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Degree of SIn? OPINION question.


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Thanks all so far we have great answers that I really appreciate..

But may I ask what if this sin was an addiction? What would happen if no matter how hard you try to rid yourself of this addiction

if though you keep trying to rid of it that you just can't? You just keep stumbling but you are very sorry that it just keeps happening.

And this may lead to another subject within this one but it may change the way someone would answer :noidea:

But what if these addictions are something that effects you psychologically? Does this change anything?

Hey! Waiting2BwithHim

We come to the Lord as we are. If we try to clean ourselves up first, then we will never turn to the Lord because we are enslaved by those sins which we have given ourselvs to.

Jn 8:34 "Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin."

Heb 3:13 "But exhort one another daily, while it is called today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."

Rom 6:16 "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?"

The Lord calls us to himself as we are. We respond and come to him in faith and repentance. The Lord uses his word to cleanse us, sanctify us, give us faith and increase our faith, to teach us the truth and to reveal himself to us. All this is done by the ministry of the Holy Spirit who indwells us. Each of us have sins that need to be dealt with by the Lord when we first come to him. Sadly, many of us take on new sins even after we come to Jesus for various reasons. Whatever the reason, the Holy Spirit uses the scripture that we put into our minds to transform us into the moral image of Jesus Christ and thus fulfilling the New Covenant promise to write his commandments in our hearts and minds. What happens is that the Holy Spirit illuminates the logos(word) that we put into our minds and makes it to be the rhema(spoken word) of Jesus to our hearts and minds. We learn of him just as we do anyone who we spend the time with. Our consciences are purified, here a little and there a little, and we perceive sin as the Lord himself does, more and more. The things that we once delighted in become points of conviction as the Lord begins to deal with us in that area. As you stay in the word and your conscience is purified more and more, the point of conviction will become a torment of guilt as you are changing on the inside. If you're stubborn at quitting, the Holy Spirit will use your own guilt as a tool to set you free. Say for example your sin is smoking which can be as addictive as heroin. You resist but then give in and it doesn't bother you as usual. But the Lord decides that its time to deal with this and as you smoke it starts to bother you somewhat. You stay in the word and even add memorization of those verses that stand out to you as you read during your daily devotions. The Lord will continue to transform you on the inside but you outward man doesn't know that you've been changed on the inside and the thing that you allow doesn't just bother you, now it give you a full blown flare up of guilt because your conscience is no longer the same old decaying moral indicator, its being renewed. So now that your guilty reaction is able to more than just bother you and you start more and more often saying no to the temptation in your mind. But, sadly, smoking is hard to stop as the temptation keeps returning again and again. Then you give in and smoke after having stopped for a time. You're not just guilty now, you're miserable and this time it takes more than just a day to get over it. The more you fill your mind with the Lord's word the faster and more intense this process will be. So that in the end, the knowledge of how tormented you will be will give you the power to say no because you not the same person on the inside. You're no longer being conformed to this world but you're being transformed by the renewing of your mind to prove the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God for this sin. Of course, once you have the victory over this area, the Lord will begin on another. Rejoice though because when we turn from those things the Lord rewards us with more and more of himself.

Here are some power promises:

Mt 10:10 "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

Jam 1:13-15 "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."

The start of being tempted is being drawn away from the Lord's presence in your mind. Then the thought of it entices you. As it is upon you mind, it works to break down your resolve.

2 Cor 10: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

In the above verse we see that we have powerful weapons that are mighty through God to the pulling down the strongholds of evil or the addictive behaviors in our lives. We do this by casting down our imaginations and by bringing every though into the obedience of Christ.

Rom8:6NAS "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,"

The battlefield is in our minds, with what we allow ourselves to think about. So fill your mind with the Lord's word, especially with memorization, and you will be set free and be free indeed. The Lord's desire is for us all to have a clear conscience and to walk in joy.

2Pet1:3,4 "seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust."

I hope this helps! These are some great power promises to memorize and then like Jesus you can quote the scripture that you have memorized beforehand to resist the evil one's attack. The Lord's word is more powerful that our sin, than the evil one, than the world. Its even more powerful than our own consciences, so that we can even forgive our own selves by the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Lord's word in our minds. The Lord bless you in Jesus' name.

