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i have been hurting so bad for so long....i dont understand why?...

i fell in love with a gay man...i never believed he was born that way...it caused many arguments between us... the thing is i really thought he was my soulmate .... i have never in my life felt like anyone was...although i have been in love before...

i forsook all other prospects for relationships because i was in love with him and was so convinced that God would heal and deliver him and that he was meant for me....

i am not a perfect christian at all...im not proud of that ...but i was saved when i was very young and i guess in life you just go thru things and do the best you can ....ive never turned my back on God so i never felt backslidden although i havent always been proud of things ive done

i couldnt take the pain anymore and i was tired....8 years of hell and torment ....pleasure and pain...of loving someone so much i think i would have died for him ...only to be rejected over and over again...i began to think i was not walking in faith....i was just insanely delusional...

i prayed ...i fasted... you dont know how many tears i cried...how many days for so many years ...yet he is still chasing men

i told God about two years ago that i was thru ...that i was tired...I GIVE UP...i had always thought i was supposed to be with him but i just couldnt take it anymore....

so i got rid of him out of my life 24/7 and tried to move on...

i was so lonely....i still tried to be a casual friend to him...and i succeeded

i think now im in love with someone else.....someone who literally i believe was sent by God to help me in my misery and confusion....he has spoke such life to me and been a true friend...we talk about the things of God ....and it feels so good to have someone be able to help me and challenge me in my walk...

ill admit i had started drinking really heavy before i met him because of my broken heart and loneliness and the sometimes cruelty of my gay friend towards me...

i had contemplated just sleeping around ( although that has never been my style) then God sent this new friend who treated me like i needed to be treated....good and with respect...

i was so angry and discourage with God for not answering my prayer concerning my gay friend and my broken heart i couldnt even pray....my faith and heart was shattered and i didnt know where to begin to pick up the peices

but with my new friend i began to breath again....i even thanked God that he didnt answer my prayer...because maybe i was asking for a serpent and thought it was a fish ...or maybe a stone and thought it was bread...

but my new friend is married....and so i feel like....WHY?....the only man i even felt anything for in 8 years and i cant have him either....i never thought i would even love again...and im so glad to have these feelings but they seem to no avail

the sad part is i am still haunted by my gay friend...how much i loved him...how much i believed for him and prayed and fasted for him....im still haunted that ive never felt anyone was my soulmate but him...not even my new friend...

even thought he actually is more like me in some ways and i know if he were free i would have pursued a new relationship with him

but still im haunted by the love i once felt for my gay friend because somehow i feel like a failure....i wanted my gay friend to love me...i wanted to be happy and share a life with him...and as long as i live ...i dont think i will ever love like that again....not with that energy...passion ....and conviction...yet still i believe somewhere deep inside that God can and will make a change in him

the desparate part is that all the pain i went thru loving him....has destroyed my confidence...my self....i dont know who i am anymore...i dont know what to believe....i dont trust myself to love anyone....because im so wounded

ive gained wt and i used to have an attractive body and could be desirable to some deserving person...but now i just feel so dumpy....my self esteem is gone...

not to mention i am now in a terrible financial and legal bind because of my gay friend....yes it was my own stupidity and my own issues but it was directly related to me trying to be there for him once again....

everyone says i'll never have anyone as long as i continue to talk to him and have an association with him because they knew how much i loved him and all i went thru....

i still love him but my desire for him is not the same as it was....i try not to think about him like that because whats the use?...

no one can understand this pain and disallusionment in my heart...and how it has really destroyed me inside...

everyday is a struggle...i dont have any hope for anything really...

last sunday ...i got on my knees and prayed for me...i gave it all to God ....the good and the bad....the hurt and the pain...the desires that cant seem to be fulfilled and my broken dreams...

i feel God let me know that i needed to forgive...i thought i had forgiven ...im nice to him...but deep down the pain still lingers...

i feel like a fool...so stupid....so ridiculous...

i feel so undesired and rejected and abandoned...

my gay friend is back in my life...we do things together sometimes and he tries to help me but i still help him more...he is more respectful towards me because i think we both are tired of the drama

the thing is i dont know what is going to happen and im afraid of more pain...i feel so weakened ...and ugly

(even though i am attractive physically)

i dont feel it....ive prayed for God to restore my joy...but i just feel so displaced...

everyone tells me my new friend will never have anything to do with me because of my gay friend and my continued association with him after how he used me

but my response is whats the difference? he is married anyway...and not that divorce is the desirable thing but hes not even thinking about leaving his wife for me anyway....so its not even an option or a problem...but he is a good friend

maybe if i wasnt such a drinker when we became friends he would have found more favor in me ...but lets face it ...i was how i was and we are good friends and he helped me a lot...

