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Is the Beast in Daniel 7 the same Empires as Dan 2?

Vine Abider

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On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

I answered this mostly above in the last long reply. Rev. 8, is a future event, you sound like a preterist, that is not even something I believe to be a remote possibility. The Stone cut out of the Mountain is Jesus Christ conquering the Beast. Notice, its cut out WITHOUT HANDS. Same thing is said in Dan. 8:25 about the Prince of princes. 

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

None of those passages are about 70 AD brother.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

NOPE......the Iron legs are not Iron & Clay, so its not the SAME Kingdom, the feet aRe Iron & Clay. Its NOT CONTINUAL friend.

The iron does not stop and then start again. The iron begins at the legs and continues as one piece of iron to the toes.

You wish to make the iron kingdom end when it begins to be mixed with clay, but the Roman iron nation is the same kingdom, Rome, it is only divided by the clay.

The iron doesn't become a different nation because it is divided by the clay.

Dan. 2:42, "And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken." 

This shows that the iron and clay feet and toes are the same kingdom and not a new and different one from the original iron legs Roman kingdom. A changing form kingdom, a broken/divided kingdom, but still the Roman iron and 4th beast of Dan. 7.


The head of Gold is attached to the rest of the statue. It doesn't fall off when the kingdoms change.

The silver part does not fall off the statue when it ends, it is attached to the statue.

When the iron legs begin and then become divided, the divided legs are attached to the rest of the statue.

When the clay divides the feet and toes, they are still attached to the statue, and the iron kingdom still remains Roman iron.

The position that the iron or iron and clay periods, show that statue timelines end and begin again is absolutely false.

Dan. 2:42, shows that the iron nation remains to the end of the toes, one kingdom, the same kingdom, broken and divided, but the same Roman iron kingdom. 


Here is what some do not understand,

The iron of the Dan. 2 statue is the same as the 4th beast of Dan. 7.

The 4th beast of Dan. 7 is the beast of the Revelation, Rome, from the beginning of the iron to the end of the toes/horns.

The beasts described in the Revelation are all Rome, the beast from the 5 trumpet abyss, the beast who kills the 2 witnesses, the beast who chases the Rev 12 woman Israel into the wilderness of the gentile nations, the sea beast and earth beast in Rev 13, the beast in Rev 15 & 16 who deceives the kings of the east, the beast in Rev 17 that the unfaithful woman is riding, The Rev 19 Roman Empire earth beast that is killed by the gospel and the remnant, and the dragon of Rev 20.

All of these are describing Rome at different stages and forms in the timeline, the Dan. 2 and Dan. 7 timelines, from 63 BC until perdition.

In the NT letters and the Revelation, it was dangerous to mention Rome in a dissenting way. That is why the writers used Babylon instead of Rome. 

You could say that Babylon was a beast, but you would't say that Rome was a beast, with the implication that Caesar was a beast. You you would be killed or worse.

The children of Israel in 96 AD would know that the iron of the statue and the 4th beast of Dan. 7 was Rome. The revealing took place when Jerusalem fell and the temple was destroyed. 


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:



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On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

I answered this mostly above in the last long reply. Rev. 8, is a future event, you sound like a preterist, that is not even something I believe to be a remote possibility. The Stone cut out of the Mountain is Jesus Christ conquering the Beast. Notice, its cut out WITHOUT HANDS. Same thing is said in Dan. 8:25 about the Prince of princes. 

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

None of those passages are about 70 AD brother.

NOPE......the Iron legs are not Iron & Clay, so its not the SAME Kingdom, the feet aRe Iron & Clay. Its NOT CONTINUAL friend. 


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

There is ONE Man of Sin,

The man of sin in the time when the Rev was written was Caesar. 

The man of sin in our time is still Caesar, but only an image Caesar, the Bishop of Rome.

Caesar worship is the uniting religion. Who is the Holy Father? Some guy over in the Vatican or the Spirit that is love?

You are not a Christian. 

Just ask any RCC priest or emboldened member, you are not a Christian unless you are baptized into Rome, take communion with Rome, and acknowledge that the Bishop of Rome is your Holy Father. And you must accept that the priests and Bishop of Rome are the only authority to interpret the scriptures.  

And don't forget to get the mark of Rome on your forehead every ash Wednesday.

1000 Years ago they would have killed us. 500 Years ago they would have killed us. 200 years ago they would have killed us, for speaking and sharing the scriptures as we do now. Death for having a Bible.

Don't you know this? 

Millions were killed for not believing that the Bishop of Rome is the head of the church and what went with it.


You see the Bishop of Rome as he is today.

But if you lived in any other time period between 63 BC and, say the 1940's, you might have a completely different opinion about the Bishop of Rome.

When we get to heaven brother, we can ask Martin Luther why he called the Bishop of Rome the Antichrist. 

Oh wait, maybe it is because the Bishop of Rome wanted to kill him and all the other translators of the Bible, and anyone else who would not bow down to him and kiss his ring. 


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

ONE Little Horn,

No, there are more than one.

One little horn is Greek in Dan. 8:9, Antiochus, that comes up from one of the 4 horns, 

And one who is Roman in Dan. 7:8, that comes up with the 10 horns.

2 Separate entities. 


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

ONE Beast of the end times.

Yes, one beast of the end times, Rome.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

To be anti christ was Paul's way of saying Anti God.

1 Jn 2:18 says that Antichrist will come. That was written just some years before the 70 AD destruction.

He came at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Caesar and the beast nation Rome scattered the people of Israel into the gentile nations, slavery and death. 

He has been here ever since.

The Roman beast did crawl out of the abyss and return to his seat in Rome in 1929, to attack the children of Israel with Hitler.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Just like God is eternal, the anti God spirit also has to be eternal. 

It would seem to be.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

There s only ONE Anti-Christ as we reference him being a man.

