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Everything posted by larryt

  1. 18 Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come; therefore we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out, that it might be plain that they all are not of us. 20 But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all know. 21 I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and know that no lie is of the truth. 22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father. He who confesses the Son has the Father also. 1 John 2:18-23 Hardly think that JPII fits that description... Is VICAR OF CHRIST a title for the pope? LT
  2. Not if he is trusting mary for his salvation. His title is Vicar of Christ. I did not say he was THE anti-christ. John said there would be many antichrists.
  3. Pope's title VICAR OF CHRIST lt
  4. Never would I show any respect to the VICAR(anti in the greek)CHRIST.
  5. you're good! Are you a pastor of a church? Where might we find the FACTS about Mary's six other children?
  6. The bible instructs us to take our thoughts CAPTIVE to the obedience of Jesus Christ. And CAST down the imaginations. These thoughts come from evil spirits that must be cast out in Jesus name. I you have submitted to the Lodrship of Jesus Christ you must resist(fight againstand cast out) the devil(demons) and they will flee before you. you can get more info here: http://www.hbcdelivers.org/start.htm LT Lord we ask and pray that the spirit behind these thoughts be bound and cast out in the authority we have in Jesus Christ.
  7. Calvin, Your answer reveals a lot of dispare over your struggles. There are reasons for my questions. Hope is what we are saved by. Hope is a surety, not a maybe, kinda, iffy. It is a confident expectation of things to come. There are some things that I doubt, but there are a few things that I have never doubted since being born again. One is that Jesus has nerver left me nor forsaken me. Another is the reality of heaven and the life to come. You are not in group. Group is the worlds way of dealing with problems and not God's way. Would any of the answers above have really helped? God's way is to believe His word - FAITH. Even against what "REALITY" says. The fact is that there are many here that do love you. I have also found that there are many christians who have a hard time receiving love. I was one of those people for much of my christian walk. I found that I have to take my thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ and cast down the imaginations that are contrary to the Word of God. In the name of Jesus Christ we bind and cast down the spirits that keep us from giving and receiving the love of God. I bind the spirits of rejection and pride. Lord send your angels to minister to Your saints to humble ourselves, that we would know that we are accepted in the beloved. That we all might know the height, and depth, and length, and breadth of your love. LT
  8. Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ. Just got done reading the thread. Just had to join in being an ex-catholic. I think someone mentioned the second commandment: Today we very seldom see physical graven images but many make image of God based on their own beliefs. Example: My God would never cast anyone into hell, I don't believe in hell. You would have to agree with him for their god is not the God of the bible. I believe in the God of the bible. If it is in the bible God said it and that settles it, and it does not matter if I believe it. Paul also said there would be other Jesus'. One of the reasons that christians are wary of catholics is history. In the past when the catholic church befriended non-catholic christians there were Massacres - the waldenses, huegonauts, anabaptists. These groups were not protestant in that they did not come out of the catholic church, but some of the protestant groups persecuted the same groups. The catholic church has incorporated all the traits of the babylonian mystery religion. Alexander Hyslop documented the traits in his classic Two Babylons. Mary in the catholic sense is the queen of heaven, a term used in Jerimiah for a false pagan godess. She was not ever virgin as the catholic church believes, she had at least six other children
  9. The fact is that we are unworthy of anything. It is only by grace that we have been made accepted in the beloved. We don't deserve anything, but God freely gives us all things through Jesus Christ our Lord. We can do nothing to please Him who made us, but we are privilaged to be allowed to participate in the might works of God Almighty. LT
  10. Some thoughts on immunization. All sicknesses are the result of sin. There was no sickness nor death till sin entered the world. The premiss of imunization is that you give the body a weakened form of the disease in hopes that the body will be able to fight it off and ward off any future disease. Spiritually speaking it would be like giving the soul a little sin so that big sins would not affect it. Worldly speaking imunization sounds OK. Some questions that arrises is: Do we really believe that ALL THINGS happen for our good? Why are some of us trying so hard to stay here? LT
  11. I find that I can do more with the 90 percent i'm left with than I when I don't tithe. The tithe came before the law. As a matter there is no mention where it comes from. It is first mentioned in: but how Abram knew to give a tithe we do not know just as Abel knew to offer a lamb. LT
  12. Stick to your guns and fight for the things that will last. God hates divorce but grants it only because of the hardness of our heart. Counseling from the bible by a good man of God is profitable. Worldly counseling (psychology - what did God before psychology came around?) will only cause more problems. Test the spirits whether they be from God.
