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Those Days Will Be Shortened

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7 hours ago, childoftheking said:

First of all, the 7 churches of Asia Minor are prophetic time dispensations.


In the 1960's to basically the year 2,000, this era is known as "Brotherly love or the Generation of Peace."   This era coincides with what we read pertaining to the church and Dispensation of Philadelphus (Brotherly Love).

Since then, and you can tell specifically by how churches allow homosexuals to be pastors and bible teachers, how the majority of believers are neither hot nor cold, an obvious riding the fence mode, and the fact that there is a great deception taking place with elections and candidates leading us right into the ONE WORLD SYSTEM.   We definitely are in the Dispensation of Laodecia.

Yes, these were actual churches in John's day, but today, they are serving prophetic Dispensations.   And we happen to be in the very last Dispensation.

Now, to address the passage of scripture you are referring to:

Revelation 2:

18And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;  19I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.  20Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.  21And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.  22Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

You do understand if you take the Dispensation and apply it correctly, these 5 verses already happened, and it happened right here in the United States of America.   

We call it, "The Great Depression."

If you break down Jezebel and what she represents, plus research the 1930's, the number one theme was specifically, just as we read in the latter half of verse 20: "to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols."

Fornication and idols (Specifically Moloch - god of wealth and riches).

During this "Great Tribulation," more people lost all of their savings, their sources of income, and more suicides were commited than any other time in history.

You really are stretching here:

I suggest you study to know and understand what has happened, and then apply to where scripture aligns to that history, before trying to pass it off onto something not even related!!

You are really striking out here, but that happens, and it happens specifically to those who lack proper scripture interpretation!!

Can you imagine the people of this church scratching their head wondering what on earth this letter to their church was about? That is, if there WAS no Jezebel there and there was no men sleeping with her. No, we can be SURE God hit the nail squarly on the head as we say: they knew exactly what God was telling them.  God always knows.  However, today it is as you say: those letters had meaning THEN and they have meaning today. 

In other words, each of these letters to the churches had meaning THEN when they were read the first time! But every reader today could read and say, "this is talking about ME: I have left my first love." Or, another could read and say: "come on, honey, we must get married. I cannot live with you any longer without marriage!"

I agree that the bible is TIMELESS: they received benefit from those letters then, and we can today.

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On 4/27/2019 at 7:37 PM, childoftheking said:



Matthew 24:

21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

This shows the specified events and how it will happen.

(1) God begins with Great Trib begins

(2) Because the ELECT will be in that Trib, God will shorten the days

(3) Trib ends

(4) sun darkens

(5) moon to blood


(7) Angels gather the ELECT!!

Can't believe you would take Paul's word over God!!

Are you for real? You amaze me: It was GOD that caused Paul to write 1 Thes. 4 & 5. Those verses are every bit as inspired by the Holy Spirit as is Matthew 24.  The problem here is, you don't understand that the Olivet Discourse was given and then written to the JEWS.  We don't attend synagogues!  The abomination of desolation is in the middle of DANIEL's 70th week, not Paul's 70th week! 

You are correct as you have written it, but the "elect" you are referring to will be the descendants of Jacob, not the church. Sorry, but the church will not be present during the 70th week.

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On 4/27/2019 at 7:29 PM, childoftheking said:


That is all well and good, but Paul never did specify the Gathering of the Elect was before, during, or after Tribulation.

But the good thing is, YESHUA (BETTER KNOWN AS GOD AND MESSIAH) did specify these things in Matthew 24.  Mark and Luke reiterate them and so does the Book of Acts!!

You are mistaken (as usual). Paul DOES specify the timing. But it takes careful reading and understanding. His rapture comes a moment before God's wrath begins. Of course, if people are ignorant of when God's wrath begins, they will still be lost on Paul's timing.  However, for those that read, John TELLS us when God's wrath begins. The 5th seal is the martyrs of the church age. The church age then ENDS with the rapture, and the 6th seal is opened, starting the Day of God's wrath. It is plain and simple. I can't understand why people find this so difficult, and have to come up with human reasoning leading to myths. All we have to do is read and believe what John wrote.

