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On 4/20/2021 at 3:40 PM, Who me said:

At a total inability to understand a response or to be able to give practical help to those requiring advice and help.


I'm sorry you didn't understand, but this part was written already if you read it in the beginning with understanding. This is how you stay behind the boss (Jesus). The other part I post to you in Psalm 78th is what happen if you do not do commandments down below. 

Jesus said in Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments

So Jesus said, “but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments,” No matter what you read in the Bible, these commandments have to be kept to enter into life, or you will be judge by them. Now let’s read further into what Jesus is saying here in Matthew… Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

This includes the Sabbath day on the seventh day of the week (Saturday).

This also include,Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (which includes Easter, Christmas, going to church on Sunday and any other pagan or tradition of men that may cause another God to be worship)   

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Exodus 20:3-8)


You have to take the time and read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation over and over, etc..  This is a lesson I'm posting of how to beware of the spirits, or spiritual awareness, and it gets deep.  





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Now let us take a look at what Satan really looks like. 

“And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.” (Ezekiel 1:4-9)

These creators have four faces, four wings, feet like a calf, hands like men under their wings and they also look like burnt brass. What does burnt brass look like? What does anything look like burnt. It looks black. Why does it say they turned not when they went? It was no need for them to turn, remember they have four faces. They can look to the north, south, east and west at the same time. That is why they went forward without turning. Let's find out what they are called. 

This is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river of Chebar; and I knew that they were the cherubim’s. Every one had four faces apiece, and every one four wings; and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings. (Ezekiel 10:20-21) 

In the first chapter of Ezekiel we saw the Cherubim’s carrying Jesus around on His throne. Not a space ship as the status quo thinks. These were simply cherubim angels flying the Lord around. Is Satan a cherub angel? Well, let's find out. 

The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God: Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures: (Ezekiel 28:1-3) 

This is not an ordinary man, notice the clue. Thou are wiser than Daniel? The prince of Tyrus is a Gentile, how can he be wiser than Daniel when it comes to the word of God. Israel possesses the oracles/word of God. 

Remember that Satan is the god of the Gentiles that have not came under the commonwealth of Israel. This man is Satan; Satan is wiser than Daniel take a look. 

Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.( Ezekiel 28: 12-13) 

Do you recall the king of Tyrus in the Garden of Eden? I do recall the serpent which is called the devil and also Satan. Let's see who this really is. 

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. (Ezekiel 28:14-15)

Now we see this is not a man, but a cherub angel. In some cases the Lord calls angels men. But notice something; this cherub which is Satan had some authority. He actually was on the mountain of God, until he sinned. We should pay close attention to that. What happened when Satan sinned against God? Take a look. 

By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty; thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground; I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. (Ezekiel 28:16) 

What happened when he got full of himself? He was thrown out. When the Lord blesses us with knowledge, wisdom and also understanding be careful not to get full of yourself and forget whose blessings it is and were it came from. It is the Lord's, not our own. 

We should ask ourselves a question. When the Lord threw Satan out where did he throw him to? Remember this in Revelation 12 verse 4? And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth. Angels are also called stars. You notice it says the earth and not hell. Yes Satan hit the ground dusted himself off along with the other evil spirit and has been raising hell ever sense. 


to be continue...

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3 hours ago, Bro.Tan said:

read it in the beginning with understanding

Ah I understand where you are coming from now.

You believe in a doctrine of works, not of salvation by faith.

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11 hours ago, Who me said:

Ah I understand where you are coming from now.

You believe in a doctrine of works, not of salvation by faith.

The bible says, we must not only be a hearer of the word, but a doer of the word also (James 1:21-22). DON'T FOOL YOURSELF! If we really have faith in Jesus our actions will prove it. If Jesus is our Lord then we will obey him. Even a child will obey a parent, by getting good grades in school, for the reward of a new bicycle. The child cannot earn money for the bicycle, but instead must act upon their faith to receive the free gift. We must do the same to receive eternal life. "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD"(James 2:20). So you have to both! Nevertheless, in judgment each one of us will give account for our own salvation. Therefore, we must not let anyone lead us down the wrong path, but should verify all of our teaching with the holy bible. YOUR SALVATION IS AT STAKE! "...work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12). 




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Let's lake a look at this battle... 

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Revelation 12:7-9) 

No matter how powerful the devil is, the Lord has someone stronger. Now you see Satan and all the other evil spirits or unclean spirits are running around on the earth. 

