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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2012 in all areas

  1. Thank you so much for that left jam to such a erroneous and very harmful teaching, the source of this teaching is not of the Mind of Christ and not of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I believe at the core of this unChristian doctrine is pride - I am good enough to acquire salvation - because I have worked to obtain it. The smell of brimstone is all over it. Good going, Arthur.
    1 point
  2. The "saved, re-lost, re-saved, re-lost, then re-saved" element cannot point to even one indiviidual in Holy Writ who was named & pointedly said to have been saved, then " re-lost" all over again. Saved by the blood of Christ & on his/her way to Glory, then tragically "re-lost" and once again bound for the Devil's Hell. "Temporal" salvation - which is hardly everlasting salvation at all! - is unknown in Bible Christianity. Jesus offers no one only a "temporal" salvation.
    1 point
  3. Well technically... We are 'in' the third day if your looking at things the way you are. Day 1 - 0-1000 a.d. Day 2 - 1001-2000 a.d. Day 3 - 2001-3000 So if your going from the verse, it states 'in' and not 'at the end' of the third day. Just something to think about.
    1 point
  4. This dose of reality will hit many Christians in our era. You are finding out that the bible is true! We live in perilous times as Paul warned were coming. He was speaking about the church when he wrote all those things about men being lovers of their own selves etc. The love of many will grow cold because iniquity (the reason Jesus rejects his own followers) will abound. God doesn't send the Antichrist to rule the world because he is happy with what is going on in the church. Of the seven churches mentioned in revelation only one is told they will be able to escape the coming wrath of God. I encourage you to set your eyes upon Jesus. Emulate him in every way you can through the manifestation of the spirit in your life while keeping your eyes on the true prize of the kingdom. The new earth is the goal. This life is to be accepted as tainted with sin. That sin still affects those in the church. Some outright chasing after it while others succoming through fear and ignorance. We need to be strong in the anointing that we have received and strengthen those who are weak, educate them who are ignorant and cast out those who are lascivious in their ways. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There are three parts to our becoming like him, we travel the way while consuming the truth and living the life. Please don't give up hope, I pray that God will give you your own personal Johnathan as he gave to David who's love was better than that of women. Gary WOW!!! I have been so blessed to read all of the posts in this thread and want to add my own little encouragement to you, Taylor. I know how you feel. I myself have felt it and have learned for the many past years of feeling it that yes, just like Gary said, you ARE learning that what the Bible says is very true. But the love in your heart has not grown cold.... and the love in Gary's heart has not grown cold..... and the love in my heart has not grown cold.....so like someone before me said: there IS a remnant. Do not lose hope. Be to the people Godward. I remember going from one church to the next and just wanted to experience 'family' and caring and love . I was looking for that 'light' or that shine that would indicate to me that HE was there. Small flickers. Disappointments. So much of what everyone in these posts has said is just so true. God sets us apart for a time.... His reasons are not always so clear. Could be for protection, wanting you to go to Him even more.... or like the Word ( that Enoob I think it was wrote) to minister unto Him.... the list goes on. Press into Him even more, Taylor. Give what you seek. Give and give and give.... offer love and BE that light and that salt . Step out and ask God to show you the lonely ones... the ones that dont fit in .... the ones that hurt and are left out. He is so faithful. The Word says that they will know us by our LOVE. Begin to love and care for.... and you will find something wonderful in those places. What a true blessing all of these prior posts are, Taylor. Its true that most people don't really care. They have forgotten HOW to care. But there are some..... who really do.
    1 point
  5. I have read so many posts on different board where Christians say this. There are many reasons people are as they are. Some are naturally loner types, while others are outgoing. Some are selfish while others are giving. A pastor once said don't worry about finding the 'right' person. Concentrate on being the 'right' person - Spiritually. We are preparing to be with our Lord and we should prepare self accordingly. I know this is not what you want to hear, and is not entirely what you want, but there is wisdom in what he said. When we get where we need to be in Christ, He gives us our needs - as He sees them, and even the desires of our heart. Psalm 37 4 (H)Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will (I)give you the desires of your heart. 5 (J)Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2037&version=KJV;NASB;NKJV Some of us do not come across well in social situations, so a suggestion here, if this is your problem. Do some volunteer work. Working with people helps us make our self more readily to others. Loneliness is not a problem with just singles. It is often in married couples as well. I used to feel lonely all the time. Once I agreed with God that Jesus is my Savior and was indwelt with the Holy Spirit I never feel alone any more. I realize this is not the same as being lonely, as my husband was in the Military for many years and was deployed often. Not having him in the house with me made it seem rather empty, so I spent time with the kids at their home often. This is a great lesson in the fact that things do not satisfy our needs. Often we strive for things and become collectors, but those come in as poor seconds compared to people. I do believe this is why the great commandment is to love. I pray that whatever God sees as your current need be met in accordance with His grace, mercy and comfort to you, for Christ's sake.
    1 point
  6. I appreciate your loneliness, Taylor. I myself am no stranger to loneliness. I can only encourage you with this - press into the Lord for fellowship. Yeah, I know it is not the same as physical companionship - I've cried the same thing over an over again. But if somehow through your isolation you can draw nearer to the Lord, you will find something precious that most Christians never know. But spending time with the Lord means shutting off all media (unless soft instrumental or worship music helps you focus), concentrating on Him, talking to Him and waiting for Him to respond - thoughts, images, impressions, feelings. I hope you can try this. And as for dating - the best thing to do is wait. Seek the Lord for a wife, and don't pursue companionship with any females without affirmation from the Lord. I'm not saying don't be friends. But as far as "dating", its' best to lay it aside. It may be that either you or her or both are not ready for each other. This is what happened to me - and I've had to wait a lot longer than you have to finally begin a relationship (and even no we are separated by distance and other issues preventing us from moving forward, but we have both learned to trust God's timing by now). This is the best I can offer; I hope it helps somewhat.
    1 point
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