Jesus got me this far...and the truth of this testimony keeps me reasured. Amen thanks Jermiah, wonderful post as always...
  3. MOSES' PROPHECY I sat back for a while just to think about moses, for I relate to him a awful lot. Everything he went through, the call he had, the fellowship he had with our Lord and he couldn't cross over into the promised Land! I think to myself how sad. Moses was a Levite and the personality did fit him. He had anger management issues and often I wonder why he had difficulty just giving it over to the Lord. But then again I see him gracious and only God knows if i was in Moses shoes my reactions may have been worse The one thing I want to say is that we need to be careful ourselves of murmuring and complaining as the Israelites did going to the promised land and taken it! The Levites were called to be the deliverer of Gods chosen people and went through their own Gethsamene having to learn the weaknesss of their anger and there horrific judgemental injustices. Working around these people would be scarey cause in a moments flash you can be left in their wake of destruction. The word Holy used by Moses to describe Levi chaciyd. It is only use this once in the bible. It means Godly, saintly and yes, even merciful. Was Moses nutz?! No. He saw what God saw, the finished product. At the bottom of mount Sainai He instructed Simeone and levi to kill those who were celebrating and worshipping the Golden calf. Can you imagine recieving a order like that! And then doing it!? 3000 men were killed that day...all because of idolatry. Levi and simeone killing there famililies and friends. They cleaned up the dross, the unclean to keep the rest of the people clean. That is what Jesus does. Jesus takes us as we are and then scrubs us clean with His anointed water, The Holy Spirit and then rubs us down with oil, The oil of anointing. The blessin of a levite is that he can be around all manner of confusion, strife, complaining ungrateful , angry and fearful people and because of His anointing and relationship with God, take up the rod of authority and stike at the hard places to have something beautiful come from it. Deuteronomy 33;9 was a pronouncement of fulfillment of exodus 32:25-29. For the longest time I did not understand Deut: 33:9 It took a great price to stand on Gods side and it will for us also. Selah
  4. Another site about depression? It is a proven fact thata joyful/happy heart doeseth good like a medicine. They have known that for years in the medicine field and done experiments with it and those who pray have less depression. so the word of God is true. What is not mentioned is the rebound effect as well that half a smile even changes the whole chemistry within the body. Look at David.....He was depressed and had no problem talking ,praising and praying to God. Chocalate stimulates endorphans as well as exercise...when the level drops you want more chocolate to give you that good feelin. As well as exercise. If ya don't get it you go through withdrawl. Does not permanantly remove depression people. Helps during depression. I go through menopause and on certain days I can use a antiphsychotic.... seriously..men have the same...I also have to stay off the boards thos days as well...I'll chew people up and spit out the bones...So it is not all spiritual.
  5. absolutely eye opening and wonderful. It is great that it is understood as well. The humbleness needed to surrender to be transformed into His image, formed as clay, put into the fire as fine gold, to be put under pressure as coal in order to have that diamond emerge, To be that oyster that is irritated by a piece of sand to get the flow of its 'tear' so that a pearl may occur. It is easy when we have the Lord Jesus on our side continually interceding for us....and All we have to do is say Here I am, Lord Jesus...take me...i am yours.
  6. thats how I make my point...the difference between the Christian gay person struggling with sin and the unsaved gay person. Dealing with two different souls...two different walks, two different hearts. God hates bearing false witness.
  7. that is really great nebula, Gotta remeber that...I remeber the old song Oh How I love Jesus and it was because he first Loved me! We are priveleged!!!
  8. http://268generation.com/videoplayer/playe...&quality=hi watch this if you can I just copied it from nebulas topic for you
  9. the sword is the word of God which is eternal...The cloak a dime a dozen and not important... and Be on your guard when you have had a rich spiritual experience..satan is about to attack. But the whole content as well gives a clue. Judas had no sword. stan controlled Judas but asked for peter in which satan was denied peter. This is what I think anyway....
  10. One can know what will make them Happy? That is why there are: suicides people in prisons people in rehabs people in mental hospitals kids haveing premarital sex abortions wars billionairs unsatisfied. models unsatisfied Cache~~~ I do not understand how that presentation did not move you to a greater understanding of why a Christian believes in God besides the word of God. Everyone is given a measure of faith..you have to put it somewhere. God also has a spot in the heart of man that only He can fill. Work with the general population, there is no way people know what makes them happy. Happiness comes from within...you got it or you don't. Things that make one happy as you say are fleeting and but for a moment. There is a place of constant peace and happiness that radiates from within not because something made that person happy. Things are a added bonus. But it will all rot away incliding the body I praise and thank the Lord that he thinks more of you than you do of Him. It is a search as the hubble searches out the universe, God searches out you. Your search is to find Him. Not for happiness, not for gain. But because he misses you. I know all to well what it is like to miss some one and not have it reciprocated.....
