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How to remain sensible in debate


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It was God Who chose the written communication to man...
It was God Who said study to show yourself approved...
It is reasoning that anything out of context is not the purpose of that written communication...
It is literary contextual analysis that is required to ascertain God meaning and purposes in writing...
The objective source of the Word itself is what determines of what spirit is in a matter...
Ignorance and mysticism has no place with the Scriptural pursuit of knowing God and His Will...
These are the foundational truths of written communication and ignoring or bypassing these things will only lead to error and silliness!  

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5 minutes ago, enoob57 said:

It was God Who chose the written communication to man...
It was God Who said study to show yourself approved...
It is reasoning that anything out of context is not the purpose of that written communication...
It is literary contextual analysis that is required to ascertain God meaning and purposes in writing...
The objective source of the Word itself is what determines of what spirit is in a matter...
Ignorance and mysticism has no place with the Scriptural pursuit of knowing God and His Will...
These are the foundational truths of written communication and ignoring or bypassing these things will only lead to error and silliness!  

Who are you addressing?

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1 minute ago, 1sheep said:

Who are you addressing?

The OP

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How to remain sensible in debate?

Hello there,

I have learned by experience, some of that painful, to keep personality out of the debate: and if negative or personal comment is made, to ignore it and stick to the subject in hand.  

* The 'Green Cross Code' used to teach children how to cross the road safely is a good guide too ☺️:-

Look  & Listen (before committing yourself and then )  

* Ask God to help you of course.

* Then this is a good guide to the understanding of a passage, from Miles Coverdale, the Bible Translator, (written in Old English ):-

'It shall greatly help ye to understand the Scriptures 
if thou mark not only what is spoken or written, 
but of whom and to whom
with what words
at what time
to what intent
with what circumstances
considering what goeth before 
and what followeth after.' 

With love in Christ Jesus



Edited by Christine
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37 minutes ago, enoob57 said:

It was God Who chose the written communication to man...
It was God Who said study to show yourself approved...
It is reasoning that anything out of context is not the purpose of that written communication...
It is literary contextual analysis that is required to ascertain God meaning and purposes in writing...
The objective source of the Word itself is what determines of what spirit is in a matter...
Ignorance and mysticism has no place with the Scriptural pursuit of knowing God and His Will...
These are the foundational truths of written communication and ignoring or bypassing these things will only lead to error and silliness!  

What will lead to error is following a complicated pagan system, designed to interpret literature, and named after a false god named Hermes.  The Bible does not obey the laws of literature.  I will give you an example.  

The laws of literature would tell us that Psalms is a book of poetry, nothing more, and when we read Psalms, we need to look at them as poems.  During our mid week Bible Study at Narrow Way, there was a reference to Psalm 78:2 that says...

I will open my mouth in a parable:  I will utter dark sayings of old.  

The complicated system of interpretation named after Hermes tells us to follow the laws of literature, and that means this is just poetry, nothing more and nothing less.  Is that true?  Does our Bible obey this law?  Does our Bible obey this idol messenger god?  Could there be something more to this verse?  Is it possible that this could actually be a prophecy?  Hermes would say no.  What would you say?  John 16:12-15 says...

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:  for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:  and he will shew you things to come.  He shall glorify me:  for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.  

Jesus never mentions Hermeneutics guiding us into all truth.  He never mentions obeying laws of literature.  He says the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.  I would also once again repeat that there are different ways to use Hermeneutics, both figurative and literal, and depending on which version you use, you will get different results from the same trickster, liar and cheat, known as Hermes.  So you can choose to simply take the scriptures verse by verse and let the Spirit of God teach you, or you can place your trust in that complex system Enoob showed us, created by pagans.  I choose the way Jesus gave us.  I trust the Holy Spirit to lead us into the truth.  


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On ‎10‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 3:11 PM, enoob57 said:


Take a look at this mess, developed by pagans, named after an idol god named Hermes, and used by some Christians to interpret our Holy Bible.  Contrast that with the ways of Christ, to simply let the Holy Spirit lead us into all truth.  You choose which makes more sense?  

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Just a thought for us :)  a make believe greek fantasy is at best childish foolishness but then to take that and give it the ability to design is what actually?
Seriously I would like to share a story of personal experience:
I was deep into the hills of one my neighboring states and a church, actually two churches, they had focused so hard on the verse previously mentioned (below)


Luke 12:11-12

11 And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:

12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

and a man stood up and preached about the marines in Jonah... Now not to be petty, proof is in the pudding, and when God writes it down and speaks of mariners we should reference them as such to honor that which is written …. they had theological conflicts all over the place and in one spot they believed this and in another they didn't believe what they had believed previously etc... I saw first hand the harm in not performing contextual literary analysis starting with the basic grammatical outlay of word and sentence structure.... this of course existing since written language was formed

Try this for yourself and see as I did the importance of contextualizing written material:
Write on a paper 'come over her and set on my lap baby' pass it around to however many that are present and then one by one ask them what they think is going on. 
I found, I think because of our sexually charged environment, a leaning to a man speaking to a woman romantically... now the scene was really a father in a living room calling out to his daughter!
How many of the seven seas is that apart from one another... all because context was not sought and inner personal influence was set free to imagine. God has objectively given us a written format so that through all time and epochs and cultures one who is obedient to God in study can ascertain the who, when, what, where, why, and how if provided and the objective results are used this way

2 Cor 10:5

5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

The true student of Scripture is diligent to take Scripture as is, in the time of writing, and solidifies the intended purpose of that event then brings forward to present and delivers spot on application for hearers and doers of said Word :thumbsup:


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2 hours ago, Butero said:

What will lead to error is following a complicated pagan system, designed to interpret literature, and named after a false god named Hermes.  The Bible does not obey the laws of literature.  I will give you an example.  

The laws of literature would tell us that Psalms is a book of poetry, nothing more, and when we read Psalms, we need to look at them as poems.  During our mid week Bible Study at Narrow Way, there was a reference to Psalm 78:2 that says...

I will open my mouth in a parable:  I will utter dark sayings of old.  

The complicated system of interpretation named after Hermes tells us to follow the laws of literature, and that means this is just poetry, nothing more and nothing less.  Is that true?  Does our Bible obey this law?  Does our Bible obey this idol messenger god?  Could there be something more to this verse?  Is it possible that this could actually be a prophecy?  Hermes would say no.  What would you say?  John 16:12-15 says...

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:  for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:  and he will shew you things to come.  He shall glorify me:  for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.  

Jesus never mentions Hermeneutics guiding us into all truth.  He never mentions obeying laws of literature.  He says the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.  I would also once again repeat that there are different ways to use Hermeneutics, both figurative and literal, and depending on which version you use, you will get different results from the same trickster, liar and cheat, known as Hermes.  So you can choose to simply take the scriptures verse by verse and let the Spirit of God teach you, or you can place your trust in that complex system Enoob showed us, created by pagans.  I choose the way Jesus gave us.  I trust the Holy Spirit to lead us into the truth.  


If you would take it through the steps of analysis you would find the answer you look for... I am certainly not going to answer you for you have already stated your mind is made up... The man who uses this process is John MacArthur and I hold a great respect for and glean much from Him :) 

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