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About sistercindy

  • Birthday 12/25/1963

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    Virginia, USA
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    The Lord<br />My family<br />Christian Fellowship<br />youth everywhere<br />(im youth minister)

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  1. now that is what we all should be most concerned about The Lord Himself will reveal the mysteries of the Word when we arrive in heaven, until them, might we all just concentrate more effort on spreading the good news of the Gospel, which leads to salvation?! I started this thread as my church began the debate of "women as deacons". But what i hope we find out as a church is that the most important issue is reaching out to the lost souls in our community. I believe God will lead us to what we should do as a congregation....for example, we are scheduling "talk-back" sessions, we are praying and seeking God's way on this issue through His Word...and i know we will resolve this....but until that time, my hope and prayer is that all churches not get tied up in the legalism of this issue while ignoring the work of the Lord....reaching the lost for Christ, serving our Lord and in our community as He equips us to do so.... I wish for my church to keep "the main thing the main thing"....Satan wishes us to be distracted....no, no satan....we will all fight you on that.... "salvation is one of the few things in the Bible that is clear and simple" Praise God!!! and a great quote!!! Let us all be more about bringing the Good News ....and we can pray God leads congregations like mine to the answers He would have for us on this type issue..the role of women in ministry....For only He can lead us to truth. Blessings to all, cindy
  2. AMEN OneLight.... well said May we all concern ourselves with being about the Father's business...being ready for our coming King...having focused ourselves towards using the gifts given us for His Glory and Honor..... and i think if we all do that, more and more will see Christ in us.....and be saved.
  3. hummmm.....Great point OneLight
  4. AMEN brother! I'm with ya, striving to be about the Fathers business continually. Your scripture references do teach us to emulate our Jesus on the sabbath....thanks for the teaching. I needed to be reminded....
  5. Amen OneLight.....well said...and something I will certainly take to remembering.... God Bless
  6. I also agree with Lady... God can and does "speak".... I had an experience similar, and i so much thought it to be an "audible"voice that i turned around (while outside) and "looked" and thought: "who said that?" My scripture reference is John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me" Also, in same book and chapter Jesus talks of His sheep: John 10:5 "but they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice" Although i believe one can hear directly from God in an audiable way, i believe the Lord leads and speaks to us mostly through His Word. God can do what He wants...and to limit our God by saying He only did that way back when....well...i think that limits God and is a complete underestimation of our Most High, Most Powerful Lord!! Blessings! Cindy
  7. There is so much religious and sexist bigotry still influencing today's believers that it takes a major move of the Holy Spirit to bring correction regarding service and ministry. The Holy Spirit doesn't "pass over" people with the "wrong plumbing" when passing out spiritual gifts. (That is a "man" thing.) He pays no regard to gender whatsoever! He is looking for willing hearts to serve the King.
  8. hi sister denise!! Thanks for your reply and your post!! I too agree with you, although i think many are not hearing me say, I too AGREE. Scripture is so clear...men are to be the leaders of the overall church...pastors, deacons, etc...are to be men. However, i do believe God wants and does call women to serve... To serve...as music leaders, youth leaders, childrens leaders, etc....but not to lead in areas that do with the overall workings of the church, or, to lead men... Men are called to these roles.... But praise be to our God, he calls us all to his Kingdoms work....as stated in Acts....2:17...."I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy....v18 even on my servants, both men and women I will pour out my spirit in those days and they will prophesy... I agree with you sister, really do. But i believe, in these days, God will call all of us to use our gifts, for His Glory and for His Kingdom... I do pray that men will rise up and lead the church!!! We need our men to be the leaders. thanks Denise, for your post!! God Bless!! Cindy
  9. Are we being pushed into a ...... "private faith"....??? A few days ago, in CA, a court finally ruled that a large wooden cross, displayed on public land and extremely large in size, is ok to remain where it is....this ruling came after years of appeals and a huge push by the ALCU to have it removed from "public view". Many people are feeling "hushed" in public, as they may speak a word of scripture to another person or give testimony to another....they feel a sense of opposition to the "public" profession of faith. Yesterday, Art Monk, a professional football player for the Washington Redskins, was inducted into the Hall Of Fame. He stood up before a huge crowd and in front of huge TV viewing....and gave all the Glory to God! Not just a casual mention of the Lord's name, but a sincere testimony that he was the man he was, both on the football field and off....due to the Lord Jesus. He gave scripture. He talked more about faith then about football. The "applause" was intense before he spoke..and intense while