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The Battle of Gog of the Land of Magog

Charles R. Sabo

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9 hours ago, Shilohsfoal said:

Since you believe dead people being brought up out of their graves and receiving life is not a resurrection,what exactly do you consider to be the resurrection of the dead who are now in their graves?

You totally misunderstand me. It is living people who are brought out of their dead and darkened state into the Light of the Gospel, into the Salvation of Jesus. Those people were the Israelite people of the Northern ten tribes. They were exiled for a decreed time. Ezekiel 4:4-6 & Leviticus 26:18 = 2730 years, which is almost over now. 

We Christians are the peoples who bear the proper fruit, of the Spirit and we receive the Kingdom. Matthew 21:43, Matthew 25:34

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10 hours ago, Charles R. Sabo said:

Zechariah 5:1 Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.

Zechariah’s barrel

In Zechariah 5:1-11, the prophet tells us about a large barrel shaped object that flies in our atmosphere and is situated on the place prepared for it, in the land of Shinar.

It is referred to as a curse, that will sweep away every criminal and false religion worshipper as well as demolish their houses.

This mysterious object, or objects, has a lead cover and from their size and effects, we can discern they are nuclear missiles. Shinar is the ancient name for the fertile area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which includes Elam; all now part of Iran.

So, right now, in our day, we have this prophecy coming true. Iran has the technology to build these weapons and the motivation to use them against Israel.


But we who study the Prophetic Word, know the Lord will not allow this to happen and He will destroy the chief weapon of their strength. Jeremiah 49:35

Deuteronomy 32:34-35 & 43 I have sealed up in My storehouse, punishment against My enemies, till the Day of vengeance and wrath, at the moment their foot slips. [make a mistake] For the Day of their downfall is near, their doom is fast approaching. the Lord will punish those who hate Him and cleanse His peoples Land.

Isaiah 2:21 On that Day, the Lord will arise and strike the world with terror.

Jeremiah 4:20 Crash follow crash, for the whole land goes down in ruin.

Isaiah 66:6 The noise and distress that you hear, is the Lord dealing retribution to His foes.  Revelation 6:12-17

Psalms 110:1-6 In glorious majesty He judges the nations, shattering heads throughout the wide earth.   Luke 21:35


Destruction by fire: 

 Isaiah 30:26a The sun will shine 7 times brighter...A huge Coronal Mass Ejection.

Malachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace, all arrogant evildoers will be as stubble, they will be destroyed in a fiery blaze.  2 Peter 3:7

Isaiah 29:5-6 Suddenly, in an instant, punishment will come, storms, earthquakes and a flame of devouring fire. Zephaniah 3:8

Isaiah 66:16 The Lord will judge with fire and sword, many will be slain by Him.

Ezekiel 21:28 A sword of slaughter will flash like lightening. Matthew 24:29

Isaiah 10:17-19 Sudden destruction. As sudden as someone falling in a fit.

Psalms 21:8-9 Your hand will reach all Your enemies, all who hate You. In Your anger, You will engulf them as in a fiery furnace and fire will consume them.


Destroyed at the moment of attack

Amos 5:9 He makes destruction flash forth against the mighty.

Habakkuk 3:14 You pierce their leaders with Your arrows, they are swept away by a whirlwind as they open their jaws to secretly devour their victims.

Psalms 37:12-15 The wicked have drawn their swords and strung their bows, to slaughter the righteous. Their weapons will cut their own hearts and their bows will be shattered.

Psalms 7:12-16 The enemy prepares to attack, he has conceived mischief and given birth to lies. He has dug a deep pit, but he himself will fall into it.

Psalms 9:15-17 The wicked are trapped in their own devices. The wicked depart to Sheol, all the nations who are heedless of the Lord.             

The scenario:

Nuclear tipped missiles are prepared for launching. At the moment the firing button is pressed, the Electro Magnetic Pulse of a massive explosion on the sun will strike the area. The highly charged particles will cause the bombs and the missiles to explode on the ground.

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22 minutes ago, Keras said:

You totally misunderstand me. It is living people who are brought out of their dead and darkened state into the Light of the Gospel, into the Salvation of Jesus. Those people were the Israelite people of the Northern ten tribes. They were exiled for a decreed time. Ezekiel 4:4-6 & Leviticus 26:18 = 2730 years, which is almost over now. 

