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The church--Christ's Person and work

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Really enjoyed the clear speaking in this devotional today, regarding the amazing characteristic of Christ living in and through His church! As the first line says, "The church is not an entity separate from the Person and work of Christ." WOW!  Ephesians has such a wonderfully high vision of the ekklesia!  Consider verse 22 in the second chapter - "In Him you are also being built together for a dwelling place of God in Spirit."  What words can be used to express this?  As the song says, "It is joy unspeakable and full of glory and the half has never yet been told!"

 "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." Ephesians 1:22-23

The church is not an entity separate from the Person and work of Christ. We should not think of the church as something different from His Person and work. The church is a description of Christ with the fullness of His Person in His Body resulting in a testimony of all that He has accomplished in His work to produce us as His expression. So the church is simply a manifestation, an extension, of Christ's Person and Christ's work.

Coming from various backgrounds, we may have different ideas of what "church" means. The church is a building, or the church is an assembly of people, or the church is what we experienced for years and maybe were disappointed with. "Church" could mean many different things to us. But we need to see a simple and clear revelation of the church--it is nothing less and nothing more than the Person and the work of Christ embodied and expressed through His people. This is the way we need to consider the church.

Properly speaking, the church is an extension of Christ's Person and His work. When the Bible says that we are His Body, it adds, "the fullness of Him who is filling all in all." This is how we are Christ's extension. It is by His filling us. As we are being filled, there is an expression of all His riches. Look at His Person, look at His work. Then you know the church. The church is simply Christ Himself and all that He is dispensed into all of us, with all the riches of His Person and His work flowing from each one of us to express His fullness. What a marvelous realization of what the church is. It is just Christ and more of Christ filling all His organic members.

From The Supplied Life by B. Freeman

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I saw the title and thought that Ephesians would be a good source........and then saw that this is exactly where Scripture was quoted from..............

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7 hours ago, Vine Abider said:

Really enjoyed the clear speaking in this devotional today, regarding the amazing characteristic of Christ living in and through His church! As the first line says, "The church is not an entity separate from the Person and work of Christ." WOW!  Ephesians has such a wonderfully high vision of the ekklesia!  Consider verse 22 in the second chapter - "In Him you are also being built together for a dwelling place of God in Spirit."  What words can be used to express this?  As the song says, "It is joy unspeakable and full of glory and the half has never yet been told!"

 "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." Ephesians 1:22-23

The church is not an entity separate from the Person and work of Christ. We should not think of the church as something different from His Person and work. The church is a description of Christ with the fullness of His Person in His Body resulting in a testimony of all that He has accomplished in His work to produce us as His expression. So the church is simply a manifestation, an extension, of Christ's Person and Christ's work.

Coming from various backgrounds, we may have different ideas of what "church" means. The church is a building, or the church is an assembly of people, or the church is what we experienced for years and maybe were disappointed with. "Church" could mean many different things to us. But we need to see a simple and clear revelation of the church--it is nothing less and nothing more than the Person and the work of Christ embodied and expressed through His people. This is the way we need to consider the church.

Properly speaking, the church is an extension of Christ's Person and His work. When the Bible says that we are His Body, it adds, "the fullness of Him who is filling all in all." This is how we are Christ's extension. It is by His filling us. As we are being filled, there is an expression of all His riches. Look at His Person, look at His work. Then you know the church. The church is simply Christ Himself and all that He is dispensed into all of us, with all the riches of His Person and His work flowing from each one of us to express His fullness. What a marvelous realization of what the church is. It is just Christ and more of Christ filling all His organic members.

From The Supplied Life by B. Freeman

Thanks Vine Abider,

The devotions you post are really the only encouraging thread in the General Discussions. I do look forward to them. As you said it is so clear and explains really well how all of us are His Body. What a privilege, and I`m looking forward to seeing us all in glorious splendor praising the Lord in His heavenly home. 

regards, Marilyn.

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On 4/18/2024 at 5:41 PM, Vine Abider said:

Really enjoyed the clear speaking in this devotional today, regarding the amazing characteristic of Christ living in and through His church! As the first line says, "The church is not an entity separate from the Person and work of Christ." WOW!  Ephesians has such a wonderfully high vision of the ekklesia!  Consider verse 22 in the second chapter - "In Him you are also being built together for a dwelling place of God in Spirit."  What words can be used to express this?  As the song says, "It is joy unspeakable and full of glory and the half has never yet been told!"

