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Everything posted by glorywatch

  1. Everyone has added some interesting thoughts to this. Just to add a bit more information to clear up some concerns. The woman in question is NOT have senile problems, she is sharp as a tack mentally. She has always dressed "provocatively", so this is not some late life crisis. Given that, it still is a perplexing situation. No way am I able to know her motives or reasons for why she does this. I am just really bothered by the lack of modesty I see in a lot of women in the church but especially bothered that someone has no regards for how this looks when visiting a pastor. Scripture says we are to shun all appearances of evil and I feel that being clothed improperly gives the appearance of "evil" or better immorality, whether it is true or not.
  2. Amazing. It wouldn't bother me so much if Chritians were given the same amount of time and space to share their views, but as we all know, we aren't. The fact that this is being done in London should come as no surprise considering that London is predominately Muslim now with some sections of town being governed by Sharia (sp) Law.
  3. Well said. I know that some of these people are well meaning, but it tends to trivialize God and that is my real objection.
  4. Ooooo, I need that "automagically" done to my email. Actually I sort of have it, but at times the email I want goes to the junk folder and junk to the inbox. Gotta love technology at times.
  5. Tosca, it sounds like you found a plan that works for you. My husband and I are doing the one year plan and it has been tough at times, but we only have the rest of this year and we are done. I don't think I want to do it again...at least not like that. I would rather have some daily devotionals than a structured plan. I think most of us struggle through those 'begats' and I found Leviticus to be a read brain drain. Having said all that I am still glad that we have disciplined ourselves to stick with it.
  6. Here is what one of my studys says about it: The authority to bind and loose is the authority to declare what is God's mind on a matter of doctrine or practice. This is what the early church did in Acts 15. To "bind" is to obligate, to "loose" is to remove obligation. The future perfect tense ("shall having been bound") shows that this authority is only valid when used in submission to Christ's word or teaching. It does not give the church the authority to make up new teachings later in church history.
  7. Kross, thank you for your thoughts. I wondered why it was moved as well, but no big deal. Perhaps if more pastors were able to say that it might make some think about how they dressed before they show up for church or counseling. .
  8. I realize that as a "senior citizen" I take a dim view of some things others might dismiss as no big deal. This has to do with the way some dress, or don't dress I should say when attending church. What do you think of a married woman who is 68 years old, showing up to see a pastor for counseling, wearing a short top, very short shorts along with sheer white knee high stockings? Am I being overly sensitive to say that I find this offensive, and YES I am praying for her! Is it just me?
  9. Question: What is America 's first line of missile interceptor defense that protects the entire United States ? Answer:49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard. Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent active duty? Answer:49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard. Question: Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard? Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska Question: What U.S. governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska Question:What U.S. governor has a higher classified security rating than either candidate of the Democrat Party Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is!
  10. I guess it was only a matter of time. Congratulations to Glenn!
  11. I think O'Dannyboy sumed it up correctly "poetic justice." Funny how the scammers were upset at being ripped off (in their minds) when they are doing that very thing to others by using forged credit cards. I am always amused by that. Killers don't want to be "killed" cause they have rights, those who go around beating others up don't want to be beaten in return cause "it hurts" and . Thanks for sharing this intersting story.
  12. I haven't looked at this in a while, but as I remember, the original translation just says "morning star". We equate the word "Lucifer" with Satan, but the literal translation is morning star. There is no reason to be confident that this scripture is even talking about Satan to begin with. Besides, it's right in the midst of talking about someone else, maybe Nebechaddnezzer? I don't remember exactly, but it's talking about some other arrogant skunk. Satan's backstory is never specifically narrated in the Bible, as far as I know. The story of how Satan came to be is based on church tradition. Also, why would God's holy beings ever "turn" on him? Isn't the power to choose good or evil a uniquely human characteristic? Angels are supposed to be those who carry out God's plans without choice to do otherwise. That is the whole purpose of humans having the uniquely human characteristic of being able to choose good or evil, to choose to be on God's team or not. And if Satan has already been judged, why does he need to wait around for his punishment? If there is no possibility of redemption, why not just bind him up and chuck him in the Lake of Fire now? Why the big wait? Satan/Lucifer are described in similar ways in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. Satan's background is described in Ezekiel and all throughout Scripture. It does take time to connect all the dots so to speak. Its not like you can say turn to page so and so and therer is the explaination of Satan. God created all beings with a will. Being able to choose is not unique to humans. Even the angels can choose not to serve God, which is what Satan did along with one third of the angels. God wants us to love him, he doesn't force us to. That would not really be love now would it. God has his own time table and things are done according to HIS plan and in His time. It's good to ask questions, but ultimately, you have to search the Scriptures on your own. We are told to search the Scriptures. God does not withhold understanding from anyone who is truly seeking to know Him and His Word. Doubt on what the Word of God says comes strictly from Satan. He cast doubt on God's Word in the garden when he asked Eve, "Hath God said?" Yes God hath said. It's called THE WORD!
