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"Is America A Christian Nation?"


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Proud to be an American and a Texan.

David Barton does a good job here.

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I watched it on TV. Very informative. I'm not too surprised about the revisionist history, though. People want so much for use to be a secular nation that they have no problem leaving out what doesn't suit their ideals.

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Heres a article from wallbuilders with quotes from those who signed the constitution or who had a hand it developing this country. We were founded on that Judeo/christian foundation, sadly those leading this country do not have the same moral compass as those who founded it. There are plenty of Americans who still believe in what we were founded on yet we and are children have grown up in the ideals of socialism. If we continue on this path God will be an after thought for most people or at the least one consigned to certain groups and just tolerated.


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The premise of the "Mayflower Compact" was to provide an agreement for the group to be a political body. As it states..."covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick."


Exactly :whistling: It was a compact based upon a social experiment that failed. :laugh: That social experiment was in fact communal living and based upon Socialism where the British Government was the sponsor and control. It failed jsut like every other form of Socialism in the world. It led to Capitalism and our Constitution whose heart is about individual Liberty from God. :laugh:

Alrighty then. So you believe that those who came over on the Mayflower were not following Christ but Socialism.

But let's face it. We all are entitled to our opinion on if America was founded as a Chistian nation. IMO a nation which commits genocide on the native population and enslaves another race of people to enrich themselves are not working under Christian principles....regardless of what they claim their religious beliefs to be.

I think you are getting a distorted view of our history. Yes, there were acts by our government that were not Christian, but the more I read of your posts, the more I see you writing from a left-wing perspective. It is the kind of nonsence that is being spewed by liberal college professors. The founders had differen't interests. Money was certainly one of them. Escaping high taxes, especially without representation was considered offensive. The freedom to worship according to one's beliefs was also a motivating factor. The biggest thing to me was freedom. It is obvious the founders strongly believed in freedom when you read the original bill of rights. The assault we are facing today is to take away those freedoms.

As for the idea that the original founders were socialists, there was an early experiment where everyone shared everything, but that was a complete failure, and was quickly changed. One thing I would mention is that Israel went into Canaan, slaughtered all the original inhabitants under the instructions of God because they were idol worshipping heathens. One could make the argument that God led the original pilgrims to come to this nation and bring Christianity here. Many of the native Americans were idol worshippers, and you could make the argument that their cup of iniquity was fulfilled and God was removing them from the land to bring in worshippers of the true and living God. Where I feel like they crossed the line was when they mistreated indians that had become Christians, but that was not everyone.

We had some good politicians and some bad politicians, as we have today. The evils of that day were towards some native Americans, and today, the worst evil being done is towards unborn children. We have been slaughtering 1.3 to 2 million children per year since 1973, and that is far worse than anything the founding Fathers were guilty of. My concern is that our cup of iniquity is increasing at an incredible rate of speed, and it wouldn't surprise me if the same fate that befell the previous inhabitants didn't happen to us as well.


Thank you, that's what I was trying to convey about the failed social pact. :laugh: It wasn't the Mayflower compact itself that failed but the social experiment and way of life that the plan entailed. One could even say that because they dedicated this venture and new Nation to the God of the Bible that He rightly showed them a better way. :laugh:

I too tire of the Leftist Propaganda that always blames America first.



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Originally America was where England sent the puritans to live because they didn'twant them there anymore.

Later when England found out how much money was to be made in America, they decided to colonize it.

Nice myth however the first colony was Virginia founded adverturers out to make a fortune. I think they were mostly establishment Church of Enland types not puritans. The latter turned up a decade or so later.

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Guest shiloh357
The premise of the "Mayflower Compact" was to provide an agreement for the group to be a political body. As it states..."covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick."


Exactly :whistling: It was a compact based upon a social experiment that failed. :thumbsup: That social experiment was in fact communal living and based upon Socialism where the British Government was the sponsor and control. It failed jsut like every other form of Socialism in the world. It led to Capitalism and our Constitution whose heart is about individual Liberty from God. :thumbsup:

Alrighty then. So you believe that those who came over on the Mayflower were not following Christ but Socialism.