 "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." Ephesians 1:22-23

The church is not an entity separate from the Person and work of Christ. We should not think of the church as something different from His Person and work. The church is a description of Christ with the fullness of His Person in His Body resulting in a testimony of all that He has accomplished in His work to produce us as His expression. So the church is simply a manifestation, an extension, of Christ's Person and Christ's work.

Coming from various backgrounds, we may have different ideas of what "church" means. The church is a building, or the church is an assembly of people, or the church is what we experienced for years and maybe were disappointed with. "Church" could mean many different things to us. But we need to see a simple and clear revelation of the church--it is nothing less and nothing more than the Person and the work of Christ embodied and expressed through His people. This is the way we need to consider the church.

Properly speaking, the church is an extension of Christ's Person and His work. When the Bible says that we are His Body, it adds, "the fullness of Him who is filling all in all." This is how we are Christ's extension. It is by His filling us. As we are being filled, there is an expression of all His riches. Look at His Person, look at His work. Then you know the church. The church is simply Christ Himself and all that He is dispensed into all of us, with all the riches of His Person and His work flowing from each one of us to express His fullness. What a marvelous realization of what the church is. It is just Christ and more of Christ filling all His organic members.

From The Supplied Life by B. Freeman

Your second last paragraph was sorely needed. There is much debate as to why the word "Ekklesia" was translated Church by such eminent scholars. What is sure is that the Roman Church exerted all its might to have it that way, just as "Easter" is used instead of Passover in Acts.12:4. And one can well see the extent of this mistranslation when we see that a heathen political assembly could be called "the Church" in Acts 19:39 and a riotous mob in verses 32 and 41. How far astray we are when a riotous mob or a dark empty building can be equated with the glorious Body of Christ. What skulduggery!

The very first allusion to the real meaning of the word "Ekklesia" is the Nation of Israel as they encamped by three Tribes a side around the Tabernacle. It was called the "Tabernacle of CONGREGATION"! Day and night for over 38 years Israel was that special "gathering of the select ones" - the true meaning of Ekklesia. Then Israel entered and conquered Canaan and it is sadly reported after this that "every man went to his house ...". But God saw this coming. He is never taken by surprise. And so He ordained seven Feasts, each connected to the harvest and which commanded Israel again to a gather "at that place He chose to put His Name". And then came that dreary day when Israel was "scattered" among the Nations.

God then invested His All - His Son Jesus, to create a heavenly gathering on earth by a heavenly birth and a heavenly nature. THE "gathering of the select ones" was glorious and "they gathered from house to House to break bread". But alas, these select ones found every reason NOT to GATHER - from doctrine to widows' portions they found reasons to be divided - the OPPOSITE of "Gathering". And in their conceit they hatch the word DENOMINATIONS - another word for DIVISIONS! And what do we have today? According to "Quora" on the Internet, Indianapolis in the US of A has over 3,000 Assemblies. What will Jehovah make of this in the day of retribution? Did He not make a Promise that whosoever marred His Assembly, He would mar (1st Cor.3:16-17)?

Pastor, did you remember, when you took half the congregation away because of a doctrine, that God called ANY Division "FLESHLY"? Did you notice that in 1st Corinthians 1:10-13 that even those who divided because they were FOR CHRIST are in the rebuke. Maybe you are right. Maybe the sisters who don't wear head covering are an eyesore. Maybe half the congregation object to full immersion and another half won't support you financially - all important things. But who is the man who DIVIDES what the Lord has GATHERED? Yes, sins of leavenous nature must be dealt with. The adulterous and the incestuous must go. The practicing homosexual and the man who will not work must be separated until they repent. But to make another DENOMINATION is certainly not the way to go. Have you ever realized that scattering is a sign of God's judgement. Babel and Israel ended in scattering. And now Indianapolis has 3,000 Assemblies. Where will I find the Assembly at Indianapolis?

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33 minutes ago, AdHoc said:

 Have you ever realized that scattering is a sign of God's judgement. Babel and Israel ended in scattering. And now Indianapolis has 3,000 Assemblies. Where will I find the Assembly at Indianapolis?

Hi Ad Hoc,

God`s word tells us that the church, the Body of Christ is a `spiritual body.` 

`For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body ...` (1 Cor. 12: 13)

The different denominations or non-denominations are a result of man encamping around a truth that the Holy Spirit had revealed to them. God is NOT concerned about the outward scaffolding of man`s denominations but of the inward, man`s heart. And that is what is growing more like the Lord by His Holy Spirit.

