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Divine Healing

Guest shiloh357

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Guest shiloh357

No, we do not have sovereignty over the earth or anything else.   Our "dominion" is not a sovereign dominion.  There is no sliding scale of sovereignty.  The ONLY person who is sovereign is God.   He and HE alone.   It is only human arrogance that pretends to have sovereignty.   You don't understand sovereignty.  Sovereignty means "control"   God is the only one with control over the universe and all it contains.  He has not surrendered that to you or me or anyone else.


God is never hindered by anyone.  To think that you are powerful enough to hinder God is nothing but pure arrogance and presumption. 

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Shalom, Floatingaxe.





We are created with a free will, not a sovereign will.  You might want to look up  the meaning of "sovereign."    God alone is sovereign.    God is all powerful and as such is not limited by man and he is sovereign meaning that he is in control of everything on earth.


If God chooses to heal a person, that person will be healed.  If God chooses not to heal, there is no amount of faith and "name it and claim it"  that will change God's mind.  God's will overrides man's will.   God and God alone has supreme sovereign authority on this earth.   God owns the earth and he owns everything in the earth, including us.   There is nothing that humanity or Satan can do to thwart God's plans. 


  The Bible calls Satan the "god" of this world, but it never says that Satan is the "lord"  of this world. He influences what happens in the world, but Satan has no sovereign rulership of this world; he always needs God's permission.   Satan can do only what God allows him to do.  Satan has to have god's permission to operate at all in this world.   Satan does not own us and we as Christians are not under any rulership of Satan.  Satan's rulership is very limited and is under God's control and God alone has ultimate authority in this world.


We have sovereignty in our own right, as beings created in the image of God and given dominion over the earth. God has given us His promise of healing through the atonement, and we carry it in our born again spirits where He dwells.


Our will, ignorance and lack of faith can hinder God's hand.



A few years back there was a man who wrote a book entitled, The Center of God’s Perfect Will. However, that book was RADICALLY IN ERROR according to the Scriptures. There’s NO SUCH THING as “being in the center of God’s Perfect Will” versus “being in God’s permissive will.” I bring this up because you are making the same mistake. You absolutely CANNOT “hinder God’s hand!” He already knows every choice you will make in your lifetime and has worked those choices into His plan.


Don’t confuse “the WILL of God,” that which “God WANTS,” with the PLAN of God, that which God CONTROLS in history through eternity.


Isaiah 46:9-11

9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
This is God’s PLAN. He shares this with NO ONE, except in some brief glimpses through prophecies.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-6
1 Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.
2 For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.
3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;
5 Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:
6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.
This is God’s WILL! He DOES share this with us. In fact, He DEMANDS it of us! We don’t need to KNOW God’s perfect WILL for our lives, we need to OBEY HIM and DO God’s perfect WILL for our lives!
God is basically saying that it doesn’t matter whom we marry or what we do for an occupation or where we choose to go and work, AS LONG AS we are doing what is RIGHTEOUS! He puts it in our hearts what we shall choose to do or where we shall choose to go or with whom we shall choose to share our lives! That’s not God’s “WILL,” anyway! God’s WILL - what God WANTS - is for us to LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY in whatever we do or wherever we go or whomever we marry!
That’s why NO ONE can miss God’s choice for whom you are supposed to marry! Whom you marry is YOUR choice; God doesn’t share His PLAN for your life with anyone, but He already knows your choice! God’s WILL is no fornication before marriage, and once married, no divorce! Treat your spouse with dignity and respect and love your mate completely! Give yourself 100% to your mate and covenant between yourselves that “divorce is NOT AN OPTION!” Understanding this gives one peace to know that one CANNOT miss “God’s choice for your mate” because He already KNOWS whom you will marry, and that choice is in YOUR hands! In fact, God doesn’t just KNOW the future; He DECLARED the end from the beginning!
There’s a little saying I memorized as a kid: "Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has occurred to God?” It may be simple, but it’s true. God is NOT "taken by surprise" by our choices!
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Nonsense. God has limited Himself to work in and through feeble human beings. We can hinder what God wants for us and completely miss it, by a wrong attitude. On the believers' judgment day (The Bema Seat), we will all receive rewards for works done that brought glory to God, but there will be rewards left on the shelf for things that God desired for us to have but we forfeited them because for one reason or another, we chose another thing.

