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Homosexuality- how bad is it...


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Homosexuality is a hot topic these days since it seems to be forced in our faces everywhere we turn. Homosexuality is clearly a sin and every crediable Christian denomination, but also Muslims, Hindus, Jews, also view it as a sin. The reason so many people (mostly young people) are confused on this matter is because our society not only embraces homosexuality behavior, but wants to put it on the same level as heterosexual realtionships. Watch any t.v. sitcom and there will be a homosexual cast member. He or she is always portrayed in a positive light. They will either be really funny, nice, or they will be an innocent victim. So all these teenagers are growing up saying, hey whats wrong with homosexuality? They don't ever show the true face of homosexuality and its many victims. My wifes uncle died of Aids in 1988. Before he died he came back to the Church and put Jesus Christ front and center in his life. This is alway easy to do when ones knows they are about to die. He spoke openly about how horrible the homosexual lifestyle was. He talked of having several hundred sex partners in a year. He talked about the underground homosexual groups and how disfunctional they were.

I know that many Fundamentalist say that homosexuality is a choice. I have taught school and seen young boys who showed very femine tendencies who eventually grew up to open homosexuals. I think some boys have this tendency, but this shouldn't be acted on. Just like some people have a tendency to be alcholics, they shouldn't say, hey I have this tendency so I am going to act on it. Some women have a tendency to be very promiscuses with several men, they crave sex, but they can't act on this or it is a sin.

Where some people say that all homosexuals can be converted into heterosexuals, I say they can't. If they can then great, but for the ones that can't, they need to live a celibate life.

One more comment on this matter, the first post on this thread talked of all sins being equal in severity. This is not correct and even St. Paul talks of deadly sins and sins that aren't deadly. This of course makes logical sense. If I talk bad about a person that is a sin, but if I kill a person that of course is a much more severe sin and will be judge on a greater level.

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Hey Ink Spot take a look at ISAIAH 1. 18 and you will find your not a spot no more

but also consider this as well 2 PETER 3. 11 - 14

INK you have my brotherly love but I also want to say that by your resisting the flesh you show God how much you really love him.

may God give you victory in what ever satan throughs in your path

Peace Brother :24::24::24:

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Your views don't need to develop any further than the following verses:

1 Corinthians 6:

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Leviticus 18:22

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

I guess I should have gone with my gut and written the sidenote in my post as "please don't quote verses because I already know them"

The truth is, sexual orientation isn't really something a person can choose. I must take this into consideration as I read those verses.

Hi h_b,

Why do you think that, "The truth is, sexual orientation isn't really something a person can choose?" You say you know the verses. All sin is a choice.

1Co 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].

Jas 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

If someone really does not want to sin in sodomy they can be freed by turning to Jesus Christ.


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here we go again.... Why does every one who sins come on this board to try to justify their sinful lifestyle. If two men or two women want to shack up ..go for it, but be prepared to suffer the consequences. Hebrews beauty says...dont quote scripture because she knows it all. well if you do HB why ask stupid questions. The bible has all the answers beides christian and non christian dating.

Seems like you like to play on both teams.


Here WE go again.....someone has an honest question in mind and some people get their claws out and go in swinging. Heaven forbid we ever lovingingly answer an honest question instead of condemning the question as stupid, making accusations about justifying a lifestyle, and threats about consequences.

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To be CHRIST-like is to love the sinners,but there are Christian groups or churches that embrace their sinful acts...look at the Episcopal church that elected an openly gay minister awhile back.Even the Methodist church just defocked an openly gay woman minister.They knew she was gay when they elected her.The problem is that these churches arent helping,they are hurting the truth.Instead of telling people that what they are doing is wrong,they are giving the impression it is ok.Love the sinner yes,but tell them,in love,the consequences of their sins.It's not our judgement but the Word of GOD judges their actions.JESUS did tell those people....go and sin no more.

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here we go again.... Why does every one who sins come on this board to try to justify their sinful lifestyle. If two men or two women want to shack up ..go for it, but be prepared to suffer the consequences. Hebrews beauty says...dont quote scripture because she knows it all. well if you do HB why ask stupid questions. The bible has all the answers beides christian and non christian dating.

Seems like you like to play on both teams.


Here WE go again.....someone has an honest question in mind and some people get their claws out and go in swinging. Heaven forbid we ever lovingingly answer an honest question instead of condemning the question as stupid, making accusations about justifying a lifestyle, and threats about consequences.

I think it is good to have truthful discussion on this matter, and I respect people who ask honest questions. As Christians we are callled to love every person like Jesus loves the Church. However we are not called to love the sin. Jesus made it very clear in scripture that he hated sin, but loved the sinners. If a homosexual is open to an honest discussion on this matter, than as Christians we are called to help them in a charitable manner. Not condem them to hell. But likewise we can't sit back and look past their lifestyle and tell them that it is o.k. to live in sin. If a person truely loves an openly homosexual they will try to get them to trun away from that lifestyle so that they can have eternal salvation.

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To the OP:

HIghly agree. Homosexuality is a sin and we, as Christians, do need to take a stance agains it...but we also need to be open to homosexuals so we can share the Gospel. This does not mean coddle them, it jsut means be loving. Very good point.