  13. Sheya, logic works for me, but apparently it does not for some. What on earth is logical about calling a sonogram "nudity". I mean technically it is cause I haven't seen to many unborn babies with clothes on, but the implication that it is somehow a "bad" thing to see these is beyond what I can comprehend.
  14. No one was able to put Jesus on the Cross He laid His own life down for us. There is no power in heaven or earth that had the ability to put Christ on the Cross. He said, I have the power to lay down my life and the power to raise it up (paraphrased). This plan was laid before the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8)
  15. Lightening mind, eh? I never knew there was such an apt description of mine. And yes , I am enjoying seeing others thoughts, as well. Isn't it nice to be in good company!
  16. Kross, good answer. Actually all of the answers are good and they make me think. I have no idea what the exact reason is, only what I understand about it. I so enjoy reading others thoughts on this. It makes me use the old brain more. Although I do have a lightening mind.....a brilliant flash and then total darkness
  17. I certainly don't want to appear to know more than some learned men, but I think they sort of complicated the issue beyond what it needed to be. As long as Jesus was with them, the Holy Spirt was not there. Sending the Holy Spirit was a completion of the Trinity. God the Father sent the Son, and then the Father and the Son BOTH send the comforter (Holy Spirt) See John 14:26. Jesus had to leave (die) in order to make way for the Holy Spirit to do its work in the hearts of men. Jesus ministry was one of healing and delivery from the works of Satan i.e. death, sickness and so on. Jesus work was mostly external, although he did touch the hearts of men. But the Holy Spirits work is all internal. The Holy Spirit draws men to God. The Holy Spirit enables men to do the work to which they are called. Christs death on the cross made a personal relationship with God available to us. The Holy Spirit continues the work began by Christ, but Christ had to be out of the way so to speak for that to happen. Christ presence on earth was limited to one space at a time. His leaving meant he could be present to the whole world through the Holy Spirit.
  18. I have to agree with those posted that it is Enoch and Elijah. The two witnesses according to Revelation 11 are killed and there bodies left in the streets for 3 days. Clearly symbolic of Christ's resurrection. Hebrew 9:27 says it is appointed unto man [u]ONCE to die, then judgement. The only two people on record in Scripture that have not died are Enoch and Elijah. Malachi 4:5-6 says, "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." Elijah and Enoch were both prophets of judgement (Jude 14-15; 1 Kings 17-18). Both must comeback and die their own appointed death on earth as all men must do. If either Elijah or Enoch had been translated in imortal, glorified bodies they would have been the first fruits of the resurrection, not Christ. Consequently, they are in heaven in their natural bodies and must return to die as all men must.
  19. Things like this nonsense can sure make you feel that way...
  20. Lily, the Bible tells us who Satan is and what he once was. Choosing to believer otherwise if folly. We may not like the idea, but it really doesn't matter because the truth is the truth no matter if we disagree. Satan's fall from heaven - Isaiah 14:12-15 Satan as adversary - Job 16:9 Satan's role as accuser: - Job 1:12, Zechariah 3:1-2 Only authority over evil - Jude 9 Revelation 12:7-9 describes the war in heaven between Satan and the angels The first chapter of JOB tells us a lot about who Satan is and what he does. All that Satan is and does is in direct conflict with God.
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