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Guest shiloh357

God has not limited himself to working through us.  The Bible says no such things.   God has put no limitations on his sovereignty.  God always works as he pleases, he may choose to work through us at times, but there is NO place in the Bible that says that God has in  any way, limited himself to working through us.

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God prefers to do His will through His people. His love, power, purpose and presence and His will is manifested through the lives and personalities of His people who obediently serve Him.

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Shabbat shalom, Floatingaxe.


Nonsense. God has limited Himself to work in and through feeble human beings. We can hinder what God wants for us and completely miss it, by a wrong attitude. On the believers' judgment day (The Bema Seat), we will all receive rewards for works done that brought glory to God, but there will be rewards left on the shelf for things that God desired for us to have but we forfeited them because for one reason or another, we chose another thing.


The nonsense is yours. You’re forgetting valuable information in the Scriptures:


Esther 4:13-14

13 Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews.
14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
The deeds that God requires SHALL be done, if not by you, then by some other method. One may hurt himself or herself by not obeying God, but God shall NOT suffer for it! So, when you said, “We can hinder what God wants for us and completely miss it, by a wrong attitude,” that may be true FOR US, but it will not hinder God one iota!
But, hopefully you can see that this is because we are failing to do God’s WILL, failing to do what God WANTS! It has NOTHING to do with our future directly, per se; it has EVERYTHING to do with whether we are OBEYING God by living RIGHTEOUSLY (which will indirectly affect our future)!
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Shabbat shalom, Floatingaxe.


Nonsense. God has limited Himself to work in and through feeble human beings. We can hinder what God wants for us and completely miss it, by a wrong attitude. On the believers' judgment day (The Bema Seat), we will all receive rewards for works done that brought glory to God, but there will be rewards left on the shelf for things that God desired for us to have but we forfeited them because for one reason or another, we chose another thing.


The nonsense is yours. You’re forgetting valuable information in the Scriptures:


Esther 4:13-14

13 Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews.
14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
The deeds that God requires SHALL be done, if not by you, then by some other method. One may hurt himself or herself by not obeying God, but God shall NOT suffer for it! So, when you said, “We can hinder what God wants for us and completely miss it, by a wrong attitude,” that may be true FOR US, but it will not hinder God one iota!
But, hopefully you can see that this is because we are failing to do God’s WILL, failing to do what God WANTS! It has NOTHING to do with our future directly, per se; it has EVERYTHING to do with whether we are OBEYING God by living RIGHTEOUSLY (which will indirectly affect our future)!



The world suffers for our disobedience, and so does the Body of Christ! Our disobedience can hinder the working of the Holy Spirit, and can hurt us as well.

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Shalom, Floatingaxe.





The world suffers for our disobedience, and so does the Body of Christ! Our disobedience can hinder the working of the Holy Spirit, and can hurt us as well.



I feel your pain, brother. I know that someone has hurt you or yours in the past. However, although our choices can GRIEVE the Ruach haQodesh (the Holy Spirit), do we honestly think we’re the only ones in the world with whom He is dealing? He is a BIG God and can deal with EVERYONE, justified or unjustified, in the whole world at the same time! God doesn’t make “contingency plans.” He already KNOWS who will do His will and who will not! He already KNOWS who will come through for Him! He already KNOWS who will fail Him! Again, ...


"Has it ever occurred to you that NOTHING has ‘occurred' to GOD?"


Let’s say that God has asked Joe Somebody to do something for Him that MUST be done in human history, and He gives him time to respond. Do you honestly think that God is just waiting around for his response? (He could, we know, because if there’s one thing that God has an abundance of that we do not have, it’s TIME!) He gives Joe the time to respond, but if He already knows that Joe won’t do what is requested, don’t you know that God ALREADY has put into motion another person or sequence of events to get that job done? And, that is NOT an “alternative plan” to Joe getting it done! THAT WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG! He used the request as a TEACHING TOOL for Joe! Whether Joe learns anything or not, God has REVEALED some things to Joe about himself by making the request of him!