  11. i believe it is not God giving up any sovereignty...it is God allowing us to make a decision and 'letting His child go' to see what will happen as part of the growing up process. It is us whom decides to make the wrong decision. Jesus still remains Lord, God still is on the throne but we abdicate not allowing God to be Lord over us...Does that make sense to anyone here?
  12. oh...Nebula..you are such a blessing ... I was looking for that spot to show comparison to the anointed call of God to do the will of God verses the fleshly will using the same 'instrument of anger' unwisely and before Gods appointed time in the spiritual maturing process. It is exciting to see two sisters share like this and our brothers as well and we are in accord... oh halleluja and thank-you Jesus so much and let us all be given your eyes to see and ears to hear what the Holy Spirit speaks in such a Greater way.....Amen
  13. Jadams~~~ that is soo true ;the ultimate design plan Jesus has for each other is so specific to that one including adversity. It is that we turn to Him for understanding and whatever is needed. I can see where all my trials and tribulation I can see the father, and know that for the season look to learn a lesson, whatever it may be. I was under the illusion of thinking my life will improve in this area ...hah hah hah My life improved but now I have the Lord Jesus. I use to look at other christians and thought to myself that they had it all together. Then one day I decided I would fit into my own shoes and not want anybody elses. I became more comfortable with the walk and call the Lord gave me! Anyway the devil absolutely hates it when you praise the Lord...especially through a trial, it destroys him and thwarts his plans. he is more likely to leave faster!!! the ultimate weapon besides the word of God.
  14. Some above are saying one is worse thsan the other and i was trying to make a point to them thats all. We should never be tolerant of a sin to a degree. within the church it is not to be practiced. But Jesus being longsuffering Himself waited all this time for them to come in to the church and we will turn them away because they are stll struggling for victory? They may get Victory, fall and obtain it again. BUT; That is way different then the person ursurping and trying to intimidate and win place by aggressiveness and telling us we are wrong to not allow homosexuals in the church. There are already arrests being made due to people talking against the gay lifestyle, in their homes...in their pulpits. Saying we are producing hatred and prejudice. Not far from other minorities. so are we talking about both issues or just one issue?
  15. There are times when I just burst with praise and thanksgiving...and those times when you are in a trial one has to push through to get Victory. Many armies of the old testament had the muscians up first, it confused many....and we won. hahahah There are times when its hard and that is when I call someone and we praise and sing together.....miracles happen.
  16. Sorry guys... I was going to start with Moses' prophecy but I will start with Jacobs which we know all to well that simeon both were within the same word. The way to translate 'instruments of cruelity are in their habitations' can render as instruments of anger are in their nature. I often wondered why they two were cruel. Never figuring it was just who they were. It is a wierd thing that there are three sisters including myself, all of us from the same parents and all of us grew up in the same house together and yet we are so different in many ways but still have a resemblance to each other. Well anyway... they bothe judged and enforce cruel punishment when that anger came up. If with children we discipline ..not cruely. God does the same with us, His children. The word instruments Keliy means something already prepared, a weapon forged, implement. So a instrument is made...either self made or divinely made. The anvil of life is where we are layed upon and with fire and trials it can be a weapon to destroy others or a blessing for Our Gods use. Thier anger and Levites anger are thier weakness. They could have turned to God prior to Genesis 49:6 but did not. Jacob knew this was not righteousness, but put them two together and it is a disaster. I know beautiful people who would never think of doing certain thins that are done when they come together with another of the same charecter. Parents somehow know to forbid their children from hanging around with certain people and we always think this is unreasonable to us. Jacob never agreed to the unrighteous counsel and we should be careful of the same. Honor can not unite with secret violence or anger God knows anyway. Since I was the queen of ecuse I can hear these two talking saying "Well the shechimites were a people a awfully ungodly bunch. Killing, and raping. Hey they even tried to steal our grandmothers. In effect they thought they did a good thing. Getting rid of those nasty people who raped their sister. there was no excuse for self made revenge. God shook His head....NO! In our world today so many rejoice in anothers downfall and yet the meanest ungodly group Jesus did not belive should have been wiped out. So ruebens sin and weakness was the passion of lust simeon and Levi---passion of anger. I will be back with more.... selah
  17. it sounds like we are pawns in Gods pocket and we most definitely are not. I did not looke up foretelling for future events but knowing and knew and preordained come from prognosis. I am not sure how to spell it... Yet to tell the future is another word having to do with prophecy. Where are my word scholars here.......God is not prophecying about us prior to the womb. He knows, concrete fact. what is meant my Sovereignity? Kingship, Lordship?