We Christians are the peoples who bear the proper fruit, of the Spirit and we receive the Kingdom. Matthew 21:43, Matthew 25:34

According to Ezekiel 37,

He is talking about dead people coming out of their graves that they have been buried in.You stated that when the dead who come up out of their graves and are given life in Ezekiel 37 ,that they are not part of the resurrection.

So I'm asking you.Since you claim that the dead who come up out of their graves and are given life are not resurected,then what do you claim is the resurrection of the dead?

Ezekiel 37:12-13

Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel.

Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.

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4 hours ago, Shilohsfoal said:

Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.

Ezekiel 37:12 is metaphorical, as their bones were not buried at all, just scattered on an open plain.  Verse 11 has then speaking: Our bones are dry, we have no hope, we are cut off.

This was the state of the House of Israel before Jesus came. The House of Judah rejected Jesus, but the exiled House of Israel, who the Apostles preached to, has accepted Jesus and His Salvation. THEN, I shall put Mu Spirit into you...... V14

This Prophecy HAS to mean the Christian peoples, the ones who believed in Jesus and have received the Holy Spirit. The open plain, means they are scattered all over the world. As we Christians still are. 


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5 minutes ago, Keras said:

Ezekiel 37:12 is metaphorical, as their bones were not buried at all, just scattered on an open plain.  Verse 11 has then speaking: Our bones are dry, we have no hope, we are cut off.

This was the state of the House of Israel before Jesus came. The House of Judah rejected Jesus, but the exiled House of Israel, who the Apostles preached to, has accepted Jesus and His Salvation. THEN, I shall put Mu Spirit into you...... V14

This Prophecy HAS to mean the Christian peoples, the ones who believed in Jesus and have received the Holy Spirit. The open plain, means they are scattered all over the world. As we Christians still are. 


Ezekiel 37 says they are brought up out of their graves.

Are you saying Ezekiel 37:12-13 is incorrect and that God WILL NOT bring them up out of their graves?




Ezekiel 37:12-13

Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel.

Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.



You do know what a grave is don't you?

Edited by Shilohsfoal
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There are those of us, who have been well educated and gifted by the Holy Spirit to understand the difference between allegory and literal words within the scriptures. Because many of you do not understand the difference, you are motivated to argue, rather than pray, research, and learn. The Bible is not entirely literal in everything that is disclosed. If you do not have the proper education, you will misinterpret these highly complex passages. I learned many years ago to deep dive into God's word, using hermeneutics properly, as the Holy Spirit guided me in my research. Not everyone has the knowledge, therefore those that simply read the words and assume all is literal will have extremely misguided interpretations. Let the educated teach the uneducated, rather than argue. I do apologize to anyone offended by my passion for God's word. Can we all just read someone's opinion, then let it go? God has given you the learned, and you must decipher who is and who isn't. Pick your education from well-learned teachers, and not be influenced by the unlearned. 


 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, (2 Tim. 2:22-24)

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. (Rom. 14:1)

Should he argue in unprofitable talk, or in words with which he can do no good? (Job 15:3)


When I post, I am teaching. I apologize for any type of arguments. It seems that no matter how much research that I have done, how many prayers I have offered, how much education I have received, and how many books I have written, there are always those who assume me their equal in knowledge and understanding. It was the Lord who told me to go after higher education because I was distraught over others rejecting my knowledge. It has been the Lord who has led me into deep, deep dives inter His Holy words, while studying histories in depth. It was the Lord who provided me so much clarity, and so much information that I had to outpour into books. I respect those learned on this forum, and I recognize them differently from those ignorantly arguing. I will do my best to only make posts to teach, and no longer argue against the ignorant. 

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4 hours ago, Shilohsfoal said:

Are you saying Ezekiel 37:12-13 is incorrect and that God WILL NOT bring them up out of their graves?

I am using common sense and relating this to all of that Prophecy. 

It does not mean they were physically dead, but they were Spiritually dead, without hope until Jesus came to save them, As He plainly stated in Matthew 15:24

Don't ask silly questions and try to think what God really is saying to us. 

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1 hour ago, Keras said:

I am using common sense and relating this to all of that Prophecy. 

It does not mean they were physically dead, but they were Spiritually dead, without hope until Jesus came to save them, As He plainly stated in Matthew 15:24

Don't ask silly questions and try to think what God really is saying to us. 

Must be a hard question since you couldn't answer it.

Now here is what God is really saying.Not the mumbo jumbo you say.


zekiel 37:12-13

Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel.

Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.