Caesar and the Bishop of Rome are the heads of the Roman beast nation.

Not just one Caesar, not just one Bishop of Rome, but the line of Roman domination over the children of Israel for centuries, both Christian believing flesh Israel and unbelieving flesh Israel. 


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Many are against God, but there is only ONE Man of Sin, Little Horn, Wicked One etc. etc. We just use Anti-Christ as a catch all.


The Antichrist can only be Roman, as he is part of the Roman 4th beast, Dan. 7.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

No, you just don't seem to understand the Statue CHANGES, from Iron to Iron & Clay AND the Beast gets a Mortal Wound.

The Beast gets the mortal wound when the Roman Empire turns Christian 3rd century. 

The beast dies and divides into 10 in 476 AD ish.

What the statue is showing by the clay is the non-Roman gentile nations that rule over the children of Israel until Jerusalem is restored.

The statue clay shows that Rome is deteriorating in its strength over the people of Israel.  

It shows a breaking and dividing of Roman power in a gradual process that takes centuries and is continual.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

No, and others have tried to Emphasize another Leg which God never placed any emphasis on.

Seems to me that God put the same emphasis on both legs. They both have 5 toes and not 10 on one foot.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

There are two Arms also. A statue has 2 legs and 2 arms.

Media-Persia, two arms? Makes sense to me.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Church delivered the Mortal Wound to Rome, she became a conveyor belt of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We turned Rome from a Beast who murdered Christians to a City that worked very hard to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

I could agree with you, to some degree. 

Through the ages, many were saved by grace.

A difference should be noted between what the RCC claims and what they have done.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

the bible of world fame for 1000 years was the Latin Vulgate.

The Latin Vulgate, written in the language of the Roman Empire that is now abandoned by everyone except the RCC image, was hidden from the general population until it was translated under penalty of death from Rome.

Millions were killed.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Rome is the Fourth Beast, and she gives place for the 5th Beast to arise, a MAN who is born in Greece, he's a Turk or Iraqi (Old Assyria) who parents or grand parents moved to Greece somewhere down the line. Then he comes to power in the E.U. (where the 10 horns arise to power and the  he is born amidst or in the E.U.)

You are getting Antiochus the Greek mixed up with Caesar the Roman.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

No sir, history does not show that, many have surmised that, so to try and show the Roman beast kept going for the whole 2000 years and the RCC took over for Rome which is to me nonsensical at best. Others try to claim, see, see, see, Turkey became that Beast and then the Ottoman Empire and etc. etc. etc. which is also, IMHO, just an untruth sent by Satan, both are head-fakes from Satan, reading the bible clearly tells us this man must be born in Greece (Daniel 8:9) and come to power in the E.U. (Dan. 7:7-8). 

Israel was not a Nation by the time of this division. When Rome started carrying the Cross via Constantine, that was the Mortal Wound of the Beast. 

God stated in Ezekiel 37 that Israel was Dead Men's Bones, we can't ARGUE with Gid brother. So, Israel are NO MORE until God revives them in 1948, it is God's Holy Word. 

God stated He brought them out of the nations and He did so as the Whole House of Israel. Jerusalem does not keep Israel from being Israel once Gid revived them. As a matter of fact Gid promised Abraham land from the Euphrates to a rive in Egypt, so was Israel NEVER Israel since they never got that land? Of course not, Israel is a people. 

Vatican City has nothing to do with end time eschatology, no matter how evil the Pope or some of the RCC leaders are. The Kings of the east are basically the WHOLE WORLD, because the two Americas will be burned to a crisp, we are the 1/3 that BURNS in Rev. 8, that leaves pretty much everyone that then attacks Israel as being Kings of the east or east of Israel. God has a way with giving us deep truths, but if we miss one clue, all the others get very murky. When we understand the Rev. 8 Asteroid is going to wipe out North & South America, and the Pacific Ocean areas with tsunamis, then the kings of the East is all the powers that are really left. Gid is telling you all those left will be east of Jerusalem, basically. 

From 63 bc until 70 AD, Israel was no more, but Rome remained a Beast until the Mortal Wound in 300 AD or so. 

The Last Beast (A.C.) Heals the Mortal Wound by conquering Israel and Jerusalem. 

I said Rome lived on until it received the Mortal Wound in 300 AD

Its a END TIME PROPHECY, it says so. 

No, Satan is thrown down with 1260 days left before he is locked in the bottomless pit. Read Rev. 12, he is cast to earth and has but a SHORT TIME, not 2000 years. 

The Anti-Christ, ONE MAN is given this seat. He is the 5th Beast of Daniel 7.  You have to know what to look for.



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On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

I answered this mostly above in the last long reply. Rev. 8, is a future event, you sound like a preterist, that is not even something I believe to be a remote possibility. The Stone cut out of the Mountain is Jesus Christ conquering the Beast. Notice, its cut out WITHOUT HANDS. Same thing is said in Dan. 8:25 about the Prince of princes. 

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

None of those passages are about 70 AD brother.

NOPE......the Iron legs are not Iron & Clay, so its not the SAME Kingdom, the feet aRe Iron & Clay. Its NOT CONTINUAL friend. 

There is ONE Man of Sin, ONE Little Horn, ONE Beast of the end times. To be anti christ was Paul's way of saying Anti God. Just like God is eternal, the anti God spirit also has to be eternal. 

There s only ONE Anti-Christ as we reference him being a man. Many are against God, but there is only ONE Man of Sin, Little Horn, Wicked One etc. etc. We just use Anti-Christ as a catch all.

No, you just don't seem to understand the Statue CHANGES, from Iron to Iron & Clay AND the Beast gets a Mortal Wound. 