  18. Erich, Now I see your point, Jesus knew me before I was in my moms womb. Today He knows what He intended for me and what in reality really is. Does He know both? Did he knew it all at one time? I believe He does... The greek word foreknow, foerknew and foreknowledge comes from the same root. To know beforehand; As in promises, warnings and predictions. Forethought. Divine and as a human as well. The word foreordained is different and was used for Christs coming and the propiation for our sin. It is only used that once in the King James version. (that I see in the concordance...I am using Strongs) My child I know sometimes what she is going to do or say because I know her so well. The there is the divine where God may show me to pray she is having a hard time. Thats divine for God knows. When God wanted to show his wrath on His people and Moses intervened with intercesstion for the moving Gos heart did our Lord know moses would intercede beforehand? Some promises of God are conditional. If the conditiond is not met the promise is nothing but a vapor. Then we become in Jeoapardy of sayin ' whats the use...God knows it already ....which is dangerous" Liars cannot get into heaven.. Show be a human on this earth who has not twisted truth, lied, exaggerated, sin my omission of a truth. Yet if this was exact fact no one will be in heaven. It is the lying heart..the one who will kill, the narcissistic one...it benefits only themselves. Genes and all that is only living matter and since we have authority over all living thing through Christ we can exercise that faith. Esaus was hated...His heart was full of anger, resentment..murder I call him the second Cain and praise the Lord esau was not able to wipe out Jacob and his see.
  19. When my heart was hardened in was not God who hardened it. It was I. God allowed it!. Going to hell is not where God sends anyone but is where we decide to go by denying Him. I have done extensive search on the scripture in regards to Esau...If it was done by someone here the Greek will reveal more than one knows. It was not the person in was the condition of the mans heart!!! Even that esau could have repented and did not...His heart sought to Kill Jacob after harboring resentment and hatred..Thus wanting to wipe out Gods people...the nation of Israel.
  20. My List that I tahnk God For His love his faithfulness His unceassing prayers my changed life His Son He is mighty and just unequaled unchangeable full of mercy and Grace Good impartial and longsuffering my shepherd my protector healer provider captain of hosts my husband and all he has given me...We should not ever run out of thanksgiving It is thanking God for who he is and loveing God for who He is. He gives us things...yes but we must never lose sight of the Giver and all in Jesus name
  21. nice to see someone else call our father Daddy. Some think it is not respectful... Someone gave me a word one day... that God was putting a rod of iron in my back....I will not hang my head down low in the future anymore, and I Jesus was preparing me for....I won't tell , But after waiting a long time it has mostly come to pass. bless you sister
  22. yes...it is true some people do not know its okay to thank Him just because.... I love that big Teddy bear, what a price He paid for the annointing....
  23. it was worse because they should have known better...they were Christians...already having been taught. I think in is better for a gentile to be in sin not knowing Jesus than a person who knows the Lord contiues in sin and is not repentive....Is that not what God was saying? I believe so. The sinner there was taking advantage of Gods Grace...
  24. You know, guys... It is not a cliche that man has made up at all...I gave some references to scripture and now I will give part of another. 'God so loved the world' thats it. All that is in the world, God loves. Does not mean that we are to continue in sin... that is what is meant by Hateing sin and loving a sinner. We sin, God does not hate us . we come to Jesus to have the blood applied to that sin and sin no more. Many struggle with sins until they have victory. The gay person is not loved less than you and me when we were once in sin. But for the grace of god, go I. God hated what esau stood for, not esau! Although you hate the "so called cliche" you were once privvy to it and partook of its meaning when you came to know Christ. Did God our Father look away from His Son because He hated Him. No! He looked away because of all the sins He bore. Right there is the practice of God hateing sin but loves the human beings who are His perspective child which some day be joined to Him only because of that Blood that was shed on that cross. You can see through out the word that God loves the sinner, Noah, Moses, Jacobs sons,David, the disciples and on and on. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed cause after the removal of a few righteous who lived there , no one was left who would repent. Having sex with strange flesh such as a beast, is a sin just as any other sin. The Seven deadly sins God hates in the old testament includes lying. We are so proudful to say one sin is greater!? Bringing God down to mans level instead of our minds becoming more heavenly bound. Who are we that God minds us. It is the consequence of sin. All sin seperates His children from God their father...saved or unsaved! I know a lot of gay people who get saved. They practice celibacy until the lust is removed. As far as I am concerned that is what it is to be. I know a wonderful Gay person who became saved....Frank... Loved Jesus in such a great way...Did more for God than the average Christian in five short years. Then he was diagnosed with aids. Jesus took Him Home. So mercifull was the Father to this man that He did not suffer as the usual hiv positive person I have seen....His grace is suffiecient for ever person out there, not only Christians!!!
  25. would this not include bacterial strains that become resistant to antibiotics or the human who now has a allergic response where there was none before? Have we not as humans today adapt to the osmolarities and the environment around us...?
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