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1 hour ago, iamlamad said:

Your posts are filled with MYTHS. Mark it down: when these events take place you will see that the 70th week of Daniel is marked by 7's in Revelation: the 7th seal starts the week, the 7th trumpet marks the midpoint, and the 7th vial ends it. 

Did you just ignore Dan 9:27? Daniel told us that there will be an event that will stop the daily sacrifices and divide the week into two halves.  You are trying to divide half a week and still end up with halves. No, you end up with quarters that don't fit the text!  There MUST BE an entire week in our future to divide it and end up with two halves: 1260 days each. Revelation shows us the last half 5 different times and 3 different ways. Daniel shows us the last half two times. 

Jesus said that when people SEE that abomination that will stop the daily sacrifices, they are to flee into the mountains. WHERE do we find that fleeing in Revelation? It is in 12:6. Therefore, the timing of that verse is only seconds past the timing of the abomination. With diligent study, one can find that the 7th trumpet sounds in heaven to mark the time that the abomination will take place on earth. Paul tells us what it will be: the man of sin will enter the temple and declare he is God. It will be live on camera and the world will see it. Instantly those in Judea will begin to flee. 

Rev. 11:1-2: the man of sin enters Jerusalem with Gentile armies: they will trample the city for 42 months. That will take them to the 7th vial that ends the week.

Rev. 11:3: because the man of sin will show up in Jerusalem (he MUST get to Jerusalem so he will be there to enter the new temple) the two witnesses will show up, probably seconds after the man if sin enters Jerusalem. They will begin their witnessing just 3 1/2 days before the man if sin will enter the temple and divide the week. They will testify for 1260 days - which will take them almost to the 7th vial: they will be killed just 3 1/2 days before that 7th vial ends the week. 

Next, right on the 1260th day from the 7th seal, the man of sin will enter the temple, and the daily sacrifices will stop. the temple will have to be cleansed before the daily sacrifices can start again.  the 7th trumpet will sound in heaven to mark that time on earth. 

Rev. 12:6  Those living in Judea, having seen the man of sin tell the world HE is the God of the Jews, will begin to flee, and will be out in the wilderness for 1260 days. That will take them to the day Jesus returns and saves them: the timing of chapter 19 - AFTER the 70th week has finished.

Rev. 12: 14: those who fled into the wilderness in 12:6 will be protected and fed for 3 1/2 years. That will take them to the day Jesus returns.

Rev. 13:6: the man of sin turned Antichrist Beast will be given 42 months of authority. His authority will last until Rev. 19 when Jesus returns.

My friend, this is what is written. Anything else is MYTH. Chuck your theories in the trash and start over. BELIEVE what John wrote!

Common sense: if the midpoint is marked by the fleeing (12:6) and it is, then the events just before 12:6 MUST take time. I am referring to the first 6 trumpet judgments. If the events of chapter 12 to chapter 16 are the last half of the week, when what is the timing for the trumpet judgments? It is the FIRST HALF of the week.  Again, if you try to divide a half apple  - you end up with quarters, not halves. There MUST BE an entire week of 7 years to divide it and end up with halves. 

Don't take my word for it: TRY IT. Take an apple today and divide it into two halves. Eat one half and put the rest aside until tomorrow. That time until tomorrow will represent the time from 70 AD to today. OK, now tomorrow, take that half an apple out and divide it into two equal pieces. What do you have left? two halves of the original apple? No! You have two quarters!

But in Revelation, when the man of sin enters the temple and declares He is God, (NOT seen by John so not written) an entire week is divided  - proven by the 5 mentions of the last 3.5 years. 

I suggest more study on your part - but from now on, take off those preconceived glasses!


Everyone whose job is to study these things from Biblical Scholars, Biblical Teachers in Universities ALL teach Daniel's 70th Week happened in the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.


It's in 70 A.D. that ends the age of the Apostles (with exception to John).

The end of the Apostles marks a prophetic era in God's timeline.

The end of the Apostles factually took place as Daniel prophesied concerning his 70th week in 70 A.D.