No, and others have tried to Emphasize another Leg which God never placed any emphasis on. There are two Arms also. A statue has 2 legs and 2 arms. The Church delivered the Mortal Wound to Rome, she became a conveyor belt of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We turned Rome from a Beast who murdered Christians to a City that worked very hard to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the bible of world fame for 1000 years was the Latin Vulgate. Rome is the Fourth Beast, and she gives place for the 5th Beast to arise, a MAN who is born in Greece, he's a Turk or Iraqi (Old Assyria) who parents or grand parents moved to Greece somewhere down the line. Then he comes to power in the E.U. (where the 10 horns arise to power and the  he is born amidst or in the E.U.)


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

No sir, history does not show that,

History does show the beginning of the Roman beast nation and Caesar's rule over the children of Israel in 63 BC.

History shows that the Roman Empire did divide into east and west.

History shows that the gospel kingdom of Israel did overcome the Roman Empire, the mortal blow, you agreed, in the 2nd/3rd centuries.

History shows that the clay non-gentile nations did weaken the strength of the Roman Empire and it's "remnants", over the people of Israel.

History shows that the Roman Empire did divide into a symbolic 10 nations in 476 AD ish, to where it is now.

And where is the iron Roman 4th beast right now, if we are in any time of the iron.

The iron is Rome, so there MUST, MUST, MUST, be a Roman presence right now.

And 100 years ago, and 200 years ago, and 500 years ago, and 1000 years ago, and 2000 years ago.

The horns that come from the 4th beast of Dan. 7 are STILL part of the original beast. It is a Roman nation that changes form, divides, and eventually ends it's domination over the people of Israel when Jerusalem is restored (1967).



On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

many have surmised that, so to try and show the Roman beast kept going for the whole 2000 years and the RCC took over for Rome which is to me nonsensical at best.

When the Roman Empire turned "Christian", they still hated the people of Israel, to this day.

Open your eyes and see that the RCC is the enemy of Israel and "protestant truths".

You will ask me why do they hate the children of Israel?

Because there are 2 Israels.

One people now in the land of Israel, who are the children of Israel, believing and unbelieving.

And one people in Rome claiming to exclusively be Israel, specifically, they claim to be the Pentecost gospel kingdom of Israel.

You might as well say, "Roman Israel".

2013, The Vatican recognizes the State of Palestine.

2015, Vatican/Iran treaty, deceiving the Iranian kings of the east.

The Roman RCC beast has already deceived the kings of the east.

The battle of Armageddon is imminent.

You were thinking that it would be years away, it could be, but it could be only months away.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Others try to claim, see, see, see, Turkey became that Beast and then the Ottoman Empire and etc. etc. etc. which is also, IMHO, just an untruth sent by Satan, both are head-fakes from Satan, reading the bible clearly tells us this man must be born in Greece (Daniel 8:9) and come to power in the E.U. (Dan. 7:7-8). 

None of the nations, Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Greece, can be the iron, since the iron is Rome. 

Clay maybe, but not the iron.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Israel was not a Nation by the time of this division.

Israel was a nation of people at the dividing of the legs, at the iron/clay feet and toes, but they were scattered, still a nation of people, but scattered.

Oh, you mean that they were not a land mass country at those times.

Well, they were not a land mass country from the time of Babylon until 1967.

That covers the whole time of the Dan. 2 statue and the Dan. 7, four beasts.

So the idea that the statue ends, because the people of Israel were not a land mass country is debatable, because the statue shows the time from Babylon until the present of 1967 when Jerusalem was restored. If Jerusalem had been restored before the end of the Roman Empire, when the toes divided, then the statue would have ended at that place in the timeline.

The statue of Dan. 2  and the 4 beasts of Dan. 7 timelines begin when Jerusalem falls to Babylon.

The statue ends and the time of the 4th beast ends when Israel is restored to military control over Jerusalem, 1967.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

When Rome started carrying the Cross via Constantine, that was the Mortal Wound of the Beast. 



On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

God stated in Ezekiel 37 that Israel was Dead Men's Bones, we can't ARGUE with Gid brother. So, Israel are NO MORE until God revives them in 1948, it is God's Holy Word. 

God stated He brought them out of the nations and He did so as the Whole House of Israel. Jerusalem does not keep Israel from being Israel once Gid revived them. As a matter of fact Gid promised Abraham land from the Euphrates to a rive in Egypt, so was Israel NEVER Israel since they never got that land? Of course not, Israel is a people. 

Vatican City has nothing to do with end time eschatology, no matter how evil the Pope or some of the RCC leaders are. The Kings of the east are basically the WHOLE WORLD, because the two Americas will be burned to a crisp, we are the 1/3 that BURNS in Rev. 8, that leaves pretty much everyone that then attacks Israel as being Kings of the east or east of Israel. God has a way with giving us deep truths, but if we miss one clue, all the others get very murky. When we understand the Rev. 8 Asteroid is going to wipe out North & South America, and the Pacific Ocean areas with tsunamis, then the kings of the East is all the powers that are really left. Gid is telling you all those left will be east of Jerusalem, basically. 

From 63 bc until 70 AD, Israel was no more, but Rome remained a Beast until the Mortal Wound in 300 AD or so. 

The Last Beast (A.C.) Heals the Mortal Wound by conquering Israel and Jerusalem. 

I said Rome lived on until it received the Mortal Wound in 300 AD

Its a END TIME PROPHECY, it says so. 

No, Satan is thrown down with 1260 days left before he is locked in the bottomless pit. Read Rev. 12, he is cast to earth and has but a SHORT TIME, not 2000 years. 

The Anti-Christ, ONE MAN is given this seat. He is the 5th Beast of Daniel 7.  You have to know what to look for.



Edited by abcdef
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On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

I answered this mostly above in the last long reply. Rev. 8, is a future event, you sound like a preterist, that is not even something I believe to be a remote possibility. The Stone cut out of the Mountain is Jesus Christ conquering the Beast. Notice, its cut out WITHOUT HANDS. Same thing is said in Dan. 8:25 about the Prince of princes. 

