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Muslim Child Gang Rapes

Guest shiloh357

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11 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

You will never hear me saying such a thing. 

Doing a quick search I learned that I have mentioned the gospel well over a hundred times on this forum. Below are a couple of examples. 


Yes, one of many. Some are worse than others. 

No, the misinformation comes from evil Islamic extremists and anti-Islamic propagandists. I have proven them to be liars many times on this forum, but for some reason some still choose to believe them over a brother in Christ.  

Amen and Amen!



It is, of course, well-known that Islam alone, among the major non-Christian religions, arose after the emergence of Christianity. Most Muslims would deny this and would say that Islam has always been the religion of the righteous man. They would claim, for example, that Abraham and even Adam were Muslims. Nevertheless it remains true that the religion of Islam as we know it, with its sacred book, its law and many of its cultic features, began at a definite historical time (approximately AD 560-632, the lifetime of the prophet of Islam) and is particularly tied up with with life of a particular person named Mohammed and the community which he founded. The Cult Of The Moon God ''ALLAH''

In the 1950's archaeology disproved the Muslim faith. A major temple to the Moon-god was excavated at Hazor in Palestine. This important discovery of science is recorded in "The Moon-god Allah in the archaeology of the Middle East" by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Two idols of the Moon-god Allah were found, proving that the Allah which Muslims around the world worship as the only true God was a pre-Islamic pagan deity! Photos at the escavation of Allah sitting on a throne show the crescent moon, the symbol of the Islamic faith. Yet these Moon-god statues were made long before the Islamic faith was founded. With this in mind, let's look at a brief history of Islam. Sometime near the middle of the sixth century AD Mohammed, the yet to be Prophet of Islam, went to the city of Mecca, Arabia, where was located a pagan temple called the Kabah which housed 360 idols, including the Moon-god Allah! Mohammed was forced to flee Mecca with his small band of followers when his religious teachings were rejected there. He wanted to create his own religion and went to the Sabeans in Arabia who worshipped the three daughters of Allah, three idols to demon goddesses. Upon coming to the city of Al Medina, he declared that he was the Prophet of Allah sent to them. They militarily followed him, and by the sword they converted Arabia to the new Muslim faith, killing all who refused to convert to Islam. Violence has plagued Islam from its very inception, and as the new leader of the Muslim faith, Mohammed did not hesitate to rob and kill as a way of life. Concerning Mohammed's private life, he had a large harem, and at one time he even took away the wife of his adopted son and had sex with her when she was a child of only nine years old.


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Exposing the darkness within: Dome

Refraining from beating up women is now, we're told, a core Australian value.

As Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce put it last week:"There's no polite way to beat up your wife. If you want to beat up your wife, you can't become a citizen of this nation. It's as simple as that."

So who does believe there is a gentle or prudent way to strike a woman you are married to? Was Mr Joyce referring to some of the diverse and often divergent Muslim community in Australia?

It has taken many decades to ensure Australians recognise intimate partner violence as a crime that must be exposed, not endured. In no small part thanks to former Australian of the Year Rosie Batty, large swathes of the country are now conscious of the prevalence and myriad destructive forms domestic violence takes.

But one significant cultural factor influencing the way perpetrators act and victims respond has been barely discussed and is poorly understood: religion.

In an ongoing ABC News investigation, we look at the ways Islam, Christianity and other religions are being forced to confront the darkness in their own midst, the fact that some of their followers at times condone or tolerate domestic violence, and to grapple with how best to combat it.

This week, Islam.

stic violence and Islam

Most Muslims believe Islam abhors violence. So why do some say the Koran sanctions "lightly" beating your wife? An ABC News investigation into religion and domestic violence reveals the fight within Islam to stop the abuse of women and prevent imams from telling victims to stay and obey.


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Wife-beating as a 'last resort'

It was ostensibly an attempt to explain a controversial verse in Islam's holy book, the Koran, that, if taken literally, allows husbands to physically discipline rebellious wives.

In a video posted to Facebook by the Women of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, a radical Islamic group, two hijab-clad women laugh off the idea that Islam is "gender biased" but claim the Koran permits men to hit disobedient women — gently, using small sticks or pieces of fabric.

"He [the husband] is permitted — not obliged, not encouraged — but permitted, to hit her [his wife]," one of the women says. "That is what everyone is talking about. It should not cause pain. Not harsh."

The backlash was swift.

Politicians including Minister for Women Michaelia Cash and Australia's first Muslim frontbencher, Labor's Ed Husic, called the attitudes expressed in the clip "abhorrent" and "out of touch with community standards". Social media exploded.

And many Muslim leaders went into damage control.

