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  1. I voted: Other What did God create first? Matter. God had to create matter before anything else because everything is made up of matter. When someone says they believe in the Big Bang Theory, ask them, "Where did the matter come from?" They can't explain that part. ShadowReader
  2. http://www.nypost.com/seven/10142008/posto...3450.htm?page=0 This is a very real nightmare. If Obama is Elected, look for Israel to hit Iran really hard prior to his Inauguration in January. Peace, Dave And if America tries to help Israel or if we attack Iran, look for Russia to attack us because Peter the Great, the warship, is stationed south of Cuba as we speak. Or rather, as I type these words. That makes me wonder. Is America, Babylon? Will we be attacked with nuclear warheads that will make our land unlivable for centuries to come? We are a country that goes after entertainment. We have the largest population of Jewish people living here. We are a nation of people from other nations. We have coastlines. And for a while, America was an empire which is fast losing its stand from moral and economic collapse. Russia is one of the key players. Russian warships are ready to strike the United States if we strike back at Iran because Russia and Iran are bedfellows, so to speak. So, that gives us approximately 4 months before the next President is sworn in. The people who lived in the time of Noah had no idea of what was coming their way. At least, we have the Internet where we can access a number of news networks, here and overseas. And we have the Bible. ShadowReader
  3. Israel has given up land for peace, how many times? And the peace never came. Israel should take back the land it gave up since the Palestinians didn't keep their part of the bargain. Have you noticed that there is a large population of Muslims in every country on earth. They move in but they don't learn the language of their host country. I think they are there to take over. To dominate the world with Islam, one country at a time. Perhaps some day in the near future, on a Muslim holiday, they will all rise up before our government gives the military the green light to subdue them. Or they'll appoint Muslims to get into our government and hold offices to change the laws of this land. They might even run for President. there already was a 2 state solution from the UN. It's STILL on the books as the legal arrangement that brought Israel into modern existence. It's called JORDAN and ISRAEL. Israel is an independent state, and has been so since 1947. while Palestine is still living back in the 700 CE period. There are a lot of Arabs living in Israel because it is so modern, and they can find work there, too. But how do you negotiate with a country who wants all of the Israelis dead? But that's what the Muslims want. They want to kill off all the Jews and the Christians because we don't pray to Allah. The Muslims even teach their little children to hate Jewish people. How can you change a person's mind if they are teaching hatred to each generation. Israel seems to want peace at any cost. Even to the cost of giving up its land. And our own state department is pressuring them to give up half of Jerusalem so they can have peace. I wouldn't do it if I were in charge of Israel. In fact, I'd take back the land given away because Israel didn't get the peace it was promised. There is a warning in the Bible about dividing up Jerusalem. And the country that does so will be destroyed. Looks like we're going to be destroyed by... weather? another nation invading us? another nation living among us who will rise up and take over? Or maybe God will do it supernaturally. We, the USA, needs to keep its nose out of Israeli business and let them rule their own land. The foundation that the Muslims built that Dome on.... That's the foundation of the ancient Jewish Temple that was in existence 4.000 years ago. That land belongs to the Jewish people. Not to the Palestinians. The Jews are NOT occupying the land, that is their land. The Palestinians are the ones who are occupying the land because that is NOT their land. And since the Israelis did not receive the peace promised, the land they gave away is still their land because the contract was broken. ShadowReader
  4. Israel has given up land for peace, how many times? And the peace never came. Israel should take back the land it gave up since the Palestinians didn't keep their part of the bargain. Have you noticed that there is a large population of Muslims in every country on earth. They move in but they don't learn the language of their host country. I think they are there to take over. To dominate the world with Islam, one country at a time. Perhaps some day in the near future, on a Muslim holiday, they will all rise up before our government gives the military the green light to subdue them. Or they'll appoint Muslims to get into our government and hold offices to change the laws of this land. They might even run for President.