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

None of those passages are about 70 AD brother.

NOPE......the Iron legs are not Iron & Clay, so its not the SAME Kingdom, the feet aRe Iron & Clay. Its NOT CONTINUAL friend. 

There is ONE Man of Sin, ONE Little Horn, ONE Beast of the end times. To be anti christ was Paul's way of saying Anti God. Just like God is eternal, the anti God spirit also has to be eternal. 

There s only ONE Anti-Christ as we reference him being a man. Many are against God, but there is only ONE Man of Sin, Little Horn, Wicked One etc. etc. We just use Anti-Christ as a catch all.

No, you just don't seem to understand the Statue CHANGES, from Iron to Iron & Clay AND the Beast gets a Mortal Wound. 

No, and others have tried to Emphasize another Leg which God never placed any emphasis on. There are two Arms also. A statue has 2 legs and 2 arms. The Church delivered the Mortal Wound to Rome, she became a conveyor belt of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We turned Rome from a Beast who murdered Christians to a City that worked very hard to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the bible of world fame for 1000 years was the Latin Vulgate. Rome is the Fourth Beast, and she gives place for the 5th Beast to arise, a MAN who is born in Greece, he's a Turk or Iraqi (Old Assyria) who parents or grand parents moved to Greece somewhere down the line. Then he comes to power in the E.U. (where the 10 horns arise to power and the  he is born amidst or in the E.U.)

No sir, history does not show that, many have surmised that, so to try and show the Roman beast kept going for the whole 2000 years and the RCC took over for Rome which is to me nonsensical at best. Others try to claim, see, see, see, Turkey became that Beast and then the Ottoman Empire and etc. etc. etc. which is also, IMHO, just an untruth sent by Satan, both are head-fakes from Satan, reading the bible clearly tells us this man must be born in Greece (Daniel 8:9) and come to power in the E.U. (Dan. 7:7-8). 

Israel was not a Nation by the time of this division. When Rome started carrying the Cross via Constantine, that was the Mortal Wound of the Beast. 


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

God stated in Ezekiel 37 that Israel was Dead Men's Bones,

Ezek 37:11, They were a people in captivity in Babylon that had lost hope of being an independent nation in Jerusalem, " ... our hope is lost: ..."

They were not dead as a people. As you say in the next paragraph, "Israel is a people."

So all during the time of the Dan. 2 statue they were a people, but they were dominated by gentile nations.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

we can't ARGUE with Gid brother. So, Israel are NO MORE until God revives them in 1948, it is God's Holy Word. 

They certainly were a people.

The Dan. 2 statue is all about the people of Israel and Jerusalem.

The statue begins when Jerusalem falls.

The statue ends when Israel has complete control over Jerusalem.

That is when the times of the gentiles ends, 1967, Lk 21:20-24, 24.


Babylon thru 70 AD, the first part of the Dan. 2 statue, Dan. 12:7. (First 3 1/2 times)

70 AD - 1967, the times of the gentiles, the second part of the statue of the gentile nations. (Second 3 1/2 times)


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

God stated He brought them out of the nations and He did so as the Whole House of Israel.

I'm going to agree with you, that is what happened in the 1900's AD.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Jerusalem does not keep Israel from being Israel once Gid revived them.

The restoration of Israel to Jerusalem was undergoing change and becoming a reality in 1948, but it was only the beginning of the substance.

*Israel could not be complete until the people gained complete military control over Jerusalem. Lk 21:24.

The 1967 unification of Jerusalem under the control of the military of Israel fulfills the prophecy of Lk 21:24. It is the anchor of the "times of the gentiles" that Jesus spoke about.

 Yes, He is coming, now, after Jerusalem is restored, but, the scroll is bitter Rev 10:10.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

As a matter of fact Gid promised Abraham land from the Euphrates to a rive in Egypt, so was Israel NEVER Israel since they never got that land? Of course not,


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Israel is a people.

Israel is a people. 

Israel is a land mass.

It makes a difference in prophecy which definition you are using.

Getting them mixed up distorts the message.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Vatican City has nothing to do with end time eschatology, no matter how evil the Pope or some of the RCC leaders are.

You agree that the iron of the Dan. 2 statue is Rome.

You agree that the 4th beast of Dan. 7 is Rome.

You agree that the dividing into 10 in both passages is Rome dying.

But then, suddenly, you wish to say that the continuation of the 10 is not Roman.


"Wake up Neo, the matrix has you." (The Matrix, movie)

I mean, wake up Revelation man, the Antichrist has blinded your eyes.

You did pray to know the truth. I'm sorry that it is not what you wanted it to be.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Kings of the east are basically the WHOLE WORLD,

The kings of the east are specifically from across the Euphrates river, That is IRAN.

Don't you see that they are attacking right now? That there is a war going on between Israel and Iran? Wake up man, the 6th trumpet and the 6th vial have already been in motion.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

because the two Americas will be burned to a crisp,

An assumption.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

we are the 1/3 that BURNS in Rev. 8,

You understand the symbols involving the numbers. 

Can you understand that the symbols are representing something other than their literal meaning?

That is, it is not the symbols themselves that  are the subject of the passage, but what the symbols represent, that are the subject of the passage. The 10 virgins is a good example.

The prophecies are centered on the people of Israel and not the gentile planet earth. The trumpets are centered on the unbelieving branches of flesh Israel after 70 AD.

Rev 8,

Isa 40:7, " ... : surly the people is grass." The grass that all burns up is the young people of unbelieving Israel.

The 1/3 trees is Israel as the fig trees or olive trees.

V 9, The great burning mountain is Jerusalem falling from it's place close to God. It is submerged and covered up by the sea of the gentile nations.  