Word: XAW

Pronounce: keh'-ber

Strong: H6913

Orig: or (feminine) qibrah \i kib-raw'\i0\plain\f3\fs21\cf23 ; from 6912; a sepulchre:--burying place, grave, sepulchre. H6912

Use: TWOT-1984a Noun Masculine

Grk Strong: G2288 G3418 G3419 G5027 G5028

  1. 1) grave, sepulchre, tomb


Fact is God didn't say any of the things you claim he said .He says he will take them out of their graves and you say he won't.

Edited by Shilohsfoal
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4 hours ago, Charles R. Sabo said:

There are those of us, who have been well educated and gifted by the Holy Spirit to understand the difference between allegory and literal words within the scriptures. Because many of you do not understand the difference, you are motivated to argue, rather than pray, research, and learn. The Bible is not entirely literal in everything that is disclosed. If you do not have the proper education, you will misinterpret these highly complex passages. I learned many years ago to deep dive into God's word, using hermeneutics properly, as the Holy Spirit guided me in my research. Not everyone has the knowledge, therefore those that simply read the words and assume all is literal will have extremely misguided interpretations. Let the educated teach the uneducated, rather than argue. I do apologize to anyone offended by my passion for God's word. Can we all just read someone's opinion, then let it go? God has given you the learned, and you must decipher who is and who isn't. Pick your education from well-learned teachers, and not be influenced by the unlearned. 


 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, (2 Tim. 2:22-24)

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. (Rom. 14:1)

Should he argue in unprofitable talk, or in words with which he can do no good? (Job 15:3)


When I post, I am teaching. I apologize for any type of arguments. It seems that no matter how much research that I have done, how many prayers I have offered, how much education I have received, and how many books I have written, there are always those who assume me their equal in knowledge and understanding. It was the Lord who told me to go after higher education because I was distraught over others rejecting my knowledge. It has been the Lord who has led me into deep, deep dives inter His Holy words, while studying histories in depth. It was the Lord who provided me so much clarity, and so much information that I had to outpour into books. I respect those learned on this forum, and I recognize them differently from those ignorantly arguing. I will do my best to only make posts to teach, and no longer argue against the ignorant. 


You said, “There are those of us, who have been well educated and gifted by the Holy Spirit to understand the difference between allegory and literal words within the scriptures

Just to give you perspective – to me, you are just some random person on the internet. I have no reason to trust you as an authority regarding anything. Therefore, I am only interested in the quality of your arguments. Self-declarations of expertise are entirely irrelevant to me.

I am obligated to God to “Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) – that includes everything you have to say.


Because many of you do not understand the difference, you are motivated to argue, rather than pray, research, and learn

In terms of rational quality, you have applied two logic fallacies in this statement. The first is Adhominem – that is, arguing the point on the basis of something personal about the opponent. The second is an Appeal to Motive – trying to undermine the opposing position by presuming to know their motives, rather then addressing the arguments.


The Bible is not entirely literal in everything that is disclosed



If you do not have the proper education, you will misinterpret these highly complex passages

Firstly - God can teach anyone who has the Holy Spirit.

1 John 2:20 - But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.

Second – The Bible is God’s Word to humanity. Not just those Gnostics who presume themselves to have some special knowledge hidden from the rest. The Bible was written in human language, to be understood by humans at every level.

Therefore, God can reveal anything to anyone through His Word – regardless of one's level of “education”.


I learned many years ago to deep dive into God's word, using hermeneutics properly, as the Holy Spirit guided me in my research

That’s great – But that doesn’t mean we all have to accept what you say without question. We are each accountable to God. I fear and respect God too much to put my trust in any fallen human. No-one gets to simply assume our trust – no matter how “educated”.


Not everyone has the knowledge, therefore those that simply read the words and assume all is literal will have extremely misguided interpretations

Are you the God who knows every heart? If not, how do you know what we “assume”?

And if you think a conclusion is “misguided”, then go ahead and make your argument. Simply declaring yourself to be “educated and gifted” does not count as an argument.


Let the educated teach the uneducated, rather than argue

You mean, ‘You “teach” everyone who disagrees with you, and they should simply accept what you say because you are "educated" and they are "uneducated"'.

This is not a Biblical approach. Everyone can do research and learn from the Bible – especially Christians who have the Holy Spirit to guide us.

We respect those whom God has anointed as teachers over us. But you have not earned any right to presume teaching authority over anyone here. You are just another member. You are both welcome and encouraged to participate. But you have no earned right to try and control the opinions and expressions of others.


I do apologize to anyone offended by my passion for God's word

No apology necessary.


Can we all just read someone's opinion, then let it go?

