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Pre mid or post trib?

Will Hill

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Will Hill,

Why wouldn't Christians want to be here during the Anti-Christs(Satan's) tribulation?

Rapture is a false doctrine that the Anti-Christ will use to convince people (that have gone to church their entire life but not studied GOD's Word) to follow him, that he is Jesus Christ. He will say follow me and you will be raptured out of here.

Here's a little lesson on the truth: (Please get your Bible out.)

Have you ever read Matt 10:16-23,Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21? These are Jesus' teachings on what we are to do when the Anti Christ comes right before Jesus returns. The anti-christ will come claming to be Jesus Christ. Standing in the holy place claiming to be GOD.

Anti in greek = against or instead of (See your Strongs Concordance)

First of all please read Exekial 28 to get to know Satan called here, the King of Tyre. Also read Daniel chapter 9 AND 11 to learn more of his reign as Ant-Christ.In Rev 9:4 God instructs Satan that they can only touch the hairs on the heads of the people that do not have the seal of GOD. Also Rev 9:10 the time has been shortened to 5 months. Do you know the seals Mark 13, Rev 6? If you know the truth, when all the so called Christian church goers that haven't studied GOD's Word with understanding ( they listened to fake pastors who did not feed their flock, who begged for money and spoke one verse a week out of GOD's word and spent the rest of the time speaking their own mind.( Jer 17:5-8)) They will follow him-Satan thinking he is Jesus Christ. That is why in Mark 13 and Matt 24 and Matt 10:21,22:your own family will turn you in. They will believe that we won't worship their Christ and out of love, they will present us to Anti-Christ-Satan. That is why Jesus tells us that those who endure to the end will be saved. We have the gospel armor (Ephesians 6). Get it on! IN Rev19:13- please read surrounding verses too-discussing the true Christ's return"Andhe was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God". Also read Rev 1: 16 paraphrasing: the word is a two edged sword( that cuts both ways).

We who have the seal of GOD know that Satan comes as Anti-Christ at the 6th seal, 6th trump, 6th vial-666 of Rev13:18. We will not take the mark (Rev 13:16,17). We will be delivered up to the Synagogues and we will let the Holy Spirit speak through us.

This all happens when we are in the Flesh body. When the true Christ comes, those still alive will be changed to spiritual bodies(1 Cor 15:52). Our True Christ comes at the 7th trump so please don't be deceived.

Next, Please read Ezekial 13.. GOD is against those who teach his children to fly to save their souls. Don't worry:1 Peter 4:17 Judgement begins at the household of GOD. These false pastors will get theirs for misleading GOD's people. Check out everything these so called Pastors say in your Bible. In Jeremiah, God discusses these fake pastors.Make them document in GOD's word what they teach you. Remember Matt 4? Satan in his attempts to tempt Jesus twisted scripture in his talks to Jesus. Satan's evil spirit works best from the pulpit.

From what I understand,the Rapture or The Any Moment doctrine/theory was started in 1830 by 2 preachers that were with a sick little lady named Margaret McDonald. She felt her dream was evil. The 2 preachers took it and ran with it,trying to use 1 Thess 4 for documentation. Which makes no sense because of the subject in vs.13.

Please don't be deceived. We were created for GOD's pleasure- Rev 4:11. Do you please GOD your Father? Read his word with ubderstanding. Get out your KJV Bible along with your Strong's concordance and study!

In his service,

Blessed1195 :laugh:

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In 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says:

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In 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says:
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Will Hill,

Why wouldn't Christians want to be here during the Anti-Christs(Satan's) tribulation?

Rapture is a false doctrine that the Anti-Christ will use to convince people (that have gone to church their entire life but not studied GOD's Word) to follow him, that he is Jesus Christ. He will say follow me and you will be raptured out of here.

Here's a little lesson on the truth: (Please get your Bible out.)

Have you ever read Matt 10:16-23,Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21? These are Jesus' teachings on what we are to do when the Anti Christ comes right before Jesus returns. The anti-christ will come claming to be Jesus Christ. Standing in the holy place claiming to be GOD.