V 10, The star that falls is Jerusalem. The result is bitterness for the unbelieving broken branches of flesh Israel. They cannot understand why God allowed Jerusalem to fall. The rivers are the river of life from God's throne. The fountains are God, Jer 2:13, 17:13.

V 12, The sun and the moon are the Law and the Prophets. Their message is dimmed because they are missing 1/3 to be complete. That 1/3 is Jesus and the Holy Spirit kingdom. Then they would be complete light.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

that leaves pretty much everyone that then attacks Israel as being Kings of the east or east of Israel. God has a way with giving us deep truths, but if we miss one clue, all the others get very murky. When we understand the Rev. 8 Asteroid is going to wipe out North & South America, and the Pacific Ocean areas with tsunamis, then the kings of the East is all the powers that are really left. Gid is telling you all those left will be east of Jerusalem, basically.

The asteroid that we have to worry about is the fire from heaven in Rev 20.

That is the stone striking the statue in Dan. 2.

Israel is the people, remember what you said?

So they were a people, just living under the control of the gentiles.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Last Beast (A.C.) Heals the Mortal Wound by conquering Israel and Jerusalem.

Rev 13, The mortal wound is healed when the earth beast makes an image nation/empire an extension of the Roman power over the children of Israel.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

I said Rome lived on until it received the Mortal Wound in 300 AD

The mortal wound was when the Empire turned Christian.

The Empire split into 10 when it died, 476 AD.

But the iron did not end and begin again.

It continued into the toes, continual.

The Dan.7 fourth beast and 10 horns are showing the horns/toes without clay.

Showing the Roman Empire continues after being divided. (RCC)


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Its a END TIME PROPHECY, it says so.

Maybe I am missing it.

Where does it say that Ezek 37 is an end time prophecy?

Show me.

Thank you.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

No, Satan is thrown down with 1260 days left before he is locked in the bottomless pit.

Satan is thrown down on the day of Pentecost, Rev 12:10.

He comes out of the abyss at the 5th trumpet, which was 1929.

And in a parallel passage, Rev 20, he is seen coming out of the abyss to attack Jerusalem. Again, he is released in 1929 to attack the children of Israel.

You can't see it because, you don't want to understand that the beast is Rome.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

Read Rev. 12, he is cast to earth and has but a SHORT TIME, not 2000 years.

2000 years is a short time.

Even by your timeline is Satan is cast down with 3 1/2 years of trib. But you are forgetting your literal 1000 years before he comes out of the abyss. That's 1,003 1/2 years.

So even by your calculations, 1,oo3 1/2 years would be a short time.

Compared to eternity, well, even 13.5 billions of years is a short time.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Anti-Christ, ONE MAN is given this seat.

Rev 13, The beast is a nation, Rome. The nation has a king, Caesar.

The beast is a nation that receives a mortal wound, 2nd/3rd century, you agree.

The beast is a nation that dies when it divides in to 10, you agree.

But then, you say that the beast (Rev 13) is not a nation that receives the mortal wound, but it is an individual person.

You say that it not a nation that is healed, but is an individual.

Rev 13 is about the Roman nation beast and not one individual, except Caesar.

The beast is a nation, Rome.


The Roman Empire had many Caesars, not just one.

The Dan. 2 statue and Dan. 7 fourth beast, shows the time of many Caesars.

So the beast is many Antichrists and not just one.


On 12/27/2022 at 12:42 AM, Revelation Man said:

He is the 5th Beast of Daniel 7.  You have to know what to look for.


The "5th" beast is the same Roman entity that rules over the children of Israel, just transformed. It is NOT a separate nation from it's Roman original substance.  

The entire time of the iron in Dan. 2 is the time of the beast nation.

The entire time of the 4th beast in Dan. 7 is the time of the beast nation.

From the beginning in 63 BC, to the end of the toes/horns, the iron/4th beast is Rome.




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6 hours ago, abcdef said:

Ezek 37:11, They were a people in captivity in Babylon that had lost hope of being an independent nation in Jerusalem, " ... our hope is lost: ..."

They were not dead as a people. As you say in the next paragraph, "Israel is a people."

So all during the time of the Dan. 2 statue they were a people, but they were dominated by gentile nations.

The Prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones is an END TIME PROPHECY. Me repeating it over and over is a waste of time tbh. If you don't understand it, you just don't understand it. 

The Time of the Gentiles has nothing to do with the Beasts. Read Romans 9-11, its specifically talking about what? Over and over its Paul telling the Romans why God the potter took the mantle or calling away from Israel and gave it unto the Gentiles, over and over he says God will eventually graft Israel back in to the family, but ONLY WHEN the Time of the Gentiles has come full (Pre Trib Rapture). So, the Time of the Gentiles is US the Gentile Church, taking the Gospel unto the whole world, that is our commission. You guys are so all over the place on the rapture, the Beasts etc. you miss all of the facts sir. 

6 hours ago, abcdef said:

They certainly were a people.

The Dan. 2 statue is all about the people of Israel and Jerusalem.

The statue begins when Jerusalem falls.

The statue ends when Israel has complete control over Jerusalem.

That is when the times of the gentiles ends, 1967, Lk 21:20-24, 24.


Babylon thru 70 AD, the first part of the Dan. 2 statue, Dan. 12:7. (First 3 1/2 times)

70 AD - 1967, the times of the gentiles, the second part of the statue of the gentile nations. (Second 3 1/2 times)


The Statue parts and the Beasts have a 2000 year gap in them, you just do not quite get prophecy brother. The Roman Kingdom of Iron had a MORTAL WOUND and the 7 Headed Beast this went UNDER the Sea after the 6th Head got that MORTA WOUND, until the 7th Head, the Anti-Christ conquers Israel, THEN, the Mortal Wound is healed. That's sells a GAP that you missed.

The Fourth Beast of Dan. 7 has a Little Horn (Anti-Christ) that ARISES amongst the 10 Horns (European Union in Completion). So, when does that happen? in the last 50 years !! 

