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A Plea to the Wise... and a Warning to the Unwise


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You all know what I have been sharing here for a while now. It has been met with “mixed” reviews, lol. Some have been curious, Many graceful. Some antagonistic and a few belittling. That is to be expected. I have tried and will continue to try to answer any genuine questions people have to fully understand what is being said. But one of the greatest evidences, at least in my particular case, that something was missing in our understanding of walking with the Lord was simply what I saw as I looked over the church as a whole. 

In the book of Acts, the church was a dynamo of life and purity. Think about it. They had little money, and lots of poor saints needing help. Their money did not go for exhorbatant pastor CEO sallies and perks, or new building programs or slick printed pamphlets. Their church buildings were people’s houses. They had no radio, no internet, noraccess to television to spread the gospel. It was word of mouth. And the gospel spread like wildfire. 

There was a cost to be a follower of Jesus. For many, they lost their family, their jobs, their social connections, and became outcasts. As the persecution grew, the cost was even higher.... their lives and those of their families as well. Yet, they willingly accepted this. They not only maintained, they thrived! 

Holiness was the expectation, and yet, somehow, they walked in it... and loved it!  Look at Ananias and Saphira. If that level of holiness and honesty was enforced today, where would we be? It would take buses to haul away the dead bodies after a church service, amen? 

Love was palpable.... and observable. We are told that if we see a brother in need, and tell them we will pray for them , but do nothing to help them if we have the means to do so, how dwells the love of God in us? Ouch. But you see, they actually DID it! The love flowing between them was so great that men would exclaim “Look at the love they have one for another!” 

I do not want to paint this picture of the early church without also agreeing that they had their problems. The Bible gives specific examples to us, and corrective actions that needed  to be taken. There were no itching ears. A standard was held up to all, and for the vast majority, they walked what they talked. 

And the result? In one generation, those 120 men filled with the Holy Spirit evangelized the known world. You see, when men and women are full of the Lord, with joy unspeakable, with unfeigned love of the brethren, with prayers that went up and came back answered, with miracles testifying to doubters that their god was indeed THE God, the truth of Jesus spread like wildfire across the world. The early rain brought forth a mighty harvest. 

But signs pointed to something declining. Paul wrote that the Lord had shown him that after his death, grievous wolves would enter into the church, not sparing the flock. Jude wrote and exhorted the believers to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints. Could God not have simply pulled another “Ananias and Sephira” to awaken the church again? Of course. God is God. But that was not His plan. The long dry summer approached.... nineteen hundred years worth and God was in it. 

In 1986, the Lord gave me my first word. It was a seven page treaties entitled “Repentance-Only Hope For a Sleeping Bride”. I clearly saw the degeneration of the gospel and the church and the lukewarm walks of believers that sprang forth from it. Something was amisss. Badly amiss. But I had no clue what the answer was. And so, from that time until early 2007, I walked on, wrestling with my own sins, my anger at a blinded church, my out of control porn habit, and tried my best to keep my head above water and not go back to the world. 

What I did not do, for whatever reason, was to lower the standard that I saw so clearly in the book of Acts. And what was that standard? 

Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord. 

Let all who name the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. 

If we sin willingly after having received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 

I resisted the tendency so prevelant in the church to stretch grace to mean something totally different. Grace was to teach us the HOW of holiness, not to make the God of Ananias and Saphira change His character to the God who winks at our sins, even the ones we have not repented of. 

This decline has continued to this day. There is almost never heard messages of warning, or correction. That is being ‘sin conscious’. Rebuke? That is judging. Instruction in righteousness? No one is perfect. Do you see a pattern here? This is the erosion of truth of which I speak. We have become the blind leading the blind and if we continue, we are ditch bound. 

Now, because I refused to lower the standard, and refused to hide behind grace to make my sins not so bad, the result made me of all men most miserable. I walked that way for over 20 years, until  2007. It was then that I broke. I had tried everything I could possibly think of, I was still a failure..... impure, unholy, fruitless, and a hard judgmental legalist. If I was going to have to serve a hard God, by gosh, so was everyone else! Needless to say, I was not voted Mr. Popular. LOL. 

But when God spoke to me that amazing night over eleven years ago, the missing piece to the puzzle fell into place and the picture became complete and I was given an understanding of God’s overall plan for His church. 

The early rain caused the church to explode in love. Life..... God’s life.... flowed through His children, from the least to the greatest, and in that order. But there was a long dry summer to endure with just enough mercy drops of truth to keep it alive... barely. That brings us to today, this very minute in time. And what do we find?

The church is now composed of 500+ denominations, bickering and disagreeing over important things like whether instruments should be used in worship, or whether it is Saturday or Sunday that we should worship. We fight incessantly over whether the rapture will be pre-trib, mid-tribe or post-trib, and belittle any stupid enough to not see our enlightened reasoning. Salvation.... is it by faith or faith plus works? Are we predestined or do we have free will? Can you go to Heaven without being baptized in water? Is tongues needed for being filled with the Spirit. And God weeps. 