  5. Matthew 19:1-8 New International Version When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?" "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." "Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?" Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman, commits adultery." Moses permitted the men to divorce their wives because their hearts had hardened against their wives. It was as if Moses felt sorry for the women who had to endure being married to a man who hated them and treated them badly. So, this is one passage that shows that divorce was permitted (in the Old Testament) for a reason other than adultery. If one could divorce a spouse because of an infidelity and then remarry, why couldn't one remarry for the reason of abuse and being married to a man with a hard heart. The adultery would seem worse, by far. But usually, people who were involved in an adulterous relationship were stoned to death. Remember the woman they caught in the act of adultery. They brought her forward and asked Jesus what should be done to her. Where was the man she was involved with? Why didn't they bring him forward with her. Was she committing adultery by herself? But they brought the woman forward, alone, as if whatever a woman did was worse than what a man did. Look at the Middle Ages, when women had to wear chastity belts. Did the men wear chastity belts to keep themselves chaste? Of course not. So, it seems that throughout the ages, it was okay for a man to sleep around and commit adultery and seed the earth, but not for a woman. All societies seem to be more strict on women than they are on men. A girl gets pregnant out of wedlock, and right away, society blames her. Like she got herself pregnant. In the religion of Islam, women are circumcised. Every sexually sensitive area of their genitals are cut off or mutilated, and their vagina is sewn up to the size of a match stick. The purpose is to keep the woman chaste and to make sexual intercourse as painful as possible. But they don't do anything to the men to keep them chaste. I've got suggestion. The believers in Islam should sew the male organ to the man's thigh or to that area directly below the naval. That will keep him chaste. You betcha! And then, right before he gets married, unfasten it so he can use it to get his wife pregnant, and when she is pregnant, sew it back up again. Why should adultery be overlooked for men, but not for women. Adultery is wrong no matter who does it with whom.
  6. I think Bin Laden is dead. i think he's been dead for a couple of years now. He either died of kidney failure or he died on that mountain where one of our planes bombed a group of people, gathering there. It took three days for anyone to get up on the mountain to even view the bodies, which supposedly were gone when a group of investigators got there. So, where did the bodies go? Animals could have run off with them but then certainly you'd find a skull or a large bone somewhere. A trail of blood, maybe? What would you do if you were a terrorist who was looked upon as a prophet. You had to know that eventually you would be caught, even killed. But you would never want the infidels to know that they had killed you. Even your friends and followers would never admit to that. So you work out a plan with your friends, to recover your body and bury it somewhere no one would think to look. Then you might write out a list of things to do, such as make several video tapes of yourself speaking against your enemies, warning them of future devastations. You make sure you film the video in different areas so it looks like it took place on different days, months or even years. You give your closest friends instructions on when and where to play the videos and they take it from there. I don't think anyone will ever find him, except those who know where he's buried. One thing to remember. Never underestimate an enemy. If you could think of something to outwit your opponet, then so could they.
  7. I thought birth control pills prevented the ovary from releasing eggs during its normal cycle.
  8. Forgive me for asking a question on top of your question but I can't seem to post a topic on my own. The screen comes up and states that I don't have permission to post a topic. What? I've been replying to several of the topics most of the night. And yes, I am logged in. So, here is my question. How do I delete an old screen name and password and create a new screen name and password, using my same email address? I tried to use my own email address when I created Shadow Reader but it wouldn't let me. So, I had to use my husband's email address, instead. But since I don't want to have to go into his account any more than necessary, I would like to use my own email address. The reason I want to change my screen name is because I have seen two other Shadow's on this board. As far as I know, there could be more. And more will be confusing and I don't want to start confusion. I used the name because I like to stay in the back ground. Or in the wings. Thus, Shadow Reader. Could someone please help me?
  9. I call profanity..... blah, blah, blah. It's so boring. You hear it everywhere. On TV, in music, in movies. It's as though our entire civilization is caught up on profanity. The shock value. Well, I've heard so much of it that I don't want to hear anymore. Which is why I've basically stopped watching TV. When I get an email with profanity in it, I delete it. Later, I mention to the sender that I didn't think the email was funny. That it was boring. Usually, they don't send me anymore email, which is fine with me.
  10. When someone commits a crime, you often hear others say, "I don't understand how they could have done that." Then don't try. The same would apply to an abusive parent. Don't try to understand why because the reason will never be a good enough excuse for the victim of the abuse. Best thing to do, in my opinion, is to stay away from that parent, if you can. Call them once or twice a month. Treat them as if they were good parents and then pray for them when you're not on the phone. Earlier I watched one of those steaming news articles; the ones that have to load every few seconds if your computer is not fast enough. One was about a little boy who had to call 911 and report that his mother had made him blow into the interlock on their car. I guess the interlock device registers the amount of alcohol in your blood stream. Anyway, the mother had the little boy blow into the interlock device so she could start the car. The little boy knew she was drunk so while the mother was out warming the car up, he called 911 from inside the house. The police arrested her. Maybe kids should start calling 911 on their parents and having them arrested for the abuse because child abuse is like a curse. It travels from one generation to the next.
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