maybe its like people who fall in love with thier therapists or pastors or something...i dont know

i dont know anything anymore....this dry season has lasted too long...i wonder if i will ever be truly happy and full of hope again....

i just dont feel like i have the energy or aptitude to fight anymore...all my fight feels gone...but i still have feelings and i hurt.., just dont know what to do about it....i dont know how to change my heart or my life...

if there are some intricated spiritual things i need to do then i dont know what that is.....what would any regular person do that doesnt seek God or think about God in thier life.

why is it so hard?

i used to think God was angry at me for something i did or said...or for one of my many sins and shortcomings....

i used to think He wasnt listening or hearing me...

but then He would always answer me to let me know He was....

i knew i had developed a problem with alcohol and when i drank sometimes terrible anger would come out....or i would do something like flirt and have even slept with people just because i said bump it...i was so mad and felt like no one cared and i couldnt have what i really wanted anyway

but this wasnt me and i despised myself afterward ...and repented profusely....

i just wish things would fall in place for me and i could feel happiness again...

for now i just try to be content thru the disappointements that come my way everyday...

but i feel so discouraged and i want to feel God come and touch me with His Holy Spirit because when i feel Him all seems okay and i feel joy

but i dont feel that every minute and sometimes it seems like God is so hard to reach....i know this is not true but i feel so lonely and unfulfilled in this world even though i try to praise Him and be thankful for what i have..

maybe im too ungrateful and / or want too much....

i think what i really want is to be loved by the one i loved and desired be the one i desire...because its been a long time since i felt that way really...

i guess maybe God is keeping me alone for Himself....if so ...then i really need to feel Him more...i need His strenght

i need to be filled with the Holy Spirit...ive never been....

i dont know how to pray for hours....like my friend does...but he speaks in tounges....

but im only me and i cant be anyone else...i need God for me....

even if i cant live up to others standards and arent the perfect christian to others

i need God for me ...to relieve me ...to help me....i stand in need of Him

not my brother or my sister but me ...please pray for me..

i love God but i feel like im in a battle....i guess because i am...

how can a person be saved yet feel so lost and confused and miserable


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Melissa, three immediate thoughts come to mind. First and foremost GOD LOVES YOU more that you could ever know or realize. He knows your anguish and is right by your side. Jesus tells us (very clearly) in Matthew 11:29-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." He (Jesus) wants your burden(s), lay them upon Him and lastly He tells us in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Your posting can lead to your testimony of God's promise of everlasting salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.

A Brother in Christ,


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Melissa, three immediate thoughts come to mind. First and foremost GOD LOVES YOU more that you could ever know or realize. He knows your anguish and is right by your side. Jesus tells us (very clearly) in Matthew 11:29-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." He (Jesus) wants your burden(s), lay them upon Him and lastly He tells us in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Your posting can lead to your testimony of God's promise of everlasting salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.

A Brother in Christ,


Amen. Press into God and give him all your worries.

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Guest valente

I too have a broken heart, that is: in this world. And I confess, it is Christ Jesus who became like the glue now wholy holding it together. I thank the Lord who is also there for you all, that you may just trust him with all your heart pieces for help.

Yea, He is Christ who gives us understanding and strength, whereby we can do all things in true love.

Understanding so true, so wise, so great, such that men already have no excuse. If we want carnal lust above love so badly, God won't stop us because we ought to know better.

Ro 1:17 For by it the righteousness which cometh of <|that is of value before|> God is opened, from faith to faith. As it is written: The just shall live by faith. <|The just shall live by his faith|>

Ro 1:18 For the wrath of God of heaven appeareth <wrath of God appeareth from heaven> against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men which withhold the truth <|truth of God|> in unrighteousness,

Ro 1:19 seeing that that, which <what> may be known of God, <[that same]> is manifest among them. For God did shew it unto them.

Ro 1:20 For <So that> his invisible things (that is to say, his eternal power and godhead) are understood and seen, by the works from the creation of the world. So that they are without excuse,

Ro 1:21 inasmuch as when they knew God, they glorified <|praised|> him not as God, neither were thankful, but waxed full of vanities in their imaginations. And their foolish hearts were blinded.

Ro 1:22 When they counted themselves wise, they became fools

Ro 1:23 and turned the glory of the immortal God, unto the similitude of the image of mortal man, and of birds, and four footed beasts and <[of]> serpents.

Ro 1:24 For this cause <Wherefore> God <[like wise]> gave them up unto their hearts' lusts, unto uncleanness to defile their own bodies between themselves:

Ro 1:25 which turned his truth unto a lie, and worshipped and served the creatures more than the maker, which is blessed forever Amen.

