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speaking in tounges


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would not the Shepherd lead us away from

miracles and signs as to necessary elements as being of God?

Signs and miracles should be normal for a Child of God. Jesus said at least believe me for the Miracles, if nothing else.

Jesus remark was to the chosen (Elect) and who keep the Sabbath, and live near Judea. They have not had their senses perfected to discern good or evil, and he warned them. The Holy Spirit will always prompt you if something be of God, or some satanic power. The difference between the two are night and day. Every believer should know immediately if the devil is operating, as it is written.......... We are not ignorant of his devices. Not even close.

Jesus Is Lord.

So you are saying that what was being done by Jesus in His time - is seen today?
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Speaking in Tongues is a special ability given through the holy spirit to some disciples in the early Christian congregation that enabled them to preach or otherwise glorify God in a language other than their own. But can the ability to ''speak in tongues'' come from a source other than the true god?1 John-4:1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2 Thess-2:9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

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Speaking in Tongues is a special ability given through the holy spirit to some disciples in the early Christian congregation that enabled them to preach or otherwise glorify God in a language other than their own. But can the ability to ''speak in tongues'' come from a source other than the true god?1 John-4:1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2 Thess-2:9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,


What are you saying here please?

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"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance ... Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language." -Acts 2:4,6

I am bewildered at the ignorance of Pentecostals today concerning this issue of speaking in tongues. There is clear Scriptural evidence condemning the mumbo-jumbo, nonsense, which Charismatics call "speaking in tongues" today. First, on the Day of Pentecost Peter spoke in Greek, no other language. The Bible says that the people from other nations HEARD (Acts 2:6-8) in their own native tongue (i.e., language). What they actually experienced that day was HEARING IN TONGUES. Peter never spoke any language other than the Greek he normally spoke. It is IMPOSSIBLE to reconcile the demonic jibber-jabber of Pentecostals today with the miracle of tongues in the Bible. Acts 2:9-11 mentions sixteen different nations which were present on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 2:8 plainly states that each man HEARD the Gospel in his own native tongue in which he was born. How does this compare with the Charismatic speaking in tongues today that makes NO SENSE TO ANYONE.

Furthermore, the Apostles NEVER sought the miracle of tongues, it was always initiated by God. Pentecostals preachers today arrogantly claim to have the ability to access God's power at their will. They do not. Just as Catholic priests sinfully claim to have God's power to forgive sin, so do Pentecostal ministers sinfully claim to have God's power to heal people and work miracles. This is sinful pride and a perversion of the teachings of God's Word.

Also, please note that every time the Bible mentions the Apostles speaking with new tongues that the Gospel message was being preached. In sharp contrast, Charismatics today don't even know what they're trying to say, and someone else has to interpret. The Apostles always knew what they were saying as they spoke, and again, their listeners HEARD in their own language.

Consider this, why do Pentecostals only speak in Charismatic tongues during Charismatic meetings, and in Charismatic churches? If speaking in tongues is a sign of being saved and spiritual (as Pentecostals teach), then why do they never speak in tongues in public? Have you ever seen a Pentecostal speak in tongues on a city bus, or at a ball game, or in a restaurant? Hmmm? No, they only speak in demonic tongues when in a demonic service. Listen friend, any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit, is a familiar spirit (demonic). The practice of speaking in Charismatic tongues invokes a familiar spirit that is not of God.

Biblical tongues today is simply the ability to work with multiple languages. I've always loved musical instruments, it comes natural to me. Some people can play a radio, and that's about it. I've never liked making speeches, and I hate talking on the phone. I feel much more comfortable writing, and I believe God has a purpose for me in this endeavor. Some people are quick on their feet, and are good talkers. I on the other hand usually say the wrong thing and put my foot in my mouth. I have often asked myself why I had said what I said to someone. Therefore, I usually stay quiet. But I enjoy writing, because I can reread my article as many times as necessary to ensure it is exactly what I want to say. I have often spent 6-8 hours writing one article for this website, sometimes even longer. It must be just right, because it is going to influence someone, and I want to honor God and the Truth of God's Word. I am accountable to God for what I teach people; therefore, I take great responsibility in every article I write and publish for others to read. I want to use my talents and resources for God.

Biblically, Lost Sinners Heard in Tongues

We have all heard the term "speaking in tongues"; but, no one actually spoke in tongues in the Bible. Rather, they spoke in their own language, and the listeners HEARD the message in their own native language. We read in Acts 2:8-11, "And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God." So none of the Apostles, nor any of the New Testament saints, ever spoke in some unknown Heavenly jibber-jabber; but rather, in their own native language. This is confirmed in Acts 2:8. The gift, or miracle, of tongues was manifest in the HEARING of the Word, and NOT the speaking. The term "speaking in tongues" is often misunderstood, somewhat of a misnomer. When the Bible mentions "speaking in tongues," it is referring to hearing in tongues. When the Gentile converts spoke with "tongues" in Acts 10:46, it was the same Greek word for "tongues" as in Acts 2:4 ("glossa," meaning, "the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations."). It was a KNOWN earthly language. The same Greek word is used by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 14:18, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all." However, Paul had the GIFT of tongues, which is different from the MIRACLE of tongues in Acts 2. Paul was fluent was different languages. Many people today are gifted in being able to learn several different languages. The same is true of musical instruments. Some people are gifted writers. Now, nearly anyone can write something, but few people can write in such a way that others are compelled to read their works. The "gifts" of the Spirit are different from the miracles of God. The gift of tongues still exists today; but the Apostolic miracles of tongues and healing ceased during the New Testament, which is evidenced by Paul's inability to later heal himself, Timothy, and Trophimus. God does still heal today, but he works through the prayers of the saints, and requires for us to be reconciled with our Christian brethren (James 5:15-16).