In fact, if we applied Daniel's 70th week to 1948, when Israel officially became a known and recognized Nation, that takes us to the year 2018.   It is 2019, so that would mean we are already in the FIRST WEEK/FIRST YEAR of the Great Tribulation!!   Which means, either Mid-Trib or Post Trib, because the 70th week from the time of Israel being birthed as an official Nation, happened literally ONE YEAR AGO in May, 2018!!   Which means Pre-Trib is done gone and passed and will be no more.


Either way, how I explain from FACTS (70 A.D.), or using your 70th week in current age (from 1948), Pre-Trib is IMPOSSIBLE!!

Both views reveals that you are incorrect, and why I keep suggesting Seminary, so you get a clue!!

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1 hour ago, iamlamad said:

Ramble on with your myths, my friend - but what will you do when you find I am right?  My denomination? I claim none: I prefer non-denominational churches - If they teach truth. 

Yes, of course the vision of the Virgin  - Virgo - represents ISRAEL from where the Messiah came. AGreed. Verse 4?

 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.

Without a doubt, this is making reference to when Satan was kicked out of heaven in the beginning. One third of the angels choose to go with him. But at this time, the time of Jesus' birth, the "dragon" or the devil, Satan, wants to kill Jesus when He is born. Satan was most certainly in Israel trying to find WHO is going to give birth to the Messiah, so he can murder the child a soon as possible after the birth. Of course we know Satan got into the thinking of King Herod and was behind him murdering all the children in Bethlehem under two years old. 

She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a] And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.

Surely you understand, these first 5 verses in Rev. 12 are written as a parenthesis, with NO BEARING on John's chronology. Please, allow me to explain: Chapter 12 was God introducing John to the dragon, and in particular what the dragon would be doing during the last half of the week. The dragon is mentioned 32 times in this chapter! But God CHOSE to show John what the dragon DID when Jesus was born. Those first 5 verses were a history lesson for John. They are not in any way related to the 70th week.  They ARE related to how Satan tried to kill Jesus.

12:6 is right back to John's chronology: the parenthesis of verses 1-5 are finished. The timing of 12:6 is a second or two after the man of sin has entered the temple. 

The truth? You MISSED the intent of the Author in verse 1-5. Many people do.  Who then is clueless? 

America's Jews will RETURN to Israel like prophesied.  Well, yes,  they WILL, but most of them when they are gathered by angels as shown in Matthew 24.  Trump is NOT encouraging such a thing. Many presidents have promised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, but Trump DELIVERED on his promise. 

When these things begin to take place, you will find that "clueless" fits someone else. I follow the written Word.



YES, the physical portion does mean the Adversary and 1/3 Angels being booted, but the SPIRITUAL INDICATION is recognized with the Woman, pregnant with a manchild = Yeshua = this is specifically discussing Israel, and 1/3 of them will survive by escaping to Petra.








This is painful to see just how lost you are!!

Edited by childoftheking
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53 minutes ago, iamlamad said:

Can you imagine the people of this church scratching their head wondering what on earth this letter to their church was about? That is, if there WAS no Jezebel there and there was no men sleeping with her. No, we can be SURE God hit the nail squarly on the head as we say: they knew exactly what God was telling them.  God always knows.  However, today it is as you say: those letters had meaning THEN and they have meaning today. 

In other words, each of these letters to the churches had meaning THEN when they were read the first time! But every reader today could read and say, "this is talking about ME: I have left my first love." Or, another could read and say: "come on, honey, we must get married. I cannot live with you any longer without marriage!"

I agree that the bible is TIMELESS: they received benefit from those letters then, and we can today.




I am on your side BROTHER!!





I want to agree with what you believe!!

If we differ, it's because I believe there is more than the level of knowledge you are currently at.


I kid you not!!


But I took my Grandfathers notes, the notes of other great Bible teachers like G.T. Haywood, Wigglesworth, Sumrall, etc... I studied and prayed and begged God to reveal more than what I currently had understood.   And when He opened up my awareness to be receptive of His Knowledge, the light literally flipped the switch to ON POSITION!!

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39 minutes ago, iamlamad said:

Are you for real? You amaze me: It was GOD that caused Paul to write 1 Thes. 4 & 5. Those verses are every bit as inspired by the Holy Spirit as is Matthew 24.  The problem here is, you don't understand that the Olivet Discourse was given and then written to the JEWS.  We don't attend synagogues!  The abomination of desolation is in the middle of DANIEL's 70th week, not Paul's 70th week! 