Ro 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto shameful lusts. For even their women did change the natural use unto the unnatural.

Ro 1:27 And likewise also the men left the natural use of the woman, and brent in <[their]> lust <lusts> one on another among themselves. And man with man wrought filthiness, and received in themselves the reward of their error as it was according.

Ro 1:28 And as it seemed not good unto them to be aknown of <|they regarded not to know|> God, even so God delivered them up unto a lewd mind, that they should do those things which were not comely,

Ro 1:29 being full of all unrighteous doing, of fornication, <|whoredom|> wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, <|strife|> deceit, evil conditioned whisperers,

Ro 1:30 backbiters, haters <|despisers|> of God, doers of wrong, proud, boasters, <bosters> bringers up of evil things, disobedient to fathers and mothers, <|their elders|>

Ro 1:31 without understanding, covenant breakers, unloving, stubborn <truce breakers> and merciless. <|unmercifull|>

Ro 1:32 Which men, though they knew the righteousness of God, ([considered not]) how that they which such things commit are worthy of death, yet not only ([they that]) do the same, but also ([they which]) had <have> pleasure in them that did <do> them.

The early congregations also suffered of such things. Although we understand they overcame them through the blood of Jesu Christ who has overcome .. even death and the world. If a person truly loves the other, he/she will not do anything that may hurt the other person, (or put a lover in any type of danger; physical or spiritual) .. otherwise it is hypocritical, and no love at all.

And if whomever does not repent and amend their self, you are not to bear a burdensome yoke with them.

I learned that from:

2Co 6:13 I speak unto you as unto children, which <|that|> have like reward with us: <I promise you like reward with me, as to my children.>

2Co 6:14 Stretch yourselves therefore out; bear not the yoke with the unbelievers. <Set your selves therefore at large, and bear not a strangers yoke with the unbelievers> For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What company hath light with darkness?

2Co 6:15 What concord hath <|How agreeth|> Christ with beliall? Either <|Or|> what part hath he that believeth <|the believer|> with an infidel?

2Co 6:16 how agreeth <|accordeth|> the temple of God with images? And ye are the temple of the living God, as said God: I will dwell among them, and walk among them, and will be their God: and they shall be my people.

2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and separate yourselves (saith the Lord) and touch none unclean thing: so will I receive you,

2Co 6:18 and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be unto me sons and daughters, saith the Lord almighty.

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Guest valente

I too have a broken heart, that is: in this world. And I confess, it is Christ Jesus who became like the glue now wholy holding it together. I thank the Lord who is also there for you all, that you may just trust him with all your heart pieces for help.

Yea, He is Christ who gives us understanding and strength, whereby we can do all things in true love.

Understanding so true, so wise, so great, such that men already have no excuse. If we want carnal lust above love so badly, God won't stop us because we ought to know better.

Ro 1:17 For by it the righteousness which cometh of <|that is of value before|> God is opened, from faith to faith. As it is written: The just shall live by faith. <|The just shall live by his faith|>

Ro 1:18 For the wrath of God of heaven appeareth <wrath of God appeareth from heaven> against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men which withhold the truth <|truth of God|> in unrighteousness,

Ro 1:19 seeing that that, which <what> may be known of God, <[that same]> is manifest among them. For God did shew it unto them.

Ro 1:20 For <So that> his invisible things (that is to say, his eternal power and godhead) are understood and seen, by the works from the creation of the world. So that they are without excuse,

Ro 1:21 inasmuch as when they knew God, they glorified <|praised|> him not as God, neither were thankful, but waxed full of vanities in their imaginations. And their foolish hearts were blinded.

Ro 1:22 When they counted themselves wise, they became fools

Ro 1:23 and turned the glory of the immortal God, unto the similitude of the image of mortal man, and of birds, and four footed beasts and <[of]> serpents.

Ro 1:24 For this cause <Wherefore> God <[like wise]> gave them up unto their hearts' lusts, unto uncleanness to defile their own bodies between themselves:

Ro 1:25 which turned his truth unto a lie, and worshipped and served the creatures more than the maker, which is blessed forever Amen.

Ro 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto shameful lusts. For even their women did change the natural use unto the unnatural.

Ro 1:27 And likewise also the men left the natural use of the woman, and brent in <[their]> lust <lusts> one on another among themselves. And man with man wrought filthiness, and received in themselves the reward of their error as it was according.