And in all this, we never look back at the early saints and wonder what they  had that we are so very plainly missing. We march on, Sunday service after Sunday service, lap after lap around Sinai. Yes we have escaped Egypt. Yes, He is our savior. Yes, we have been healed.... but only slightly. We talk of the peace we have but if we are honest, we know nothing of real peace. And guess what. The world sees what we can not, or do not want to see. 

We may have understanding of the truth that Jesus died for our sins but as to walking in newness of life? Sorry, we are failing.... and miserably. Can you blame the world for not knocking our doors down wanting what we have? Do people come up to us asking why we are so joyful even when things go bad? Is it not time for honesty, real brutal honesty, before our God? Our sins, big or small, have hardened our hearts to such an extent rhat we too need to earnestly content for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints. The question is..... will we? 

We are now entering the final phase of God’s Plan for His Church. We think everything is set for His return. He is going to rapture us outta here and then burn these wicked people, right? We are wrong. Our hearts are far more like the sons of thunder asking Jesus if He wanted them to call down fire upon them. 

But you see, one  major puzzle piece is missing. The bride is woefully unprepared to meet her bridegroom. Although we do not want to admit it, grace as we know it is in no way covering our blemishes. We are worldly, passionless, lukewarm, lacking agape love for one another and with hearts not even close to being fully surrendered to our Father.  We are ready to be raptured... in our minds, at least. But if we saw what Jesus sees, we would be praying that He hold off on His return just a bit. 

We think somehow the Lord sees us through His pink “grace” glasses and none of our sins or heart thoughts are noticeable. Funny, but the Laodecians were seen for exactly what they were... lukewarm, passionless, and content without a modicum of godliness. Guess what? They are us, but how hard it is for us to fess up to it. 

So what does the future hold for the church?  Will the church be born in power and love and selflessness only to limp to the finish line with the standard of what God wants for us so watered down that the world does not fear us, nor are they amazed by us. They simply ignore us and mock our hypocrisy and see us as a non-factor in navigating life. 

As we have lived out our faith up til now, do we honesty think that we will hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant?” The early saints walked in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. And guess what? They were”only human” too. But they walked as new creatures, and loved not their lives unto death. 

So as you read these words that I share on WCF with any and all who will listen, I pray you re-examine your lives and judge righteous judgment, even if it condemns the ground you walk on. We are told that we will seek Him and we will find Him, when we seek Him with our whole hearts. The question is....  can we admit that we need for more than we presently have. 

God is in the process of awakening us for the latter rain. He loves us, just as He  loved the Laodecian Church. He asks that we break, and repent. He urges us to finally admit our lukewarmness, and that we have lowered the standard so that we will not have to deal with our guilt and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The church... OUR church..... is not going to go out a rag-tag defeated 500+ denominational schism-filled religious organization, devoid of life. Not by a long shot. We will all be awakened, wheat and tares alike.

The coming shaking will expose our foundations, not to humiliate us, but to allow us to fully repent. And when we finally come to the point that we hate our old carnal nature, hate our lukewarm hearts, hate our love for the things of the world that are about to be dissolved, God will open our eyes to what He actually accomplished when He died and was resurrected. He brought us up with Him so that we could walk in life as new creatures.... Christ IN US! 

What is still to come will blow our minds and only the hardest of hearts, those of the tares, will fight against it. We as His bride are going to have a chance to light our lamps, to come finally into agreement with our God, that we too were resurrected to walk in newness of life. The early rain was wonderful. But listen and I pray you believe it. God has told us that the latter rain will be moreso! Picture the early church...on steroids! Glory to God. 

And the result? A worldwide harvest. God told us through Ezekiel that the heathen would finally know that He is the Lord, when He shall be sanctified IN US before their very eyes! He tells us that He will actually cause us to walk  in true obedience.  Do we not need that? Do we not want that?  That time is  here, and available right now, this very day. He ends this amazing Word, found in Ezekiel 36, by telling us that He will yet be enquired of to do this for us. We can rest content right where we are running spiritual laps in the wilderness of unbelief......  or we can open our mouths wide so that He might fill it. 

Shall we remain content with our, for the most part,   lifeless,  lukewarm Christianity, with tattered shreds of truth and a whole lot of our carnal fleshly natures mixed in? Shall we be satisfied with hearts that are passionless, while  millions, nay, billions, have never truly seen the glory of God revealed IN US, and are facing an eternity of blackness and sorrow because they need what we have, but have hidden under our religious bushel baskets? 

I pray you re-consider. The church WILL be awakened and walk in the light in the last days, because they will finally believe that they ARE light, with no part dark. But a word of warning is needed here and I hope you give ear to it. We are told that before the master returns, the call will go forth to His own. But amazingly, many that are called by His name will begin to, with one accord, make excuse as to why they cannot come right then. The world will have captivated them just as it did Lot’s wife. When the master hears this, He is angry. Jesus, angry? Yes. And He will take away that which He freely gave them and instruct His servants to  go to the highways and byways and to COMPEL those who know they need a great physician  to come in, for His House WILL BE FULL.  

