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Opportunity lost

Qun Mang

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It does sound reasonable assuming only few to none of the unsaved parents were following the rules. Was that the case with your church? I do hope, however, that they will make exceptions if unsaved parents truly want to follow the rules and are willing to have a face-to-face conference to say so honestly. As I said, if parents really want their children to grow up by higher moral standards than public schools offer, I don't believe they should be barred from Christian schools just because they have not chosen to themselves follow Christ.

I agree that if parents will not let the school do their job as they agreed then they may justifiably be asked to take their children elsewhere (hopefully after other options are exhausted). These parents are not the ones I speak of above as I don't believe they are truly seeking a better moral education for their children. There are private schools elsewhere for simply a better education without the high Christian moral standards that are expected at Christian schools.

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The reason we see Jesus hanging out with "the tax collectors and sinners" of His day were because they were the ones who were seeking Him and welcoming Him into their lives. The religiousd folk were rejecting HIM.

I don't think it's that the sinners were "seeking Him" and welcoming Him...as much as it was that He was accepting them and loving them...which made them receive Him. Can you give me an example of one of "the sinners" who was seeking Christ first?

The prostitute who came into the room, cried on Jesus feet, and wiped them with her hair.

From my understanding, Scripture teaches that Christ is the seeker...He came to SEEK and save that which was lost. Every example I can think of where He encountered those who were deep in their sin it seems that He is approaching them, not the other way around. I believe the "sinners" welcomed Him because they recognized His Spirit, that He truly loved them and that He was what they needed.

OK, maybe "seek" was the wrong word - but you hit the point I was going for with -

"I believe the "sinners" welcomed Him . . ."

The Pharisees and Sadducees and all didn't welcome Jesus, did they?

The "tax collectors and sinners" Jesus hung with were those who received Him.

The religious folk didn't receive Him - did they?

So, before we "buddy" with "the sinners" - note where do they stand with Jesus?

First of all, we should never consider anyone as more sinful than ourselves. We are all sinners. There is no one worse than you or me. Secondly, if there's anyone we should set ourselves apart from, it is believers who are living in rebellion or walking in unrepentant sin. Before you meet your best friend (who is a professed Christian) for lunch...do you determine if she is right with God? If she's a known gossip, or disrespects her husband...do you still stay close friends with her? According to 1 Cor. 5:9-13 we should be more careful about believers we associate with than unbelievers. It's those who claim the name of Christ and live like heathens that we should not associate with...not those who are entrenched in their sin and need our help and influence.

And you just described the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day!

But it's not about "more sinners than ourselves" - are they in rebellion against God or not?

Does that make more sense?

Ever notice how when the Gentiles came to Jesus they had to prove themselves to Him as to their sincerity?

Can you give some examples of this?

Sure! the Canaanite woman - you know, the one Jesus told that the bread for children shouldn't be given to the dogs. When she responded in faith, then Jesus granted her request.

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I don't suppose this school would approve of the company that Jesus kept either, it certainly upset the "Holy Joes" of his days.


Jesus met with sinners, but He only kept company with the righteous (the repentant). If Jesus wouldn't keep company with unrepentant homosexuals, and Paul teaches not to even eat with someone who calls himself brother but is sexually immoral, how much less should a christian school, filled with children, tolerate those who do not agree with Christian standards?

I'm done "tolerating away" my religious freedom.


Mark 2:15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the "sinners" and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: "Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"

17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

That sounds like keeping company to me!

Anyway this is not about "tolerating away religious freedoms". This is about a a so calledChristian school ignoring its basic Christian obligations. This child was thrown out of the school, because those with power didn't approve of her family background, rather than anything the child did.

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Student expelled for lesbian parents

From correspondents in Los Angeles


A TEENAGE girl has been expelled from a US Christian school after officials discovered her parents were lesbians whose lifestyle did not live up to church standards, the school said Friday.

The 14-year-old pupil, Shay Clark, was kicked out of the school in the town of Ontario east of Los Angeles on Thursday after teachers discovered that her mother and partner of 22 years were in a relationship the school did not consider Christian.

"The school requires that at least one parent be a confessing Christian and active in the local Christian church," Ontario Christian School said in a statement.

"In this case, the parent does not meet the criteria by participating in a homosexual relationship. We regret that this relationship was not disclosed at the time of admission, as that information would have prevented enrolment and the occasion for misunderstanding," the terse statement added.

Click here to read entire article


That is so sad......


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Trust & Obey, you say the school is near you.  Do you know any more information about this than the article states?  You say they made the right decision, but you don't say why.