Holy Father, full of life and light, gather Waiting2BwithHim into your care and take charge of this situation to set em free. Lord, make your word to be the power of your might to the heart and mind of waiting2BwithHim. In the name of Jesus, forgive waiting2BwithHim of sin, give em life, and make yourself at home in Waiting2BwithHim's spirit. Send your angels to waiting2BwithHim and break any chains of darkness that may have been put there by the evil one and keep em safe from all harm. Lord set Waiting2BwithHim free from this sin and give em peace. Father, give Waiting2BwithHim a vision and take the eyes off of self and put them onto Jesus, lifted up in the power of his sacrifice of love for us all. Magnify your name in Waiting2BwithHim and use em to comfort others with the same comfort that you will be comforting Waiting2BwithIm with. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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The clear answer to this is YES, some sins are worse than others. This is evident when we see different punishments based on different violations of the law. God does it, and we do it, ( varying punishments for crimes, not the sin part ).

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As you noticed I capitalized the word opinion.

I did with good reason. I want to stress the point that replies are your personal opinions and not fact from the Bible.

I tried posting this at other forums and I either had gotten the same answer that sin is sin. (which I know)

Or I had started some small debates which led me to not any answer that I was trying to find out.

So I'm going to try it again here by phrasing this differently.

(Please keep in mind that I just want YOUR OPINION) I don't want any biblical scriptures because it is going to be that sin is sin.

Basically do you believe that there are some sins that would be considered to be worse then others in the eyes of God.

Example being that Murder is to be worse then stealing ...

Now what about other sins? Which ones and where do they rank in you OPINION? :noidea:

Why would I want a personal opinion seperate from that of God's Word...?

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As you noticed I capitalized the word opinion.

I did with good reason. I want to stress the point that replies are your personal opinions and not fact from the Bible.

I tried posting this at other forums and I either had gotten the same answer that sin is sin. (which I know)

Or I had started some small debates which led me to not any answer that I was trying to find out.

So I'm going to try it again here by phrasing this differently.

(Please keep in mind that I just want YOUR OPINION) I don't want any biblical scriptures because it is going to be that sin is sin.

Basically do you believe that there are some sins that would be considered to be worse then others in the eyes of God.

Example being that Murder is to be worse then stealing ...

Now what about other sins? Which ones and where do they rank in you OPINION? :noidea:

The wages or penalty for any sin is death, which means that we all needed a savior. As far as degrees of sin goes, obviously people are going to see some sins as worse than others. For instance, I wouldn't look at someone telling a lie as bad as someone committing murder. I wouldn't see speeding as being as bad as stealing. Even the legal system treats them differen't. The Bible speaks of sinners having "their part" in the lake of fire, indicating that some would suffer worse than others, but all who go there will suffer. In that way, I would suggest some sins are worse than others, but the most important thing to remember is that any sin will have the penalty of spiritual death. Only Jesus' blood can save us from our sins, no matter how great or small.

You said you don't want a debate over scripture. Even so, I would like to post a couple for your consideration. I will not give any opinons regarding them, since I know you aren't wanting to start a fight. I will simply post them, and you can decide for yourself what they mean as far as your question is concerned, if anything? :noidea:

For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, Hebrews 10:27

If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. 1 John 5:16,17

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I was led back here to say this:

Our Father has called us Through His Son to renew our minds! Ja 2:10 equates sin to the least infraction to the worse

as all committed in any violation... The penalty is eternal separation from The Lord... I believe anything past this point is

mute-> due to the fact of All That God 'IS' and to never ever have hope of Him again... unimaginable, horrors of unrelenting

proportions, there is no subtraction from this reality and additional what in degree matters how? Love, Steven

:red_smile: sorry I violated OP...

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all sin drive to the death because sin separates people from God.

the sin have different consequences, when David counted the people, many people die, and when David murdered Uriah , the first son of Betsabe die.

if you confess the sin and you stop to do it, God give you life

"Very simply scripture does teach that there are differences in sins, both in the OT (Old Testament) and in the NT (New Testament). In the OT, if you read carefully in the laws given to Moses, the only punishment for known sins commited on purpose is death. For sins committed in ignorance, when it becomes known, a way is provided to make atonement for them usually by means of a sacrifice.

In the NT, there is a sin, which is NOT unto death (I John 5:16), but there is also a sin, which is unto death.

