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Liberals and conservatives literally think differently, really!

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"Forrest may not, but I will, and I say your statement is total bunk and based on 'religious' folks who wish to force a particular viewpoint on everyone whether it's truly supported by scripture or not (like YOUNG Earth). It's become vogue to put down intellectuals as 'unGodly" despite all the God fearing scientists, educators, etc. Just because it doesn't fit into a narrow view of what "Religion" wants to confine God to. Fortunately real Christianity is much more true"

You, Sir, are invited to provide proof that evoultion follows the scientific method and therefore is science. The thread is under apologetics and the title is "Evolution is not science". What you've said here is the same kind of rhetoric constantly thrown at people like myself. It's almost as though if you continually repeat things like the above, you will convince yourself despite the lack of evidence.

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"They stand for HATE, FEAR, Judgementalism, SELF Righteousness, SELF Piety, SUPERIORITY, Looking DOWN on others, ALL OF WHICH Jesus teaches against. They would rather starve the poor, the elderly, the widow, the orphan than pay taxes. They would rather bet the whole farm on GAY issues and abortion than to SUPPORT the poor. They would rather support low taxes for the rich than helping the undernourished, the underprivileged. They thrive on the rich getting richer while the poor bleed for the rich.

Get real!!! Conservatives are bigots, selfish, hate and fear mongers, trading tradition for truth, trading SELF for God ordained commands, making the word of God of NO EFFECT through their traditions and rituals and SELF Piousness."

This is bull. I can't believe anyone would actually THINK these things, let alone post them on a public message board. So you actually do beleive this???

I have been on all spectrums of the social class. When I was young and naive, I was a liberal. And when in financial difficulty I naively moved into a so-called 'housing project'. It's here where I began to see the wasted money being spent on people who had no inclination to do anything for the REST OF THEIR LIVES but sit back and collect money. I was considered poor but certainly had everything I needed for myself and my daughter and so did all of my neighbours. In a complex with probably 60 units, there were THREE of us trying to better our lives. I will tell you that these people had a different mindset. If they borrowed money, they really didn't see any reason to pay it back to me because I had a car and a job. I had one neighbour talking to a friend who told her she should get pregnant so she didn't have to work. So don't tell me conservatives don't care about the poor. I feel the welfare system is good for people who need it but not on a LIFELONG basis. This is ridiculous. It's not self-righteousness. It's reality. The majority of people on assistance abuse it!

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As well, it was quite common to see mothers continuing to have babies with other men, because that would raise their paycheck. They'd also for whatever reason not name the fathers so that the fathers wouldn't have to pay a dime. It came out of my money and your money.

They didn't care a bit about their homes - only a fraction of us made our little front lawns look nice. They didn't have the courtesy to wait until garbage day to put out their garbage, so there was continuously garbage out front at the pick up place - despite multiple notices not to do so. So, the government would come and clean up the mess every week.

But, they certainly had the money for the latest technical contraptions and for the liquor store and the bar and taxis to the grocery store - all at the first of the month when the paychecks came in.

And this was 20 years ago! I dont' think it's gotten better.

I often think that many liberals are just completely naive about the reality of the situation.

We live in a land of opportunity. If someone wants to better their lives, they can do it. For me it was actually quite simple. I stayed in the place long enough to get a step up and moved right along quite nicely.

If you were to go to any project you would most likely find the same thing. A small fraction trying and the rest quite content to have a welfare career.

If you're content with your money being spent this way, fine, but I'm not. I DO care about the poor but support kids in other countries, because I know in my own, there already IS education, shelter, food, work, water, opportunity.

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I might also point out that the majority of those with post graduate degrees vote Democrat in every election.

That's because they've been educated in what passes for institutions of higher "learning", which are bastions of liberalism. We covered that in another thread, and it's very true.

Watch, Forrrest won't answer this one.

Forrest may not, but I will, and I say your statement is total bunk and based on 'religious' folks who wish to force a particular viewpoint on everyone whether it's truly supported by scripture or not (like YOUNG Earth). It's become vogue to put down intellectuals as 'unGodly" despite all the God fearing scientists, educators, etc. Just because it doesn't fit into a narrow view of what "Religion" wants to confine God to. Fortunately real Christianity is much more true

Wow. Where to begin. That college campuses are bastions of liberalism is totally beyond refute. Links to prove this are all over the 'net. For example, read this, and this, this (this last one is the best!).

I have a masters level education, my husband holds two doctroates and we're both raging conservatives ( well, I'm the raging one). But, we were both educated at private colleges...I think that makes the difference.

