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A new view of benevolence


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Hi everyone, so I wanted to open a discussion (this is not meant to ruffle feathers or stir up controversy.. let's just talk about it) I know there are 2 sides to this with scripture to backup both. However, over the years I have changed my views on some of these things. What follows are my thoughts based on what I (currently) interpret scripture as meaning.


When we think of giving, beneveloence and charity many things come to mind. Maybe you were just asked to donate to a worthy cause, maybe you were in the Exxon parking lot and somebody asked you for money for gas. Whatever the case may be, there are likely times when you have felt compelled to give and times you haven’t. 


The Bible is very clear on giving, though probably not in the way people would prefer. The Oxford Dictionary defines radical as “very different from the usual or traditional” So Radical Benevolence (giving money and other items to help people) would be a type of benevolence (and ultimately love) that is so different you would be taken back, but please hear me out.




When an individual asks for help, you want to help them. Christians are compelled through various commands in The Bible to help one another. How familiar is the following scenario in your local church group of believers:


Person Seeking Help: (PSH) *Goes to the church office*. “I need some money for gas/food/rent/etc…”


Pastor/Other Person usually in charge of finances:  Our church policy says that we don’t give out cash, but if you follow me to a gas station I will fill your tank/call your landlord and pay your rent/take you to the grocery store etc…




When an individual asks for help, the radical view shows that the following scenario from above would have been handled much differently.


PSH: *goes to the church office*. “I need some money for xyz”.


Other Person: Okay. Here, take this and be blessed, it’s free with no strings attached. Have a good day and God Bless you

Whoa! so we’re just supposed to give them money? What about if they mis use it or abuse it, or aren’t that needy to begin with and just want to scam me? Those are some great questions. I’m going to try and answer them below.


  1. What if they misuse the money?    

So what? We are called to judge those inside the church, not outside (What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? 1 Cor. 5:12) 


When it gets to the point that Christians are determining whether or not somebody is worthy of our help  it is indeed a sad day in Christiandom. All throughout scripture we are compelled to give, not only cheerfully but often.


Some key scriptures:


Matthew 5:42- Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.


Duet 5:9-11- You shall give to him [your brother] freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’


Hebrews 13:16- And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


1 John 3:17-18 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.


If they misuse it, ultimately that is between them and God. Specifically I want to point out that 1 John 3:17-18 (Referenced above) uses helping others and meeting their needs as one criteria that you love God. If you love God, then you will love people and loving people means helping and meeting a need without strings attached.

2) What about my needs?


God says he will supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19) so an answer to this question starts with, trusting God to supply your needs as he promises.


Some key scriptures:


Isaiah 58:10-11 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. 11 The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.


Phil 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.


The verse in Isaiah tells us clearly that if we help the hungry and oppressed, then he will satisfy our needs. This is yet another promise that God will meet your needs if you follow what he commands.


3) What about those inside the church, should we not help them first?

The Bible tells us to help those who are among us, but the Bible also tells us:


Romans 12:13-14 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 


Galations 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.


Let do good to ALL PEOPLE. It goes on to say especially to those in the household of faith, but never exempts us from helping others. If it comes down to helping 2 people, one is in the household of faith and one isn’t- then you need to listen to the Holy Spirit (which you should be doing anyway).



Did you know that God gives us promises in The Bible if we do what he says and help others? Sure he does, lots of them. Here are a few:


  1. He says we will be blessed as the giver than receiver… (Acts 20:35)
  2. We will be rewarded (though not necc. on earth) … Proverbs 19:17 “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”


4) Is there a limit? What about enabling?


This is a valid point and one we need to address. Enabling is when you enable a person to continue in a destructive lifestyle or they are not doing anything on their own. The Bible tells us that if a man does not work, he should not eat (2 Thess 3:10). There comes a time when you may have to say “no” or refer them.




You can’t know this on a first meeting. When we presume we know that they can’t be trusted, this is sending an unloving message. Once you have helped them and get to know them, then there is room for deeper discipleship and accountability, but it you start out of the gate with fighting and distrust- you aren’t going to win them to Christ.


The world needs to see a loving picture of trust, this comes through us. How can we expect them to trust Christ if we show them no trust from the beginning?



FINAL THOUGHTS, The how & why?


We should give cheerfully (2 For 9:7) “For God loves a cheerful giver”


and secretly (Matthew 6:3-4)- Do not let the right hand know what the left is doing.


