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Run across any false "teachers/preachers" lately?


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We are warned often in our FATHER's Word about false teaching and error.  Beginning in the Garden of Eden, Satan and his demonic cohorts have made it a PRIORITY to corrupt our LORD's Word and truth.  What makes their tactics so successfu is they are very convincing (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

The Apostle John issues a twofold command.  First he say, "Dear friends, DO NOT BELIEVE EVERY SPIRIT, but TEST the spirits to see whether they are from GOD."  We have an obligation NOT to believe every spirit AND to test the spirits.  That's right....an OBLIGATION to do so.  The key word here in this passage is "spirit".  The use of the word spirit makes it clear that we ARE TO LOOK BEYOND the individuals to the influence that inspires them.  Reread that and let it soak into your mind.  As Believers we have the HOLY SPIRIT (1 John 3:24), WHO leads, guides, and reveals truth to us.  However, there are UNHOLY Spirits in the world that lead false preachers/teachers, giving them an incredible ability to deceive.

We are not to be gullible and believe every spirit; instead, we are to "test the spirits".  The verb translated "test" (DOKIMAZETE) is a word used in biblical times to test metals for genuiness.  We are to test ALL inspired teaching and preaching to see whether they are from our LORD (1 Thessalonians 5:21).  Every Christian is clearly under obligation to test all preaching and teaching.  It is assumed, therefore, that every Christian has the capacity to do this.  The need for testing is "because many false prophets have gone out into the world".

John gives us a very practical way to recognize the SPIRIT of GOD or know when the HOLY SPIRIT is speaking to us through a preacher or teacher.  First, John says a speaker who openly ACKNOWLEDGES that JESUS CHRIST has come in the flesh is from GOD (verse 4:2).  I think it is important to note that the phrase "that JESUS CHRIST has come" reveals the preexistence of JESUS, WHO came from the FATHER and from the point of HIS historical birth was GOD in the flesh.  JESUS is not a great prophet and HE is not a creation of GOD; HE is GOD in flesh and blood!

Acknowledging that HE is GOD come to earth in flesh and blood should be for a definite purpose, to win the lost.  So, when examining a preacher/teacher we must see if they EMPHASIZE Who JESUS is in order to win the lost or simply teach things to impress us with themselves or their ministry.  A true spokesman for GOD preaches the truth of Who JESUS is AND what HE did for us on the Cross of Calvary.  He doesn't do so to build a personal empire.

After listening to a preacher/teacher we should ask:  Did he/she encourage the lost to be saved and the saved to live a holy life?    DO I understand the Bible better?  Did I learn some things that will help me be a better Christian??

Pay close attention to verse 3.  I think this verse makes it clear that false preachers/teachers are not just wrong; they are satanically influenced.  Listen:  it is NOT just a matter of preaching/teaching style or interpretation; the TRUTH of the GOSPEL is at stake.  The "antichrist" is not just a man; it is a system opposed to CHRIST and the TRUTH about HIM.  The spirit that will empower the future beast described in the Book of Revelation "is ALREADY in the world" (1 John 4:3).  Anyone who tries to distort the truth about JESUS CHRIST or distort the truth of the teachings of our FATHER's Word is influenced by the spirit of antichrist (2 Timothy 4:3).

There are two spiritual forces in the world:  the HOLY SPIRIT (verse 4:4) and the spirit of antichrist.  Our CHRIST has given us the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO is a Resident Protector of GOD's children against false teaching.  Fake preachers/teachers can fill conference centers and civic centers all over the country.  Why?  Look at verse 5:  They are from the world and therefore speak from the VIEWPOINT of the world, AND the world LISTENS to them.

The world wants to hear about how they can be successful, wealthy, healthy, and live the "Christian life" WITHOUT sacrifice, which completely clashes with what our LORD said in Luke 9:23!  We live in a world that wants comfort, NOT a cross.  The world wants to receive, NOT give.  So false preachers/teachers are successful in the world because their "teachings" accommodate the world's viewpoint.  In contrast to the world, John says, "We are from GOD, and whoever knows GOD listens to us; BUT whoever IS NOT from GOD does not listen to us" (1 John 4:6.....John 8:47).

Those who are in tune with our LORD will listen to those who preach/teach GOD's message contained in HIS holy, inspired Word.  Don't be surprised when YOU are challenged after something you have shared with someone out of the Bible, whose thoughts and opinions fit the world's viewpoint and they do not want to hear the truth of GOD.  On the other hand, the people of GOD always want to hear the truth of our FATHER's Word even if it points out sin in their lives.  So, another way to detect a false preacher/teacher is to see the type of people who welcome his/her message.  They give a clue to its source.  People who love the truth of GOD will respond with appreciation, while those who love the world will often be offended by what our FATHER's messengers say.  People will be more impressed by the depth of YOUR conviction than the height of your logic!

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So beautifully and eloquently put my brother!  I am printing that one out.

God Bless.

