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Common Courtesy


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51 minutes ago, Sister said:

Hi Neighbor

Yes you have missed it brother.


Revelation 20:12   And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.


If our names are not written in the book of life, then we face judgement and are judged by the books.  All our words and deeds are written in those books.


Matthew 12:36   But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Thank you! Interesting, I have not read that as  separate scrolls, but of records of individuals.

A tally of names of the damned, guess that would be everyone, and then some get scratched out and moved or rewritten into another book. Going to have to make little physical models for mysef and see if the transliterations holds. Should make for a fun time. So, thanks sister Sister. Not sure that I as yet see that as a separate scroll of all of humanity ( The damned) But will be a good time  of study from a new angle! 

Edited by Neighbor
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40 minutes ago, The_Patriot2017 said:

Forums are in my mind, not the same as writing a letter, but closer to having a conversation with people, because unlike letters which are usually only a discourse between 2 people, there are many people active on a forums board who allay chime into the same conversation.

It would seem awkward for me to address each and every person in the conversation, indeed impossible in some cases as there are so many involved in some of the threads. If I want to address someone specifically I will most likely quote them, though I'll occasionally name them. But If it's a conversation where my reply can be addressed to many I won't and I won't sign my name either.

Guess one could can all "etal", eh Whatzits?

I have a relative that simply cannot use proper names. Every one  and everything is him her 'em I that those. It gets hilarious trying to keep  on track with the conversations  with ol' whatshisname.

As to apologies received, why not forgive any and every transgression even prior to  any apology being received? 


Edited by Neighbor
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2 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

Guess one could can all "etal", eh Whatzits?

I have a relative that simply cannot use proper names. Every one  and everything is him her 'em I that those. It gets hilarious trying to keep  one track with the conversations  with ol' whatshisname.

As to apologies received, why not forgive any and every transgression even prior to  any apology being received? 


I tend not to get angry at anyone online so no issues there. Though I do tend to anger quite a few people lol.

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18 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

Thank you! Interesting, I have not read that as  separate scrolls, but of records of individuals.

A tally of names of the damned, guess that would be everyone, and then some get scratched out and moved or rewritten into another book. Going to have to make little physical models for mysef and see if the transliterations holds. Should make for a fun time. So, thanks sister Sister. Not sure that I as yet see that as a separate scroll of all of humanity ( The damned) But will be a good time  of study from a new angle! 


Thank you brother.

The book of the damned is just my way of saying it.  There are all sorts of different sins, all in their different catagories....this judgement is different, it's not according to knowing Christ, but they are judged on their deeds, and the balances will be weighed.  Hell is real, and there will be punishments more severe than others,..different rooms for different deeds...and there's those who didn't get a chance to know the truth because of circumstances, but possessed love, and kindness naturally without being taught to be that way...Christ will be fair, it's not all black and white, and will depend on his mercy and what he sees in that persons heart.  They will be in a courtroom, and everything will be read out, all the things they have done during their lives and it will be read out from the books, and everything measured against righteousness and wickedness.  There will be a second chance for some, or else they wouldn't have to stand trial.  Christ will go straight to the heart and see what's inside there.

Having said all that, it's not a judgement anyone of us want to go through because it's a harsh judgement.



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1 hour ago, The_Patriot2017 said:

Forums are in my mind, not the same as writing a letter, but closer to having a conversation with people, because unlike letters which are usually only a discourse between 2 people, there are many people active on a forums board who allay chime into the same conversation.

It would seem awkward for me to address each and every person in the conversation, indeed impossible in some cases as there are so many involved in some of the threads. If I want to address someone specifically I will most likely quote them, though I'll occasionally name them. But If it's a conversation where my reply can be addressed to many I won't and I won't sign my name either.

Hi Patriot2017

I understand if the conversation goes on a bit, and saying "Hi so and so" every two minutes may get annoying, but I'm not talking about that kind of thing, but the initial greeting is showing brotherly love in my opinion, and a respectful invitation to engage in conversation.

I think forums are not that much different to letters, because for one, it gives us the opportunity to put into practice all the things Christ taught us starting from the basics on how to conduct ourselves with others.  Unbelievers are reading also, and watching for our souls on how we behave towards each other.  We need to set a good example, and I guess for me, it goes even deeper than just addressing someone's name.  We are sitting at a screen and no one can see our faces,..all they can see is what comes out of our heart through words typed onto a screen, ...these words reflect our spirit.  It is very easy to lose control on these forums and a perfect opportunity for the devil to come in and have fun with us.  Even though we cannot see each other's faces, we should appreciate that the internet is a good tool to have communication with just about anyone as if we were sitting in the same room looking at each other.  If I walked into a room where you are, I am sure we would both greet each other kindly before starting conversation.  We would show each other respect.  I don't see a forum as being any different.

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6 hours ago, Sister said:

A little courtesy goes a long way, and just because this is a forum, it's no excuse to lose our basic manners.

One common problem I have found in the forums is that people give way too much importance for little things, then they often get into endless and vain debates.

And when the other side is not willing to cease, by clearly demonstrating disrespect and pride then it is a sign that we should do it ourselves.