As per homosexuality being entrenched:

This is a Darwinian view of man and genetics. This believes that men are predestined to be a certain way, that it's in our genes. The ASA also has had some of it's top teachers say that rape, murder, and infantcide are all part of genetics. A man raping a woman is just a genetic way to make sure his genes continue on.

I say all that to say that using evidence from the ASA or saying homosexuals are pre-programmed to be homosexuals is to take a Darwinian...not Biblical...view of men.

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Here WE go again.....someone has an honest question in mind and some people get their claws out and go in swinging. Heaven forbid we ever lovingingly answer an honest question instead of condemning the question as stupid, making accusations about justifying a lifestyle, and threats about consequences

No one has their claws out and no one is going in swinging. When a question is asked, should we answer with the truth, or water the gospel down to save hurting someone's feelings.

Pepole have been told over and over again, on this board, that if they want to give up their habit, that Jesus and repentance is the only way it's going to happen. There's a time to use soft soap and there's a time to use sand soap. If you don't like the answer you know you will get, don't ask the question in the first place.

Time is running out. so take the advive of mature born again christians and if you have a tendency toward toward homosexuality, get out before it's too late. That's what Christ would tell you.

The stupid people are the one's who say, don't quote scripture, because they already know it........... Would such a person dive into a swimming pool if they knew it was empty?


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Homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin. It is indeed a sin however and considered so bad that it required the death penalty under the judicial laws of OT Israel.

I agree many Christians hypocritically deal with homosexuals with condemnation instead of the Gospel. On the other hand some very liberal churches are now embracing homosexuality no longer calling it a sin even to the point of ordaining homosexual pastors which is indeed a travesty.

Its hard to find the middle ground but it seems no church can tolerate members openly and unrepentantly involved in sinful sexual behavior whether it be something like adultery, sex outside of marriage between men and women and homosexuality.

Like all sin, the sin of homosexuality requires repentance and confession. I can certainly understand a true believer who still struggles with this sin. However we do not condone sin but confess it.

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Here WE go again.....someone has an honest question in mind and some people get their claws out and go in swinging. Heaven forbid we ever lovingingly answer an honest question instead of condemning the question as stupid, making accusations about justifying a lifestyle, and threats about consequences

No one has their claws out and no one is going in swinging. When a question is asked, should we answer with the truth, or water the gospel down to save hurting someone's feelings.

Pepole have been told over and over again, on this board, that if they want to give up their habit, that Jesus and repentance is the only way it's going to happen. There's a time to use soft soap and there's a time to use sand soap. If you don't like the answer you know you will get, don't ask the question in the first place.

Time is running out. so take the advive of mature born again christians and if you have a tendency toward toward homosexuality, get out before it's too late. That's what Christ would tell you.

The stupid people are the one's who say, don't quote scripture, because they already know it........... Would such a person dive into a swimming pool if they knew it was empty?


We it is true that some homosexuals have heard the scripture, scripture is not going to change them. They can be told over and over again that it isn't a good thing but until God speaks to them until God tells them Himself they will not understand. If I had ANY idea what I was getting into before I got into before I got sucked into homosexuality and I understood what God was trying to tell me I would have never ever gotten into it.

You see, I was told for years about how it was a sin and how I was ruining myself. Told for years about how empty I would be but that pushed me in the other direction from God. When I heard about how much God hated people like me I ran to the only thing that seemed to comfort me, homosexuality, becuase I was never told about how God could change me, all I ever heard about was how bad I was and how perverted I was. I was never shown the love that only He could offer, all that was hidden in Christians who, athough at the time I thought they were just trying to destroy me, only wanted to help me but instead made me seem like I was hopeless, that God didn't want me any more.

Basically what I am trying to say is, yes it is a sin, yes it drags people down to the one of the most darkest part of this earth but until they are shown that, no God hasn't forgotten them and that they can find some thing SomeOne who is so much more deep, so much more, more ,just indescribible. They will continue to turn to homosexuality beuase that's the only thing that takes away the pain if only for a little while even if it is for a great cost. Until we show them a glimpse of the love He can give them, they won't understand.

Also, I beleive that people aren't born this way, they aren't born with tendencies like this, rather their past gives them these tendencies and while yes, they can remain unacted upon to a point, such as not having a partner but I don't think it can be totally left alone. It's difficult when your thoughts are constanty invaded by these homosexual thoughts, when you get feelings that seem to be in the forefont of your mind. Nothing can get them out of your head, think of it like, when you married your husband/wife or had your first boyfreind/girlfreind, think of how much you thought of them. It's like that except it's for someone who is the same sex as you. That's why God needs to do the changing. The picture that gets painted for homosexuals is that they can only be accepted by God until AFTER they get rid of this, whether that is intentional or not that is what most of the people (and I) felt/feel. But that is impossible becuase God needs to do the changing no one else can do it, so they need to be invited in as sinners and although it takes time (alot of time) God will and can change them.

Wel, it feels as if I am rambling now, I guess I could have just said that I agree with ink, but I didn't think that would quite get my point across.

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