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Guest shilou

That was great Wisdom. A true seeker of a life with Christ is interested in the truth regardless if it goes against even long held beliefs and is willing to make changes according to the word. But I also notice some who try to make the word submit to their own personal agenda and feelings. But to be honest I have been there, without good results and have chased the prosperity preachers again without good results. What I ended up doing was with drawing from all other influence for a time. By that I mean church, boards, and all means of other words and just reading the Bible from front to back. What I realized was that so many of the prophets and writers of the Bible did so without running here and there for information they just trusted God. My all time favorite is Joseph sold into slavery in a pagan nation, sat in prison for a crime he did not commit. And his faith never wavered. He did not need a constant input from others to keep in step with God. But I bet he spent alot of time on his knees in communion with God. Now I'm not against organized religion or boards or other forms of information. But I am for time outs to spend only with God to make sure I'm still on track and not getting caught up in worldly information.

Love in Yeshua


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Fantastic post, Wisdom!  Five Stars!!!!!

This touches on a few issues with me that I have noticed since becoming a Christian:

This necessity to be on guard for false teachings/teachers unfortunatley breeds an air of suspicion amongst brethren.  I think it is an extremely difficult walk to balance a healthy discernment against an accusing flesh nature in confronting these teachings within oneself.  

The organized or institutionalized church setting is set up in a way that makes it difficult to challenge the teacher/teachings.  For example, when you sit in the pew for a Sunday sermon, there is no opportunity for discussion or Q&A's, which can make proper discernment tricky. (Did he really mean that or did I misinterpret).

Also the clergy/laity distinction and authority structure in the church can hinder healthy debate for the edification of all.

There is also an inundation of Christian mass media that is instrumental in shaping many new Christians' walks, sort of a cultural Christianity, if you will.  This means radio broadcasts and pop theology, influential bestsellers, etc.

I have found it to be a labyrinth of doctrinal differences, and many diametrically opposed divisions within the Brotherhood.  All of them scripturally-backed and convincing arguments.  Extremely confusing for a new Christian.

I have had to withdraw completely, like Shilou, from men's interpretations in order to follow Him right now.  This has meant for me withdrawing from the church institution, from radio, from popular books and have ONLY the Bible as my source, and my personal time with the Lord.

This is a hugely important topic, Wisdom.  Thank you for articulating it so well.


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Wisdom, thanks again for another wonderful post.  In regards to false teaching, I have a question that I think I have found a Biblical answer to in one respect, but I would appreciate other points of view.  Is it possible to be a Christian and, for whatever reason, still be a false teacher?  I believe it is possible, but I would appreciate any input.

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That's a wonderful question, Martyr.  I am eager to hear some thoughtful answers to this one. :)

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Wisdom, thanks again for another wonderful post.
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Yes, friends, it is possible to be a Christian and be led astray. The apostle Paul warns us to be wary. In 1 Timothy 1:3-10 he gives his warning and guidance to his friend and helper as to being careful while setting up new churches. Most of Pauls letters have a warning of such.

But I pray that none will forego church. Please read Hebrews 10:24,25. In those two verses, Paul is telling us that we should gather together for the purpose of uplifting Jesus and his Gospel. We should meet to strengthen ourselves and to help each other grow.

You are right, OneAccord, when you say that a centralized church is closed to any change. These churches have no authority to change their sermons or doctrine at the local level. Paul, when setting up new churches, always set up local churches to be governed by local Elders (plural) and Deacons. Centralized places of religion were to be avoided. That was the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Groups that encountered the very wrath of Jesus in Jerusalem.

Today, Many groups use the same tactic of control for their congregations and what is the result? Homosexual preachers (Methodists, Catholics), religion as a front for cults (JW's, Mormons, Latter Day Saints) and control of huge masses of people (Catholics) (please read Foxes book of Martyrs).

we do need to be careful, but still attend church.

May I take the liberty of suggesting some things to look for in a church when you are checking them out. Ask yourself these questions while attending service:

Does this church make Jesus the center of all doctrine?

Is there a strong soul-winning program?

Do they believe in the Virgin birth?

Do they believe in the Godhead as a trinity?

Do they believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God?

Do they believe in creation?

Are tithes and offerings the source of church income rather than bake-sales and carwashes?

Do they preach salvation through Jesus as a gift of God and not by our works?

Do they promote Believers' Baptism as an outward sign of compliance to God's direction after salvation?

Do they allow non-saved members?

Do they believe in the return of Jesus?

These are just a few things I look for when deciding on a new place of worship (being in the military, I move around alot).

I hope that these can help you when you look also.

The Bible is clear about the matter of false doctrines and those that will use deception to lure Christians away from Faith. Know your Bible (KJV) and anything contrary to God's will will stick out like a sore thumb.

God Bless.


PS. a quick note- most of those religions that profess to be solid in their doctrine have actually changed quite a bit throughout their history. Check out books that deal with the history of the Catholic church. Even the Southern Baptist Convention is caving in to modernism as we speak.


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So beautifully and eloquently put my brother!

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So beautifully and eloquently put my brother!

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