  13. We are more than conquerers in Jesus Christ our Lord. wage a good warfare as Paul told Timothy. You as the believer in the familly can do much. as I suggested bind and loose(set free). "I bind the spirit of anger" "Lord set him free from the bonds of fear" Confess his sins before God - "Lord forgive my husband for cursing Your name." The more scripture you can use the better for it is the Sword of the Spirit. LT
  14. Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praying and asking for help, telling God what our problems are is good and essential, but most christians don't know how to wage war on the enemy. It is Satan and the demons that are influencing your husband. He cusses - bind the spirit of blasphamy. naked women - bind the spirits of lust, porn on the TV - bind apathy, passivity Hope you are getting the picture. Keep in mind war is not a one time thing. We will have to kee this up for the whole time we are here on thie earth. If our strength is not in the Lord we will faint and be defeated. You cannot survive on just 2X a week. every day you need to feast on the Word. Not just read but study to show yourself approved. If you want to win the war you must do what is necessary. Father I pray that You would strengthen this wife for your word says that Your stength is made perfect in weakness. LT
  15. You are OK in trying to avoid this person. We don't have to keep company with people that tear us down.
  16. Greetings, Let me say there is only one dumb question; that question that is not asked. As was said earlier that we are not to be yoked to unbelievers - for we will be unequally yoked. This is an agriculture picture for nothing could be achieved with animals that could not pull together. NOTHING can be achieved by linking with unbelievers. The bible also says that we walk by faith and not by sight(with our senses or feelings). And faith is based on the word of God. There are too many miserable christians who thought they could convert someone by marrying them only to find that things progress down hill. The only Godly way to deal with this problem is wait until the guy does indeed convert. Until then he is an unbeliever. LT
  17. Greeting in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you would here are some very interesting testimonies. http://nogreaterjoy.org/index.php?id=25&ba...=76&tt_news=198 http://nogreaterjoy.org/index.php?id=25&ba...=76&tt_news=199 LT
  18. Nothing is heard from Adam directly after he makes his "excuse" to God. Eve does make a statement of faith and believing God when Cain is born.
  19. larryt


    I may not have occured to you that when you attack the powers of darkness they don't just cry and go away. They usually fight back harder and more often because they know that you know about them. Those that don't know are asleep in the arms of the wicked one. Since I found out about deliverance I have been under almost constant attack, but I have learned not to give up and to fight back. The only way I have found to get them to back off is to hit them harder that they try to hit us. We need to keep the armor on and use the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God. MS has spiritual roots. In deliverance ministry we call it multiple spirits(not multiple sclerosis). He has made us more than conquerers!!! LT
  20. Wolves don't go baaahhh, even if they are in sheep's clothing. They go Grrrrrrr. LT
  21. Angel eyes asked a question: "What pastor would say that?" Any pastor that would tell one of his sheep to continue in fornication is a wolf in sheep's clothing. LT
  22. No need to pray, Flee fornication!!!!! I can't believe your "pastor" told you to continue.
  23. Calvin, So what do you hope for? And do you really know the God of eternity? Just trying to find out where you are at. Jesus is going to tell a bunch of people that think they are believers that He doesn't know them, and that we are to examine ourselves to see if we are really in the faith. Q: Could you share a little more on how you came to know the Lord. Sincerely, Larry T.
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