And this is why I am sharing as I do here. I am compelling you to listen to the good news of your death and resurrection. To those who receive it, He gives the power to endure to the end. He offers you victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. He gives you joy unspeakable and full of glory. He gives you oneness with Him and praise God, oneness with one another. 

Do you want that? Does your heart yearn for such a thing inside you? I can share all the scriptural arguments I can to try to convince you that what God has asked me to share is the truth... truth that will set you free indeed. But the bottom line is this. Does your heart cry out for it? Will you settle for a false contentment without godliness, or go will you fall on your knees and tell your God “Not my will be done, any longer. I want, I NEED, your will in me Lord. Not my life in me any longer Lord. Your life in me, causing me to become your true servant and your child.”

This is the valley of decisions are now entering. . It will face each one of us. You may choose not to believe what God has given me and others to share right now. That is your choice. There will be another day, you are right. But know this, one day, the doors will opened and those prepared for the wedding will go in, and the doors will then be closed... forever. Amd those unprepared and unwilling to truly hate their carnal self loving nature, who would not have Jesus to reign over them in love, will finally understand that the bottom line of our Christian walk is that it is when we lose our life that we truly find it. 

Blessings to all, 


A plea toc

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Guest Butero

I agree 100 percent that the old man died, and we are new creatures in Christ.  I believe that a new creature in Christ is no longer in bondage to sin.  We should walk according to the new man.  What I don't see in the Bible is anything that indicates there will be a revival in the last days.  To the contrary, the Bible speaks of a great falling away.  

Let no man deceive you by any means:  for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;   2 Thessalonians 2:3

Your call to living like a new creature in Christ Jesus is spot on.  I am happy that you believe we can get up today and walk that way right this minute.  What I am not convinced of is a last days revival.  A separating of the wheat and tares, yes.  I can see that happening already.  The wheat and tares all waking up and being quickened together is what I do not see.  I just see the two parting company, separating from each other.  I don't see a last day's revival.  Ezekiel 36 is a prophecy of how God would bring Israel back into their own land.  That was fulfilled in 1948, and is still taking place.  It has nothing to do with an end time revival, except for the fact that the Jewish people (the natural branches) will come to see they were deceived during the tribulation period, and many will come to Christ and be saved.  It isn't speaking of a massive quickening for the whole world.  

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My observation is that much words are spoken or written, which carries its own limitations (remember: it is but an internet forum at the end of the day ...all word and not much deed).

The majority act hear is preaching to the mostly already converted, which leaves more time being spent on the details and bikkering (sharpening eachothers swords!)

Much action is now needed (I speak about myself here) As I become weaned off the milk of the forums and introduced to the meat of this spiritual pradicament out into open warfare, where Gods armour comes into effect and correct use.

Trivialities will be dropped quite easily in the near future as the veil drops, everyone will see this is a two horse race.

We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, no so much of a melting pot but a bottle neck of sorts, trying to find the straight and narrow path helping eachother along the way, offering security, comfort and love, in amount to what we have held onto in reserves for so long.


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49 minutes ago, Butero said:

Ezekiel 36 is a prophecy of how God would bring Israel back into their own land.  That was fulfilled in 1948, and is still taking place.  It has nothing to do with an end time revival, except for the fact that the Jewish people

Nope. That has not been fullfilled at all.

You are confusing people with Jews being Israel (Jacob) who are imposters. 

The nation of Jews are adherants to Judaism and follow the Talmud who curse our savior.

Look to the marks of Israel and you will clearly see which people carry these marks.