Only a few weeks ago, Keysar Trad, the president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, had indicated to Sky News' Andrew Bolt that his religion allows a husband to beat his wife as "a last resort" — though he later said his attempt to explain the Koranic verse had been "clumsy".


wife beating, eh?  in North America, most people do not even condone dog beating

people need to research this 'peaceful' religion that is constantly 'misinterpreted' while the violence they perpetuate upon people that are minority Christians in countries dominated by Muslims are quietly killed and their churches destroyed

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10 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

Why are you only telling half the story. I went to the source, and this is what is also said in the article:

ABC News has interviewed dozens of scholars, imams, social workers and women's advocates over the past several weeks with three major findings.

First, there is a strong consensus that Islam abhors all violence, including domestic abuse.

Hizb ut-Tahrir a 'minority' view in Islam

Following the uproar, the Women of Hizb-ut Tahrir Australia posted a statement to Facebook which was later deleted.

They said they wanted to respond to "understandable concern" from other Muslims and clarify that: "Domestic violence is an abomination that Islam rejects in the strongest terms."

The verse should not be read literally, they say, but in context with other Koranic verses, as well as the example of the Prophet Muhammad, who — as has been well-established in hadiths, which document his words and actions — never hit his wives, and encouraged men to treat women with respect.

"There is conjecture around the interpretation of 4:34," Mr Salman said. "But there is zero conjecture about [the hadith outlining that the Prophet never hit his wives].

"Throughout the 1,400 or 1,500 years of Islamic scholarship, no-one has ever questioned this particular hadith."

Violence of any kind directly violates sharia law (which is the teachings of the Koran, the hadiths, and the expertise of Islamic scholars), Mr Salman said. Muslims in Australia are required to abide by the law of the land.

"One of the core objectives of sharia is preservation of life, which is sacrosanct."

The resource, called "Respect", a copy of which was obtained by ABC News, was developed following a request from the Board of Imams Victoria. It places particular emphasis on the "complex relationship" between gender inequality and violence against women.

"Respect" does not specifically address 4:34, but states: "Islam clearly disallows family violence and any form of oppression or abuse. All women and men are protected under Islamic law."



Muslim men who use verse  Qur'an 4:34 to justify domestic abuse are in the minority, they don't represent the true teachings of Islam.  It's no different than Independent Fundamental Baptists who use verses found in Deuteronomy to justify marital rape and domestic violence. They too are the minority and do not represent the true teachings of Christianity. 

Also, when you copy and past something, the terms of service of the forum require that you recognize the source. A link would have been helpful. 





not even close to the what the article actually states

you certainly are a spin doctor LOL!  :crosseyed:


let's just conveniently ignore what the actual recipients of the beatings have to say 


In a video posted to Facebook by the Women of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, a radical Islamic group, two hijab-clad women laugh off the idea that Islam is "gender biased" but claim the Koran permits men to hit disobedient women — gently, using small sticks or pieces of fabric.


how do you gently hit women?

should you gently hit women?

is it ok to gently hit women?

why do gently hit it women say it's ok?  perhaps so that they don't get gently hit again?

you can't make this stuff up


what did Jesus say about women?

did He say they are beneath the male population or do we find that Jesus treated women differently?

why keep making excuses for what, apparently by this time, it seems you might agree with?


again, you have twisted the article to have it seem to redeem your beliefs

now would I have posted it if I thought that was what it was about?

too clever for your own good perhaps?

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Also, when you copy and past something, the terms of service of the forum require that you recognize the source. A link would have been helpful. 




maybe you can tell us how you were able to supposedly find the article to supposedly quote it if I did not supply a source ?

seems to me I have been here long enough to appreciate the TOS better than do you

are you now trying to set me up for breaking the TOS?


here is what you said:

Why are you only telling half the story. I went to the source, and this is what is also said in the article:





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Islam: Truth or Myth? start page



Introduction to basic facts of history:

About four hundred years before the birth of Muhammad one Amr bin Lahyo ... a descendant of Qahtan and king of Hijaz, had put an idol called Hubal on the roof of the Kaba. This was one of the chief deities of the Quraish before Islam. (Muhammad The Holy Prophet, Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar (Pakistan), p 18-19, Muslim)
  1. Moon worship has been practiced in Arabia since 2000 BC. The crescent moon is the most common symbol of this pagan moon worship as far back as 2000 BC.
  2. In Mecca, there was a god named Hubal who was Lord of the Kabah.
  3. This Hubal was a moon god.
  4. One Muslim apologist confessed that the idol of moon god Hubal was placed upon the roof of the Kaba about 400 years before Muhammad. This may in fact be the origin of why the crescent moon is on top of every minaret at the Kaba today and the central symbol of Islam atop of every mosque throughout the world:
  5. The moon god was also referred to as "al-ilah". This is not a proper name of a single specific god, but a generic reference meaning "the god". Each local pagan Arab tribe would refer to their own local tribal pagan god as "al-ilah".
  6. "al-ilah" was later shortened to Allah before Muhammad began promoting his new religion in 610 AD.
  7. There is evidence that Hubal was referred to as "Allah".
  8. When Muhammad came along, he dropped all references to the name "Hubal" but retained the generic "Allah".
  9. Muhammad retained almost all the pagan rituals of the Arabs at the Kaba and redefined them in monotheistic terms.
  10. Regardless of the specifics of the facts, it is clear that Islam is derived from paganism that once worshiped a moon-god.
  11. Although Islam is today a monotheist religion, its roots are in paganism.