You are correct as you have written it, but the "elect" you are referring to will be the descendants of Jacob, not the church. Sorry, but the church will not be present during the 70th week.


I know it was God, who put the thoughts that Paul wrote into words, in his letters.

But the verses before and after these 2 verses do not INDICATE a specific time at all.   It indicates that WHENEVER YESHUA RETURNS, THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!


16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.




Preachers have added them, which makes them "Man's Traditions!!"

And anyone claiming there are Dispensations attached to what Paul wrote here in verses 16 -17, they are also FOLLOWING "Man's Traditions!!"


I follow the Tradition Yeshua set for us, not the INTERPRETER who DOES NOT have a CLUE!!

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1 hour ago, iamlamad said:

You are mistaken (as usual). Paul DOES specify the timing. But it takes careful reading and understanding. His rapture comes a moment before God's wrath begins. Of course, if people are ignorant of when God's wrath begins, they will still be lost on Paul's timing.  However, for those that read, John TELLS us when God's wrath begins. The 5th seal is the martyrs of the church age. The church age then ENDS with the rapture, and the 6th seal is opened, starting the Day of God's wrath. It is plain and simple. I can't understand why people find this so difficult, and have to come up with human reasoning leading to myths. All we have to do is read and believe what John wrote.



If you are using this verse from 1 Thes 5:

3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


Read Revelation 12 and where it specifies who this WOMAN is with child (Israel).   And then look at the days attached to it: 6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.


This is MID-TRIB when the woman goes into hiding for 1,260 days

from Daniel 12:


11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.


Verse 11 is DAILY SACRIFICE is taken away.   

We know the Jews in Israel have returned to their old beliefs and want their Temple rebuilt to begin Daily Sacrifice.   But the antichrist stops Daily Sacrifice at MID-TRIB, which in Revelation 12 explains 1/3 of the Jews escape to Petra for the REMAINING DAYS of TRIBULATION.


Look at verse 12 from Daniel:

The man clothed in white linen is of course Yeshua, who is explaining to Daniel these things to come.   But look what Yeshua says in verse 12:

12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.


He says, Blessed are those who come towards the END of TRIBULATION.   This matches what Yeshua said in Matthew 24 about the Gathering of the ELECT AFTER Tribulation ENDS!!



It's right there all in black and white.


And, if you want to use what Paul wrote, we are gathered BEFORE WRATH, before Armageddon and GWTJ as I provided scripture from Revelations in previous posts.


Paul is saying the SAME THING as Daniel, Matthew, John in Revelation...we are Gathered before God's wrath upon the sinners, the Adversary, the Beast, the False Prophet.   During Tribulation, these demonic entities are FREE AND HAVE ALL POWER (so how is that God's WRATH on Satan if Satan is free to show his own powers?)


Wrath clearly is Armageddon and Final Judgement!!

Edited by childoftheking
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1 hour ago, childoftheking said:

If you are using this verse from 1 Thes 5:

3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Read Revelation 12 and where it specifies who this WOMAN is with child (Israel).   And then look at the days attached to it: 6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

This is MID-TRIB when the woman goes into hiding for 1,260 days

from Daniel 12:11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.  12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Verse 11 is DAILY SACRIFICE is taken away.   

We know the Jews in Israel have returned to their old beliefs and want their Temple rebuilt to begin Daily Sacrifice.   But the antichrist stops Daily Sacrifice at MID-TRIB, which in Revelation 12 explains 1/3 of the Jews escape to Petra for the REMAINING DAYS of TRIBULATION.

Look at verse 12 from Daniel:

The man clothed in white linen is of course Yeshua, who is explaining to Daniel these things to come.   But look what Yeshua says in verse 12:

12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

He says, Blessed are those who come towards the END of TRIBULATION.   This matches what Yeshua said in Matthew 24 about the Gathering of the ELECT AFTER Tribulation ENDS!!

It's right there all in black and white.

And, if you want to use what Paul wrote, we are gathered BEFORE WRATH, before Armageddon and GWTJ as I provided scripture from Revelations in previous posts.

