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The Two Primary Themes of Scripture - Genesis Through Revelation


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This may go nowhere with many…I am OK with that…I am called to the maturing sons of God on the earth today. In my perusal of these forums over the years…it is more than obvious that most of the time I am simply reading another version of something that has been completely hashed over and over to the point that I get the sense...that most who are involved in that kind of banter think that is what it means to “stand” for the gospel…I too am guilty of this from time to time…I do not wish to do it ever again. If you like that…get all you want there is plenty to go around.

When whatever it is that the Holy Spirit wishes to communicate to whomever He is “speaking”…it is considered the revelation of Yahshua Christ…and it is only to the sons of God. The religious and worldly cannot receive it because they do not have eyes to see and see…nor do they have ears to hear and hear…so…neither do they understand. This is simply because when one is in that place they are “blind and deaf”…I am not reaching for them. They already believe what they believe nothing can change that and the Lord and scripture tells us that very thing.

Granted…the Father is still reaching for the infants, children, and the carnal…but that is not what I am talking about or who I am talking too here. No…I am talking about a Father who is raising up a son from every tribe, tongue, people and nation. A corporate son known as the Body of Christ which is coming forth today and one day soon will be mature to the full stature that belongs to the Lord Yahshua Christ…its Head…and will be revealed to a creation longing for His appearance.

There is wisdom for our day coming in the form of the revealed mysteries hidden in God from ages past…both that which was prophesied in antiquity and that which has never been revealed in creation before. Even now the heavens are “pregnant” with the intentions of the Lord to be rolled out upon the earth. There is a more sure word of prophecy available to the sons of God today in regards to the end of the age we are living in. A light for our prophetic pathway…primarily the light is to show us the sure foundation upon which we are established and where our Lord is taking us.

Additionally as the Lord Himself increasingly appears in His temple…on earth today…things that have been hidden in darkness are beginning to appear as well. It is something like when Lake Mead was drying up over the last couple of years…it began to reveal things that had sunk to the bottom of the lake…including bodies.

The Kingdom of God and the Kosmos of Satan is being exposed. I am not trying to get anyone to believe me or disagree with me for that matter…the truth is I don’t really care if people disagree with me or not. I am only presenting what I have been given to those called to receive it. I am open for discussion and learning not another dead work. If I am done here…I am done and will cease.

Most believers and the religious really do not comprehend the reason our God and Father established creation in the first place. Simply put…He established creation to abundantly support His son…five days to establish creation and on the sixth day He brought forth into a plush and abundant creation…His son Adam…thus initiating the process of bringing forth “a man in the image and likeness God” Himself. Adam himself was not that man…though on earth he was the initial model in what would be produced over the millennia.

Our God and Father of creation sees the end from before the beginning…He obviously knows how this is all supposed to play out…according to His will…which He is sharing with His sons today.

The purpose for the created heavens and earth was to bring forth a man in the image and likeness of God…and your probably thinking that it was fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ…however…He was the pattern Son…He is the one for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, and He is focused on bringing many sons to glory of God through their sufferings in the flesh…exactly like the only begotten Son in whom the Father was well pleased…Himself.

So yes of course He is included in the process of the Father bringing forth the corporate son…the Body and Bride of Christ, the temple on earth and in heaven in which the eternal Spirit of the Living God dwells. The pattern Son Yahshua…is the Head into which the Body is being fit…that is what the Lord Yahshua is revealing of Himself to the sons of God on earth today…in their peculiar and unique eternal purpose in His Body…they are being loved raised and trained to bring back the righteous holy standard of God this world has rejected.

That I submit…is the primary theme of all the scriptures Genesis through Revelation…the Father bringing forth in His image and likeness…who He is…into creation in the form of a son…this is so humanity can interact directly with the Father…spirit to Spirit…thereby being reconciled back to God.