Not all believers will come to understand all the truths the Holy Spirit has revealed over the years. However, if they are standing for a truth of Christ, then they are part of the Body that will be caught away to glory. 

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42 minutes ago, AdHoc said:

Your second last paragraph was sorely needed. There is much debate as to why the word "Ekklesia" was translated Church by such eminent scholars. What is sure is that the Roman Church exerted all its might to have it that way, just as "Easter" is used instead of Passover in Acts.12:4. And one can well see the extent of this mistranslation when we see that a heathen political assembly could be called "the Church" in Acts 19:39 and a riotous mob in verses 32 and 41. How far astray we are when a riotous mob or a dark empty building can be equated with the glorious Body of Christ. What skulduggery!

The very first allusion to the real meaning of the word "Ekklesia" is the Nation of Israel as they encamped by three Tribes a side around the Tabernacle. It was called the "Tabernacle of CONGREGATION"! Day and night for over 38 years Israel was that special "gathering of the select ones" - the true meaning of Ekklesia. Then Israel entered and conquered Canaan and it is sadly reported after this that "every man went to his house ...". But God saw this coming. He is never taken by surprise. And so He ordained seven Feasts, each connected to the harvest and which commanded Israel again to a gather "at that place He chose to put His Name". And then came that dreary day when Israel was "scattered" among the Nations.

God then invested His All - His Son Jesus, to create a heavenly gathering on earth by a heavenly birth and a heavenly nature. THE "gathering of the select ones" was glorious and "they gathered from house to House to break bread". But alas, these select ones found every reason NOT to GATHER - from doctrine to widows' portions they found reasons to be divided - the OPPOSITE of "Gathering". And in their conceit they hatch the word DENOMINATIONS - another word for DIVISIONS! And what do we have today? According to "Quora" on the Internet, Indianapolis in the US of A has over 3,000 Assemblies. What will Jehovah make of this in the day of retribution? Did He not make a Promise that whosoever marred His Assembly, He would mar (1st Cor.3:16-17)?

Pastor, did you remember, when you took half the congregation away because of a doctrine, that God called ANY Division "FLESHLY"? Did you notice that in 1st Corinthians 1:10-13 that even those who divided because they were FOR CHRIST are in the rebuke. Maybe you are right. Maybe the sisters who don't wear head covering are an eyesore. Maybe half the congregation object to full immersion and another half won't support you financially - all important things. But who is the man who DIVIDES what the Lord has GATHERED? Yes, sins of leavenous nature must be dealt with. The adulterous and the incestuous must go. The practicing homosexual and the man who will not work must be separated until they repent. But to make another DENOMINATION is certainly not the way to go. Have you ever realized that scattering is a sign of God's judgement. Babel and Israel ended in scattering. And now Indianapolis has 3,000 Assemblies. Where will I find the Assembly at Indianapolis?


3 minutes ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi Ad Hoc,

God`s word tells us that the church, the Body of Christ is a `spiritual body.` 

`For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body ...` (1 Cor. 12: 13)

The different denominations or non-denominations are a result of man encamping around a truth that the Holy Spirit had revealed to them. God is NOT concerned about the outward scaffolding of man`s denominations but of the inward, man`s heart. And that is what is growing more like the Lord by His Holy Spirit.

Not all believers will come to understand all the truths the Holy Spirit has revealed over the years. However, if they are standing for a truth of Christ, then they are part of the Body that will be caught away to glory. 

I see both!  It's like a couple years ago when I was complaining to a brother about the shape of the church - so many divisions and poor things happening, a low level of Christ's life being manifested, legalism and dead letter is the order of the day, etc.  He then said to me, "The church is wonderful in God's eyes! Do you think He didn't know what He was getting into when he said, 'I will build my church'?!

Yes, outwardly (by sight) it's pretty much an impossible mess!  Man's flesh has run rampant with much of it . . .  Only two of the seven ekklesias in Revelation go without a rebuke (because He loves them and wants to promote correction).  The only way to reconcile these two things is by faith - faith that He is able and He will present a glorious gathering to Himself without any of the mess we humans have created with it.

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It's simple, really. There are organizations that collectively call themselves "church" but are not His Body. However, members of His Body may be found in such places just as some of us were found in this world in diverse locations. Many of us never darkened the door of a church, myself included. Such is the power and purpose of the Lord.

That, my friends, is conspicuously absent in those places which are devoid of His Life.