Parents pay big money to send their kids to private Christian schools because they want their children to be learning acceptable curriculum and to be in a Christian environment. I know.. I'm one of them.

Here's the real issue. A Christian school is a private organization that has the Constitutional right to stipulate their own requirements and standards. Just as a Church shouldn't be forced to hire homosexuals... neither should a Christian school be forced to register a child for education that is opposed to their core belief structure.

The Bible says homosexuality is wrong and a grave sin. The girls parents are obviously in disagreement with that. So, I would ask why in the world they want their daughter there? So she can learn "homophobia?" I think they're just looking for a scuffle. Sort of like the man who walks into the "women-only gym" and demands to be made a member or else they'll file a sex-discrimination report. Sort of like the woman who wants to play men's football, or be included in a men's golf league. They're looking for trouble. Period.

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No one has said anything about the churches rights and forcing them to take students. My argument, in fact, was about what these schools decide, not the law. When I mentioned being barred from them, I never meant for that to be interpreted as they should be forced to. If you reread my posts I think you will see that.

Indeed there is question on why this particular "couple" wanted their "daughter" there. Unfortunately we will likely never know, nor are we likely to know what more there is to the story. My issue is that a blanket rule requiring at least one parent to be Christian is not a good solution, even if this girl was an absolute horror (I have no reason to believe she was). A better solution is to have pre-entrance conferences with the parents and student to make sure expectations for the student are understood, as well as consequences for failure to meet those expectations. Parents also would need to be given procedures to follow in case of a disagreement with the schools. If they instead choose to make a stink later about something then the school would deal with it on an individual basis, with the absolute last resort being expulsion of the student.

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Anyway this is not about "tolerating away religious freedoms". This is about a a so calledChristian school ignoring its basic Christian obligations.


What Christian obligation would that be?

Do not Christians have the obligation to guard the flock?

Does our call to "make disciples of all nations" mean that we let the unsaved and Christians living in deliberate sin fellowship among us and wreak havoc?

I know of a Christian youth board that in the name of "witnessing" has been over-run by athiests and agnostics who constantly, constantly tear down Christianity and the name of Jesus. Is that a place for young believers to grow and fellowship in? Hardly!

1Co 5:11 - But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner--not even to eat with such a person.

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Anyway this is not about "tolerating away religious freedoms". This is about a a so calledChristian school ignoring its basic Christian obligations.


What Christian obligation would that be?

Do not Christians have the obligation to guard the flock?

Does our call to "make disciples of all nations" mean that we let the unsaved and Christians living in deliberate sin fellowship among us and wreak havoc?

I know of a Christian youth board that in the name of "witnessing" has been over-run by athiests and agnostics who constantly, constantly tear down Christianity and the name of Jesus. Is that a place for young believers to grow and fellowship in? Hardly!

1Co 5:11 - But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner--not even to eat with such a person.


Driving out children because of the behaviour of the parents, that's neither just nor Christian!

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Guest shiloh357
Anyway this is not about "tolerating away religious freedoms". This is about a a so calledChristian school ignoring its basic Christian obligations.


What Christian obligation would that be?

Do not Christians have the obligation to guard the flock?

Does our call to "make disciples of all nations" mean that we let the unsaved and Christians living in deliberate sin fellowship among us and wreak havoc?

I know of a Christian youth board that in the name of "witnessing" has been over-run by athiests and agnostics who constantly, constantly tear down Christianity and the name of Jesus. Is that a place for young believers to grow and fellowship in? Hardly!

1Co 5:11 - But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner--not even to eat with such a person.


Driving out children because of the behaviour of the parents, that's neither just nor Christian!


It is just because the "parents" knew the rules, and chose to spurn them anyway. The school has the right to set its own standards, and those who do not abide by them are not allowed to participate. It would have been better for them to be honest, instead they chose to deceive.

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Wow.. this is a tough one because initially I thought "Why didn't this school look at the bigger picture and allow this child to stay...Then with fellowship and prayer win her over to Christ and through her her parents would be taught the truth - lovingly"

then I thought...

"The word of God is nothing to be ashamed of and you don't whisper it into peoples ears you yell it! Not mean spirited but not disguised as anything else either...And all we need now is for these 'parents' to file a lawsuit against the school for attempted brainwashing so stick to the rules and so be it."

What would I have done if I were running the school?

I would have allowed her to stay...teach her The Word, send other kids her age who are equipped to deal with such matters (kids that are mature in their Christian walk) to talk to her and then if the parents don't like it tell them "This is what the word of God Almighty says and if you don't like it you take her out" and pray that the girl took something with her whe she left.

My 2cents.

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