God is NEVER LATE in doing what He needs to do! People may suffer because of someone’s disobedience, but that, too, was in God’s PERFECT TIMING! Remember: He has "DECLARED the end from the beginning!” We can indeed TRUST GOD!

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Shalom, Floatingaxe.





The world suffers for our disobedience, and so does the Body of Christ! Our disobedience can hinder the working of the Holy Spirit, and can hurt us as well.



I feel your pain, brother. I know that someone has hurt you or yours in the past. However, although our choices can GRIEVE the Ruach haQodesh (the Holy Spirit), do we honestly think we’re the only ones in the world with whom He is dealing? He is a BIG God and can deal with EVERYONE, justified or unjustified, in the whole world at the same time! God doesn’t make “contingency plans.” He already KNOWS who will do His will and who will not! He already KNOWS who will come through for Him! He already KNOWS who will fail Him! Again, ...


"Has it ever occurred to you that NOTHING has ‘occurred' to GOD?"


Let’s say that God has asked Joe Somebody to do something for Him that MUST be done in human history, and He gives him time to respond. Do you honestly think that God is just waiting around for his response? (He could, we know, because if there’s one thing that God has an abundance of that we do not have, it’s TIME!) He gives Joe the time to respond, but if He already knows that Joe won’t do what is requested, don’t you know that God ALREADY has put into motion another person or sequence of events to get that job done? And, that is NOT an “alternative plan” to Joe getting it done! THAT WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG! He used the request as a TEACHING TOOL for Joe! Whether Joe learns anything or not, God has REVEALED some things to Joe about himself by making the request of him!


God is NEVER LATE in doing what He needs to do! People may suffer because of someone’s disobedience, but that, too, was in God’s PERFECT TIMING! Remember: He has "DECLARED the end from the beginning!” We can indeed TRUST GOD!


Correct, it is never too late to get on board God's program, as like a GPS device in our car, He is always "recalculating"! However, we do hinder God in His perfect plan for us, and we cause Him to "recalculate", and when we are finally standing in His presence, we will be shown exactly where we hindered Him in our lives and forfeited certain rewards that are still sitting on the shelf with our names on them.

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Shalom, Floatingaxe.




Correct, it is never too late to get on board God's program, as like a GPS device in our car, He is always "recalculating"! However, we do hinder God in His perfect plan for us, and we cause Him to "recalculate", and when we are finally standing in His presence, we will be shown exactly where we hindered Him in our lives and forfeited certain rewards that are still sitting on the shelf with our names on them.



NO! That’s not right! God is NOT “recalculating” like a GPS device! That’s what I was trying to tell you when I said that God doesn’t have any "contingency plans!” There’s no “Plan A” or “Plan B” with God!


God’s PLAN is not “recalculated!” His PLAN for the ages NEVER CHANGES! That’s the difference between the WILL of God and the PLAN of God. NOTHING that we choose to do is going to change that PLAN! God most often doesn’t share that PLAN with us! Instead, we read ...


Ecclesiastes 3:10-11
10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.


NOTHING you do will ever “hinder God in His perfect PLAN!”
We tend to see our decisions like branches of a tree, ever branching as we turn to the right or the left. God sees the ONE path from the “trunk” of the tree to the “leaf" of the ONE “branch" that we will follow in our life choices. Why should a God who already has "DECLARED the end from the beginning" waste His time with “contingency choices” - the other “choices” that He already knows we will NOT choose?

God’s WILL for a person’s life, on the other hand, is that he or she should do whatever he or she chooses to do RIGHTEOUSLY! THAT’S the key! It really doesn’t matter WHAT he or she chooses to do; it’s that he or she does whatever he or she chooses to do RIGHTEOUSLY! That’s the WILL of God for a person’s life - his or her SANCTIFICATION!


Here’s a challenge for you: Look up all the occurrences about the “will of God” in the Scriptures and see which ones are about “knowing” God’s Will and which ones are about “doing” God’s Will. That should be an eye-opener for you.


Furthermore, do you REALLY think that a PERFECT God will have unclaimed prizes sitting on a shelf somewhere, uselessly going to waste?! He is an EFFICIENT God! He’s not wasteful!

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