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THE EXHORTATION THREAD (For Christians Who Love Jesus)

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11 minutes ago, Davida said:

That is the Scripture about SANCTIFICATION  it is not about maintaining Salvation through Works.

That is your misunderstanding of what is being brought.......that's why I say to ask the Lord for understanding.

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11 hours ago, Wayne222 said:

Some people will not go to church and they think they have not fallen.

This is the way we should not judge. We shall know them by their fruits, if someone does not go to church but speak truth then that person is not a wolf by any means.

And I am sure, @frienduff thaylorde would recommend anyone to go to church if he knew of one that is preaching the truth.

"Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back,
    let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins." - James 5:19-20


But when there are so many false churches going against the doctrine of Christ, he is correct in not sending them to the wolves.

"For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock." - Acts 20:29


And it is exactly by this thinking that many will be deceived, they will all be taught that the church is the way, and they will be taught that all who go against the teachings of the church are heretical and/or liars. Just like they did with the prophets of the Old Testament.

"For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you." - 1 Corinthians 11:19

"For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends." - 2 Corinthians 10:18


We are told to watch and warn against false prophets who teach against the doctrine of Christ.

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
    because many false prophets have gone out into the world." - 1 John 4:1


Glory to God! Amen.

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2 minutes ago, Davida said:

Well , there certainly a lot of people on these threads who are seen to not preach the Biblical scriptural truth either. Lol!

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:3

"Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ -
    and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked" - Revelation 3:17

"I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich;
    and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed;
        and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see." - Revelation 3:18

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1 hour ago, Davida said:

Though many in the world hold to the wrong view point that "Salvation" must be earned by Works - this is not what the Bible teaches.


Why is salvation by works the predominantly held viewpoint?

Question: "Why is salvation by works the predominantly held viewpoint? Why do so many people believe that we can be saved by works?"

Answer: The simple answer is that salvation by works seems right in the eyes of man. One of man’s basic desires is to be in control of his own destiny, and that includes his eternal destiny. Salvation by works appeals to man’s pride and his desire to be in control. Being saved by works appeals to that desire far more than the idea of being saved by faith alone. Also, man has an inherent sense of justice. Even the most ardent atheist believes in some type of justice and has a sense of right and wrong, even if he has no moral basis for making such judgments. Our inherent sense of right and wrong demands that if we are to be saved, our “good works” must outweigh our “bad works.” Therefore, it is natural that when man creates a religion it would involve some type of salvation by works.

Because salvation by works appeals to man’s sinful nature, it forms the basis of almost every religion except for biblical Christianity. Proverbs 14:12 tells us that “there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Salvation by works seems right to men, which is why it is the predominantly held viewpoint. That is exactly why biblical Christianity is so different from all other religions—it is the only religion that teaches salvation is a gift of God and not of works. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9).

Another reason why salvation by works is the predominantly held viewpoint is that natural or unregenerate man does not fully understand the extent of his own sinfulness or of God’s holiness. Man’s heart is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9), and God is infinitely holy (Isaiah 6:3). The deceit of our hearts is the very thing that colors our perception of the extent of that deceit and is what prevents us from seeing our true state before a God whose holiness we are also unable to fully comprehend. But the truth remains that our sinfulness and God’s holiness combine to make our best efforts as “filthy rags” before a holy God (Isaiah 64:6; cf. 6:1–5).

The thought that man’s good works could ever balance out his bad works is a totally unbiblical concept. Not only that, but the Bible also teaches that God’s standard is nothing less than 100 percent perfection. If we stumble in keeping just one part of God’s righteous law, we are as guilty as if we had broken all of it (James 2:10). Therefore, there is no way we could ever be saved if salvation truly were dependent on works.

Another reason that salvation by works can creep into denominations that claim to be Christian or say they believe in the Bible is that they misunderstand passages like James 2:24: “You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.” Taken in the context of the entire passage (James 2:14–26), it becomes evident that James is not saying our works make us righteous before God; instead, he is making it clear that real saving faith is demonstrated by good works. The person who claims to be a Christian but lives in willful disobedience to Christ has a false or “dead” faith and is not saved. James is making a contrast between two different types of faith—truth faith that saves and false faith that is dead.

There are simply too many verses that teach that one is not saved by works for any Christian to believe otherwise. Titus 3:4–5 is one of many such passages: “But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Good works do not contribute to salvation, but they will always be characteristic of one who has been born again. Good works are not the cause of salvation; they are the evidence of it.

While salvation by works might be the predominantly held viewpoint, it is not an accurate one biblically. The Bible contains abundant evidence of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8–9).