Take a look at what the other angels said after this battle. 

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. (Revelation 12:10-12)

Notice how happy the angels were when Satan was cast out. But look how they gave us a warning. “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Woe is right. We have enemies running around and we can't even see them. ...a 3rd part of an innumerable amount of angels. These are spirit beings they never sleep or get tired, and they were here before the dinosaurs. 

The Lord will save His people the same way as He did before in Egypt, just on a larger scale. This time He will save them from all over the world. They came out from Egypt with Pharaoh's army on their heels. Note the similarity below. 

And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood (Revelation 12:13-15) 

The man-child is of course Jesus. The woman represents the nation of Israel physically and spiritually. When the Lord brought Israel out before He stated, “Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself "(Exodus 19:4). 

In Revelation, we have the same statement. “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle.” This is symbolism; we know Israel walked into the wilderness. 

This time when the sign comes to pass stated in Matthew the 24th chapter verse 15 through 16 you must find your own means of transportation. Whatever it may be, plane or boat it will be at no cost to you. The same place the Lord took Israel before is where you must be at the time appointed: not before or after. And when those of us that keep the Law get there you don't have to worry about food or water it will be provided for us. This is why the verse states, “that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. This is the great tribulation, which will last 3 ½ years (time one year, times plural two years and a half of time ½ year). The flood represents an army; this is none other than EU’s army. But it will be to no avail. This is when the statement used by the so-called Christians today will come into affect, “no weapon formed against me shall prosper.” The angels will have charge over us that make it. If you don't make it into the wilderness, what ever you do, do not accept the mark of the beast. 


to be continue....

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16 hours ago, Bro.Tan said:

work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (


As I said you believe in salvation by works.


We are saved by God's grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus.


We can add NOTHING to that.


We show our love for Jesus by how we obey him, by our good deeds etc. We in doing this work out our salvation, but that is still not earning us anything.


It is by your stressing the importance of what we do that shows you do not trust in Jesus for salvation.

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12 hours ago, Who me said:


As I said you believe in salvation by works.


We are saved by God's grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus.


We can add NOTHING to that.


We show our love for Jesus by how we obey him, by our good deeds etc. We in doing this work out our salvation, but that is still not earning us anything.


It is by your stressing the importance of what we do that shows you do not trust in Jesus for salvation.

Now Paul said in (Rom. 3:23-25) (v.23) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (v.24) Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: (v.25) Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.

So the bible tells you to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts1:36-38). And by doing so you come up under his precious blood and then you are saved from your sins that are past, not present or future sins but for sins that are past. We were all locked under death by Adam’s sin, even the second death.

But when Jesus became (he was God in the beginning) man and died for the sins of the world, he gave us access back to the tree of life (himself) which Adam had caused us to lose. That’s what grace is, our free gift our access back to the tree of life but that’s another lesson for another time. So by coming under the blood of Jesus you are saved from your past sins. And if you are saved now, it is on a day to day basis. Because all have sinned, and if you continue to live you will sin again. It is the willful sinning that you need to put in check. 

(Rom. 11:22) Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. You had better continue in God’s goodness or you will be cut off. This is also the writing of thee Apostle Paul. You must continue to keep God’s laws if you expect to receive salvation.



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Now, let's take a look at how Satan’s city will be defeated. 

That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon and say, "How hath the oppressor ceased!" the golden city ceased! (Isaiah 14:4) 

The golden city is Rome; this is the seat of Satan (Vatican City). Satan has used the Papacy to deceive the whole world. Everything that people call holy has come out of Rome not the Bible. Notice how it says the oppressor has ceased? Who is this oppressor that weakens the nations? Take a look. 

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isaiah 14:12-15)

Lucifer means light bringer or bringer of knowledge. The angel Gabriel has this job now. But, notice what the Lord says, “how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.” Have any of us seen Satan or Lucifer, as he is called here? No! This spirit works through men. Satan and his army are everywhere. They see everything you do and hear everything you say. If you do not serve the true and living God, you are simply a servant of Satan. There is no in-between. The Lord says if you love Him, keep his commandments. If you don't keep them you become servant of Satan. 

Notice what the Lord says to His apostle in the book of Luke. This backs-up what we just read in Isaiah. 