You are welcome to do so.

This is a forum where we can discuss and debate issues – so that we might all grow in knowledge. Each of us plays a different role in the Body of Christ – so each of us has something to offer the church. You are free to participate however you please.


God has given you the learned, and you must decipher who is and who isn't

God has given us the Holy Spirit, and the rest of the Body of Christ, for the joint edification of each other.

God does not respect our qualifications. Neither should we simply accept an opinion as true on the basis of the presenter’s qualifications.

Again, we are admonished by God to, “Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).


Pick your education from well-learned teachers, and not be influenced by the unlearned.

It is always wise to be cautious about who we let speak into our lives, but God can use anyone to teach us – for “there is no partiality with God” (Romans 2:11). No fallible human has the right to declare themselves the unchallenged voice of God in our life – just because they claim to have some higher level of “education”. The Pharisees in the Bible were the most highly educated people of the time, and also those who fought the most vehemently against Jesus.


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46 minutes ago, Tristen said:


You said, “There are those of us, who have been well educated and gifted by the Holy Spirit to understand the difference between allegory and literal words within the scriptures

Just to give you perspective – to me, you are just some random person on the internet. I have no reason to trust you as an authority regarding anything. Therefore, I am only interested in the quality of your arguments. Self-declarations of expertise are entirely irrelevant to me.

I am obligated to God to “Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) – that includes everything you have to say.


Because many of you do not understand the difference, you are motivated to argue, rather than pray, research, and learn

In terms of rational quality, you have applied two logic fallacies in this statement. The first is Adhominem – that is, arguing the point on the basis of something personal about the opponent. The second is an Appeal to Motive – trying to undermine the opposing position by presuming to know their motives, rather then addressing the arguments.


The Bible is not entirely literal in everything that is disclosed



If you do not have the proper education, you will misinterpret these highly complex passages

Firstly - God can teach anyone who has the Holy Spirit.

1 John 2:20 - But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.

Second – The Bible is God’s Word to humanity. Not just those Gnostics who presume themselves to have some special knowledge hidden from the rest. The Bible was written in human language, to be understood by humans at every level.

Therefore, God can reveal anything to anyone through His Word – regardless of one's level of “education”.


I learned many years ago to deep dive into God's word, using hermeneutics properly, as the Holy Spirit guided me in my research

That’s great – But that doesn’t mean we all have to accept what you say without question. We are each accountable to God. I fear and respect God too much to put my trust in any fallen human. No-one gets to simply assume our trust – no matter how “educated”.


Not everyone has the knowledge, therefore those that simply read the words and assume all is literal will have extremely misguided interpretations

Are you the God who knows every heart? If not, how do you know what we “assume”?

And if you think a conclusion is “misguided”, then go ahead and make your argument. Simply declaring yourself to be “educated and gifted” does not count as an argument.


Let the educated teach the uneducated, rather than argue

You mean, ‘You “teach” everyone who disagrees with you, and they should simply accept what you say because you are "educated" and they are "uneducated"'.

This is not a Biblical approach. Everyone can do research and learn from the Bible – especially Christians who have the Holy Spirit to guide us.

We respect those whom God has anointed as teachers over us. But you have not earned any right to presume teaching authority over anyone here. You are just another member. You are both welcome and encouraged to participate. But you have no earned right to try and control the opinions and expressions of others.


I do apologize to anyone offended by my passion for God's word

No apology necessary.


Can we all just read someone's opinion, then let it go?

You are welcome to do so.

This is a forum where we can discuss and debate issues – so that we might all grow in knowledge. Each of us plays a different role in the Body of Christ – so each of us has something to offer the church. You are free to participate however you please.


God has given you the learned, and you must decipher who is and who isn't

God has given us the Holy Spirit, and the rest of the Body of Christ, for the joint edification of each other.

God does not respect our qualifications. Neither should we simply accept an opinion as true on the basis of the presenter’s qualifications.

Again, we are admonished by God to, “Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).


Pick your education from well-learned teachers, and not be influenced by the unlearned.

It is always wise to be cautious about who we let speak into our lives, but God can use anyone to teach us – for “there is no partiality with God” (Romans 2:11). No fallible human has the right to declare themselves the unchallenged voice of God in our life – just because they claim to have some higher level of “education”. The Pharisees in the Bible were the most highly educated people of the time, and also those who fought the most vehemently against Jesus.


Makes me laugh when someone brags about their education.Its as if they don't know God at all.

Mathew 11:25

At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

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