Paul is saying the SAME THING as Daniel, Matthew, John in Revelation...we are Gathered before God's wrath upon the sinners, the Adversary, the Beast, the False Prophet.   During Tribulation, these demonic entities are FREE AND HAVE ALL POWER (so how is that God's WRATH on Satan if Satan is free to show his own powers?)

Wrath clearly is Armageddon and Final Judgement!!

I will agree: it is all written down in black on white, or perhaps red on white: but it does take some understanding!

Why do you insist that Rev. 12 has ANYTHING to do with 1 thes? This epistle (letter) was written to a GENTILE congregation! It has nothing to do with Israel. You are right that Rev. 12 IS about Israel - but in particular what the Dragon will be doing during the last half of the week to attack Israel. 

Read Revelation 12 and where it specifies who this WOMAN is with child (Israel).  WRONG!

Correction:  Read Revelation 12 and where it specifies who this WOMAN (Israel) is with child (Jesus).

This is truth. Those first five verses are about how the Dragon, the devil, tried to kill the Messiah, Jesus, shortly after He was born. These verses have nothing to do with our future, or our past, except that we know what King Herod did.

then look at the days attached to it: 6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

This is MID-TRIB when the woman goes into hiding for 1,260 days

Wow! Something I can agree with!  Yes, Jesus said that the moment those living in Judea see the abomination, they are to FLEE.  And it will be the abomination that divides the week - so yes, they will begin to flee at the midpoint. (As to a midpoint, the only way to have a "mid - point" is to have an entire week.)

which in Revelation 12 explains 1/3 of the Jews escape to Petra  This is some major extrapolation from other verses. I don't think 1/3 of all Jews escape to the wilderness. SOME Jews may well escape by other means such as those that flee into the valley created when Jesus touches down. And know one really knows if it will be Petra. It MAY be.

antichrist stops Daily Sacrifice at MID-TRIB  WHOA! How can you have a "mid" trib of only half of the "trib" is left? Or how can you have ANY "trib" when the 70th week took place in 70 AD? Do you not believe that "the trib" is the 70th week and the 70th week is "the trib?"  This is what the VAST majority of Christians believe today.  This does, of course, fit perfectly with what I believe: the Daily sacrifices being stopped is what will divide the week.

12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

He says, Blessed are those who come towards the END of TRIBULATION.   This matches what Yeshua said in Matthew 24 about the Gathering of the ELECT AFTER Tribulation ENDS!!    This  is error! The half week is 1260 days: you just proved that! Now you want to change it! You really need to get this straight in your mind: the WEEK is 1260 days PLUS 1260 days, for a total of 2520 days. The half week is 1260 days or 42 months. 

The week ENDS at the 1260th day, but Jesus does not return, nor is the Beast captured. The events of chapters 17 and 18 must take place after the week ends and before CHrist returns. That would be the total destruction of "babylon" or the city of Jerusalem, and then the marriage and supper of the Lamb. Jesus will not return until after the marriage supper.

Daniel tells us of ANOTHER event that will happen 30 days after the week ends. I suspect it will be Jesus coming to Armageddon, but John does not tell us so no one knows for sure.

There will be yet ANOTHER special day 45 days after this 1290th day. Both counts will use the midpoint abomination for their starting point. You really should stop ad libbing and stick with what is written exactly.

Blessed are those who come towards the END of TRIBULATION  This is ad libbing or changing what is written. Daniel did not write these words.  You only ASSUME this is what Daniel meant. 

we are gathered BEFORE WRATH, before Armageddon and GWTJ   This is truth. The rapture DOES come before wrath. But you are sadly mistaken as to WHEN wrath begins. 

Rev. 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Please note, this is in chapter 6, LONG in time before the events of chapter 19 will come. Take careful notes: what has just happened? The sun has turned dark and the moon has appeared blood red! Joel 2 tells us this is the sign of the DAY OF THE LORD - which agrees with Rev. 6.  (As a cross reference, Joel 3 shows us a DIFFERENT sign of both the sun and moon turning dark - total darkness - as the sign for His return, which agrees with Matthew 24.)