NOTICE: Watch closely and you will see a 5th Beast.

Dan. 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the (1) whole earth(Not the WHOLE WORLD), and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(E.U.) and another shall rise after them(Anti-Christ is born in the E.U. via Greece); and he shall be diverse from the first(Rome) , and he shall subdue three kings.

25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints(Rev. 13) of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they (Israel)shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time(1260 days).

Dan. 11:7 calls the Beast a MAN with a BODY, which gets DESTROYED or KILLED, and then he is cast into hellfire. Nations are nit cast into hell brother. 

Rome conquered the WHOLE EARTH being spoken about, and the 7 Headed Beast was always ONLY over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region. But unlike Babylon, Persia or Greece (look at their maps) who never ever conquered the whole [earth] Mediterranean Sea Region, Rome did, and her son will also.




When the Anti-Christ and his European Union conquers Israel, her immediate neighbors and the whole North African Coastline, as Dan. 11:40-43 specifically spells out, we get the Son, who looks just like the father on a map, except the Last Beast is a MAN not a Nation, he never passes his kingdom on like all of the others did. 

You just do not see it, its probably just not your calling brother.

6 hours ago, abcdef said:

You agree that the iron of the Dan. 2 statue is Rome.

You agree that the 4th beast of Dan. 7 is Rome.

You agree that the dividing into 10 in both passages is Rome dying.

But then, suddenly, you wish to say that the continuation of the 10 is not Roman.

The 10 is Complete Europe reunified starting with the Council of Rome in the mid 50s.

6 hours ago, abcdef said:

"Wake up Neo, the matrix has you." (The Matrix, movie)

I mean, wake up Revelation man, the Antichrist has blinded your eyes.

You did pray to know the truth. I'm sorry that it is not what you wanted it to be.

I don't watch that stuff.

6 hours ago, abcdef said:

The kings of the east are specifically from across the Euphrates river, That is IRAN.

Don't you see that they are attacking right now? That there is a war going on between Israel and Iran? Wake up man, the 6th trumpet and the 6th vial have already been in motion.

Once the two Americas are burned up everyone in the rest of the world is BASICALLY East of Jerusalem. God loves Hid riddles.

6 hours ago, abcdef said:

An assumption.


Based on me being called to Prophesy for 37 plus years. The Two Americas are 1/3 of the Landmass and the Pacific Ocean is 1/3 of the Water on the face of the earth. The Apophis Asteroid would hit just off the California/Mexico coastline, in the sea. Jesus us ruling from the Old World. Use your common sense. 

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

You understand the symbols involving the numbers. 

Can you understand that the symbols are representing something other than their literal meaning?

That is, it is not the symbols themselves that  are the subject of the passage, but what the symbols represent, that are the subject of the passage. The 10 virgins is a good example.

The prophecies are centered on the people of Israel and not the gentile planet earth. The trumpets are centered on the unbelieving branches of flesh Israel after 70 AD.

No, Israel (1/3) that repented are PROTECTED. THE 2/3 just like the rest of the heathen world unto God. The Wrath of Gid comes to the whole world. The Two Americas will be dealt with via fire. God has other plans fir men in Europe who take the Mark of the Beast. No one in the Americas will take the Mark. He only rules over the 10 (Europe) AND the Nations he conquers in Dan. 11:40-43, see the MAP ABOVE.

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

The asteroid that we have to worry about is the fire from heaven in Rev 20.

That is the stone striking the statue in Dan. 2.

Israel is the people, remember what you said?

So they were a people, just living under the control of the gentiles.


Wrong, I will not be here, I worry about nothing. The Fire comes from  an Asteroid. BANK IT. 

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

Rev 13, The mortal wound is healed when the earth beast makes an image nation/empire an extension of the Roman power over the children of Israel.


It is HEALED when he regains DOMIION over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region like all of the other Beasts.

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

The mortal wound was when the Empire turned Christian.

The Empire split into 10 when it died, 476 AD.

But the iron did not end and begin again.

It continued into the toes, continual.

The Dan.7 fourth beast and 10 horns are showing the horns/toes without clay.

Showing the Roman Empire continues after being divided. (RCC)

The Beast was no more and will only reappear with the coming Anti-Christ goes forth conquering. The RCC portion is a head-fake by Satan, as is the Islamic Anti-Christ. 

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

Maybe I am missing it.

Where does it say that Ezek 37 is an end time prophecy?

Show me.

Thank you.


That is easy, God stated He would bring them out of ALL THE NATIONS, not just Babylon and whilst in Israel God never called Israel Dead Men's Bones nor treated them as such, He still had many Prophets He worked through the whole time they were in captivity, that means God did not see Israel as DEAD !! This whole 70 AD and the RCC is just a figment of your imagination brother. He had even promised Israel that after 70 years He would bring the  out of Babylon, you strain at a gnat to try to make "your understandings" fit, why not stop that endeavor and just ask God to show you how they actually fit ? Everyone knows the Dead Men's Bones Prophecy ran from 70 AD util 1948. Come on. 

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

Satan is thrown down on the day of Pentecost, Rev 12:10.

He comes out of the abyss at the 5th trumpet, which was 1929.

And in a parallel passage, Rev 20, he is seen coming out of the abyss to attack Jerusalem. Again, he is released in 1929 to attack the children of Israel.

You can't see it because, you don't want to understand that the beast is Rome.

Satan is CAST DOWN on the 1260, read Rev. 12. He chases the woman for 1260 days, he is cast down and is VERY ANGRY, and has but a SHORT TIME. 

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

2000 years is a short time.

Even by your timeline is Satan is cast down with 3 1/2 years of trib. But you are forgetting your literal 1000 years before he comes out of the abyss. That's 1,003 1/2 years.