Anti in greek = against or instead of (See your Strongs Concordance)

First of all please read Exekial 28 to get to know Satan called here, the King of Tyre. Also read Daniel chapter 9 AND 11 to learn more of his reign as Ant-Christ.In Rev 9:4 God instructs Satan that they can only touch the hairs on the heads of the people that do not have the seal of GOD. Also Rev 9:10 the time has been shortened to 5 months. Do you know the seals Mark 13, Rev 6? If you know the truth, when all the so called Christian church goers that haven't studied GOD's Word with understanding ( they listened to fake pastors who did not feed their flock, who begged for money and spoke one verse a week out of GOD's word and spent the rest of the time speaking their own mind.( Jer 17:5-8)) They will follow him-Satan thinking he is Jesus Christ. That is why in Mark 13 and Matt 24 and Matt 10:21,22:your own family will turn you in. They will believe that we won't worship their Christ and out of love, they will present us to Anti-Christ-Satan. That is why Jesus tells us that those who endure to the end will be saved. We have the gospel armor (Ephesians 6). Get it on! IN Rev19:13- please read surrounding verses too-discussing the true Christ's return"Andhe was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God". Also read Rev 1: 16 paraphrasing: the word is a two edged sword( that cuts both ways).

We who have the seal of GOD know that Satan comes as Anti-Christ at the 6th seal, 6th trump, 6th vial-666 of Rev13:18. We will not take the mark (Rev 13:16,17). We will be delivered up to the Synagogues and we will let the Holy Spirit speak through us.

This all happens when we are in the Flesh body. When the true Christ comes, those still alive will be changed to spiritual bodies(1 Cor 15:52). Our True Christ comes at the 7th trump so please don't be deceived.

Next, Please read Ezekial 13.. GOD is against those who teach his children to fly to save their souls. Don't worry:1 Peter 4:17 Judgement begins at the household of GOD. These false pastors will get theirs for misleading GOD's people. Check out everything these so called Pastors say in your Bible. In Jeremiah, God discusses these fake pastors.Make them document in GOD's word what they teach you. Remember Matt 4? Satan in his attempts to tempt Jesus twisted scripture in his talks to Jesus. Satan's evil spirit works best from the pulpit.

From what I understand,the Rapture or The Any Moment doctrine/theory was started in 1830 by 2 preachers that were with a sick little lady named Margaret McDonald. She felt her dream was evil. The 2 preachers took it and ran with it,trying to use 1 Thess 4 for documentation. Which makes no sense because of the subject in vs.13.

Please don't be deceived. We were created for GOD's pleasure- Rev 4:11. Do you please GOD your Father? Read his word with ubderstanding. Get out your KJV Bible along with your Strong's concordance and study!

In his service,

Blessed1195 :noidea:

Man, I just love your message. You are so right and there are millions of Christians who are deceived by this escape theology of a pre-trib "rapture". Please permit me to correct you. Margaret MacDonald, sister of James and George MacDonald of Port Glasgow, had been sick and bed ridden for about 18 months during which time she claimed to have had a series of vision of the coming of the Lord. As she had these visions she wrote them down and sometime during March and April 1830 she sent a copy of these visions to a man named Edward Irving who pastored a Presbyterian church in London. About a month later Edward Irving claimed that Margaret's letter had a huge impact on him. From that point in time the per-trib concept has developed. But in Margaret's letter she said a lot that was contrary to scripture including misquating the parable about the ten vigins and talking about a secret rapture which is not spoken of anywhere in the bible.

Believe it or I have a copy of her letter. I got it from a website call name, I think "Last Trump.com"

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In 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says:

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Might want to do a little more research because a pre-tribulation rapture was taught much, much earlier than 1830.

Indeed. Ephraim the Syrian said, in 373 AD, "For all the saints and the Elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins."

Good link: http://www.his-forever.com/shout_heard_around_the_world.htm

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Indeed. Ephraim the Syrian said, in 373 AD,

2 Timothy 3:16

(16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

I do not look outside the Bible to find what is contained within. The Lord made that guideline perfectly clear to us.

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Then I certainly hope you don't use any commentaries or other study aids.

Zing! LOL :24:

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2 Timothy 3:16

(16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

I do not look outside the Bible to find what is contained within. The Lord made that guideline perfectly clear to us.

Then I certainly hope you don't use any commentaries or other study aids.

Commentaries are "interpretations" in which a man (or woman) expresses their opinions or points of view on scripture, since these commentaries quite often differ, one can not possible consider them "infallible" (as God's Word is). More often than not they pollute believers minds with non- biblical facts that sound logical but are instead false teachings. One merely needs to read enough of them until they find someone who agrees with their concept and then they consider that to be"anointed" teaching.

Safer, and more accurate, consistent Truth is found through diligent study of the "Bible", and the comparison of Hebrew Lexicons, Greek Lexicons, Biblical dictionaries and the Strongs concordance. All of which impart "definition and information" ...not "opinion".

Acts 17:11

(11) These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,

and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Hmmm, doesn't say anything about search man's knowledge or opinion in the "commentaries daily" for the Truth? :emot-highfive:

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In 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says:

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