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About Ericka

  • Birthday 01/15/1989

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  • Location
    near detroit michigan
  • Interests
    Basketball, running, playing with my dog, studying the bible, reading, writing, talking, cell phones, palm pilots, laptops, games, people, love

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  1. Thank you, all 3 of you for your responses!
  2. I was studying last night and I came across a few verses I really did not understand.I was wondering if anyone could help me out.. to the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his believing wife and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise you children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 1 Corinthians 7:12-14
  3. Beth is alright! I am on the phone with her. When she comes back she will tell y'all how she is doing!
  4. Great analogy! That is very inspiring! E.
  5. I am getting cruel PM's from this person saying how messed up my family is and saying we need help. In fact that me quote that part: And I don't even want to try to create peace, how can I be friends with someone who says stuff like that?
  6. I had this friend, who just, VERY recently hurt me. I am wanting to avoid this person for a while, knowing I will say something harsh and rude, which is something I do not like to do. But this person is EVERYwhere I go. This "friend" goes to all the MB's I go to but one, including here, and they talk to everyone I talk to. It's really hurting me, because I am not going to stop going to messageboards that I go to because of it, especially won't stop coming here. But HOW do I get this person OUT of my life?
  7. I am getting overly hungry y'all!!
  8. I can make that recipe! My mom saw it in this book, I had been bugging her to get so she finally did so I make it. I LOVE Amish Bread.... yummy.
  9. I would rather die for Christ than die doing something for the world. God is so much more important to me in that sense and I would rather know that forever I am to be with Him than to deny Him. Whats the price of denying Him? Or should I say what has happened to those who denied Him before? Think of those questions.
  10. Okay, this I can get very personal with. I had that same problem. I did it because I believed it was the only pain I could control. Now I hate facing it because I have been asked so many times where I got all the scars I have. And now, feeling good about God, I say they are proof of the wonderful work God can do for people. Just like He saved me from that stuff He can save YOU. He is incredible and He will do it, you just gotta tell satan to leave you alone and allow God to work on you. God is the only one that can help us, and you gotta count on Him.
  11. sex, in the short term may make you THINKyou feel better, but really it will hurt you more and more eventually. Like it is now, you think it will make you feel better, so you want it more but really its hurting you because you keep doing it, and knowing he's using you makes it worse. Sex just complicates everything if you aren't married. It makes you think you NEED it and need to stay with the person you have had sex with. My advice is to really move on. You don't need this guy, you need to know you don't need him. And you don't need sex to make you feel better. God is the only one that can do that for you. He is the only one that can ever change your life, or bring you peace and happiness. God Bless you and be with you always.
  12. Well its incredibly hard to get along with people who are different from you if you let it become a problem. I personally know I am usually a picky negative person and I think I got along with positive people really well. It all depends on how you act towards or with them. If you let it bother you it will become a worse problem. If you don't let it bother you then you could really adjust to getting along with more people and being liked by more people. I know people who are REALLY positive married to negative people who are both EXTREMELY happy. And I have seen two negative people married and they end up sad and depressed.. you gotta stretch your boundaries and try to be able to be around everyone! sorry thats the best I got.
  13. o0o0o0o mucho gracias! Great jewel! REALLY! thanks for sharing that WISDOM! :hug:
  14. Great article.. very interesting.. unfortunately I only had time to read about half of it.. so I will read the rest later.. thanks for sharing it!
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