  1. Deut. 4:7-8
  2. named "Great": Gen. 12:2
  3. be blessed of God: Gen.12:2
  4. will be a blessing to other nations/races: Gen. 12:2-3
  5. other nations affected depending on how they deal with Israel: Gen. 12:3
  6. a great multitude (population): Gen. 13:16 and 22:17
  7. Egyptian captivity and deliverance (precedent for chastisement): Gen. 15:13- 14
  8. given land in Middle East: Gen. 15:18
  9. become many nations: Gen. 17:4
  10. a company or commonwealth of nations: Gen.35:11
  11. descendants to be kings and rulers: Gen. 35:11
  12. land of Canaan theirs for an everlasting possession: Gen.17:8
  13. mark of circumcision: Gen. 17:10-11
  14. keep the way of the Lord, do justice and judgment: Gen. 18:19
  15. keeping sabbath a sign forever: Ex. 31:13
  16. possess the gates of their enemies: Gen.22:17
  17. Israel chief among the nations: Jer. 31:7
  18. only Israel is custodian of God's Word: Ps. 147:19, Is. 59:21
  19. possess God's laws: Deut. 33:4
  20. blessed above all people when obedient to His law: Deut. 28
  21. judged for disobeying: Deut. 28:15-68, Amos 3:1-2
  22. control of the seas: Num. 24:7, Ps. 89:25
  23. God's servant race: Is. 41:8
  24. will possess God's Holy Spirit: Is. 44:3, 59:21, Hag. 2:5
  25. a missionary nation: Is. 49:6, 66:19
  26. great agricultural wealth: Gen. 27:28, Deut. 8:7-9, 33:13-14
  27. a land of great mineral wealth: Deut. 8:9, 33:15-16, Gen. 49:25
  28. Israel brings glory to God: Is. 46:23, 49:3
  29. Israel to be God's glory: Is.46:13, 60:1-2
  30. God's instrument in destroying evil: Jer. 51:20, Dan. 2:34-35
  31. to be God's witnesses: Is. 43:10
  32. will demonstrate praise and expertise: Is. 43:21, Micah 5:7
  33. a multitudinous seed: Gen. 13:16, 24:60 dust 15:5 stars 22:17 sand
  34. God of the Bible to be God of Abraham's descendants: Gen. 17:7
  35. to be God's inheritance/heritage: I Kings 8:53, II Sam. 7:23
  36. to rule over others: Gen. 27:29, Deut. 15:6
  37. Israel to have power with God and men: Gen:32:28
  38. a righteous nation guarding truth: Is. 26:2
  39. Israel to be a nation forever: II Sam. 7:16,24,29 I Chron. 17:22-27
  40. to be heir of the world: Romans 4:13
  41. Israel to have all the land needed: Deut. 32:8
  42. an undefeated nation, protected by God: Is. 54:17, Lev. 26:6-8, Micah 5:8-9
  43. Israel to be God's battle axe to destroy evil: Jer. 51:19-20
  44. Israel's home invincible from outside forces: II Sam. 7:10, Is. 41:11-13
  45. a just nation: Gen. 18:19, Lev. 19:15, Deut. 1:17
  46. possess the wealth of the earth: Gen. 27:28, 49:25-26
  47. possess the heritage of the heathen: II Sam. 22:44, Ps. 2:8, 111:6
  48. Israel to be envied and feared: Deut. 2:25, 4:8, 28:10
  49. shall lend to other nations: Deut. 15:6
  50. kind to the poor / brethren: Deut. 15:7, Ps. 72:4
  51. to free kindred slaves and political prisoners: Is. 42:7, 49:9, 58:6
  52. Joseph's descendants blessed above rest of Israel: Gen. 49:22-26, Deut. 33:13-16
  53. Out of Judah would come the rulers of Israel: Gen. 49:10
  54. the throne of David is a perpetual monarchy: Ps. 89:35-37, Jer. 33:17, II Sam. 7:13,16, II Chron. 13:5
  55. 12 tribed Israel to lose all trace of her lineage: Is.42:19, Hosea 1:9
  56. divorced and dispersed, they could not return to Palestine: Hosea 2:6
  57. blind to their identity: Is. 29:10-11, Romans 11:7-8,25
  58. Israel to spread abroad in all directions: Gen. 28:14, Deut. 33:17, Is. 27:6
  59. Israel to have a new home: II Sam. 7:10, I Chron. 17:9
  60. new home is not Palestine, but the isles of the sea: Is. 24:15, 49:1, Jer. 31:10
  61. Israel's new home northwest of Palestine: Is. 49:12, Jer. 3:18, 31:8
  62. would occupy and live in the islands and coasts: Is. 49:1,3, 51:5, Jer. 31:7- 10
  63. would colonize, spreading abroad: Gen. 49:22, Ps. 2:8, Zech. 10:8-9, Is. 26:15, 27:6
  64. colonize the desolate places: Is. 35:1, 43:19-20, 49:8, 54:3
  65. Israel to lose a colony (America from England) then expand: Is. 49:19-20
  66. will irrigate the deserts: Is. 58:11
  67. will build the waste places: Is. 58:12
  68. will be a maritime nation, command of the seas: Num. 24:7, Ps. 89:25
  69. will receive strangers and refugees (kinsmen living abroad): Lev. 19:34, Is. 11:10,14:1, 56:6-8
  70. Israel to have a change in name: Is. 65:15, Hosea 2:17
  71. Israel to be called by a new name: Is. 62:2
  72. Israel named after Isaac's son i.e.. Saxon: Gen. 21:12, Romans 9:7
  73. Israel to be called the sons of God i.e.. accept Christ: Hosea 1:10
  74. were to be called by the name of God i.e.. Christian: Num. 6:22-27, Rev. 3:12
  75. Israel to have a new language (English): Is. 28:11, Zeph. 3:9
  76. Israel to come under new covenant: Jer. 31:33, Heb. 8:10
  77. 'brith' means covenant, 'ain' means land (Britain- covenant land)
  78. 'ish' means man (British- covenant man)
  79. Joseph's coat of many colors, forerunner of Scottish plaid: Gen:37:3
  80. the cubit of the Pyramid, Noah's ark, Moses tabernacle and Solomon's temple is the English 25 inch measurement
  81. the population of the wilderness with Moses and the original 13 American colonies was 3 million
  82. inscribed on the Liberty Bell is Leviticus 25:10
  83. like Joseph, lost Israel is powerful yet unrecognized by brothers, giving bread to the world
  84. the coronation ceremony for British royalty same as King David: II Kings 11:12, II Chron. 13:5
  85. the coronation stone of British royalty is the stone of Israel which Jacob used for a pillow and set up as a pillar: Gen. 28:19,22, 35:14-15
  86. Joseph was hated as we are today by the rest of the world: Gen. 37:4, 49:23
  87. Joseph sold into slavery as we are put into economic bondage: Gen. 37:28, Jer. 30:8
  88. the descendants of Joseph spread abroad: Deut.33:17
  89. today we declare ourselves to our brethren as Joseph did: Gen. 45:1,3
  90. America shall blossom as the rose in the desert: Is. 35:1
  91. eagle with outstretched wings national emblem of U.S.A.: Is. 18:1, Rev. 12:14
  92. our early ambassadors had to travel over sea: Is. 18:2
  93. a nation meted out (measured, surveyed land by boundaries): Is. 18:2
  94. whose land the rivers have spoiled (to cleave or specifically quartered): Is. 18:2
  95. people scattered , tall and peeled like smooth trees (no beards) and terrible from their beginning fits the Indians wasted by continual wars and the later White Americans
  96. the land beyond (west of) the rivers of Ethiopia is America: Is. 18:1
  97. "In God we trust" became our national motto passed by Congress, becoming law of the United States of America, July 30, 1965
  98. Israel's sojourn into the wilderness (America): Hosea 2:14
  99. Israel to be a people saved by the Lord: Is. 43:9-12, 44:1-3
  100. As the end of the age draws near, travel and search for knowledge and information shall be increased: Daniel 12:4 much more so in America