Ro 1:28 And as it seemed not good unto them to be aknown of <|they regarded not to know|> God, even so God delivered them up unto a lewd mind, that they should do those things which were not comely,

Ro 1:29 being full of all unrighteous doing, of fornication, <|whoredom|> wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, <|strife|> deceit, evil conditioned whisperers,

Ro 1:30 backbiters, haters <|despisers|> of God, doers of wrong, proud, boasters, <bosters> bringers up of evil things, disobedient to fathers and mothers, <|their elders|>

Ro 1:31 without understanding, covenant breakers, unloving, stubborn <truce breakers> and merciless. <|unmercifull|>

Ro 1:32 Which men, though they knew the righteousness of God, ([considered not]) how that they which such things commit are worthy of death, yet not only ([they that]) do the same, but also ([they which]) had <have> pleasure in them that did <do> them.

The early congregations also suffered of such things. Although we understand they overcame them through the blood of Jesu Christ who has overcome .. even death and the world. If a person truly loves the other, he/she will not do anything that may hurt the other person, (or put a lover in any type of danger; physical or spiritual) .. otherwise it is hypocritical, and no love at all.

And if whomever does not repent and amend their self, you are not to bear a burdensome yoke with them.

I learned that from:

2Co 6:13 I speak unto you as unto children, which <|that|> have like reward with us: <I promise you like reward with me, as to my children.>

2Co 6:14 Stretch yourselves therefore out; bear not the yoke with the unbelievers. <Set your selves therefore at large, and bear not a strangers yoke with the unbelievers> For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What company hath light with darkness?

2Co 6:15 What concord hath <|How agreeth|> Christ with beliall? Either <|Or|> what part hath he that believeth <|the believer|> with an infidel?

2Co 6:16 how agreeth <|accordeth|> the temple of God with images? And ye are the temple of the living God, as said God: I will dwell among them, and walk among them, and will be their God: and they shall be my people.

2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and separate yourselves (saith the Lord) and touch none unclean thing: so will I receive you,

2Co 6:18 and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be unto me sons and daughters, saith the Lord almighty.

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I pray that you can let God become your First Love and that if you cannot ask God to bless it , don't do it. Let Him lead you, follow Him, daily read the Word of God ,all we need to know is in the Bible to learn from and to be encouraged in church and seek female believers, not a married man , and surrender for His design on your life and if we keep seeking Him first, uconditionally, He will bless that, after all that is how He loves us, with all His heart. Fellowship with believers who are living the Christian life for encouragement for you.

Every morning His promisses are new. You can be new in Him and see yourself and life as HE does and have Godly love , in all your relationships that are what He wants in your life ,if you let Him lead you in them and away from what is not of Him.

God answers prayer, but we have to surrender, repent and give our entire selves to God in Christ and let Him lead the way. Prayer is to aline ourselves to God and see Him work, let HIm work, HIs Ways,not to do our ways. Always seeking the Giver ,not the gifts alone .

In the end, GOd is our eternal reward and it is God and God alone that is all in all and all that matters!

If we seek first the kingdom of God he will bless us with what we need.

Take care,


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i was with my first husband 26 yrs. he was an abuser to not only me,but our 3 children,after 15 yrs i got the guts up to leave him,he got custody of our children,why? because he had money for a lawyer and i had legal aid,his lawyer and the judge was best friends,anyway to take most the abuse from the kids. i lived with him until my youngest son was 17 and we left and never looked back,i have always went to church although i didn't always live right..i tryed to beg God to change him,i would tell every one that would tell me with my bruised face to leave him.that if God could change Paul's life he could change my ex's. when i finally let go and told God it was in his hands,i was too tired to try anymore my life changed. i was no longer holding on with my fingers and telling God i'm giving to you.

my children are not healed from the scars but i am.

what is a scar? it is a wound that is healed.there is no fine print in the bible that says we will not go through bad times.it does tell you that our wounds will be healed.it makes us stronger and helps to realize our faith must be placed in Jesus CHrist and what he did at that cross, he did so much more than die for our sins, the bible says by HIS stripes we are healed,not our own works.

did the disciples or paul have it easy?,no indeed,they suffered greatly for the cause of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

i'll tell you what i did,i took a year and didn't date anyone,i read my bible,and stayed home and listened to praise and worship music.i then told God he could guide me in what i should do.i placed an ad on yahoo personal just to meet christan friends to date.i didn't date anyone from miles away,it was people in my area that we could go drink coffee with and talk about Jesus,believe me there are still doozys out there,one day a guy instant messenged me he had read my ad and wanted to chat,he said he wasn't a christian,just wanted to chat,well we chated for 2 weeks then we meet at a resturant and he told me he had heard of Jesus but didn't know him. i can't explain what i felt but it was like the Holy Spirit telling me to just listen,that man is now my husband of 5 yrs and he gave his life to Christ,he is my soulmate,it took me a while to completly trust him,i had nightmares,for a long time,he'd just hold me when i woke up screaming.

amnyway i know i got long winded but it's my chance to show you God can and will change things if you put your trust in Him.

much praying


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Melissa...... The obvious thing that screams at me throughout your entire post is that you are trying to find fullfilment and validation in everything BUT the Lord. Neither your gay friend, nor alcohol, nor your married friend can EVER give you fulfillment. They will always 100% of the time disappoint you and leave you feeling worse! It's like the verse in the bible that talks about the dog that returns to it's vomit.

