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Everything posted by ccfromsc

  1. I said 30,000 verses. Which KJV Bible was God’s perfectly preserved translation in English? The one in 1611 or one of the revisions in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1644, 1664, 1701, 1744, 1762, 1769, or the last one in 1850? Please specify which one.What was God’s perfectly preserved translation in English before 1611? Please be specific in your answer.If there was a perfectly preserved translation in English before 1611 why would God need to perfectly preserve a second one if the first one was perfectly preserved? Please give details and sources for these details.If there was no perfectly preserved translation in English before 1611 why would God leave His people no perfectly preserved Word for 1611 years? Please give details and sources for these details.Where does the Bible teach that God will perfectly preserve His Word in the form of one seventeenth-century English translation? Please give specific verses with proper exegesis and hermeneutics.
  2. Why is it KJV Only always step in to muck things up? OF the KJV, there has been over 20 revisions, over 30,00 words added and deleted and added...etc that even the latest ones today are even different. There is the oxford, the Cambridge and the Westminister (if I remember the last one right). Now when the KJV used the TR they had only about 50 texts....most either still in Catholic hands or Orthodox. Today there are over 3400 texts that comprise the TR. The main contentions in the KJV come from Erasmus (please look him up). He had texts....in the Vulgate, which was latin! Yes he was a Roman Catholic! he had a huge impact on the KJV. Now as for the "feared" Alexandrian texts do not rule them out.over 97% are the same as the TR. KJV do not mention that. One thing the bible gained from the Greek texts was the book of Jeremiah. originally the Book of Jeremiah in the Hebrew tradition was about 35 chapters. Why? cause even when you read the book jeremiah was kidnapped and taken to Egypt to live out his life! His scribe Baruch finished the book thus making it 55 chapters. Even Jews later on adopted the egypt version. Beware of KJV only.
  3. Wow! This is a great topic! We have been blessed today with many different versions of the bible. The main problem is translating the bible from the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek to English. For example in Greek there are 3 main words for "love" being agape, eros and phileo. Each has a specific meaning but is translated as "love." Each translation has the impact of the denomination or group that translated it. The KJV of 1611 is not the same as the one we have today. It was amended to, changed over 20 times last major one being 1769. The Standard Version came out in the late 1900's. Later the Revised Standard, RV. Even later the RSV, Revised Standard Version. Then they started over and it became the English Standard Version, ESV. The NIV came out in the 1970s, then first major version 1984. It was revised and called the TNiV, Today's NIV in 2005. Later revised again and updated on 2011, called NIV. The New Living Bible came out in the 1970s. Then a committee put it together and sold the NLT in 1996. Updated 2x since last being 2015. There are other good versions such as the HCSB, Holman Christian Standard Bible. It is in a southern baptist vein. The NET or New English Translation, from the Dallas Theological seminary (baptist). The NET is free on software and the notes are very extensive on translating what and why. A new one is the CEB which comes from England. Other ones are the CEV, NCV, God's Word, Tree of Life (which is a messianic bible). I truly hope this helps I
  4. Do worry cause it is coming. It will be here in the USA. Definitely Christians will be targeted. Before long if a preacher gives a sermon on sin, repentance and salvation it will be deemed "hate speech." Look at the mass media: Out of the Nazi prpaganda and Stalinist machines. IF the president gives a nighttime speech afterward every network has pundits on telling you what the president "said" to mold your thought to their liking. Mass education was what it was labeled. If anyone stands up to the government today, Jeffrey Dahmer will be elavated to saint hood compaired to what the media trumps up on them. Point: Paula Deen. She used that word 30 yrs ago. She was destroyed because of something 30yrs ago. Did any media mention that?
  5. The KJV ONLY here are in droves! Why is it the KJV Only end up worshiping one translation? Any other translation the KJVO attack the messenger and that Bible. But do they ever admit to errors done in the KJV? No try to even point one out and they go bonkers. All you here do you even know of the KJV history? Not something copied off a website of the KJVO. For example there were at least 28 known revisions of the KJV! Today's KJV is NOTHING like the original of 1611. The put downs of the TNIV and the NIV are mild... do you even realize the ORIGINAL KJV had a Male and a Female version? Also notes were all over the margins... because of Erasmus. The Roman Catholic! Who gave lots of Vulgate editions that some strange stuff in them... so much that when he help the Catholic Church with its English version, they just said no to them. When the first religious refugees of Europe fled here they did not have the KJV they had the Geneva and the Authorized Version of the King of England..... the Bishop's Bible! Also why did the KJV have the Apocrypha removed?
  6. Remember this: That IRS scandal for using the IRS against political opponents will pail in comparison when the IRS is fully in charge of your medical insurance....Remember 2 people will be in charge of your healthcare.....
  7. (Jer 7:16) "As for you, do not pray for these people. Do not offer a cry or a prayer on their behalf, and do not beg Me, for I will not listen to you.
  8. I would think it is the USA. Guess I will have to cancel that Sodom-Gomorrah vacation to Acapulco, Mexico along with Tijuana too! (That is a little humor folks).
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