Those that lived through the earthquake remember Isaiah 2, and that this great earthquake was also a sign of the Day of the Lord. In fact, it seems John almost copied Isaiah word for word about the earthquake.  We now have three witnesses that the Day of the Lord, which IS the Day of His wrath, begins right there at the 6th seal. Common sense tells us it does not end in the next verse! An Old Testament verse on the Day of the Lord tells us it is God's plan for the DAY is to destroy the earth and the sinners on the earth. We clearly see the start of the destruction of the earth in each trumpet judgment. Make no mistake: the trumpets are JUDGMENTS and they come with His wrath. Then we see that when the vials come, they are FILLED with His wrath. The obvious conclusion is that the entire 70th week is His wrath.

During Tribulation, these demonic entities are FREE AND HAVE ALL POWER (so how is that God's WRATH on Satan if Satan is free to show his own powers?)  It is NOT God's wrath on Satan: it is God's wrath on the sinners who refuse to repent! 

But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;
But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
There is more, but this should be enough. 
Wrath clearly is Armageddon and Final Judgement!!  No, Wrath is the ENTIRE 70th week plus Armageddon.
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1 hour ago, iamlamad said:

I will agree: it is all written down in black on white, or perhaps red on white: but it does take some understanding!

Why do you insist that Rev. 12 has ANYTHING to do with 1 thes? This epistle (letter) was written to a GENTILE congregation! It has nothing to do with Israel. You are right that Rev. 12 IS about Israel - but in particular what the Dragon will be doing during the last half of the week to attack Israel. 

Read Revelation 12 and where it specifies who this WOMAN is with child (Israel).  WRONG!

Correction:  Read Revelation 12 and where it specifies who this WOMAN (Israel) is with child (Jesus).

This is truth. Those first five verses are about how the Dragon, the devil, tried to kill the Messiah, Jesus, shortly after He was born. These verses have nothing to do with our future, or our past, except that we know what King Herod did.

then look at the days attached to it: 6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

This is MID-TRIB when the woman goes into hiding for 1,260 days

Wow! Something I can agree with!  Yes, Jesus said that the moment those living in Judea see the abomination, they are to FLEE.  And it will be the abomination that divides the week - so yes, they will begin to flee at the midpoint. (As to a midpoint, the only way to have a "mid - point" is to have an entire week.)

which in Revelation 12 explains 1/3 of the Jews escape to Petra  This is some major extrapolation from other verses. I don't think 1/3 of all Jews escape to the wilderness. SOME Jews may well escape by other means such as those that flee into the valley created when Jesus touches down. And know one really knows if it will be Petra. It MAY be.

antichrist stops Daily Sacrifice at MID-TRIB  WHOA! How can you have a "mid" trib of only half of the "trib" is left? Or how can you have ANY "trib" when the 70th week took place in 70 AD? Do you not believe that "the trib" is the 70th week and the 70th week is "the trib?"  This is what the VAST majority of Christians believe today.  This does, of course, fit perfectly with what I believe: the Daily sacrifices being stopped is what will divide the week.

12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

He says, Blessed are those who come towards the END of TRIBULATION.   This matches what Yeshua said in Matthew 24 about the Gathering of the ELECT AFTER Tribulation ENDS!!    This  is error! The half week is 1260 days: you just proved that! Now you want to change it! You really need to get this straight in your mind: the WEEK is 1260 days PLUS 1260 days, for a total of 2520 days. The half week is 1260 days or 42 months. 

The week ENDS at the 1260th day, but Jesus does not return, nor is the Beast captured. The events of chapters 17 and 18 must take place after the week ends and before CHrist returns. That would be the total destruction of "babylon" or the city of Jerusalem, and then the marriage and supper of the Lamb. Jesus will not return until after the marriage supper.

Daniel tells us of ANOTHER event that will happen 30 days after the week ends. I suspect it will be Jesus coming to Armageddon, but John does not tell us so no one knows for sure.

There will be yet ANOTHER special day 45 days after this 1290th day. Both counts will use the midpoint abomination for their starting point. You really should stop ad libbing and stick with what is written exactly.