The secondary theme of scripture is “the opposition to the man in the image and likeness of God.” Satan of course…the devil, serpent, dragon as he is labeled. Since the Garden of Eden this serpent has been perfecting his craft of deceiving the souls of men via lust and pride which is what his “world” or “kosmos” is built upon. It is time now…today…for the called sons of God to come into a deeper understanding of these two primary themes threaded throughout all of scripture.

The mature sons of God will be squaring off with the mature son of Satan to end this age…and the judgment is for the saints...we have already seen this proclaimed.

Next I will post a perspective of the “world” also known as the “kosmos” or the devils ever increasing “beast” around us today. One may be surprised…


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Ok so that first post went over somewhat as I expected…though it got a few looks and maybe even a read. I had a sense there may not be many responses…prior to putting it out there. In any case…thank you to those who looked at it…I hope it was helpful in some way to someone.

We have been living in what I call a 3:30 world for a long time now and we were trained for that in many ways. 3.5 minute songs, commercials, video segments and it has all crept into the reading genre now as well. Anyone familiar with the TL;DR To Long Didn’t Read…yeh if a document or writing or post “looks” to long…people often time will bail on the whole thing.

For “Christians” it has been a useful habit for stuffing time with Lord Yahshua into a short period where it is convenient…it won’t take too long and we only have to consider the parts we like. The Lord referred to this condition in this way…while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”

So they do “see” and they do “hear” but they don’t understand. It means they only “see” and “hear” what they want to “see” and “hear” and they do not understand Truth, Him or the gospel of His kingdom. I have found that you cannot show or tell those folks anything other than what they already want to hear and believe. Their condition is that of “deaf and blind” I think anyone can understand their challenge.

At the end of that first post I stated that I will post a perspective of the “world” also known as the “kosmos” or the devils ever increasing “beast” around us today. One may be surprised…so here is a brief look at the world around us today…as can be seen from virtually any vantage point one might be coming from in this world today.

As I stated…here is a somewhat brief synopsis of Satan’s kosmos today…which I will call the second of the two main contexts of scripture…”the opposition to the man in the image and likeness of God”…the first being “the man in the image and likeness of God.”

 There is no way that if I were to engage in writing about what I see happening in our towns, cities, counties, states, nations and around the world…most could receive it. It is either too bizarre for the modern mind or the reality of it is to such an intensity…that to ignore it seems to be the best way to “live” with it. Some cannot see what is transpiring around them and their world…others bury their head and pretend it is not here and it is not real. I think that definition covers the majority of people these days…one side of ignorance or the other.

Additionally I see two other groups…however they are decidedly smaller in terms of numbers…one group is those who see the looming catastrophe and are pushing back against it…the others are the sons of God who increasingly understand the Lord Yahshua’s plan in all of this due to His intimate direction.

So in being in the last category via salvation and its subsequent rebirth...I am availed the opportunity to look boldly at not only what is happening…but both what has happened and what is going to happen. If you are reading this…you will make up your own mind to believe as you wish…as it should be.

Let’s start with the increasingly reduced food production that is taking place…really it is an all out attack upon food production to be forthright…and its global. Connected to this is the artificial production of “lab grown” food and the incoming “insect protein.”

Maybe it is the incredible attack upon the human immune system and the “sickness and death” that has been brought forth via “modern health care.” Yeh there is “significantly” increased “all cause mortality” on the earth today…with the “industrial medical/pharmaceutical complex” in charge of human health and well being.

There is the economic crisis that is leading humanity towards the greatest financial collapse ever…including an increased possibility of “civil war” in some measure. Traditionally economic collapse sets off a falling domino effect of destruction leading to the most inhumane conditions and destruction.

How about the current immigration process that is happening in all of the “western world”…borders open to people whose homes are being decimated by “political upheaval/civil war” to the point they need to leave or die. Fine but along with them likely comes the organized groups of militants from the countries the “west” has devastated or destroyed in some way for many years. Some of these guys are on a mission of violence…and are trained, organized, and weaponized…it’s already happening in Southern California.

