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Everything posted by arrowfromgod

  1. yes we are adopted,i agree,and as jesus died for all sin,,pass present and future,it would seem only true that when i was saved i was forgiven for my past sin , present sin,and future sin also for god knows what the future holds ,so his forgivness is total or it wouldnt have happend at all,,
  2. that my friend was good... i have one on gun control that ol HITLER said his nation was safe because the peopl where disarmed ,,i hear ya and of course i can see the who it reminds me of but hopfull that path wont be an issue
  3. tough place to be ,, i hear you..ive had ppl like that do things like that to me ,,i guess its how you as a person see things..ya know jesus had ppl do that to him too (as i understand it) like the time jesus met the boys on the opposite shore of the sea and a couple of ppl that was fed with the 5000 asked jesus how he came across ect ect, then jesus said hey man you guys arent here to hear aboutgod or being saved, you are here to eat the phisical food,, he called them on it so they knew that he knew there reason for being around..remember hon jesus didnt degrade them or condem them but he called them out so they could see it in the open with out defense,,thats what i do.and after i call ppl out they either change and are cool to me,or they leave me alonebut either way it is them that do the choosing,,you being the loving caring person i beleave you to be understands that we are to forgive if we are asked for forgivness( im sure we all forgive privately too even if we are not asked)but we do not have to be a door mat..is she a christian ? take another along as a wittness ,but confront her with tough love, jesus even confronted judas,,remember?to him i give the sop he will betray me,,her free will is at play here too so i would confront her,so she can see it as you do,then let the cards fall as they may,,give her the reason you wont let her on your my page,, a true friend will understand and if she chills out then embrace her as such,i have offended my friends before and had to earn there trust back,, and when they confronted me i had to see really what i was,,at first i was hacked off but after wards i could see my fault and tried to change it.. a true friend will do this if they really value your friendship,,but a user will just leave seeking another mark to use,,peter betrayed jesus but peter was truly sorry and came back to jesus valuing his love for jesus more than his pride,where as judas felt sorry for himself and committed suiside(as i see it)not willing to face the savior ,,i know you will figuar this out, my prayers are with you too,,arrow from god
  4. im a dump truck owner operator,awhile back i was in a bad accedent , i rolled my truck 3 times avoiding a 4 wheeler on his cell phone,then the dude drove off and was never found ..i thought god was sending me a message to leave trucking bbbbbbbuuuuuuuutttttttttttttt .............> a week after i was contacted by my broker who had a truck (like new) and she sold it to me for the amount of my insurence settlment ,, imagin that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i remembers a saying from a old trucker buddy of mine(GOD DONT PUT YA OUT ON A LIMB JUST TO CUT IT OFF) I SUSPECT YOU WANTED TO BE CLOSE TO HOME for the right reasons,,,,, satan doesnt want that,, he needs you to away,, i think you are going in the right dirrection ,,remember the lady that was told to borrow all the empty jars and pour that little bit of oil in em till they where all full? mabe your jars are about to filled if ya just hang in there,, praying for you too arrow from god
  5. if you beleave in the bible,then you know how its gonna end (see daniel,revelations) so how is my changing my light bulbs gonna stop armagedon?
  6. cats are not ppl love,,they dont play chess they cant ice skate ect, they dont think like us,, my cat for instance does what your cat does lol,, lays around and once in a while comes by for a scratch on her belly,like lions in africa they sleep 18 20 hours a day then hunt ,,if your cat is full of food and healthy thats what it will do after it gets outa the kitten stage, i would say you are doing a good job as a cat owner and your cats are happy,because if they were not happy they would be all hiding from you and trying to find a way out of your house.its a safe bet if they arte just lounging around that they (your cats) have claimed as there turf and are happy to own you
  7. i could never see a liberal as a chistian,,its an oxymoron,,there is only one iterpritation of the bible,,gods ... i try to understand it thru study and fellowship,any one who hates isriel,hATES GOD TOO,,i was taught we are adoted jews,grafted into the tree of life,so says paul in the new testiment.besides that we are all related any way thru the brotherhood of japeth and shem to noah ect.it seems a so called liberal chistian goes to the itching ear catagory,i feel for these ppl,for the blind leads themand they know it not,god never abandon the true isriel nor will he ever his promise is true .we gentiles replace nothing,we are just added to the grace of god thru jesus my lord .i dont know what catigory i belong to but i know what i read,and the bible says isriel is the apple of gods eye,and i am adopted into that that love as a son of the almighty
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