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Everything posted by mikhail7

  1. Unfortunitely it seems it isn't something you can will into happening. It's great to see the whole picture, the hopeful anticipation of being with the Lord forever, but sometimes it's nice to get just a little taste of what heaven will be like. If it isn't actually happening, yet, in our lives, it's at least encouraging to dream of something nice, especially if you kind of feel as tho you're in a rut of complacency and nothing has fired great enthusiasm for anything in quite a spell. That's how I feel. I worry about finding a job, about guarding myself against people who would victimize me, and just trying to meet the bills and turn away the wolf at the door. All I want to do is to be able to take care of my family: My Ma, who is disabled, and my brother, who is just recovering from a temporarily disablling sickness. I'm not asking to get rich or have a lot of expensive toys, or meet the girl of my dreams, (I thought I had done that with my now ex-wife). All I want is to be able to face each day with a reasonable amount of confidence, and I haven't been able to really do that for some time. It's great to be encouraged by reading scripture but I want to see some actual results. It's like I can't even rise halfway up, brushing off the dust from the last time I got knocked into the dirt before the next tulchuck knocks me back down. And I get really angry about that.
  2. Yes, he sold out his birthright really cheap.
  3. It's called greed. Yup, they don't have to deal with the consequences of what they've done. All they do is sit back and count their money.
  4. Good gosh, man, you sound just like me. I have bouts with depression, am shy and sensitive and can be quite blunt with people sometimes also. My heart goes out to you. Wayne. I've been where you have. Hang tough, kid, we're all with you!
  5. Hold on, Wayne. You are NOT worthless. I feel that way about myself sometimes. Sometimes it's a hard fight to endure what others may hurl at us. I can't count the number of times I've wanted to just hang it up. But stay in there and keep pitching. I'm sure you've got many friends here on the board that care about you. Don't let other's opinions throw you. You're just as good as anybody, friend.
  6. Maybe green pancakes? They'd go swell with green eggs and ham.
  7. Afal, I hope any sweet dream you may have, and remember, turns out to come true. And I think it's safe to wish the same thing for any other Worthy Board member, for my family members, (there's just my Ma and brother now), and for others, especially any friend I may have been lucky enough to have made here, there, or anywhere durnig this sometimes difficult journey.
  8. That's a good insight. Kinda makes ya wonder just what to wish for, doesn't it? Of course, if the sweet dream came true for you in a short time there'd be no question. But maybe even if it's just a dream it can serve as some kind of useful inspiration, perhaps even to the point where the sweetness could at last be realized and then savored.
  9. Thanks for sharing that. Always makes me feel warm and fuzzy to hear a story with a happy ending,
  10. Yes, some dreams are so real while being dreamt that it's uncanny. It's sometimes a shame that the really good ones ARE just a dream.
  11. I don't know who Pastor John Hagee is so I don't know if it was sweet or not! Pastor John Hagee has a style of ministry much like Billy Grahm, only even more "Hellfire and Brimstone" than Mr. Grahm. Oh! Then I guess that that wasn't really what I meant by a sweet dream. By a sweet dream, I meant a dream that left you feeling all nice inside!!!!! Well, in this dream Mr. Hagee was being nice and mellow. So I guess I answered my own question. He even offered me a job, which I've been needing for quite some time now. Well, then I guess that that was a sweet dream as it made you feel good inside (because you were offered a job). Yes, that's true. Most of my dreams are quite weird, tho not nightmareish. This latest one was sometimes confusing, some details were fuzzy and it wasn't a lucid dream because upon awakening I felt as if I'd actually met the man. Took a few seconds to realize it was a dream. I don't think I've had a nightmare for 20 years or more.
  12. I don't know who Pastor John Hagee is so I don't know if it was sweet or not! Pastor John Hagee has a style of ministry much like Billy Grahm, only even more "Hellfire and Brimstone" than Mr. Grahm. Oh! Then I guess that that wasn't really what I meant by a sweet dream. By a sweet dream, I meant a dream that left you feeling all nice inside!!!!! Well, in this dream Mr. Hagee was being nice and mellow. So I guess I answered my own question. He even offered me a job, which I've been needing for quite some time now.
  13. I don't know who Pastor John Hagee is so I don't know if it was sweet or not! Pastor John Hagee has a style of ministry much like Billy Grahm, only even more "Hellfire and Brimstone" than Mr. Grahm.
  14. I dreamed of meeting Pastor John Hagee just this morning. Does that count as being sweet?
  15. Isn't a neck slice a cut of lamb?
  16. I suppose it had to happen sooner or later. I don't care one whit about porn, but I'm glad I don't have a cellphone anymore anyway. I was just laying dead for this opportunity to speak. Nextel Sprint has been trying to collect on a bill I paid last May. They cut off my phone service 1 month prior to my contract expiration. I've sent them nasty letters wherein I tore them a new backdoor & sicked the BBB on them, but the bill keeps arriving every month. A fat lot of help the BBB were to me. I've gotten absolutely NO satisfaction with this nonsense and I'm MAD! I was always a good customer and always paid my bills on time. I never gave them any trouble. I wish I knew of an internet blog wherein I could yell my lungs out about these creeps. I will NEVER do business with Nextel Sprint again. As far as I'm concerned they are one of the lowest forms of life in the universe. I know this is off topic, but, beware of these clowns. They just won't take NO! for an answer. They perpetually have their hand out for money they're NOT entitled to.
  17. When the housework falls behind and your livingroom looks like Herman Munster's.
  18. Must be trying to make an impression.
  19. Sounds like somebody's got too much time on their hands. Haven't they got enough blocks to play with already?
  20. Far out, man! (In my youth, the phrase conveyed the utmost in excitement and respect. Shows my age, I suppose, to say that came way before "awesome"!)
  21. Some of this present day , as you put it "too cutesy PC" drivel is enough to make me gag. Jesus was never PC.
  22. I have some friends who are Witnesses. These are old friends of mine long before they ever became witnesses, so, while I don't allow their testimonies to influence me, neither do I become confrontational. I've had Witnesses who were strangers come to my door. Again, I don't allow them to influence me, but I am kind to them. HowEVER, I have this very rich athiest friend who works for Daimler-Chrysler. He told me some Witnesses came to his door. He said he told them, "You guys get out of here or I'll come back with a gun!". Well, they then departed without much delay. True story.
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