Recommended Resource: Faith Alone, The Doctrine of Justification: What the Reformers Taught...and Why It Still Matters by Thomas Schreiner
salvation by works, saved by worksmp3speaker.svg


Works without faith is death   and faith without works is not true faith .

Our salvation our justification is not based upon what us , if it were we would all end in hell.   Its soley based on Christ and the one work required for salvation

IS to believe in the ONE , CHRIST ,  whom God did send .    Let us be faithful unto death and provoke one another unto good works

and to exhort daily lest any become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin .     Onward through the trenches , armour up in the Lord and praise His name .

For He who is in us is greater than he in the world .    Let us not be slothful, but be feverent in spirit , provoking and stirring one another up

with reminders ,  with the sayings of Christ and what the apostels taught .    Onward in the Lord peoples and praise the Lord .


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58 minutes ago, Davida said:

Lol! False teachings proliferate here and just because they get supported by praise by others,  just shows how it is spread.

Statement that man must do works in order to maintain Salvation lest they lose it is still BASED UPON the FALSE teaching of Works by man.

Works BY faith , simply perfect Faith .   We should stir one another unto good works in Christ .  the doing of works is not what saves us

its just evidence that His grace is at work in us  .    And since its all over the place how many can slip and fall,  we have to keep exhorting and encouraging

each other to follow the ONLY ONE who saved us to the end .    I know fully well I am not earning my salvation .    For no matter what good

I do,  its not I , but the grace of GOD with me .    Only let us obey THAT SPIRIT faithfully to the end .   Davida.   I bet you fully know this .

Its like I am singing to the choir , right .    I only say it ,  to try and help you see , that I do not think my works are what saved or saves me.

And a few others are the same way.   Their are major false ones supporting a works based salvation .   Let us go warn those .


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1 hour ago, Davida said:

That is the Scripture about SANCTIFICATION  it is not about maintaining Salvation through Works.

When we read the whole of it ,  it can simply be summed up as OBEY the SPIRIT , OBEDIANCE unto HIM

for it is HE in us working that which is well pleasing in HIS SIGHT .   simple  . real simple    .   Just obey the Spirit and not the flesh.

its about simply following Christ faithfully to the end .    And if we obey HIM and do these things we shall never fall .  

Again I probably am saying something you might already know  .   I honestly think their is just confusion in how things are being understood.

I bet if the four of us were in a room we would have this ironed out so fast .   Far easier in person than on computer.


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12 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

I only say it ,  to try and help you see , that I do not think my works are what saved or saves me.

In fact, to reject to walk according to His will is a huge offense. The Lord Jesus gave His life for us to have from Him all we need to walk according to His will.

"For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
    you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:20


To make things clearer for all, "scribes and Pharisees" can be seen today as those who walk according to the flesh, following its evil desires.

"But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.
    Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His." - Romans 8:9


He did not call us to live unholy and do what we please. Those who think such thing have been far from truth and is despising the blood and denying Him.

"For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.
    Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God,
        who has also given us His Holy Spirit." - 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8

Edited by 4LdKHVCzRDj2
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5 minutes ago, 4LdKHVCzRDj2 said:

In fact, to reject to walk according to His will is a huge offense. The Lord Jesus gave His life for us to have from Him all we need to walk according to His will.

"For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
    you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:20


He did not call us to live unholy and do what we please. Those who think such thing have been far from truth and is despising the blood and denying Him.

"For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.
    Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God,
        who has also given us His Holy Spirit." - 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8

What I say next makes my heart heavy for some .    the truth is we got people on this site that really are bringing in destructive hearsays

I hear some saying all sorts of evils .  I have seen it in other threads , its bad .      Yet we have this tragedy as well,   instead of contending for the true faith

their are some who are spending their time and energy debating the wrong ones.   They debate people like us for reminding to walk holy

to obey the Spirit ,  to exhort lest any become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  they attacking the wrong ones .

It is such a sadness.    I mean if we just read the examples of HOW the early Church , WHO followed Christ taught and reminded

and stay that pattern by HIS SPIRIT which is in us and would provoke us to do so,  then how simple it would have been .

The yoke is light and the burden is easy.  How often the LORD rejoices the reigns of my heart , When by HIS grace I obey HIS SPIRIT and exhort others to just do the same .

Its a war .   Yet man has done this .   He has left off the first pattern and then changed meanings of scrips to justify this or that .  Instead of just reading and feeding

and letting the SPIRIT reveal it so purely , so wonderfully , so peaceable and joyful .   

