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DON'T Be Intimidated!


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Have YOU ever been intimidated by someone's "religious" beliefs because they seemed to have or know "something" YOU didn't???

I'm serious...all of us have felt this way at one time or another.  I've found that many Christians today are intimidated by good-looking, good-sounding, and even fascinating FALSE TEACHINGS or experiences.  Please keep this in mind, JESUS is all we need, and when we don't understand that we can be easily influenced by FALSE TEACHINGS.

An interesting portion of Scripture is found in Colossians 2:16-23.  After making it clear that CHRIST is all we need, the Apostle Paul attacks the heresies and false teachings of his generation.  Let me let YOU in on a little secret.....they are STILL with us today.  Let's set the scene:  The "Gnostics" were intimidating the Colossians Believers.  Paul hit some solid points I'd like to drive home.

FIRST, don't ever be intimidated by LEGALISM.  The Colossians were being intimidated by legalism regarding diet.  False teachers were evidently saying that the way to "spiritual fullness" was to obey the dietary laws of the Old Testament (Leviticus 11:2-20).  There were health reasons for those particular laws.  I won't expound on that here.  Also, spiritual principles were taught in the distinctions of foods being clean or unclean.  Follow me here....the dietary laws were therefore designed for good health AND to stimulate one's conscience in everyday life.

When JESUS CHRIST came, the spiritual truths and principles taught in the Mosaic dietary laws were fulfilled and thus the laws and ceremonies were abolished.  In CHRIST everything we needed to know about purity was revealed.  The Bible teaches we should take care of our bodies, eating healthy food and staying away from too much of the bad stuff.  However, we are NOT to judge anyone's standing before GOD based on their diet!  The same is true regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths (Colossians 2:16).  The festival refers to Jewish feasts, and the new moon to the monthly Jewish celebrations following the lunar calendar.  The sabbaths refer to the weekly observance of the sabbath, from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday.

The reason Christians don't need to observe these things is that they were ONLY a "shadow of things to come, but the substance is of CHRIST" (Colossians 2:17).  Not to play with anyone's intelligence, but a "shadow" is something that is a temporary, vague representation of the real, permanent thing.  The "shadow" should not be confused with the substance.  To cling to the prophetic shadow of CHRIST is to take away FROM the spiritual reality of HIS completeness.  Legalism is very appealing to our human nature because we thrive on "religious duties".  That's a fact many Christians won't admit, however, the fact that they won't doesn't change the truth of what it is.  Practicing religious rules/regulations INFLATES our spiritual egos and makes us self-righteous.

This is what I've found to be one of the major reasons why ALL legalistic people are arrogant AND judgemental.  In my walk I've found many Christians today ARE STILL being intimidated by legalism.  There are those who tell us we must add something to CHRIST to be saved or to "experience" spiritual fullness.  Truth is spirituality IS NOT a matter of external "do's and don'ts"; it is an INTERNAL RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.  Don't let anyone fool you!

SECOND...don't ever be intimidated by MYSTICISM.  This is the teaching that "doctrines or messages" from GOD can be received through meditation, or some special medium, such as visions, spiritual messengers, "voices" from heaven, etc.  It is teaching based on some personal, subjective experience.  It also involves the "mysterious", which is appealing to the flesh.  MYSTICS attempt to lead people astray with false/bogus humility and WORSHIP OF ANGELS.  They love to act humble.  Often during meditation, prayers, or even ordinary times, they are "visited" by spiritual messengers, such as "angels" who bring them "special messages" from "god".  Basically, mystics are nothing more than spiritual sensationalists.

Read Colossians 2:18 carefully ("intruding into those things which he HAS NOT SEEN").  This means they go into detail about their spiritual visions/visitations.  The modern day mystics HAVE NOT changed their methods.  They have "special experiences", visions, or revelations from "god" that no one else hears or witnesses.  Mystics are people who say things like, "GOD spoke to me this week about something HE wants me to do for HIM.  In order for me to do it HE told me to ask YOU to give ฮ.00 a month to my ministry".  By doing this they elevate themselves ABOVE others who have "only" the written Word of GOD as a guide.  When someone tells you they have a "message" from GOD, I suggest you always take a lesson from the Bereans.  Follow their method (Acts 17:10-11).  Our FATHER says that a mystic is a person "vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind".  Note the word, "fleshly".  Here is a truth no Christian should ever forget.  The flesh YEARNS for the sensational; the spiritual YEARNS for the relational.  Mystics talk about the SENSATIONAL; spiritual Christians talk about the SAVIOUR.  It's that simple.

Mystics DON'T elevate CHRIST...instead, they elevate experiences, visions and themselves.  Now hear this - Believers DON'T grow spiritually from experiences and visions.  All YOU need is CHRIST.  