Blessed are those who come towards the END of TRIBULATION  This is ad libbing or changing what is written. Daniel did not write these words.  You only ASSUME this is what Daniel meant. 

we are gathered BEFORE WRATH, before Armageddon and GWTJ   This is truth. The rapture DOES come before wrath. But you are sadly mistaken as to WHEN wrath begins. 

Rev. 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Please note, this is in chapter 6, LONG in time before the events of chapter 19 will come. Take careful notes: what has just happened? The sun has turned dark and the moon has appeared blood red! Joel 2 tells us this is the sign of the DAY OF THE LORD - which agrees with Rev. 6.  (As a cross reference, Joel 3 shows us a DIFFERENT sign of both the sun and moon turning dark - total darkness - as the sign for His return, which agrees with Matthew 24.)

Those that lived through the earthquake remember Isaiah 2, and that this great earthquake was also a sign of the Day of the Lord. In fact, it seems John almost copied Isaiah word for word about the earthquake.  We now have three witnesses that the Day of the Lord, which IS the Day of His wrath, begins right there at the 6th seal. Common sense tells us it does not end in the next verse! An Old Testament verse on the Day of the Lord tells us it is God's plan for the DAY is to destroy the earth and the sinners on the earth. We clearly see the start of the destruction of the earth in each trumpet judgment. Make no mistake: the trumpets are JUDGMENTS and they come with His wrath. Then we see that when the vials come, they are FILLED with His wrath. The obvious conclusion is that the entire 70th week is His wrath.

During Tribulation, these demonic entities are FREE AND HAVE ALL POWER (so how is that God's WRATH on Satan if Satan is free to show his own powers?)  It is NOT God's wrath on Satan: it is God's wrath on the sinners who refuse to repent! 

But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;
But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
There is more, but this should be enough. 
Wrath clearly is Armageddon and Final Judgement!!  No, Wrath is the ENTIRE 70th week plus Armageddon.


Do you believe that God used a donkey to speak a warning?

Do you believe God as I AM used a Burning Bush to speak to Moses?


ALL scripture is considered the WORD of God, or to be Holy Spirit inspired/Breathed.  So that means, EVERY SCRIPTURE WE READ, has both a practical side, historical side, and the context generally has a prophetic side to it.


It would not matter if Paul was writing to a group of collected rocks, if it was Holy Spirit Inspired/Breathed from God, there are prophetic undertones to it.




***How many times have you actually read the Bible cover to cover (Genesis to Malachi, Matthew to Revelations)?***


If you have read it at least (3) THREE times, you will notice that things happening in Genesis sometimes can be found in Jeremiah and somewhere within the New Testament.   There are generally (3) references we can fall back on.


Like the David and Joshua both instructed and spoke about the Book of Jasher, and Jasher is another view of the first 5 Books written by Moses.

Yeshua and Jude both quote what Enoch wrote.

These TWO BOOKS are quoted and mentioned in our current Canon but is found NOWHERE within it.   How retarded is that?

But, the Book of Enoch chapter 1 is the same as Daniel 11/12, Matthew 24, and Revelation speaking specifically of the WRATH of God in Armageddon and Final Judgement.   Both God as Yeshua, and his half brother Jude quote Enoch.   You would think if GOD quotes someone, what that person wrote about would be found in God's WORD.   But the Council (ungodly council) refused both the Book of Enoch and Jasher and we read in our Canon about BOTH of these Books!!


You need to let God CONTROL YOUR MIND!!

Every scripture I have read and will continue to read, I pray afterwards for God's understanding that is beyond what I can understand now.


If you took Seminary, these questions like Paul wrote to a church, so, how does that mean it relates prophetically to what Enoch, Daniel, Matthew, and John wrote concerning the Return of Yeshua for His Bride?


This is now basic common sense to me, after going through several Seminary's under Biblical Teachers, who are considered experts with great knowledge concerning God, His WORD, and what is yet to come.


It cannot hurt you whatsoever, unless your faith path is Jehova Witness, Catholic, Mormonism where they put others before Yeshua.  JW's don't recognize Yeshua in certain views, Mormons find Yeshua to be a prophet (like the Muslims), and Catholics put Mary before God.   When you are that brainwashed, it literally takes God to fix you.   Seminary would only confuse a member of those occults!!

Edited by childoftheking
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