When you consider that there are more than 100 recognized nations in the world today, the mathematical odds against all of these identification marks being fulfilled by just one small group of nations, all of the same blood, is billions to one. But since it has happened, that the marks of Israel have been fulfilled by the Anglo Saxon and kindred people, do you think it mere accident or coincidence?

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Guest Butero
34 minutes ago, Dan_79 said:

Nope. That has not been fullfilled at all.

You are confusing people with Jews being Israel (Jacob) who are imposters. 

The nation of Jews are adherants to Judaism and follow the Talmud who curse our savior.

Look to the marks of Israel and you will clearly see which people carry these marks.

  1. Deut. 4:7-8
  2. named "Great": Gen. 12:2
  3. be blessed of God: Gen.12:2
  4. will be a blessing to other nations/races: Gen. 12:2-3
  5. other nations affected depending on how they deal with Israel: Gen. 12:3
  6. a great multitude (population): Gen. 13:16 and 22:17
  7. Egyptian captivity and deliverance (precedent for chastisement): Gen. 15:13- 14
  8. given land in Middle East: Gen. 15:18
  9. become many nations: Gen. 17:4
  10. a company or commonwealth of nations: Gen.35:11
  11. descendants to be kings and rulers: Gen. 35:11
  12. land of Canaan theirs for an everlasting possession: Gen.17:8
  13. mark of circumcision: Gen. 17:10-11
  14. keep the way of the Lord, do justice and judgment: Gen. 18:19
  15. keeping sabbath a sign forever: Ex. 31:13
  16. possess the gates of their enemies: Gen.22:17
  17. Israel chief among the nations: Jer. 31:7
  18. only Israel is custodian of God's Word: Ps. 147:19, Is. 59:21
  19. possess God's laws: Deut. 33:4
  20. blessed above all people when obedient to His law: Deut. 28
  21. judged for disobeying: Deut. 28:15-68, Amos 3:1-2
  22. control of the seas: Num. 24:7, Ps. 89:25
  23. God's servant race: Is. 41:8
  24. will possess God's Holy Spirit: Is. 44:3, 59:21, Hag. 2:5
  25. a missionary nation: Is. 49:6, 66:19
  26. great agricultural wealth: Gen. 27:28, Deut. 8:7-9, 33:13-14
  27. a land of great mineral wealth: Deut. 8:9, 33:15-16, Gen. 49:25
  28. Israel brings glory to God: Is. 46:23, 49:3
  29. Israel to be God's glory: Is.46:13, 60:1-2
  30. God's instrument in destroying evil: Jer. 51:20, Dan. 2:34-35
  31. to be God's witnesses: Is. 43:10
  32. will demonstrate praise and expertise: Is. 43:21, Micah 5:7
  33. a multitudinous seed: Gen. 13:16, 24:60 dust 15:5 stars 22:17 sand
  34. God of the Bible to be God of Abraham's descendants: Gen. 17:7
  35. to be God's inheritance/heritage: I Kings 8:53, II Sam. 7:23
  36. to rule over others: Gen. 27:29, Deut. 15:6
  37. Israel to have power with God and men: Gen:32:28
  38. a righteous nation guarding truth: Is. 26:2
  39. Israel to be a nation forever: II Sam. 7:16,24,29 I Chron. 17:22-27
  40. to be heir of the world: Romans 4:13
  41. Israel to have all the land needed: Deut. 32:8
  42. an undefeated nation, protected by God: Is. 54:17, Lev. 26:6-8, Micah 5:8-9
  43. Israel to be God's battle axe to destroy evil: Jer. 51:19-20
  44. Israel's home invincible from outside forces: II Sam. 7:10, Is. 41:11-13
  45. a just nation: Gen. 18:19, Lev. 19:15, Deut. 1:17
  46. possess the wealth of the earth: Gen. 27:28, 49:25-26
  47. possess the heritage of the heathen: II Sam. 22:44, Ps. 2:8, 111:6
  48. Israel to be envied and feared: Deut. 2:25, 4:8, 28:10
  49. shall lend to other nations: Deut. 15:6
  50. kind to the poor / brethren: Deut. 15:7, Ps. 72:4
  51. to free kindred slaves and political prisoners: Is. 42:7, 49:9, 58:6
  52. Joseph's descendants blessed above rest of Israel: Gen. 49:22-26, Deut. 33:13-16
  53. Out of Judah would come the rulers of Israel: Gen. 49:10
  54. the throne of David is a perpetual monarchy: Ps. 89:35-37, Jer. 33:17, II Sam. 7:13,16, II Chron. 13:5
  55. 12 tribed Israel to lose all trace of her lineage: Is.42:19, Hosea 1:9