Edited by Marathoner
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21 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi Ad Hoc,

God`s word tells us that the church, the Body of Christ is a `spiritual body.` 

`For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body ...` (1 Cor. 12: 13)

The different denominations or non-denominations are a result of man encamping around a truth that the Holy Spirit had revealed to them. God is NOT concerned about the outward scaffolding of man`s denominations but of the inward, man`s heart. And that is what is growing more like the Lord by His Holy Spirit.

Not all believers will come to understand all the truths the Holy Spirit has revealed over the years. However, if they are standing for a truth of Christ, then they are part of the Body that will be caught away to glory. 

No my dear sister. Your verse says WHO immersed us into One Body - NOT the SUBSTANCE of Christ's Body. Here is what scripture says about that

15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. (1 Co 6:15)

"OUR BODIES" are physical. That is why, when Christ predicted His Church in Matthew 16 He based it on "The GATES of Hades". The Church suffers loss when a member dies and is BUILT when men in resurrection are RAISED. In Luke 24:38-39 our Lord was very particular when He said that His risen BODY was not spirit!

You must also consider another point with your example. "ONE BODY" is not the LOCAL Assembly. It is the UNIVERSAL Assembly. DIVISIONS (denominations) are a matter of the LOCAL Church

Yet again you have misread the grammar. The Holy Spirit, through Paul, states emphatically that divisions are a result of the flesh. I 1st Corinthians the Church is rebuked over their DIVISION caused by Apollos wrong doctrine about Baptism that caused the believers of Ephesus NOT to receive the Holy Spirit in Acts 19. Those who were supporters of Apollus are rebuked AS WELL as those who were for Christ 1st Corinthians 1:10-16. There he asks "IS CHRIST DIVIDED"? Your answer above  promotes an answer of YES!

But  in Chapter 3 Paul is much stronger. Verses 1-4 read;

1 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? 4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?

Any division, even on so great a matter as Baptism, is "CARNAL" and causes Christians to be stunted in their growth!

And so it is in Ephesians 4. TWO UNITIES are promoted. The UNITY of the Spirit, already established (v.3) must be kept "TILL the UNITY of the THE Faith is come in.

P.S. 1. What is "spiritual" is God's House (1st Pet 2:4). God is a Spirit (Jn.4:24) and does not dwell in physical Houses any more.

P.S. 2. Emmanuel (God with us) will live in a House made with hands in the Millennium, but Emmanuel is Jesus THE MAN "in Whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells BODILY" (Col.2:9). Ezekiel's Temple - of course.

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22 hours ago, Vine Abider said:


I see both!  It's like a couple years ago when I was complaining to a brother about the shape of the church - so many divisions and poor things happening, a low level of Christ's life being manifested, legalism and dead letter is the order of the day, etc.  He then said to me, "The church is wonderful in God's eyes! Do you think He didn't know what He was getting into when he said, 'I will build my church'?!

Yes, outwardly (by sight) it's pretty much an impossible mess!  Man's flesh has run rampant with much of it . . .  Only two of the seven ekklesias in Revelation go without a rebuke (because He loves them and wants to promote correction).  The only way to reconcile these two things is by faith - faith that He is able and He will present a glorious gathering to Himself without any of the mess we humans have created with it.

Yes. The Church has TWO STANDINGS, just as Israel did when Balaam tried to curse them. The one standing is their POSITION in Christ. Here, God only sees Christ and we are all IN HIM. We are loved, approved and justified just like God's Son. But Judges and Acts tell us that Israel worshiped idols in Egypt, throughout their 40-year wilderness and in the Good Land. Israel had a DISPOSITION for idol worship. This ended in defeat and dispersion among heathens. The Church is the fairest of Brides in Christ's eyes, but the parables make it quite clear that she will not be without spot or wrinkle when He comes. That ... will take another 1,000 years.

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On 4/23/2024 at 10:53 AM, Marathoner said:

It's simple, really. There are organizations that collectively call themselves "church" but are not His Body. However, members of His Body may be found in such places just as some of us were found in this world in diverse locations. Many of us never darkened the door of a church, myself included. Such is the power and purpose of the Lord.

That, my friends, is conspicuously absent in those places which are devoid of His Life.

Hi Marathoner,

On some other thread (can`t find it) you mentioned how you are now a counselor, which God said would happen and you were amazed. I think God is so good to take you through all that learning with difficult people and now being able to counsel them. I pray that God will continue to give you His wisdom and understanding and compassion for these people.

Bless you bro, Marilyn.

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