But let's face it. We all are entitled to our opinion on if America was founded as a Chistian nation. IMO a nation which commits genocide on the native population and enslaves another race of people to enrich themselves are not working under Christian principles....regardless of what they claim their religious beliefs to be.

Not everything this country has done was right nor can it be defended. Our government in the past has done some very shameful things that we cannont be proud of

However, the US was founded on Christian principles. That does not mean that the theology of the founders was perfect or that they were always the shining examples of Christian virture.

There is a difference between being honest about history and simply throwing everything under the bus with your "I hate America conspiracy nonsense. You might find yourself and your views better received in France or any one of the Islamic countries that hate the US.

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I just watched this preaching by David Barton titled "Is America a Christian Nation?"

I am not American nor do I live in America, but I think this is worth watching by Christians and non-Christians alike in America.



Is America a Christian Nation? Many people don't think so today. The truth is, however, that our great nation was founded on principles that are all throughout the Bible. Author and historian David Barton highlights our christian heritage in this eye opening message.


Our nation was founded on and followed the principle of Manifest Destiny although the phrase was not used until the late 1800's. Manifest destiny is the belief that we had the right to expand all the way to the West coast and if killing native Americans was the price...so be it. I don't find that to be very Christian.

The main thing this country was founded on was the love of money. England's economic policies (taxation, tariffs etc) were what caused the colonists to rebel. Freedom of religion may have been what brought the early settlers here, but that was a century before the Declaration of Independence. Notice that the Declaration of Independence gives the colonies reasons for breaking from England. Those reasons are economic, not religious.

History has taught us that leaders are able to manipulate and persuade populaces to their point of view by convincing the citizenry that God ordains such and such war, rebellion etc. So far, humans seem unable to learn from the past.

did you watch it?


The first part of it. I disagree with the premise of what was being said.

As a student of History, I believe this nation has always been first and formost driven by the love of money. A direct ancestor of mine was a member of the London Company. For anyone who does not know what that is, they were the founders of "The London Company" who along with the "Plymouth Company" recieved charters from England to come to America in order to profit from this continents resources. They founded Jamestown.

Throughout our History our nation has been about money. While there are Christians in our nation, I do not believe that the purpose of our government or politicians has been to serve God. Of course there are exceptions, but I find them to be few and far between.

I think it would help for you to watch it in its entirety.

I realize now, reading you post, what David Barton is saying about what is being taught in schools about America's history.


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I would like to know of any other large nation that did things better? Russia, China, England, France, Germany....? The very nature of being a large nation that is one nation, means that some bad things will happen, that is the nature of power and politics.

We seem to swing between thinking we are the greatest in the world to thinking we are the most horrible in the world, neither are true.

Also God can use a nation even if that nation is not a Christian nation, which I think He has done in our case.

However, I am not comfortable saying that we are a Christian nation, I WISH we were a Christian nation. The basic problem is that Christ did not come to set up a political system on earth. Not once, not ONE single time did He intone His followers to get involved in government or politics or to attempt to run nations. In fact we evidence of the opposite. Our faith does not lend itself to taking over countries. We are to be different from the world, there is nothing more worldly then, power, control, and politics, that is not what the Christian faith is about. As Paul said we are to mind our own business and work with our own hands, he goes on to say we are to be blameless and harmless in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, Christ said that Christian leaders will serve will seek to be the last, not the first. Paul made a point of showing that indeed he had spiritual authority over these first congregations BUT he did not use that authority to be paid or supported or to order people around, in fact he made his own money with his own hands while at the same time preaching and leading, that is certainly nothing like a politician or leader of the world.

Jesus Himself our model for how we are to live, never forced anyone to do anything, He did not revolt against the Romans, He did not seek office or send His angels to sublimate the entire world to His will, which He could have. No, He was not a leader in the world, He was a true eternal leader who gave up His life in humility as a criminal on the outskirts of town with maybe a couple of dozen followers, by all accounts He would be considered a loser in our world.

But we can't say we are a Christian nation when we lead the industrialized world in murder, and that does not even count our million abortions per year.

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