  56. divorced and dispersed, they could not return to Palestine: Hosea 2:6
  57. blind to their identity: Is. 29:10-11, Romans 11:7-8,25
  58. Israel to spread abroad in all directions: Gen. 28:14, Deut. 33:17, Is. 27:6
  59. Israel to have a new home: II Sam. 7:10, I Chron. 17:9
  60. new home is not Palestine, but the isles of the sea: Is. 24:15, 49:1, Jer. 31:10
  61. Israel's new home northwest of Palestine: Is. 49:12, Jer. 3:18, 31:8
  62. would occupy and live in the islands and coasts: Is. 49:1,3, 51:5, Jer. 31:7- 10
  63. would colonize, spreading abroad: Gen. 49:22, Ps. 2:8, Zech. 10:8-9, Is. 26:15, 27:6
  64. colonize the desolate places: Is. 35:1, 43:19-20, 49:8, 54:3
  65. Israel to lose a colony (America from England) then expand: Is. 49:19-20
  66. will irrigate the deserts: Is. 58:11
  67. will build the waste places: Is. 58:12
  68. will be a maritime nation, command of the seas: Num. 24:7, Ps. 89:25
  69. will receive strangers and refugees (kinsmen living abroad): Lev. 19:34, Is. 11:10,14:1, 56:6-8
  70. Israel to have a change in name: Is. 65:15, Hosea 2:17
  71. Israel to be called by a new name: Is. 62:2
  72. Israel named after Isaac's son i.e.. Saxon: Gen. 21:12, Romans 9:7
  73. Israel to be called the sons of God i.e.. accept Christ: Hosea 1:10
  74. were to be called by the name of God i.e.. Christian: Num. 6:22-27, Rev. 3:12
  75. Israel to have a new language (English): Is. 28:11, Zeph. 3:9
  76. Israel to come under new covenant: Jer. 31:33, Heb. 8:10
  77. 'brith' means covenant, 'ain' means land (Britain- covenant land)
  78. 'ish' means man (British- covenant man)
  79. Joseph's coat of many colors, forerunner of Scottish plaid: Gen:37:3
  80. the cubit of the Pyramid, Noah's ark, Moses tabernacle and Solomon's temple is the English 25 inch measurement
  81. the population of the wilderness with Moses and the original 13 American colonies was 3 million
  82. inscribed on the Liberty Bell is Leviticus 25:10
  83. like Joseph, lost Israel is powerful yet unrecognized by brothers, giving bread to the world
  84. the coronation ceremony for British royalty same as King David: II Kings 11:12, II Chron. 13:5
  85. the coronation stone of British royalty is the stone of Israel which Jacob used for a pillow and set up as a pillar: Gen. 28:19,22, 35:14-15
  86. Joseph was hated as we are today by the rest of the world: Gen. 37:4, 49:23
  87. Joseph sold into slavery as we are put into economic bondage: Gen. 37:28, Jer. 30:8
  88. the descendants of Joseph spread abroad: Deut.33:17
  89. today we declare ourselves to our brethren as Joseph did: Gen. 45:1,3
  90. America shall blossom as the rose in the desert: Is. 35:1
  91. eagle with outstretched wings national emblem of U.S.A.: Is. 18:1, Rev. 12:14
  92. our early ambassadors had to travel over sea: Is. 18:2
  93. a nation meted out (measured, surveyed land by boundaries): Is. 18:2
  94. whose land the rivers have spoiled (to cleave or specifically quartered): Is. 18:2
  95. people scattered , tall and peeled like smooth trees (no beards) and terrible from their beginning fits the Indians wasted by continual wars and the later White Americans
  96. the land beyond (west of) the rivers of Ethiopia is America: Is. 18:1
  97. "In God we trust" became our national motto passed by Congress, becoming law of the United States of America, July 30, 1965
  98. Israel's sojourn into the wilderness (America): Hosea 2:14
  99. Israel to be a people saved by the Lord: Is. 43:9-12, 44:1-3
  100. As the end of the age draws near, travel and search for knowledge and information shall be increased: Daniel 12:4 much more so in America

When you consider that there are more than 100 recognized nations in the world today, the mathematical odds against all of these identification marks being fulfilled by just one small group of nations, all of the same blood, is billions to one. But since it has happened, that the marks of Israel have been fulfilled by the Anglo Saxon and kindred people, do you think it mere accident or coincidence?

