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Montana Marv

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Montana Marv last won the day on August 22 2014

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  1. Yet there is the final One Seven (3 1/2 years + 3 1/2 years), which of course is Scripture and not of carnal minded people. In Christ Montana Marv
  2. Digest Rev 13:7b,8 and repeat it 10 times - he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All the inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast - ALL whose names have not been written in the Lambs Book of Life. Evidently you missed Satan/Dragon ruling for the second 1260 day period. In Christ Montana Marv
  3. It is really quite simple. The 70 Week consists of two periods of 3 1/2 years or 1260 days each. The A/D being the midpoint. The first 1260 day period under the control of the beast of Rev 13. He allows the Jews to Sacrifice in the New Temple for the term of his reign (1260 Days). He is given his power by the Dragon/Satan. The two witnesses appear a few days (4 to 10 days) before midweek and thus brings their 1260 day time frame in play. This act enrages the beast A/C. The result is the A/C setting up his image in the Temple and sacrificing a unclean animal sacrifice. He can now seat himself on the Throne Whoa, Matt 24:15-19 now instructs those in Judea to flee into the mountains. Now a new era arrives; the Dragon/Satan arrives and takes leadership for the next 1260 days and pursues the Woman Israel and her offspring for his duration of leadership (Rev 12:10-17). Of those heading to the mountains are the 144,000, All of Israel; 2/3's which will die, and 1/3 will be refined (Zech 13:8,9). We also see the Dragon in Dan 11:36-45. Edom, Ammon and Moab are areas where Israel the Woman is protected. v. 45 - Yet he will come to his end and no one will help him. Ezk 28:19 - All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more. Isa 14:16 - Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate. And then we see the Dragon, beast A/C, and False Prophet at one location (Rev 16:13,14) calling for the kings of the whole world to gather them for battle (at Armageddon). The 7th Bowl, The Euphrates River dries up allowing the army from the East to cross. 700 miles to the Valley of Megiddo. 200,000,000 strong (230 sq miles of a packed army with horses). The Valley of Megiddo is approx. 180 sq miles. Now from the A/D (midweek) add another 30 days to the 1260 days (duration for the Battle of Armageddon, 30 days up to 2 Billion people along with horses die). The next 45 days being the length of time for the birds of the air to eat the flesh of men and horses (Rev 19:17-19) Followed by Christ descending to the Mt of Olives, 2nd Coming. In Christ Montana Marv
  4. Does not need deciphering. You wear some golden glasses so you can decipher more clearly. 40 years of calling or study in Revelation for you means very little to me. You may have 60 - 70 percent correct; but nothing close to 100%. You boast too much. I may have about 42 years experience in Revelation. I don't boast. In Christ Montana Marv
  5. What you have posted is not all, only partial. Scripture says ALL. Whose names are not written in the Lambs Book of Life. Those who remain at that particular point of time. In Christ Montana Marv
  6. Rev 13:8 - All the inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast, all who's names have not been written in the Lambs Book of Life. Makes a lot of sense In Christ Montana Marv
  7. Not even close. No mention of 200 million Angels. Those of Russia and China follow the beast, as does most of the rest of the world. They are able to buy and sell, for they follow the beast, worship his image and receive his mark. One should be looking at land mass, not water mass percentages. In Christ Montana Marv
  8. It will happen when they see Christ descending to the Mt of Olives. They will see the one who they have pierced, and they will mourn (Zech 12:10) On that day, I will cleanse them from sin and impurity, I will banish idols from the land, and they will be remembered no more (Zech 13:1,2). In Christ Montana Marv
  9. When will Israel become the beneficiary of these? When will they finish transgressions, make an end to sin, have reconciliation for iniquity, bring in everlasting righteous, stop with vision and prophecy (continues today in the Church), anoint the most holy, Israel has yet to make/anoint the Messiah as their King. The 70 Sevens are all about when Israel will be redeemed. After the end of the Final One Seven. In Christ Montana Marv
  10. If they follow him and bow down to his image and receive his mark, there should be no problem. In Christ Montana Marv
  11. At least you have things in the correct sequence. Now if you or others can identify which 1/3 of the earth which is burned up; and which 1/3 of the seas that turn to blood; and which 1/3 of the land which Wormwood affects, I will know you have the whole enchilada. Scripture gives an exact number or percentage (1/3). Now where are these locations?? (for anyone) They have to be somewhere. With the vast Scriptural knowledge of many posters in this forum, someone must know. Location, location, location. All part of the master plan. And what is the finality of this plan (All will see Jesus when He descends) In Christ Montana Marv
  12. Sounds like the destruction of the Old Earth, never to rise again, because a New Earth is formed, no more sin, no more transgression. All presence of Satan the Dragon is gone. All of what the fall of man did is gone. No weeds, no thorns, no decay. Oneness with God the Father and His Son. Eternally in the New Jerusalem. In Christ Montana Marv
  13. Sounds more like the transition from the end of the Mill to when the New Jerusalem comes down. Heaven is opened up. A new earth is formed. In Christ Montana Marv
  14. The final One Seven is divided into 2 1260 day periods. The A/C makes a 7 year covenant with many nations. Israel buries the dead of the nations which attacked Israel for 7 months. Burns weapons of war for 7 years. Hmm. In the middle of the Week, he sets up the A/D, and those of Judea flee to the mountains. Satan/Dragan comes on the scene and pursues Israel for 1260 days. Both of which seat themselves in the Temple In Christ Montana Marv
  15. Really? Rev 13 begins the start of the 70th Week, not mid week, Israel has a New Temple with Sacrifices. The Dragon pursues the woman for 1260 days, Midweek on; the same who comes out of Heaven on a White Horse, or the 1st Seal. Two leaders, two different 1260 day periods of leadership. One with lessor Tribulation, the A/C; the Second with Greater Tribulation, Satan/Dragon. All of which comprise the 70th Week. One pre A/D, the second post A/D. In Christ Montana Marv
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