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  1. Life is hard enough, and there aren't many days in the year where we can enjoy ourselves and families; why take this one day away? We wouldn't be showing a good example for many, and quite frankly, no one would pay attention. Many years' ago my Aunt (who was a very devoted Christian) took Christmas away from her children because that's what her church told her to do. After my cousins grew up, they then realized what they missed for so many years. It wasn't the presents, or the tree and decorations; it was just the season itself. Being able to spend time with those you don't see often, having the spirit of Christmas in us, i.e showing each other love. Every one of them celebrate now and say that they are happier for it. There are no rules for how one celebrates this holiday, you can do whatever you want. Don't give gifts or buy a tree, but don't ask everyone else to go along with you. There's more to Christmas than that, it's all in your attitude. I decorate a little bit, only buy three gifts for my kids because that's what Jesus got, if they complain, I tell them that Jesus received three gifts when he was born, then I ask them "are you more important than Jesus?" That gets them every time! On Christmas eve, I read them the story of the birth of Jesus and I explain that Christmas really has become commercialized but we can still celebrate Jesus, not only on this one occasion, but everyday. We have a Christmas dinner and visit with family. No big deal but it's a lot of fun and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I want my kids to have memories of family gatherings and hot chocolate. I would never take that away from them. So basically what I'm saying is you make your own holiday, you don't have to do it the worldly way. Maybe all you downers should go watch the Christms Carol!!!
  2. That's funny you should say that. I try to keep a VERY current and accurate log of all my clients addresses and phone numbers. I'm feeling better about having to move again, it's just so sad. I really love the owner and it's hard to watch her lose her 2nd home. She has "lived" there for 22 years. Ah well, time to move on!! Thanks for your advice.
  3. Hi all, I'm wondering if I could get some sound advice from ya. For the past 7+ years I have been a very happy, successful hair stylist. About 1 year ago, I switched salons to work closer to home and ever since I switched I have had nothing but bad luck. The first salon I went to closed down soon after I moved in, then, just today the salon I work at announced they will be closing their doors at the end of the month. Um... okay. What's up? I know with the economy the way it is my industry has slowed down quite a bit, but I have many friends in this industry that are still doing well. I have been praying and praying for guidence regarding my career path and I have to wonder if I'm being told that I shouldn't be in this field anymore. I mean really, what are the chances of working at two different salons and they both close down soon after I'm hired? Maybe I'm bad luck Hmmm, gives me something to think about. Anyway, I guess my question is, what is your take on this? If you were in my shoes would you start looking for a different kind of job or stick it out? Just so you know, I love doing hair and am very happy behind the chair. But do you think God is trying to say something to me, or am I making a big deal out of nothing? //Sidebar// it is very hard to move from salon to salon and keep your clients. In fact, it's downright impossible. So now I will have to start over again! UGH
  4. When I first came onto this board, I thought it was like a lot of others' out there... But I soon realized that not everyone here is judgmental and rude. It is very frustrating being new to the board with full intention of finding likeminded folks and only seeing animosity. I
  5. I couldn't agree more! From what I understand, once you're saved, you're saved. But, if you turn your back on God and continue down the sinner's path, God will turn his back on you. If you pray to God one day, then gossip at work or yell at the driver in front of you the next day, are you really saved? Maybe you are just going through the motions. Being a Christian means walking the walk and talking the talk. It's a hard life, and yes, once you accept Christ as your savior Satan comes knocking at your door twice as hard. I'm living proof right now, maybe we all are?? I agree that gossip is one of the worst things you can do to someone, especially at church. What right do we have to judge someone? Doesn't Jesus say "do not judge, or you too will be judged"? Mt 7:1
  6. This may be two obvious questions, but I was wondering if she has seen a addiction counselor? Also, is it possible to prohibit her from visiting her home community unsupervised? I really wish I could be of help and I pray that something will come of this. She's just too young to give up on.
  7. I was raised to never strike in anger. I was also raised that men are not to strike women or "females" for those of you who are PC. That being said, this girl was not acting like a female. She was acting like a young testosterone driven punk and was treated like one. Consider if this had been a 15 year old boy who had mouthed off and received a couple punches for his troubles. Chances are it wouldn't even have made the news. Most females understand that they are allowed more flexibility/leniency due to their gender but, as in this case, many tend to push the limit. They think that being female is a free pass to challenge men in an area they are expected to show restraint. In this situation neither the girl nor the man were showing any restraint. The girl wanted to push the issue and challenge the man. This man however did not seem in the humor to have his authority challenged. Don't get me wrong. This is sociably unacceptable behavior and as such is illegal. The man broke the law and should be punished. Having said that do you folks think the girl should go without being punished as well? Should we really be trying to send a message that it's OK to curse and verbally assault or abuse people as we wish as long as it doesn't end in a physical altercation? I see it all the time where people will verbally abuse one another for the smallest issues. It's just nonsense if you ask me. I think that both the man and girl are at fault. No she didn't deserve what she got, but either did he. This incident reminds me of what happens on the school playground. I have an 11 yr old son (6th grade), and some days he tells me how kids at his school are behaving and talking to one another... in fact just today his teacher told me what HE said to another kid, and yes he was scared to come home today. It happens everyday, and it's disgusting. I think that somewhere along the way we as a society have made it acceptable to be rude or worse. I'm thinking that most people have no idea how to handle themselves during an argument and resort to yelling, screaming, and hitting. Maybe we're not taught how to repect one another anymore. Maybe we learn from what we see in our homes, and if there is violence in the home, then that's how we will present ourselves. Just a thought.
  8. Forgive if I'm wrong, but I didn't see an answer to this question and I am very interested to find out the answer. I too was married and am now divorced and I don't believe that divorce is the only sin that is not forgiven. Hence, "I will remember your sin no more" is then considered invalid. Right??
  9. I completely understand. I too have had feelings similar to yours. Word of advice... don't pressure yourself into reading the bible. It will only harden your heart and you will not fully understand what it is you're reading. Instead you will be resenting the fact that you are reading it, and not playing video games . Try getting together with a bible study group, that way not only are you reading, but you are interacting with others who have the same beliefs as you do, and that may get you excited to read again. Also, praying and reading the bible in the morning is great advice. I often do this because it is the only quiet time I have, it's also a great time to meditate on the word. Try it, you may be suprised at how refreshing it is. And lastly, give yourself a break. Think of this journey as learning how to walk again, you weren't expected to take your first step the day you were born were you? Well, God doesn't expect you to read the bible from beginning to end right away either, or to become the "perfect" christian overnight for that matter. This is a learning experience and we are supposed to make mistakes, that is how we learn. I think your heart is in the right place, just relax and enjoy!
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