"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient
in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth" - 2 Timothy 2:24-25


I believe we all have to seek to answer everyone in love, and patience, and with sincerity. But I have also learned that not everyone will do the same, especially those who are not Christians.

I also admit that we can misunderstand others and judge their posts by saying it was unloving and not kind.

But if we genuinely seek to answer one another in a lovely manner and not let our imagination make us think: "Oh, he was not kind to me.". When you are unsure, just let it go and assume he did his best, be merciful.

"Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." - Luke 6:36


When we establish rules for people to follow when posting, we may end up frustrated. And if they did not comply with our own rules, we start doing precipitated, and unnecessary judgment. Just as when people do not post in a grammatically correct manner, but I can feel they have posted in love and I understood what they meant then why to start an unnecessary debate?!


Be merciful to one another! God bless you!

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49 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

As to apologies received, why not forgive any and every transgression even prior to  any apology being received? 


I have apologised to a few on here before and never once received an acknowledgement, but just ignored. This shows me that peace is not a priority for some, and it saddens me. I watch my son's team after his football game, and they all shake hands with their opponents and pat each other on the back.  All that field rivalry is ended and they each walk away peacefully. This touches me.  We on the other hand are supposed to be Christians, ...Christ like, and we can't even do that?

I don't know why I started this post, but there were just a few things that have been on my mind and I finally had the guts to say it.  It's not a matter of who's being holier than thou, but just want to say to all that this walk in Christ is real.  It's a very narrow path as Christ warned and many venture on to the wide path without even realising it.  The most basic commandments from Christ should be our best qualities, and that is to have love and respect for everyone, and especially for our brethren.  If we do this it means we love him and in his Word in spirit and in truth. We have to always look at ourselves and see if we are measuring up to what Christ expects in all our conduct and doings and encourage one another to always do the right thing and not lose this precious invitation to the kingdom.  I judge no one but probably myself the most.


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16 minutes ago, 4LdKHVCzRDj2 said:

One common problem I have found in the forums is that people give way too much importance for little things, then they often get into endless and vain debates.

And when the other side is not willing to cease, by clearly demonstrating disrespect and pride then it is a sign that we should do it ourselves.

"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient
in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth" - 2 Timothy 2:24-25


I believe we all have to seek to answer everyone in love, and patience, and with sincerity. But I have also learned that not everyone will do the same, especially those who are not Christians.

I also admit that we can misunderstand others and judge their posts by saying it was unloving and not kind.

But if we genuinely seek to answer one another in a lovely manner and not let our imagination make us think: "Oh, he was not kind to me.". When you are unsure, just let it go and assume he did his best, be merciful.

"Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." - Luke 6:36


When we establish rules for people to follow when posting, we may end up frustrated. And if they did not comply with our own rules, we start doing precipitated, and unnecessary judgment. Just as when people do not post in a grammatically correct manner, but I can feel they have posted in love and I understood what they meant then why to start an unnecessary debate?!


Be merciful to one another! God bless you!

Wise words brother.

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22 minutes ago, Sister said:

Hi Patriot2017

I understand if the conversation goes on a bit, and saying "Hi so and so" every two minutes may get annoying, but I'm not talking about that kind of thing, but the initial greeting is showing brotherly love in my opinion, and a respectful invitation to engage in conversation.

I think forums are not that much different to letters, because for one, it gives us the opportunity to put into practice all the things Christ taught us starting from the basics on how to conduct ourselves with others.  Unbelievers are reading also, and watching for our souls on how we behave towards each other.  We need to set a good example, and I guess for me, it goes even deeper than just addressing someone's name.  We are sitting at a screen and no one can see our faces,..all they can see is what comes out of our heart through words typed onto a screen, ...these words reflect our spirit.  It is very easy to lose control on these forums and a perfect opportunity for the devil to come in and have fun with us.  Even though we cannot see each other's faces, we should appreciate that the internet is a good tool to have communication with just about anyone as if we were sitting in the same room looking at each other.  If I walked into a room where you are, I am sure we would both greet each other kindly before starting conversation.  We would show each other respect.  I don't see a forum as being any different.

I agree we need to set an example of Christian love, but I fail to see how addressing everyone by name in a forum thread shows it. I don't recall reading that in the beautitudes.

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2 minutes ago, The_Patriot2017 said:

I agree we need to set an example of Christian love, but I fail to see how addressing everyone by name in a forum thread shows it. I don't recall reading that in the beautitudes.


I just see it as a common basic courtesy that's all.  Look, it's just my opinion and tomorrow it probably wont bother me.  I don't lay any rules out here, and I probably shouldn't of even started this post.  I'm not judging anyone, it's just something I felt like talking about, and like I said it goes deeper than just addressing someone's name.  My main purpose is to encourage us all to have this perfect love for one another as Christ has for us and I always have these scriptures on my mind that however we treat others in any type of way is like this parable on how Christ feels we treat him.  So therefore, we treat each other and anyone else with the utmost respect.

 Matthew 25:34   Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

  Matthew 25:35   For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

  Matthew 25:36   Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

  Matthew 25:37   Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

  Matthew 25:38   When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

  Matthew 25:39   Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

  Matthew 25:40   And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

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