All of us are or have been sinners, but not all of us are reprobates. God is no respecter of persons. He treats everyone the same. But... all of us are not the same. We are not the same because we started out with different make-ups and we walked down different pathways making different decisions.

If I as an old believer were to decide to and then go ahead and chew out another person for falling short of God's glory, the judgment of God upon me would very likely be harsher than it would for the person who did the same thing the first day of his walk with God.

Consider also how many times the natural children of Jacob [israel] provoked God before He cut them off from the promised land. In the case of Moses, he lost his entrance to the promised land for one transgression.

"But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48

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Well the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit is an unforgiveable sin, and please correct me if I'm wrong. Based on my experiences as well as observations, some people base sin on external as opposed to internal. What I mean by this is that they, and I'll admitt it, I've done this in the past and at times still have to catch myself; but when believers comitt sins that are visible(i.e. smoking, drinking excessively) it is perceived as worse sin than those that we can not see, such as pride, jealousy etc.

So to sum it all up, the sins that we can see are worst than the sins that God sees( and he sees all of them)

I understand that you're looking for opinions, but if you are a Christian, then your ideas and beliefs become more and more like God's. Of course we are human and not God, but as believers our opinions become God's facts as we grow in our walk with Christ.

Love and Peace,


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Well the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit is an unforgiveable sin, and please correct me if I'm wrong. Based on my experiences as well as observations, some people base sin on external as opposed to internal. What I mean by this is that they, and I'll admitt it, I've done this in the past and at times still have to catch myself; but when believers comitt sins that are visible(i.e. smoking, drinking excessively) it is perceived as worse sin than those that we can not see, such as pride, jealousy etc.

So to sum it all up, the sins that we can see are worst than the sins that God sees( and he sees all of them)

I understand that you're looking for opinions, but if you are a Christian, then your ideas and beliefs become more and more like God's. Of course we are human and not God, but as believers our opinions become God's facts as we grow in our walk with Christ.

Love and Peace,


I totally agree with everything you just said, but I would like to expand on something.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is actually ( when studied in detail correctly ) is NOT actually a specific individual sin. It is a deleberate rebellion in the heart against Christ AFTER the true knowledge of his identity has been revealed. This is what the religious leaders did to Jesus. They actually knee exactly who he was, but because their fear of losing the following of the crowds and their esteemed positions, they rejected him. BOHS is not unforgivable because it is a worse sin than the others. It is unforgivable because people who commit it have hardened their hearts so much that they will NEVER repent and seek forgiveness.

I hope this helps, as I have met MANY a christian who has been confused as to what the actual BOHS actually means.

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I agree with you because in Mark 3:29 and prior to this verse the Pharisees and the Saducees were saying that the power and authority that Jesus operated out of was an unclean spirit; when in fact He was, of course, operating out of/from the HS. So if you are rejecting and blaspheming the HS, you are also rejecting Jesus.

Well the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit is an unforgiveable sin, and please correct me if I'm wrong. Based on my experiences as well as observations, some people base sin on external as opposed to internal. What I mean by this is that they, and I'll admitt it, I've done this in the past and at times still have to catch myself; but when believers comitt sins that are visible(i.e. smoking, drinking excessively) it is perceived as worse sin than those that we can not see, such as pride, jealousy etc.

So to sum it all up, the sins that we can see are worst than the sins that God sees( and he sees all of them)

I understand that you're looking for opinions, but if you are a Christian, then your ideas and beliefs become more and more like God's. Of course we are human and not God, but as believers our opinions become God's facts as we grow in our walk with Christ.

Love and Peace,


I totally agree with everything you just said, but I would like to expand on something.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is actually ( when studied in detail correctly ) is NOT actually a specific individual sin. It is a deleberate rebellion in the heart against Christ AFTER the true knowledge of his identity has been revealed. This is what the religious leaders did to Jesus. They actually knee exactly who he was, but because their fear of losing the following of the crowds and their esteemed positions, they rejected him. BOHS is not unforgivable because it is a worse sin than the others. It is unforgivable because people who commit it have hardened their hearts so much that they will NEVER repent and seek forgiveness.

I hope this helps, as I have met MANY a christian who has been confused as to what the actual BOHS actually means.

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