he talked of his football career...but when he mentioned the Lord Jesus in a sentence, it was noticably a "quiet" applause. Are we prepared to speak out for our faith publicly? We will stand, like Art Monk, and give testimony when we have the chance to or will we listen to the push to be more "private" about faith, and as some have often said...."keep that kind of talk in the church, not out in public". Someone suggested to me that maybe it took 6 years for Art Monk to make it into Hall of Fame because many new he would publicly talk of his deep deep faith.... I don't know if that is true or not, i have no idea....but i do know that it took a lot of courage for Art Monk to speak as he did, will full confidence of his faith in Jesus Christ. Are you prepared to stand for the faith? Are we being pushed into a "private" faith by the secular world? Do you feel prepared to defend our right to worship, both publicly and privately? Or do you feel our rights to worship are slowly slowly being taken away...? May the Lord Jesus make us even stronger, even bolder, in these days...... Blessings to all!!
  10. Yup. Doesn't mean that she was a preacher with authority over men. yep I would say it's sounding like we are all in agreement: Leadership over the church itself, the positions of authority over the daily working and preaching, etc, belongs to men...as scripture supports. I do believe God calls women to service, however, as Acts and others verses of scripture tells us.. even men and women will be called in these "last days".... but called in accordance with scripture. Women can serve as music leaders, as youth ministers, children's ministers...that is NOT giving authority over the workings of the church, but allowing women, as called by God Himself... to serve. Those He calls He will equip! Don't let the word minister trip you or anyone....its a matter of serving. Pastor? Deacons? Elders? These who do the overall work of running the entire church? God has given that to men...praise the Lord . I pray the Christian men in the Lord will continue to "step up" and lead..... I will certainly follow, as men do the work of the church in accordance with scripture. God Bless
  11. Then let's rephrase the q: If the God-breathed scripture reserves certain positions for men, then why would he now contradict himself? I happen to agree with women NOT being in the pulpit, not being the ones to run the church, etc.... I agree with scripture. Those positions are given to men, so I don't disagree at all. Of course, scripture is God Breathed and is absolute truth. God is not contradicting himself with women who are: Music ministers or youth ministers.... I'm youth minister. We are not running the church, we are not preaching in the pulpit, nor trying lead the church .... we are called by God for specific tasks. I know God called me to help young people, to help lead them in the truth. Just as people (women) like Beth Moore are lead to teach other women, i'm led to teach kids the truth of God's Word. I agree with you my friend, I agree. But are you telling me God can't use women at all??? Men are the only ones called? In scripture talks about both men and women being led by the Spirit in these last days..... "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams" Acts 2:17 AND VERSE 18...."Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit..." Be blessed my friend and know: I agree...God has some positions in church for men only....i agree..but women can be called by God for other ministry needs...such as music, youth, children, etc....and His Spirit will be poured out for the work of His Kingdom....Praise God! Tell me what you think....? Do you agree? thanks for talking with me friend...
  12. I guess the question would be if the scriptures indicate that certain positions in the local church cannot be held by women, why would a person go to God and ask Him if it is permissible?I d I didn't go to God, He came to me THAT IS A FACT and is the basis of my testimony of my calling from God
  13. was not meaning to indicate that was how i new i was called by the Lord (the 98% vote). What i meant was that i knew i was called and knew what the Lord wanted from me and I new the vote would come out correctly.....as God would had put this on my heart so strongly....so instead of the traditional 80% vote (required in many churches for all staff positons, for approval) i asked for 98%.... that was not meaning i was using that to confirm my calling..... so understand, my calling is from God and i follow it.
  14. good point my friend, good point. I like it....
  15. yes my friends, i do agree.....i think the scripture is clear. But some would look at me and say, "why are you a youth minister then?" "on staff?"? I have felt the call of the Lord on my life in this area. I would never consider being pastor as i do beleive this crossed the line and is not supported by scripture. All I can do is follow my call. As for those in my church who wish to be deacons? And are women? I must leave it to them to read the scripture....follow as the Lord leads. I just pray our church follows biblical doctrine as given by our Lord in the Word.... As for me, I will do whatever the Lord wants me to do. Thanks for your input. I don't mean to be contradictary.... "yes" to women youth ministers and "no" to those wanting to be deacons... but i don't seek out to rule over men, I don't seek to be in authority over the work of the church...or rule over matters of the church, but i do seek to do the work the Lord has called me to do....youth ministry.. thanks again everyone, and God Bless. ( I still welcome all opinions on this subject, so feel free to add a reply or comment)
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