They are not imposters.  There is a remnant of the natural branches who are saved, and many live in Israel.  All the Jews are not cut off.  All are not trying to save themselves following the law of Moses.  Gentile believers are grafted into Israel with the Christian Jews.  We didn't replace them.

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10 minutes ago, Butero said:

They are not imposters.  There is a remnant of the natural branches who are saved, and many live in Israel.  All the Jews are not cut off.  All are not trying to save themselves following the law of Moses.  Gentile believers are grafted into Israel with the Christian Jews.  We didn't replace them.

The olive branch was a small remnant of the Tribe of Dan who escaped capture and eventually settled in Ireland before the two periods of captivity, later to be grafted (joined) with their kin who had made the same journey through the land and was identified by their language and recorded history. Besides.... A withered unproductive Fig branch will not graft onto a healthy productive Olive tree successfully.

The marks I have provided are quite striking are they not?

Can you apply all 100 to an area of Palastine renamed Israel that is sustained from the help of many countries but oddly not by itself?

Genesis 4:10 


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1 hour ago, Butero said:

I agree 100 percent that the old man died, and we are new creatures in Christ.  I believe that a new creature in Christ is no longer in bondage to sin.  We should walk according to the new man.  What I don't see in the Bible is anything that indicates there will be a revival in the last days.  To the contrary, the Bible speaks of a great falling away.  

Let no man deceive you by any means:  for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;   2 Thessalonians 2:3

Your call to living like a new creature in Christ Jesus is spot on.  I am happy that you believe we can get up today and walk that way right this minute.  What I am not convinced of is a last days revival.  A separating of the wheat and tares, yes.  I can see that happening already.  The wheat and tares all waking up and being quickened together is what I do not see.  I just see the two parting company, separating from each other.  I don't see a last day's revival.  Ezekiel 36 is a prophecy of how God would bring Israel back into their own land.  That was fulfilled in 1948, and is still taking place.  It has nothing to do with an end time revival, except for the fact that the Jewish people (the natural branches) will come to see they were deceived during the tribulation period, and many will come to Christ and be saved.  It isn't speaking of a massive quickening for the whole world.  

I understand your hesitancy.  Let’s then think of it as individuals. Here are some questions we need to ask ourselves...

Are we walking in the fullness of what God has for us? Do we even want to? 

Are we loving God with ALL of our hearts, not just a part of them? 

Are  we even close to loving others to the point that  we can forgive them seven times seventy, and turn the other cheek and pray for them in concern when they  spitefully use us? 

Does sin still have a stronghold in us somewhere

Do we ever sin willfully, knowing it to be wrong and yet assuming grace will insure we are forgiven anyway? 

Do we love the world and the things in it? 

Are we running our race as if there is only one prize and we are determined to win it? 

Are we satisfied with where we are now and found content without true victory over the world, the flesh and the devil? 

Does our shield of faith work in quenching the fiery arrows of Satan every time? 

Do we actually take the way of escape every time we are tempted? 

Is our prayer time with God the most precious thing we do every day, rich with His presence? 

Do we act and live and think more like sojourners and citizens of Heaven or do our actions reveal we think like citizens of this world that is about to be dissolved?

You see, dear brother, the problem with Laodecia was that they were quite content right where they were with God, and yet the world could see their lack clearly. So, even if I am mistaken about a world wide harvest, do we individually not need deep repentance and a crying out to our God to deliver us FULLY from the grip of our old nature? 

Jesus had three things that He told the Laodecians they needed. 

1) Jesus  told them that they needed to apply eyesalve so they we  might see.  And what is the eyesalve? It was tears of repentance for their  lack of hunger for Him in them so the world could see Him for who He really is.

2)  He counseled them to buy  from Him gold tried in the fire that they might be rich.  And what is this gold? Our faith. With few exceptions,  we possess the same amount of faith as when we got saved, but have we made increase with it? Is our God the God of promises to cause us to walk in victory and the one who cannot lie? Lest we forget, those who made no gain with what they had first been entrusted had that gift taken away. 

3) He told them to put on their robes of white raiment so that the shame of their nakedness would no longer be seen. Need I explain this one? :)  God has bought for us new natures, natures that are moldable by the master potter into vessels fit for His use. We have been taught, however,  we can eventually clean ourselves up, given enough time. The result? Because it is not working that way, we have tried to stretch grace to cover our naked carnal natures bit it simply does not work like that. 