Consider law enforcements lack of duty in so many big cities where criminals walk away without conviction…and people live in an existential fear…clearly an increase in “lawlessness.” Money has become too expensive for a large section of people in the west…who are working harder than they ever had too…those who are working…for a significantly diminished quality of life…and it is not uncommon for them to be packing increasing levels of personal and credit card debt.

Many banks have failed…and it is continuing and will continue…this according to the Federal Reserve chairman…is your bank on that list? Imagine how that plays in the minds of mere men? How about housing and rents…continually rising to a point where an increasing number of folks are homeless.

The whole energy scam eh? Let’s shut down the power plants that are producing the energy our economies run on…and go green…you know the renewable power of the sun and the wind. Of course I know that the sun and the wind can be harnessed to generate power…however there is neither the natural resource nor the money required to keep the earth operational at its current energy levels nor anywhere even close…yeh…that spells “significant” change for our future.

Then the climate change hoax…I am not denying that “climate changes” or that it is changing…but the whole CO2 carbon dioxide emissions concern that is happening is completely absurd…the greatest deception since 2020.

In order to keep the planet from raising 1.5 degrees in temperature by 2030…we need to curtail, capture and in some ways stop the production of CO2 emissions. According to the powers that be…the biggest contributor in the world of excessive carbon emission is…livestock…a significant portion of our food chain.

That’s only the half of it…the mega corporations which include the biggest banks in the world have created and are implementing a process of measuring and monetizing a standard of Carbon Emissions (CE)…Carbon Intensity (CI)…Carbon Footprint (CF)...by which they intend to monitor and implement a control mechanism over humanity…oh yeh and its farther along that most realize.

There is a huge effort to implement digital I.D. which includes tracking of “biometrics” and then digitally link it to a new “digital currency” of some type. Some say “Central Bank Digital Currency” while others say it will be a new form of “Crypto-currency” such as “Bitcoin.” In any case it is digital…can be tracked, traced and programmabley controlled…can anyone say “Panopticon?”

This is just a brief…look at issues that humanity is dealing with globally right now…and will continue to have to deal with in increasing intensity moving forward. All these markets, industries, plans, ideas, objectives all of it is the work of the god of this world…the prince of the power of the air…the dragon, serpent, devil, Satan and his beast. He is near to obtaining global control of all that human life depends upon.

I am pointing this out to whomsoever needs it as a warning…for those leaving in the rapture…keep watching and waiting…don’t however look at the rising tide of deception and suffering that is swallowing humanity whole today.

So you have the God and Father of creation…who out of His eternal self…put creation in place to bring forth to Himself…a son…a man child…entirely in His image and likeness as His inheritance from the earth…which He is presently doing and going to complete…in Christ.

You have the enemy of God whose storied history is ultimately to gain control of the entire earth…which he will…and this includes a number of past attempts to attack and to destroy the son of God.

This epic battle is “now” people…the beast is entrenched and is increasing…the only one who can and will destroy his kingdom is…”Christ Head and Body” whom is being brought forth as you read this and will one day appear mature to the full maturity and stature of the Lord Yahshua Himself.

If you have eyes to see and see….if you have ears to hear and hear…you need to understand the sound that is coming from heaven today.

“See” you next time


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On 3/15/2024 at 12:38 PM, tatwo said:

the primary theme of all the scriptures Genesis through Revelation…the Father bringing forth in His image and likeness…who He is…into creation in the form of a son…this is so humanity can interact directly with the Father…spirit to Spirit…thereby being reconciled back to God

This is gold tatwo.

"this is so humanity can interact directly with the Father…spirit to Spirit"

Scripture tells us that God is Spirit...... That God is invisible....His attributes are invisible.... His creation is both visible and invisible... (Col 1:15 and 1:16...Rom 1:20...1Tim 1:17)

He is way beyond my (our) comprehension in every way. If I dedicated all my days to writing about the attributes of God, I would still never be able to describe them all. 