WEB link references are meaningless drivel, since virtually all are either serving a special interest or are decried to be serving special interest if they happen to oppose your pet worldview. Conservatives are filled with self love, self righteousness, self piety (notice all the self's?) They decrie loudly their love of God, yet avoid and ignore ALL He commands and teaches. They are filled with HATE, they monger fear to get others to listen and believe, they teach untruths to great lengths. and they live in a world that is totally UN Christlike. They believe that if you're Christian you MUST be conservative (and the truth is FAR from that 'utopia' THANK GOD), they believe that if you're conservative you MUST be Christian (again a false belief, far betrayed by the number of LIBERAL leaning CHRISTIANS), they believe that ALL LIBERALS are GODLESS, despite the FACT that MOST Christians (greater than 50%) are actually liberal or moderate NOT Conservative. They live in delusions that if you're not conservative you're not a Christian and that Jesus was somehow a conservative, despite the fact that the only real group HE ever put down would easily fit into the modern Conservative mold (the Pharisees, the Saducees, the Scribes, i.e. The RELIGIOUS leaders of HIS day, which conservatives EASILY fit into). You all are so busy finding fault in others and glorifying yourselves that you haven't time left to see all the death, corruption, sin and fault in yourselves. You judge and condemn, forgetting what Jesus warned you about Judgers and condemners. You completely miss His commands on LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, LOVE YOUR ENEMY, LOVE ONE ANOTHER (as also regards Christians who are NOT Conservative in belief). You overlook the Golden Rule (DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WANT DONE UNTO YOU). you miss the meaning and practice of LOVE

1 Corinthians 13:1 - 10 (ESV) 1If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,

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When I was young, I thought of myself as a Democrat, I guess (actually, I didn't think much about it at all), but not because I had a clue about any of the issues. I had no interest in politics. It was just what you were supposed to do. I hardly even thought about it, and don't remember voting at all, just went along with whatever the politicians did, as if I had no say. I didn't know or care that I could contact my congress people. I didn't even know or care who they were. I knew nothing about how government worked.

It wasn't til I was in my 40's, when Bush Sr. was president, that I started to get a clue, but I still didn't pay much attention. But when Clinton got elected, man, what a wake-up call. I became a political junkie. I learned about the issues, and common sense made me a conservative Republican. I began contacting my congress people.

All I had to do was watch and listen to what was going on, I didn't have to have anyone tell me anything. It's been the same ever since. I listen to talk radio because they say what I already believe. And I don't even agree with everything all of them say. But I have a voice in them.

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I read the last 10 of Celtic Warriors Posts, every single one of them were judgemental, demeaning and hyper-critical of conservatives. You are doing the very thing you accuse every conservative of doing.

I can be judgemental when criticizing ungodly behavior. My criticism comes from the Bible, where does yours come from? Abortion, homosexuality, lying, paganism, are all behaviors unacceptable to God. All of them are a direct violation of His 10 Commandments. If you have a problem with His laws, then you need to bring it up with God, but you cannot criticize Christians, even if you claim to be one, for being judgemental of sinful behavior. There's plenty of scripture that not only encourages us to judge, but requires us to.

You can get off your soapbox, because so far, you have contributed nothing substantial to this topic.

If you wanna throw barbs and darts at everyone here, then I suggest you get your facts and scriptures straight.

Consider this a kind rebuke from one of your brethren.

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I've never understood how anyone who defends abortion and all the rest of the Democrat platform could consider themself a Christian, when it so goes against the Bible.

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I read the last 10 of Celtic Warriors Posts, every single one of them were judgemental, demeaning and hyper-critical of conservatives. You are doing the very thing you accuse every conservative of doing.

I can be judgemental when criticizing ungodly behavior. My criticism comes from the Bible, where does yours come from? Abortion, homosexuality, lying, paganism, are all behaviors unacceptable to God. All of them are a direct violation of His 10 Commandments. If you have a problem with His laws, then you need to bring it up with God, but you cannot criticize Christians, even if you claim to be one, for being judgemental of sinful behavior. There's plenty of scripture that not only encourages us to judge, but requires us to.

You can get off your soapbox, because so far, you have contributed nothing substantial to this topic.

If you wanna throw barbs and darts at everyone here, then I suggest you get your facts and scriptures straight.

Consider this a kind rebuke from one of your brethren.

Its interesting that celtic claims hitler rose to power because of conservatives when it was FDR who was a liberal that only jumped into the game when he had to.

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WEB link references are meaningless drivel,

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can defend the indefensible. Marnie's links are indisputable evidence, and there is much more evidence on this board in the other thread, yet you say this.

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"There are two issues here. The criteria for employment and the issue of the political views of the faculty. The association is to my mind nonexistent. It may be that faculty tilt toward the liberal end but that has nothing to do with why they have been hired," Zuckerman told Campus Report.

Don't you just love his explanation for why there's more liberals than conservatives on his campus? He believes the labor pool is more liberal and that's his explanation. Well for a country that is virtually 50/50 when it comes to liberal/conservative, you'd think the labor pool for those jobs would be more diverse.

Maybe only liberals grow up wanting to be college professors, I don't know, but I know what would happen if there were more conservatives on those campuses teaching than liberals. The senate/congress would propose a fairness doctrine for hiring professors.

I guess, on those campuses we (conservatives) can say that we must fight for our rights on those campuses, so as to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. I'd love to see that argument happen.

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