When we finally hate what we are, saved but not holy, or even wanting to be, or even believing it even possible, serving and living for ourselves with Him as our backup in case of emergencies, with the stain of our hidden sins and self-love visible to all, and yet being found quite content there, our awakening will occur. The sheep will finally cry out as wretched men for our deliverer to do what He has clearly promised to do, deliver us from US, to our amazement we will see not only how far we have fallen but, praise God, how high He can lift us up out of our mire. 

Every one of us needs this. And each one, individually, is about to be awakened, before it is too late, so that we can give ourselves completely, nothing held back, to our God. The valley of decision will separate out those who love God more than they love themselves and those who do not. And when that happens, the tares will fall away in droves. That is the great falling away. 

The bride however will become prepared for the wedding feast by the Goly Spirit working inside us. But a harvest still awaits us. God would be unfair to come back right now with us having given the lost such a distorted picture of what our Jesus is by how we have lived iout our Christianity in front of them. 

I do not expect any to accept this just because I say God has told me so, which He has. I counsel all to get before God and ask Him if the way thy are living is truly pleasing to Him. But let us remember two immutable truths. 

1) They that are in the flesh cannot please God.

2) Nothing profits but a new creature. 

Whatever happens as to an awakening, may God’s will be done. But let us be careful that we do not get the attitude “I am saved and my name is written on the lamb’s book of life, so to heck with the world. Come rapture us! “

Let is remember that names can be written onto the book of life, and names can be blotted out. 





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1 hour ago, Butero said:

I agree 100 percent that the old man died, and we are new creatures in Christ.  I believe that a new creature in Christ is no longer in bondage to sin.  We should walk according to the new man.  What I don't see in the Bible is anything that indicates there will be a revival in the last days.  To the contrary, the Bible speaks of a great falling away.  

Let no man deceive you by any means:  for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;   2 Thessalonians 2:3

Your call to living like a new creature in Christ Jesus is spot on.  I am happy that you believe we can get up today and walk that way right this minute.  What I am not convinced of is a last days revival.  A separating of the wheat and tares, yes.  I can see that happening already.  The wheat and tares all waking up and being quickened together is what I do not see.  I just see the two parting company, separating from each other.  I don't see a last day's revival.  Ezekiel 36 is a prophecy of how God would bring Israel back into their own land.  That was fulfilled in 1948, and is still taking place.  It has nothing to do with an end time revival, except for the fact that the Jewish people (the natural branches) will come to see they were deceived during the tribulation period, and many will come to Christ and be saved.  It isn't speaking of a massive quickening for the whole world.  

Like many prophecies in the Bible, there are dual meanings. If you are right, then we have no access to the new covenant, for it as only promised to Israel. We want to claim the parts we like and can agree with logically, but when it comes to stretching our faith outside our comfort zone, we clam up. 

God told them.... and us..... that the wonderful new covenant would give us new hearts and that He would cause us .... yes, those are HIs words..... cause us to walk in obedience. Will He do this for Israel and not us? At the end, when God says “I will yet be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them”, does that mean He will not do so for us who have been grafted in so that there is no difference between us. 

Like Israel, we have followed the same path of stiffnecked rebellion. We have recreated Pharisees in our churches, and made them our leaders. There is no humility, but rather pride and contentment with our being “special to God” just as Israel did. We too have blasphemed His Holy name just as Israel did by telling the lost “If you want to see what our God is capable of, just look at us!” We far more resemble the man in the temple saying “Thank God you did not make me like those sinners!”, rather than the broken, hungry man in the same temple beating hos breast, saying “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!”

Brother, God IS going to awaken us before it is too late. Ezekiel 36, and its promised new covenant is ours as well as Israel's, all of it or none at all. His elect, for the most part still asleep like the tares, WILL awaken and put on their robes of righteousness, new natures that God can and will cause to obey His every word. And we are the blessed ones who will have our grave clothes removed and walk in newness of life....His life IN US. The Master cometh and we WILL be found resplendent! 



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Guest Butero

I have a thread about the spiritual tree in Romans where I explain how gentile Christians are adopted Jews and share in the inheritance with the believing natural branches, so Jew in the natural and gentile have access by faith to the New Covenant.  

You did say something I want to ask about.  What happens to the 500 plus denominations?

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I like all the eloquent prose of biblical verse spoken of by some of the preachers here, wandering through the poetic nature of light scripture and the use of more sobering serious versus that render the reader offering their full and undivided attention, when the neccessity dictates.

The intricate debate of the seasoned Christian who can quote and display a wide range of biblical knowledge invites a better understanding of what is really as stake. 

I very much dislike the cognitive dissonance and scriptual sophistry displayed here when a truth is put foward that challenges the common mistakes regarding what are very simple terms, simply to be ignored for both their inconveniences of mind or deliberate connotation to unhinging poor understanding.

It must be said that this is not a competition to be placed amongst eachother, because as long as you seek the truth with a sincere heart you always stand to gain. 

Ignorance is dangerous but willful ignorance is very deceitful and will only confuse and scatter the sheppards flock.

When I get something wrong I am expected to humble myself to the learning of error.

I welcome it.



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