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 The pre-Islamic origin of "Allah"

  1. There is absolutely no question that Allah was worshipped by the pagan Arabs as one of many polytheistic gods.
  2. Allah was worshipped in the Kabah at Mecca before Muhammad was born. Muhammad merely proclaimed a god the Meccans were already familiar with. The pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than the one they already worshipped.
  3. Many scholars say "Allah" is derived from a compound Arabic word, AL + ILAH = Allah. "Ilah" in Arabic is "God" and "Al" in Arabic is a definite article like our word "the". So from an English equivalent "Allah" comes from "The + God". Others, like Arthur Jeffery say, "The common theory is that it is formed from ilah, the common word for a god, and the article al-; thus al-ilah, the god," becomes Allah, "God." This theory, however, is untenable. In fact, the name is one of the words borrowed into the language in pre-Islamic times from Aramaic." (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85)
  4. Although "Allah" has become known as the proper name for the Muslim god, Allah is not a name, but a descriptor that means literally, "the god". All pagan cultures have these generic terms that refer to their "top god" as "the god". In comparison to the perfect monotheism of Judaism and Christianity, "Allah" was originally no more a proper name for the Muslim God, than the word Hebrew "elohim" (god) or Greek "theos" (god) are proper names of the one true God of the Bible. "Jehovah" is the only revealed proper name for the "Elohim" of the Old Testament ( Ex 3:13; 6:3) and "Jesus" is the only revealed proper name of "Theos" in the New Testament. (Acts 4:12) Islam has no proper name for their god, but merely transformed, by universal use and confusion, the generic Allah into a proper name. So although today, Muslims use "Allah" as a proper name, it was never used this way originally. Allah, therefore is equivalent to "elohim" and "ho theos" but not "Jehovah" or "Jesus". Allah is not the name of the nameless Muslim God. However Muslims will claim that Allah is the name of God that corresponds to Jehovah. Both the Father and the Son are called "ho theos" (The God). Jesus is called "The God" many times in the New Testament: John 20:28; Heb 1:8. An important conclusion from this, is that the mere fact that "Allah" is equivalent to "elohim" and "ho theos" does not mean they are directly corresponded. It certainly doesn't prove Allah is the same as the God of the Old or New Testament. It does not prove that Muslim's worship the same God as Christians. If this correspondence proved the Muslim god was the same as the Christian God, then because pagan religions also have generics that correspond to "the god" (Allah), this correspondence would also prove that Allah is the same god as the Buddhist god, for Buddhists also refer to their god as "the god".



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6 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

I highlighted a sentence and did a google search.



I don't believe you


the article was posted in two parts and sourced at the end


anything else you going to make up?


the way you have painted a false narrative about my post, illustrates exactly how you do operate

 there is no honest conversation with you


I posted a link to what I quoted so obviously I was not trying to hide or slant anything

I posted the information on muslim men being 'allowed' to hit their wives...gently...which is ridiculous

what you have done is misrepresent what I posted by posting the REST of the article which I supposed was there for anyone to read if they wanted but you come along and say I lied

I posted the source and you try to say you googled it

it becomes apparent you are trying to put the facts on the defensive

that is a tactic used by people who are well versed in trying to hide what they are doing


muslim apologetics seems to be your main interest



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1 hour ago, walla299 said:

Ah, yes! Now we're playing the victim. Something the leftists and Islamic apologists also love to do. Despite history you keep making excuses for Islam. 

Which leads me to another question. Who is Jesus to you?

it seems to me there is some very 'professional' work being done to present muslims in a good light

the spinning and misquoting this person is doing is beyond the pale

anything historic with regards to the origins of Islam is being ignored but it cannot be denied.


there are reams of information about the violent beginnings of Islam and their conquests of other nations and the forcing of the populace to accept Islam or die


it seems the only people to fight back, are those with Christian beliefs...it is one gigantic spiritual clash

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4 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

I didn't see the source link because it was blended in between the article and your text. I over looked it and I apologize. It wasn't intentional.  I thought the entire post was from an article and I couldn't differentiate between the two because the text was the same throughout your post. 

The bible.ca source you are using is not a good source to learn about Islam. There are so many errors in those articles it would take me all day to address them. It's best to visit Islamic sites and talk to Muslims to learn about Islam. 



yes I did source the article as I stated but it was not hidden.  it was at the end of the post where anyone can see it and underlined as links are

thank you for your apology

no, I am not going to use propaganda sources for the truth of Islam and no one should

it is rather striking that you would say articles posted by other than Islamist sites and proper muslims lie 

in fact, it is inconceivable 


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