After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. (Luke 10:1) 

The Lord sent seventy disciples out to each city, before He went into them. If you have on the Lord's armor you will be able to do the same thing these Israelites did. If you want to get rid of an evil spirit, read the book on them. But keep your eye on them so they won't run away until you are finished. There are evil spirits all around us. They manipulate the minds of those that wear the armor in some cases. But, if you don't wear it at all, you are free game for these spirits. Try this little test and watch how their feathers get ruffled. People that call themselves Christians, tell them “we must keep the law.” Watch what happens, you have a serious battle on your hands. Remember that we don't war against flesh and blood. Our war is with those evil spirits behind the scenes. Another thing, make sure you have a Bible handy to show them, talk is cheap if you can't back it up in the book. Now, notice what the disciples say to the Lord. 

And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. (Luke 10:17) 

Did you notice something very important? They said, “The devils are subject unto us through thy name. In Jesus name devils are subject to us, not in our own. Remember Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” It is the Lord's power not our own. Now what was the Lord's response to their statement? 

And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:18-20)

Remember what the Lord said by the mouth of Isaiah, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” He says the same thing here; “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” He also says He gives us power over serpents and scorpions. He is talking about evil spirits not actual snakes and scorpions. Pick one up and watch what happens, you will get bit. 

The Lord broke the covenant with the animals after Noah came off the ark. He will not reinstate it until He is back on earth. What must you have on to have power over these spirits? Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. And if you continue to wear this armor your name will be written in heaven. 

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Let's recap what we have learned before we continue. We've learned at the beginning of this lesson how to defend ourselves against evil spirits. We also found out how Satan and his minions operate through men and how they were kicked out of heaven and landed right here on earth. We have found out what Satan looks like and what type of angel he is. He is also used symbolically in the book of Revelation as the entire Gentile dynasty. Now, let's see the fix the Lord put on Satan and his angels so man could not see them. 

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; (II Peter 2:4) 

Most people will read this and say, “See I told you the evil angels were in hell.” Look at the last part of the verse. It states, “To be reserved unto judgment,” so, if they are waiting for the judgment how can they be in hell? In this case hell represents the earth. We have already read in several places that Satan and his angels were cast out into the earth. 

Now, notice what Peter says, “delivered them into chains of darkness,” this simply means they are invisible. If a being popped in front of you shining like the sun and able to tell you what's on your mind, what would you do? You would fall on your face and say, “God just spoke to me.” Luckily they can only appear with permission, if they could appear when they got ready we would not have a chance at salvation. 

Let's go to 1st Peter and take a look at a verse where it is said, “When Jesus died, he went and preached to the dead people.” Well, let see if that's true. 

For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: (I Peter 3:18) 

The spirit that quickened Him or made alive was the Father. Now pay close attention to the next verse! 

By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; (I Peter 3:19) 

What prison? We just read what prison the Lord went to preach to the spirits in. Let's read it again. 

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; (II Peter 2:4) 

This is not the type or prison we perceive with bars and gates. This prison is the realm of invisibility, can’t go back back to the third heaven, or in other words chains of darkness. Now, take a look at the time when the Lord did this preaching to the spirits in prison. 

By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. (I Peter 3:19-20) 

This took place in the days of Noah when He and the Father were equal. Let's see if angels are spirits to clarify this, and also see what their jobs are. 

And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. (Hebrews 1:6-7) 

So, you see that the angels are spirits. Now, what is there purpose? 

But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Hebrews 1:13-14) 

All the angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. The Holy angels will see that you receive the Lord's word and will protect you in time of trouble. The evil angels are here to try you, and take the word that you have learned or in other words destroy you. If you don't have the word of God you have nothing. Everything in this world will perish, but the next world is for an eternity. 

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Let's go to the Psalm and pay close attention to what David is saying, and see how you can defeat your enemy. 

A Psalm of David. Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. (Psalms 35:1) 

Let the Lord do your fighting. We are no match for what takes place behind the scenes. The spirits are all around us, and if we do not have the protection the Lord gives, we are free game. Note what David says next. 

Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them. Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them. Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them. (Psalms 35:4-6)

Let the angel of the Lord chase them. This is the protection the Lord gives us. A holy angel that is just as powerful as the evil spirit that is trying to do you hurt through evil men. Remember that the angles are ministering spirits sent forth to aid those who are heirs of salvation. Now, let's go to the book of Judges, see a reward of a wicked man. 

And Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem unto his mother's brethren, and communed with them, and with all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying, Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the men of Shechem, Whether is better for you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, which are threescore and ten persons, reign over you, or that one reign over you? Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh. And his mother's brethren spake of him in the ears of all the men of Shechem all these words: and their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech; for they said, He is our brother. And they gave him threescore and ten pieces of  silver out of the house of Baalberith, wherewith Abimelech hired vain and light persons, which followed him. And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: notwithstanding yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself. And all the men of Shechem gathered together, and all the house of Millo, and went, and made Abimelech king, by the plain of the pillar that was in Shechem. And when they told it to Jotham, he went and stood in the top of mount Gerizim, and lifted up his voice, and cried, and said unto them, Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem, that God may hearken unto you. (Judges 9:1-7) 

Notice one thing above, “he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone.” He killed seventy of his brother’s one at a time upon the same stone. Now take a look at what his brother told him. 

(For my father fought for you, and adventured his life far, and delivered you out of the hand of Midian: And ye are risen up against my father's house this day, and have slain his sons, threescore and ten persons, upon one stone, and have made Abimelech, the son of his maidservant, king over the men of Shechem, because he is your brother;) If ye then have dealt truly and sincerely with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, then rejoice ye in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you: But if not, let fire come out from Abimelech, and devour the men of Shechem, and the house of Millo; and let fire come out from the men of Shechem, and from the house of Millo, and devour Abimelech. And Jotham ran away, and fled, and went to Beer, and dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech his brother. When Abimelech had reigned three years over Israel, Then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech: That the cruelty done to the threescore and ten sons of Jerubbaal might come, and their blood be laid upon Abimelech their brother, which slew them; and upon the men of Shechem, which aided him in the killing of his brethren. (Judges 9:17-24) 

For committing this terrible act what did the Lord do? God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech. The Lord sent the evil spirit; this spirit did not just show up on his own. The evil spirit was given an order and he followed it. Now, let's see the reward of an evil man. 

And Abimelech came unto the tower, and fought against it, and went hard unto the door of the tower to burn it with fire. And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to break his skull. Then he called hastily unto the young man his armour bearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, a woman slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died. And when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, they departed every man unto his place. Thus God rendered the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did unto his father, in slaying his seventy brethren: And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon their heads: and upon them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal. (Judges 9:52-57) 

Notice what's being said, “Thus God rendered the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did unto his father, in slaying his seventy brethren. Did the Lord kill Abimelech? Or, did the evil spirit kill Abimelech? The scripture states, “A woman broke his skull with a mill stone and his armour bearer thrust him through. Did you see the evil angel do the killing? No! This is what Peter meant by chains of darkness. This evil spirit that was sent by the Lord carried out the order that destroyed Abemelech for killing his brethren by the hand of men. Nowhere do you see were the angel kille Notice what's being said, “Thus God rendered the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did unto his father, in slaying his seventy brethren. Did the Lord kill Abimelech? Or, did the evil spirit kill Abimelech? The scripture states, “A woman broke his skull with a mill stone and his armour bearer thrust him through. Did you see the evil angel do the killing? No! This is what Peter meant by chains of darkness. This evil spirit that was sent by the Lord carried out the order that destroyed Abemelech for killing his brethren by the hand of men. Nowhere do you see were the angel killed Abimelech. In this case you see the evil spirit use the men to carry out the Lord's order.

 Now, let's see another case where Jesus gives the order and the evil angels do exactly what they are told to do. But, this time it will not be by the hand of men. Let's go to the 78th Psalm and take a look how this evil spirits use the forces of nature. 

They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan: And had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink. He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them. He gave also their increase unto the caterpillar, and their labour unto the locust. He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycamore trees with frost. He gave up their cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. (Psalms 78:42-49) In this case you see the evil spirit use the men to carry out the Lord's order. 

Those verses should have you shaking in your boots. This is one of the reasons we should fear the Lord. He gives the orders to these angels and they carry them out to the letter. These evil spirits are even capable of using the forces of nature. Sisters and brothers, we should not worry about why the Lord does certain things. We should worry about how we must stay on His good side. Remember we are His creation. He can do whatever He wants whenever He wants. Even though Jesus is extremely dangerous He is a loving God. He gives us an operations manual, which is the Bible. It is printed in every language under the sun. There is no excuse for any of us to be ignorant of His word. It gives us instruction how to be members of the God family. Many people do not realize the Godhead is recreating itself. All we need to do is follow the plan He has outlined for us and we will stay in His grace. Nothing is easy sisters and brothers, but we must continue on a day to day basis to walk with the Lord. Sure you we will stumble and fall sometimes, because this flesh is tough. When you do fall get back up and continue the race.

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