We give because of love (1 John 4:7-8)

Edited by Hawkeye
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There's some merit to it, but on that note, one needs to use wisdom. Let's say someone comes to church and says I need cash for groceries. Church gives the lady $300 no questions asked. Ok, she actually needed it and goes and buys groceries, only thing is she runs into a friend in the store, who asks where she got the money. And so in and so forth And all the sudden you have a rush on the church, and all the sudden the churches benevolence fund is in the negative and they're needing money to keep the lights on.

So the church itself needs to have some sort of plan in place, to keep that from happening. That's not mistrusting people, or showing lack of faith, but practicing wisdom with money, which the Bible also teaches us to do.

What your suggesting, while not frugal from the standpoint of the church, shows merit on a personal level. In our day to day lives, it is easier to give as God leads, even to where it hurts. We are far better enabled to figure out one on on, who needs help and whos trying to work the system, and if you build a relationship with them you may even be able to better help a person, even those who are just after a handout, by building a one on one relationship.

In any case, the method of giving you suggest, I think would be beneficial if implemented on a personal level, but not so much on a church administration level. Which is OK, honestly I think most matters should be handled on a personal level anyway, the church administration is just there to lead, not do everything for the church. Going out info the world and witnessing is the peoples job-not the pastor's.

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6 minutes ago, Yowm said:

Put it into practice Hawkeye and tell us how it goes. Try going down to skid row and hand out money whenever asked.

I did this at Venice Beach as a baby new Christian. My money lasted 10 minutes and ended up at the Mission that night.

Wow. you totally missed about half of what I said.  never said be silly about it I never said be naïve, is o said ultimately we listen to the Holy Spirit. 

Our church has done similar things, such as the blessing box that we have outside on the front lawn. It's filled with food and hygiene items with a sign that says take what you need be blessed so people can take things when they need to. they don't have to listen to the sermon, or fill out an application, or show income statements or any of that nonsense just to get some food. 

i'm not advocating that we go stand on the street corner in and out hundred dollar bills, we need to listen to the Holy Spirit urging in whatever way he would have us handle things. But the fact that we might get taken advantage of does not change the command of Christ


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2 hours ago, bonnieschamberger said:

Hawkeye what a wonderful post and its so right.:emot-cheering:

I would agree. Hawkeye has presented the Bible teaching about giving and sharing with others.  I don't believe you will ruffle any Christian feathers with this post.

A word of caution for ministries that harp on giving to them (especially Word of Faith preachers). That violates "Freely ye have received, freely give". 

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1 hour ago, Yowm said:

I missed what you said? You said..."Let do good to ALL PEOPLE."


Actually, God said that. Galations 6:10- Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

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Our first duty is to Christians, and especially to those in our own body.  In that case we usually know them and their history.   

There are extremes, and your idea is one of them.  Many churches today have a list of people who panhandle and don't work, and go from church to church begging.  They often share the list with other churches.  

I used to work in a toy shop over Christmas seasons.  It was between two bars and we often had beggars come in.  One of the ladies lived near railroad tracks and was marked for hand outs.  But she was wise and would call one of the taverns and tell them to give the guys a hamburger and a cup of coffee and she would come in and pay for it on her break.  

In Jesus' day the Jews would allow a person to even sell themselves into slavery, and in that way they could keep their dignity.  So offering a person work in exchange for payment of debt is a good answer.  After Pentecost they sold all they had and give to the church, forming a commune.  But that turned bad when the draught came.  I really don't recommend it.  I have given food, my own clothes, and a good portion of my inheritance to Christians in need only to have those of them who had been friends turn against me, complain about my gifts and despise me.  Our counseling pastor told me it is human nature and predictable for people to turn against their benefactor if they can't repay or receive as from the Lord.  So I learned to be more wise about giving.  This is also why people have turned against our government, especially those on public assistance but who don't work.  I have heard many people boast how they have defrauded the government system.  By cheating they are in control and keep their pride.  It takes humility to receive.



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A good post.  I believe we should give, but it needs to be given from a gentle assent to the Holy Spirit and not in a urgent or compulsive manner.  I will help someone a few times, but I won't allow myself to be turned into some sort of 'agency' for them.  Not sure it is helpful for anyone.....and there is resources that are limited.

I liked what you said about judging, it is not our place.  We also need to be careful about being condescending,  which  comes from a place of power and not charity.  People pick that up.  None of us knows where we may end up.  I have met no one who planned on being homeless and adrift.

I have learned that I can't change anyone, nor save them from their poverty, but can give a kind word and help them in my limited way.  I also pick out a couple of places in Atlanta where I will give something to those who are asking for money.  Both places are outside city limits. 

Again, well done, well written and well thought out.

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