So even by your calculations, 1,oo3 1/2 years would be a short time.

Compared to eternity, well, even 13.5 billions of years is a short time.

1260 days, you seem, when we try to fit things to our agenda and understandings we have two warp and twist the scriptures over and over. 

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

Rev 13, The beast is a nation, Rome. The nation has a king, Caesar.

The beast is a nation that receives a mortal wound, 2nd/3rd century, you agree.

The beast is a nation that dies when it divides in to 10, you agree.

But then, you say that the beast (Rev 13) is not a nation that receives the mortal wound, but it is an individual person.

You say that it not a nation that is healed, but is an individual.

Rev 13 is about the Roman nation beast and not one individual, except Caesar.

The beast is a nation, Rome.


The Roman Empire had many Caesars, not just one.

The Dan. 2 statue and Dan. 7 fourth beast, shows the time of many Caesars.

So the beast is many Antichrists and not just one.

There is 7 Heads NOT SIX !! The Roman Beast IS NOT the coming Anti-Christ Beast !!

7 hours ago, abcdef said:

The "5th" beast is the same Roman entity that rules over the children of Israel, just transformed. It is NOT a separate nation from it's Roman original substance.  

The entire time of the iron in Dan. 2 is the time of the beast nation.

The entire time of the 4th beast in Dan. 7 is the time of the beast nation.

From the beginning in 63 BC, to the end of the toes/horns, the iron/4th beast is Rome.


You truly do nit need to teach Prophecy my brother, its OK to dabble, but do not teach this or it will be come back on you. If you do not know something try humbling yourself and ask God to show you, He will.

God Bless

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On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones is an END TIME PROPHECY. Me repeating it over and over is a waste of time tbh. If you don't understand it, you just don't understand it. 

Hi Rev man, 

Ezek 37, Dry bones prophecy is about the children of Israel in Babylon in the Ezek time period.

You stated that the prophecy said that it was for the end times, it does not say that.

Your attempt to make it end times prophecy is based on assumptions.

You say that the children of Israel were not dry bones until after 70 AD. But Ezek 37:11 shows that the prophecy applies to the context of the people of Israel who had lost hope of returning to Jerusalem in Babylonian times.

Your point about their being prophets until 70 AD does not effect the prophecy because it says that the dry bones are related to the "hope" that the people in Babylon have and not if there are prophets in Israel or not.


I am going to agree that the dry bones prophecy is similar to the recent restoration of the children of Israel to Jerusalem.

But I have to disagree that the Ezek 37 prophecy is about our present time.

It does not say that it is.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Time of the Gentiles has nothing to do with the Beasts.

The times of the gentiles is centered of the control of Jerusalem by the children of Israel. Lk 21:24, specifically.

The gentiles control Jerusalem until Israel returns to control Jerusalem.

When Israel is returned to control Jerusalem, the statue of Dan. 2 ends and the time of the gentile nations in Dan. 7 ends, and the times of the gentiles ends, 1967.

The times of the gentiles is not about the gospel message, but rather is centered on Jerusalem.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

Read Romans 9-11, its specifically talking about what? Over and over its Paul telling the Romans why God the potter took the mantle or calling away from Israel and gave it unto the Gentiles, over and over he says God will eventually graft Israel back in to the family,


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

but ONLY WHEN the Time of the Gentiles has come full (Pre Trib Rapture).

You are mixing up 2 different time periods, because they sound similar.

The fullness of the gentiles, Rom 11:25, is referring to the gospel message being brought to the gentiles. When the fullness of the gentiles is complete, Israel will be able to accept or reject the gospel as a nation again, which is happening now, this generation. 


The times of the gentiles is about Jerusalem. Lk 21:24.


Similar, but different.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

So, the Time of the Gentiles is US the Gentile Church,

Times of the gentiles, Lk 21:24, 70 AD - 1967.

The American churches had been privileged to participate in the delivery of the gospel message for the last 300 years ish, but the ToG's are not exclusive to the US.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

taking the Gospel unto the whole world, that is our commission.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

You guys

I am not, "you guys."


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

are so all over the place on the rapture, the Beasts etc. you miss all of the facts sir.

Wasted accusations.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Statue parts and the Beasts have a 2000 year gap in them, you just do not quite get prophecy brother.

The Dan. 2 statue has no timeline gaps.

You must insert one to make pretrib work.

Rome, Rome, Rome, 63 BC-1967. Continual.

Keep protecting the Antichrist. Hiding him. Denying him. Supporting him.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Roman Kingdom of Iron had a MORTAL WOUND and the 7 Headed Beast this went UNDER the Sea after the 6th Head got that MORTA WOUND, until the 7th Head, the Anti-Christ conquers Israel, THEN, the Mortal Wound is healed. That's sells a GAP that you missed.

You agreed that the the statue timeline shows the fall of the Roman Empire when the iron/clay feet divide into the iron/clay toes.

The Roman timeline does not end and then return again. The toes are continual from the feet. The Roman kingdom becomes divided, but it is still the iron Rome.

Dan. 2:42, proves, proves that the iron kingdom remains the Roman iron even though it becomes divided.

Your theory that the iron stops and starts again is, clearly, completely false. 


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Fourth Beast of Dan. 7 has a Little Horn (Anti-Christ) that ARISES amongst the 10 Horns (European Union in Completion). So, when does that happen? in the last 50 years !!

Dan. 7, The power of the little Roman horn over the children of Israel ended in 1967 when Jerusalem was restored.


On 1/3/2023 at 12:29 AM, Revelation Man said:

NOTICE: Watch closely and you will see a 5th Beast.

Dan. 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the (1) whole earth(Not the WHOLE WORLD), and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(E.U.) and another shall rise after them(Anti-Christ is born in the E.U. via Greece); and he shall be diverse from the first(Rome) , and he shall subdue three kings.