Sister, I implore you to step away from those things. 1.This gay friend seems to know when to come around to use you. It seems satan is using him to confuse you and fill your mind with him. None of that is from the Lord. He is not the author of confusion 2.RUN from that married man. He should never have befriended you, a member of the opposite sex. He is commiting emotional adultry against his wife. He should be seeking guy friends not a single girl. It doesn't really even matter that he is "trying to help you". God would never use a married man to help you no matter what the problem is. Sadly, without you maybe even knowing it, you are adding to his emotional adultry by staying friends with him. and finally, #3.I'm sure you know that too much alcohol can only intensify every issue you have, and can lead to confusion and depression... all of that due to the sin of excess.

Dearest sister... please please step away from all of those 3 things and find your validation, and you value in the Lord. HE can fulfill you. He is the ONLY one that loves you without any strings attatched. I don't think you can do this alone. It would be a really good idea for you to seek counsel from a pastor, and find a women's bible study or support group in your town to help guide you to a healthy relationship with the Lord!

My heart aches for you, Melissa. I have been through some difficult times in the past because I sought fulfillment in everything BUT the Lord. I'm on the other side of that now, and can more clearly see my stupidity.

I pray that you take all of these thoughts to heart, and begin the process that will bring you true health in the Lord.

God bless,


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i feel God let me know that i needed to forgive...i thought i had forgiven ...im nice to him...but deep down the pain still i used to think God was angry at me for something i did or said...or for one of my many sins and shortcomings....

i used to think He wasnt listening or hearing me...

but then He would always answer me to let me know He was....


There's a war between the spirit and the flesh. You already know that. You'll need to yield to the Lord and surrender the flesh...but this does take time. It's a process.

It sounds like you already have some Christian friends who are encouraging you to cut ties with this man. I agree with this advice.

It is right to forgive and God will help you. Ask Him to help you to forgive. He knows your heart and will always help you. Healing often takes time and is a process.

RE: This "man" in your life:

A man who's gay isn't interested in a heterosexual relationship (which you already know). I'm assuming that this attachment is based on some physical attraction you have for him.

Hon, you will age and grow old eventually; so will he. Physical attraction will become less and less important as you mature. Bodies age and die. All that matters is what is eternal. Focus on that.

God WILL send you people to become a family to you...people to love and provide companionship.

This other relationship sounds very unhealthy... (based on what you've said) . There's the implication of exploitation and a man playing on your emotions. God doesn't want this for you...He wants the very BEST for you.

This isn't God's best.

Please shift your focus from transitory, temporal things...like physical attraction, to things which are permanent and eternal.

God knows your needs. Seek first the Kingdom and it's righteousness and ALL things will be added to you...!

Ask God to get you PAST these emotions. They're not healthy. You're miserable and your focus isn't on the Lord but rather on a man you cannot have.

Melissa, sometimes wanting is more satisfying than having... even if you got what you wanted and the guy fell madly in love .... you'd find yourself scratching your head :) wondering, "What did I see in this guy?"

Being in hot pursuit of someone can often end up with the 'pursuer' losing total interst once he/she has what they set out to acquire.

Why? Because it's not founded on pure and godly motives. God didn't arrange this. This is motivated by your fleshly (human) nature.

Time to turn loose and mean it! Not just words but real action (verbs). Let GO! Instead, let Jesus fulfill you. In time, when you've made Him Lord of your life, He will give you your heart's desire. ...... But He must become Lord of your life first...

Right now, you're not ready.

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hi melissa,

i know the Lord loves you very much. i think you should leave both men alone

read your bible and pray that God will show you his will in your life, sometimes

as humans we like to do things our way. but God knows the desires of your heart

so he knows what kind of mate you need. that man has his heart after God

place it in Gods hands and let him heal you. you seem like you have a tender

spirit. its hard sometimes to let someone else take the reins and lead. but know that God is there and willing to lead if you let him. may God bless you always

remember let go and let God.

in Christ,


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