Its why I long said ,   I take the SPIRIT over crafty wise men way of interpreting any day .

They destroyed and brought confusion upon confusion to a walk that is quite simple IN CHRIST and BY HIS POWER .

Don't need these men who teach contrary today.   How many people just soaked up the Daniel plan.   They had no discernment and allowed men to twist

as they also have allowed men to twist other scrips and now look at the average walk of most ,   its lukewarm ,  in place of truth is men theology

in place of holiness is idleness,  in place of working out , obeying the Spirit its just go with the flow .    its killed and killing many more now .

Gravity has been replaced with how dare any be grave

Love has been replaced with SENSUALSIM whatever seems right and FEELS GOOD

WE in the upmost grave and dire danger this generation is , its got so bad now ,  its all about UNITY but not UNITY WITH TRUTH , just unity for unity sake

Be ye not unequally yoked is now  , just go out and yoke with everything for unity sake .    We headed right into a massive end time delusion .

See, this is simply leading not to what it claims , but rather a unified people who will do the bid of satan and go with the flow to have the true lambs seen as wicked

and for sake of peace to have them rounded up .   THAT IS where this is leading and the WHO is under the son of perdition , beast .   WE have to do something

we got to warn the people  . 

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1 hour ago, Davida said:

Nope.  It is exactly what that scripture is teaching about SANCTIFICATION you ladies are preaching about losing Salvation & the only way to keep it is through Works ---And that is unbiblical - ie it is a false teaching. You are also Claiming a special understanding, is a method used by false teachers and false spirits. 

It should throw up a big RED FLAG to those reading on this forum when someone tries to makes that claim that they have been given a special understanding by the Lord and they immediately condescend to others that if anyone questions  them then it is because that they just have not been given this "special understanding" and this is exactly what I'm seeing a lot of in this thread & a lot of misusing scriptures in an effort to back up those claims.  

Scripture is clear & I will stick with that and not false interpretations promoted by some deceived women or men.

I'm sorry Davida, but it comes clear to me now that you must be following a false gospel if you think we are claiming special understanding.....it is not special at all, but is pretty basic to the faith of Christ.  What do you think those works are, without which faith is DEAD......dead as a doorknob sadly.

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This is sad.   the last day I have seen two people who want to kill themselves on this site .  

The devil is at work and sadly due to many churches have put the focus on worldy things  , they aint seeing the real joy of Christ .

The joy of knowing JESUS has naught to do with the things of this world .  

The effects of taking GOD out of everything is reeling the many into destruction . 

The school system has failed the people ,  the saying their is no absolute truth has destroyed the people

taking God and every reminder of him out of society ,   has not gave them the BIG FREEDOM they thought ,   its enslaved them to depression , anxieties , fears

suicides , mass shootings , mass hate, mass violence , and all the while satan is deceiving the world into yet another grand delusion

by unity with all , but NO GOSPLE ,  no correction ,  no reminders , no truth just unity with good works and hugs .   THIS world , these nations

are experiencing exactly What was foretold would occur when a person , a nation , a world wants nothing to do with GOD and no reminder of Him.

ITS been given over to ultimate reprobation that will lead to an ultimate DELUSOIN .     And nothing can stop this .  These are the last days

and a false heavy delusion will be given under the guise of sensual love ,  false peace ,  unity for world peace .    

Those who love the lamb must only be more feverent to preach Christ only, to correct , to sharpen one another

to pray for one another .    The world NEEDS the true savoir ,  but sadly the false one is nigh to arrive and this one will be embraced by all not in the lambs book of life.

Delusoins will only increase ,   hate towards truth , holiness , righteousness , agaisnst correction , against CHRIST and those OF HIM will only increase .

None of this will be stopped ,  it will only increase .   They will preach more than ever the need for christains to unite , but its a sham.

Delusoin strikes and will only increase now .  the peoples , the lands , the nations , the churches ,   the world was given one very long , long chance

to repent and as a whole it wont and it only shakes the fist at God more and more .    And on this path ..............this world will not and cannot survive , only death and destruction .

SO we have to armour up in CHRIST , die daily , follow the SPIRIT , test all men and spirits .     The FLOOD gates of deception has broadended its mouth

to release a final delusion of massive magnitude and when once it fills ,     The lambs will be betrayed world wide by the rest of those who knew not HIM.

Armour up ,  we were warned of these days , let no man , woman be taken captive by sensual lies of men gone wrong .    Armour up , we running out of time .

NO fear of man, forgive all who hate and persecute you , but never conform to this false unity for unity sake .    Just warn all and encourage all to follow ONLY CHRIST . 

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