25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints(Rev. 13) of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they (Israel)shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time(1260 days).

Dan. 11:7 calls the Beast a MAN with a BODY, which gets DESTROYED or KILLED, and then he is cast into hellfire. Nations are nit cast into hell brother. 

Rome conquered the WHOLE EARTH being spoken about, and the 7 Headed Beast was always ONLY over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region. But unlike Babylon, Persia or Greece (look at their maps) who never ever conquered the whole [earth] Mediterranean Sea Region, Rome did, and her son will also.




When the Anti-Christ and his European Union conquers Israel, her immediate neighbors and the whole North African Coastline, as Dan. 11:40-43 specifically spells out, we get the Son, who looks just like the father on a map, except the Last Beast is a MAN not a Nation, he never passes his kingdom on like all of the others did. 

You just do not see it, its probably just not your calling brother.

The 10 is Complete Europe reunified starting with the Council of Rome in the mid 50s.

I don't watch that stuff.

Once the two Americas are burned up everyone in the rest of the world is BASICALLY East of Jerusalem. God loves Hid riddles.

Based on me being called to Prophesy for 37 plus years. The Two Americas are 1/3 of the Landmass and the Pacific Ocean is 1/3 of the Water on the face of the earth. The Apophis Asteroid would hit just off the California/Mexico coastline, in the sea. Jesus us ruling from the Old World. Use your common sense. 

No, Israel (1/3) that repented are PROTECTED. THE 2/3 just like the rest of the heathen world unto God. The Wrath of Gid comes to the whole world. The Two Americas will be dealt with via fire. God has other plans fir men in Europe who take the Mark of the Beast. No one in the Americas will take the Mark. He only rules over the 10 (Europe) AND the Nations he conquers in Dan. 11:40-43, see the MAP ABOVE.

Wrong, I will not be here, I worry about nothing. The Fire comes from  an Asteroid. BANK IT. 

It is HEALED when he regains DOMIION over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region like all of the other Beasts.

The Beast was no more and will only reappear with the coming Anti-Christ goes forth conquering. The RCC portion is a head-fake by Satan, as is the Islamic Anti-Christ. 

That is easy, God stated He would bring them out of ALL THE NATIONS, not just Babylon and whilst in Israel God never called Israel Dead Men's Bones nor treated them as such, He still had many Prophets He worked through the whole time they were in captivity, that means God did not see Israel as DEAD !! This whole 70 AD and the RCC is just a figment of your imagination brother. He had even promised Israel that after 70 years He would bring the  out of Babylon, you strain at a gnat to try to make "your understandings" fit, why not stop that endeavor and just ask God to show you how they actually fit ? Everyone knows the Dead Men's Bones Prophecy ran from 70 AD util 1948. Come on. 

Satan is CAST DOWN on the 1260, read Rev. 12. He chases the woman for 1260 days, he is cast down and is VERY ANGRY, and has but a SHORT TIME. 

1260 days, you seem, when we try to fit things to our agenda and understandings we have two warp and twist the scriptures over and over. 

There is 7 Heads NOT SIX !! The Roman Beast IS NOT the coming Anti-Christ Beast !!

You truly do nit need to teach Prophecy my brother, its OK to dabble, but do not teach this or it will be come back on you. If you do not know something try humbling yourself and ask God to show you, He will.

God Bless


Edited by abcdef
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Sorry, Dan 2 and Dan 7 are the same kingdom/beasts. All 4 are in order of the kingdom empires that rule from BABYLON (not over Jerusalem) starting with Gold/Babylon, Silver/Persia, Bronze/Greece, Iron-legs/Ottoman then Iron&clay = revived Ottoman/Islamic empire to soon come.

The prophecy of Nebuchadnezzars Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, and mixed Iron and clay feet with 10-toe/kings. Speaks to Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom and the replacements of his kingdom down through the ages unto the Messiah's Stone millennial rock kingdom that destroys the revived Ottoman feet empire that was the kingdom of legs made of Iron then revived as Iron mixed with clay.

ROME never ruled over Babylon??? ROME did however rule over Jerusalem and therefore is the 6th-Head of the 7-headed composite beast of Rev Ch 13 & 17.

If ROME in Rev 17:10 is the 6th-Head, and it is, then it would have to be revived as the 7th-Head and then revived yet again to become the 8th-Head that is of the 7th AND again of the 6th??? 

The Messianic Kingdom of "Stone" will then crush all rule and vestages of rule left over from all of the Earths prvious kingdoms. E.g., composite 7-headed beast from the sea/Gentiles.

It is a false teaching that the Legs of Iron represent ROME. For the Roman empire has zero to do with the 4 beasts of Daniel 7 that are parallel to the metal man and mixed feet of Daniel 2.

The 4th Beast of Daniel 7 is the Ottoman empire that followed the Greek empire in relation to Nebuchadnezzars Babylon.

ROME has nothing to do with literal Babylon and any empire kingdom rule from Babylon.

Rome however did rule over Jerusalem, even as in the time of the writing of the Book of Revelation and was the 6th Head "that now is" when John wrote.

The 7th Head is not the Roman empire but the ottoman empire that came after Rome and lasted until about 1922/3-AD. It is now making a comeback from its once fatal-looking wound and will soon reestablish its caliphate as its long-awaited Mahdi, ((in popular Muslim belief a spiritual and temporal leader who will rule before the end of the world and restore religion and justice)) who is our Antichrist of the book of Revelation, etc. This coming Muslim Antichrist figure will be the 8th Head/King that is of the 7th Head/King/Empire.

The composite beast's body from the shoulders down of Rev 13 does not include the Roman empire. However, the 6th Head is Rome out of the 7-heads/kingdoms that ruled over Jerusalem. The Ottoman/Islamic empire was the 7th to rule over Jerusalem and will rule over Jerusalem again and be the 8th Head that is of the 7th.


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