Charismatic tongues is dangerous, because it involves familiar spirits. It also draws unsaved people into church for the wrong reasons. It's the same problem with so-called "Christian rock." People come to the rock music, not to Jesus Christ. Most people join Charismatic churches because of the excitement and entertainment, not because they want to find God. As a result, many people find churchianity without Christianity. We are living in apostate times, when most people have religion without God, and knowledge without truth. Let us be diligent to contend for the faith, and expose Satan's works of darkness. Speaking in Charismatic tongues is evil, and is nowhere taught in the Word of God. Don't be misled by the false prophets of Pentecostalism, speaking in Charismatic tongues is of the Devil.


remember peter wasn't the only one talking that day. is there a verse that specificly says peter only spoke in greek? the bible clearly states that they, the listeners heard what was coming out of the mouths of people other than peter. also what do you think of the verse that tells us to pray in the spirit for our edification. i do agree that alot of charismatic churches are on the wrong path and have a distorted view of scripture thou.

P.S. that jesus is lord website has a hate filled "we are right and you are wrong and i dont want to talk about it" mentality. dont take my word for it readers go look at it yourself.

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and a post from june suddenly factored in after everyone forgot it because? :hmmm:

Speaking in Charismatic tongues is evil, and is nowhere taught in the Word of God. Don't be misled by the false prophets of Pentecostalism, speaking in Charismatic tongues is of the Devil.

Personally, I'm glad when this kind of rhetoric gets buried...yuh know?

The word demonic is greatly overused and if it is demonic, do you believe in deliverance? Probably not, so what a predicament

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common sense

in some churches, practically nothing is taught regarding evil spirits with the result that ignorance

leaves the door wide open for them

I grew up in one of those churches...was also taught that tongues are all demonic now and people who

speak in tongues have a screw loose and need psy help

I now know better

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Wow this thread still is going? So basically there's three lines of thought correct?

A. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is a gift from God.

B. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is from the Devil.

C. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is not Biblical and therefore something individuals make up.

Really it doesn't matter what people say. After all, those that speak in tongues in a personal prayer language will likely continue to do so. Those that think it is from the Devil will not engage in such activity. And those that do not believe it's Biblical will just continue to think that it is something people make up. I'm not sure anyone is going to change their mind on the matter?

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Wow this thread still is going? So basically there's three lines of thought correct?

A. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is a gift from God.

B. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is from the Devil.

C. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is not Biblical and therefore something individuals make up.

Really it doesn't matter what people say. After all, those that speak in tongues in a personal prayer language will likely continue to do so. Those that think it is from the Devil will not engage in such activity. And those that do not believe it's Biblical will just continue to think that it is something people make up. I'm not sure anyone is going to change their mind on the matter?

I wrote in the post just above yours that I changed my mind and yet you don't think anyone will change their mind she said dryly

People change their mind all the time and as long as the Holy Spirit operates under His licence from God the Father, I can be assured

that His duty will be fulfilled in bringing people to the truth and the knowledge of Jesus Christ

You may think a pointless button looks cute but it is more pointless than you realize

It may interest you to know that another forum I belonged to for several years, that had far more members than this one, had a thread

on tongues that was close to or past 100 in pages. Actually they had several threads, so called one stop threads, for topics that

were of ongoing interest

And it absolutely does matter what people say. We are responsible for what we say and words are important. I don't

think this thread needs to stop. What usually shuts a thread down is when people become abusive towards each other


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Wow this thread still is going? So basically there's three lines of thought correct?

A. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is a gift from God.

B. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is from the Devil.

C. Speaking in tongues (in a personal prayer language) is not Biblical and therefore something individuals make up.

Really it doesn't matter what people say. After all, those that speak in tongues in a personal prayer language will likely continue to do so. Those that think it is from the Devil will not engage in such activity. And those that do not believe it's Biblical will just continue to think that it is something people make up. I'm not sure anyone is going to change their mind on the matter?

I wrote in the post just above yours that I changed my mind and yet you don't think anyone will change their mind she said dryly

People change their mind all the time and as long as the Holy Spirit operates under His licence from God the Father, I can be assured

that His duty will be fulfilled in bringing people to the truth and the knowledge of Jesus Christ

You may think a pointless button looks cute but it is more pointless than you realize

It may interest you to know that another forum I belonged to for several years, that had far more members than this one, had a thread

on tongues that was close to or past 100 in pages. Actually they had several threads, so called one stop threads, for topics that

were of ongoing interest

And it absolutely does matter what people say. We are responsible for what we say and words are important. I don't

think this thread needs to stop. What usually shuts a thread down is when people become abusive towards each other


Sorry didn't mean to offend you seven. I apologize. Will you forgive me?

As to why you changed your mind... was it due to a thread online? Or perhaps personal experience? Or a mentor who helped you see things differently?

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I'm not offended...it's not a personal issue...but of course I forgive you as needed if needed! My 'she said dryly' was intended as a little humor....

you may have noticed I have an appreciation for a good laugh or even a smile with the dimples barely showing ;)

No, actually not a thread online...yes, personal experience as in reading, looking at applicable scripture, discussion and then finally

prayer as in 'if this is real and for me, then please I want to have it'...that is all it took and really, a whole different world opened up

including a hunger for God I did not have before and a better understanding of scripture. I think I was about 18 or 19....some time

ago now LOL!

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