ONE MORE THING HERE....don't be intimidated by ASCETICISM!  This is the belief that one can reach a "higher spiritual state" by self-discipline and self-denial.  It is the idea that "true spirituality" comes from depriving oneself.  An ascetic is one who for example, gives up everything and goes to live in a monastery.  Or, they sell everything they own, giving the proceeds to some cult leader, and live in poverty  FOLLOWING the teachings of that "leader".  As Christians we DON'T have to run and hide from the world system.  When we receive JESUS CHRIST as LORD/SAVIOUR we died to the world system and were spiritually resurrected to walk in the newness of life.  We DON'T need man-made regulations or isolation from the world to become spiritual.  Being spiritual IS NOT a matter of denying, but of DOING!  A physical treatment CANNOT heal a spiritual disease.  YOU can't cure heart disease by getting a tooth pulled, and YOU CAN'T achieve spirituality by denying the physical.  Therefore, teachings such as "do not touch, do not taste, do not handle", DO NOT DEVELOP PEOPLE SPIRITUALLY!! (Colossians 2:21)

GOD gave us food to eat, and these things "perish with the using".  In other words when YOU eat food, it is gone!  JESUS said food goes to the stomach, NOT the heart (Mark 7:19).  Ascetics incorrectly teach that spirituality is measured by things you will not do or what you give up (1 Corinthians 10:23).  YOU should take a lesson from what the Bible says in Colossians 2:23.  To paraphase if I may, "All this stuff sounds spiritual, BUT it's really a bunch of phoney baloney.  You CANNOT make yourself spiritual by denying the body."

Let me just say here in closing that I also know some Christians who intimidate other Christians by always talking about what they know/do!!  It may be their quiet time, or leading conferences, Bible studies, or even how studious they are in the Word.  Some even intimidate others by boasting about being around famous Christians.  I would advise those of us who are knowingly or unknowingly in this mindset to "get-a-grip", and remember Hebrews 3:13.  YOU don't need to try to impress.  YOU may be causing someone to stumble WITHOUT truly realizing it.

I've found that when talking about spiritual things, WE Believers do one of two things:  We either reveal the sin of PRIDE by trying to build up OURSELVES to others, OR We show our spirituality by trying to BUILD UP OTHERS in the LORD.  One is SELFISH...the other is SELFLESS.

The most arrogant, intimidating professed Christians I know (or have known) are nothing but fakes.  They are ALWAYS trying to tell YOU what they've experienced, what they've done, etc,etc,ETC.  To me that's just so much "fluff".  The truly spiritual people I know are never intimidating, instead they are INSPIRATIONAL!!:):):)

They ALWAYS inspire me, NOT by what they say, or have done, BUT by what they are...a beautiful vessel with the glow of the HOLY SPIRIT all around them!  A tree load with a variety of delicious fruit that I want to partake of.  A walking river of cool, refreshing "water" who wets down my dry, hot and dusty spirit each time we meet and socialize.

Spiritual fakes ALWAYS intimidate and disgust/turn you off.  Spiritually MATURE Believers ALWAYS INSPIRE.  YOU don't prove yourself by how many arguments you can win or how many people you can put down in order to "prove points" or elevate yourself.  YOU prove how sincere your Christian walk of faith is by remembering that in quietness and confidence...is YOUR strength (Isaiah 30:15).  Thank GOD for HIS knowledge and wisdom.  Unlike ours, HIS is pure.

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Guest GloryaRose


You know...experiences can teach us things...but only if they line up with the Word of God or reveal aspects of the Word of  God to us. We can have espereinces...just shouldnt be ruled by them...I think the same may be true of laws and disciplines... good things when in balance...bad things when they become the central expression of our faith... IF WE STAY FOCUSED ON JESUS ALONE....( THE WORD OF GOD MADE FLESH )...HE will teach us how we need to be...:smile:

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Quote: from GloryaRose on 3:28 am on April 20, 2002


You know...experiences can teach us things...but only if they line up with the Word of God or reveal aspects of the Word of

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Guest GloryaRose

   I am curious to know more about what a Berean is.

I didnt really think you would be upset at me but the "sound" of your post was very stong and adamant... and by the way, that is OK. I was just checking to make sure that I hadnt said anything  that might have been taken wrongly and that there werent any other disagreements going on...or anything in particular that anyone had said here to upset you. Just looking out for you mostly. I was pretty tired when I read your post last night, so if I didnt understand everything completely, forgive me. I will read it again very carefully. I have a feeling we are pretty much on the same wavelength where most things are concerned...we just express things differently...and that is what makes sharing this board with you an experience that opens my eyes to the things of God.

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Quote: from GloryaRose on 1:43 am on April 21, 2002

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Hi Wisdom,

Those words were sure words of wisdom and I hope everybody reads them!!

You are so right ,all what matters is what we do with Jesus!!

He is my all in all and without Him there is no future!!

Your sister in Christ, Angels

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Hi sis!  Welcome back. :)

The Words speak for themselves, don't they?! (Isaiah 55:11)  To HIM goes ALL the Honor and Glory!!

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:thumb: .....Here's one more which I hope will be a blessing to all.  Please don't hesitate to add your thoughts.  We're (Christians) all in this thing together! :exclaimation:

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Hi Wisdom,

Things didn't change since April 24, God is still very important in my life, we go through ups and downs and He's always there, even when I'm not  there for him.

I find it diffecult in the summer when I work, there are lots of Sundays I don't go to church because of my job, and the place where I work  is far from Christian, I have experienced the Lord during my work alot, When I am around  non-christians,He makes me realize that I am the salt of this world and that I'm in the light.

The darkness cannot always comprohend it and that gives strife. (without words)

Well, life is not always easy,but there is a better life coming!!

Love in Christ, Angels

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