Omnipotent............ Omniscient.......... Omnipresent.......... Omnibenevolent

There were many nights when I would lay in bed pondering God. Then I would say the Lord's prayer.... "Our Father" ....and that's as far as I got. In my thoughts I would try and understand what that really meant...."Our Father"...... and I would fall asleep with thoughts of Him. Night after night was the same....for many months.

"From eternity past" ..... ya, that doesn't compute. It's too much for my tiny mind to grasp.

"The invisible God" ...... pretty much the same.... does not compute. But I believe it.

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On 3/21/2024 at 7:31 AM, tatwo said:

We have been living in what I call a 3:30 world for a long time now and we were trained for that in many ways. 3.5 minute songs, commercials, video segments and it has all crept into the reading genre now as well. Anyone familiar with the TL;DR To Long Didn’t Read…yeh if a document or writing or post “looks” to long…people often time will bail on the whole thing.

Yes... so true. 

They would watch some reality TV show or a movie..... but read an article?.....Nah!

Tic Tok ..... Tic Tok..... Tic Tok...... that's where its at today. Stimulation for the mind!

On 3/21/2024 at 7:31 AM, tatwo said:

Then the climate change hoax…I am not denying that “climate changes” or that it is changing…but the whole CO2 carbon dioxide emissions concern that is happening is completely absurd…the greatest deception since 2020.

Bill Gates was said to have said to "cut down 70 million acres of trees in order to fight climate change" (whether true or not)

Trees eat carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 

You're right, it is completely absurd. Climate changes in cycles. El Nino and La Nina for example.

Was there climate change in the dust bowl of the 1930's?.... Well nobody attributed that climate change to anything. It was natural.


I have for years been telling my friends and family members and warning them of the dangers that I see coming upon the world.

Their response:

"Oh Joe, you're just a conspiracy nut..................  You read too much.................. Where did you learn that from, the computer..........

Oh uncle..... oh dad........ oh brother....... etc etc.

A very few have listened.

One day they will look back and say...."you know, I think he was right"

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On 3/22/2024 at 2:04 PM, JoeCanada said:

I have for years been telling my friends and family members and warning them of the dangers that I see coming upon the world.

Their response:

"Oh Joe, you're just a conspiracy nut..................  You read too much.................. Where did you learn that from, the computer..........

Oh uncle..... oh dad........ oh brother....... etc etc.

A very few have listened.

One day they will look back and say...."you know, I think he was right"

Some level of persecution there no doubt Joe…same thing for me…sometimes painful all the while it makes us stronger and it works towards our maturity and purification. You and I know the Lord and the early family we read about in scripture…suffered similar and worse…which is a sure indicator of what lies ahead for the sons of God.

Granted there is a significant amount of “propaganda” along with “polemos”…which is an interesting word used for “war” in the New Testament…primarily used in the book of Revelation. It means “war” however the indication is that it refers to the idea of a “war” of ideals, culture a refutation of a specific opinion or doctrine…a war of words essentially…producing thoughts to entrap the mind…so to speak.

All that to say that “prince of the power of the air” or the “god of this world” is engaged in a “spiritual” battle for the “minds (psuché/soul) of men.” Of course why else mention that war against the saints is with a beast whose…“mouth uttering great boasts” (Daniel 7:20) and “a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies” from Revelation 13:5-7. Again “one who speaks like a dragon” and “the image of the beast would even speak” from Revelation 13:11 & 15.

Humanity…the wicked and the righteous are both subjected to this “polemos/ polemeó” style of “war.” Joe…it’s the “Operating System” of the dragons “Kosmos”…his “world”…his “beast.” This is all to produce “fear” which gives the serpent the keys to their souls…this beast is now global…its propaganda is global…its war of words is global….it is devouring, crushing and trampling down the remainder with its feet.

Humanity is in a “spiritual tribulation” like creation has never seen…nor can mere humanity see it. Per the norm…tribulation is seen in the spirit realm prior to manifesting openly in the physical temporal realm. This basically explains why so many people including “Christians” are caught completely unaware. They could not “spiritually discern” on their own…nor do they listen to those who can spiritually discern the times we are in…which is why it comes upon them like a thief in the night.

The “birth pangs” are intense at this point. The carnal and immature Christian is waiting for a “physical…temporal” indicator that “tribulation” has begun. That is interesting because the deceptive propaganda that we reveal to ours Joe…which they largely reject…are some of the signs that creation is much deeper into this “tribulation” than most are willing to accept.

 Regardless of all of this…the nominal Christian has allowed the serpent to twist the “words of God” in their minds…think ”Adam & Eve.” They cannot “spiritually discern” (see, hear, understand) all that is transpiring all around them. Because their “mindset” is tuned to the “frequency” of the “beast” that has convinced them that it is god. (666)

They really feel no need to do anything…really…to prepare for any actual tribulation…just sit back, wait and watch for a magical invitation from the Lord Yahshua Christ to escape. No it is most definitely not going to happen that way. While the Lord will ultimately be revealed along with His own…it is the harlot (church) and the birth of her offspring that have much to experience in the weeks, months ahead. Of course nominal Christianity won’t catch this…but it’s here and intensifying.

The multitudes have no idea that this war is happening today…just as it has been since the Garden of Eden…which is an example of “polemos” in action. It is there for our reference…speaking of the way the serpent fooled Eve…twisted the “words of God” to manipulate and control her mind and thoughts. She was convinced of that which was not real, not truth…but a lie…that led her to being deceived about who God is.

The serpent was able to produce sound…words…reality…to twist the “words of God” to such a point that her mind lost track of what God had actually said…she got lost in the tumultuous emotion of her soul…and she embraced “wholly” the deceptive lie the serpent deceived her with…which became truth to her…causing her and Adam to act in disobedience towards God.

In this…Adam forfeited the rule he was given by his Father…via the deception of words and the serpent. As we can see…they ended up in “fear”…which when believed as truth…convinced them that they were just another random creature or element of creation. This explains “why”…at the moment they realized that they were no longer “clothed in the glory of God”…fallen…they felt they were naked…and that they should hide from God…a preposterous thought…no?

Now they must “provide” for themselves…get some new clothing…and “protect” themselves…”hide” from God??? All of this is evidence that speaks to the reality that the eyes of their souls were opened and they began to “live out of their souls” versus their spirit as it was before the fall.

“God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in the Spirit of Truth.” Which Adam and Eve must have done prior to the fall in order to daily commune with God? Humanity cannot approach God from the “soul” Joe…it can never be…mans approach to the God and Father of creation is from his spirit…the one filled with the Holy Spirit Joe! You already know that.

 When humanity lives out of their soul…they are only concerned with their provision and protection because they must do whatever is required to “live.” This is where the twisting force of polemics and propaganda gets its power…when one is in the place where they must rely upon themselves to live because no one else will take care of them…that’s where “fear” sets in. Fear is what the enemy used to “deceive” Adam out of his God granted authority. Something changed drastically for Adam and Eve…and that is quite obvious.

We must remember…”in Adam all die”…”so also in Christ all will be made alive.” Only “in Christ” is ones spirit indwelt with the Holy Spirit…that is what it means to be “made alive.” Becoming one with the Godhead spiritually is what is in view here…while living in this life…as one endued with “power from on High.” This is to be the testimony of Christ on the earth until the testimony is complete…and the Spirit and the Bride say come.

It is the restoration of the “authority and power to rule”…once entrusted to Adam…brought forth in the son of God…”Christ”…in the earth. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” This will continue as it is…until the Head removes the veil between the “invisible spiritual and temporal physical” and reveals what He has been doing in His creation…since He…put it forth for His purposes.

This devil…is not yet destroyed Joe…as you well know. Thus…the “work” of the Son of God is not yet complete…no…the Son of God “is” being revealed on the earth to reestablish the “rule of the Father” once entrusted to His Son…Adam. When the Son destroys Satan’s beast…”on the earth”…His testimony will be complete…and Christ…Head and Body will be glorified with the glory of God…moving into the next age as its ruler and then “beyond!”


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